

单词 偏高

偏高 ()

be unusually high
be on the high side

See also:

left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical
stray from the intended line
contrary expectations
deviate from average


prejudiced adj
oblique adj

External sources (not reviewed)

许多发展中国家的社会保障有限,所以不少 老年人出于经济需要工作,其就业率也因而大 偏高。
Since social security coverage in many developing countries is limited, many older persons have to work out of economic necessity, which is reflected in their significantly higher rates of employment.
這樣亦可提供誘因鼓 勵發電廠採用更有效率的污染控制措施,特別是排放限額交易價偏高的時候。
It will also provide incentives for power plants to adopt
more efficient pollution control measures, especially if the potential
[...] transaction price for emission allowances is high.
In gases, higher fluid temperature can increase volume and result in higher readings.
分析顯示,雖然調查的樣本偏低,抽樣誤 偏高 , 但 是在選民的投票意欲不高的情況下,五個選區的形勢都可謂強弱懸殊。
From our analysis, although our sample size is small and
[...] sampling errors are high, because voting [...]
propensity is low, candidate strengths are
quite lopsided across all five constituencies.
蛋及蛋類製品” 的多溴聯苯醚含偏高,主要是由於鹹蛋的多溴聯苯醚 含量是各種食物中最高的( [...]
平均含量為每克 4 562.2 皮克[含量範圍介乎每 克 722.5 至 8 401.9 皮克])。
The high PBDE level in “eggs and their [...]
products” was contributed by salted eggs that were found to contain the highest levels
(mean [range]: 4562.2 [722.5-8401.9] pg/g) among all food items.
利比亚代表团对秘书长在这方面所做的努力表 示欢迎,但提请注意秘书长有关人力资源管理改革问 题的报告(A/63/282)第四章 B 节,特别是报告有关地 域代表性和性别均衡问题的第 54 段和 57 段之间的矛 盾;在 16 个会员国无人在联合国任职,17 个会员国 在联合国任职人数偏低的情况下,却依然从一个任职 人偏高的会 员国甄选候选人是不公平的。
While welcoming the efforts made by the Secretary-General in that connection, his delegation drew attention to chapter IV B of the SecretaryGeneral’s report on human resources management reform (A/63/282), and in particular to a contradiction between paragraphs 54 and 57 of the report concerning geographical representation and gender balance; it was not fair for candidates to be selected from an overrepresented Member State while there were 16 unrepresented and 17 underrepresented Member States.
在发达国家,熟练工人一般 比非熟练工人退休晚;年纪较大的劳动者占比不仅在农业部 偏高 , 扩 大中的教 育、医卫、社会工作部门也有同样现象。
In developed countries highly skilled workers tend to retire later than the low-skilled, and older workers are overrepresented not just in agriculture, but also in the expanding fields of education, health and social work.
然而,對非指數成份證券的美國國庫券的分配及對綜合石油和發電公用類的比 偏高 則 拖 累基金表 現。
Other positive industry contributors were an overweight to life insurance and underweight positions to consumer products and chemicals.
由於運往堆填區 棄置的拆建 物料的百分偏高 ,她詢問能否降低這個百分比,以及 政府當局如 [...]
何 確 保 運往堆填區 棄置的建築及拆卸廢料 (下稱“拆 建 廢料”)的實際數量不會 超出估計 的水平。
As the percentage of C&D materials to be disposed of at
[...] landfills was relatively high, she asked whether [...]
this could be reduced and how the Administration
would ensure that the actual amount of C&D waste to be disposed of at landfills would not exceed the estimated level.
[...] 風險評估研究旨在檢測各種據報由於使用了含鋁食物添加劑以致鋁含 偏高 的 食 品的 鋁含量,評估香港市民可能從食物攝入鋁的情況,並探討本地豆奶粉包括嬰兒豆奶配方 [...]
said that the RA study aimed at examining the levels of Al in
various food products which had been
[...] reported to contain high level of Al due [...]
to the use of Al-containing food additives,
estimating the potential dietary exposure to Al of the population in Hong Kong and examining the local situation of Al content in soya milk powder including soya-based formula.
水管爆裂和滲漏的主因是運作水 偏高 、 老 化、腐蝕及外部干擾。
The main causes for the water main bursts
[...] and leakage were high operating pressure, [...]
aging, corrosion and external disturbance.
为了加速降 低儿童死亡率,特别是在生育偏高 的 低 收入国家,必须扩大计划生育机会,结 [...]
合振兴各项努力,扩大旨在改善儿童健康的干预措施,这对确保实现千年发展目 标 4 至关重要。
In order to accelerate the reduction of
child mortality, particularly in low-income
[...] countries with high fertility, expanded [...]
access to family planning combined with
reinvigorated efforts to expand interventions to improve child health is crucial to ensure the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4.
本集團須判斷配套服務所佔比例是 偏高 以 致有關物業不符合資格被列作投資 物業。
Judgement is applied in determining whether ancillary services are so significant that a property does not qualify as investment property.
2005-2010 年期间,
[...] 最不发达国家的平均生育率仍偏高 , 为 每名妇女 4.4 个孩子,在 49 [...]
个最不发 达国家中,还有 31 个国家的生育率达到或超过每名妇女 5.0 个孩子。
In the least developed countries, average
[...] fertility remains high at 4.4 children [...]
per woman in the period 2005-2010, and 31
of the 49 least developed countries still have fertility levels of 5.0 children per woman or higher.
这个组织向工作组 成员解释说,这里存在的一个恶性循环,非洲人后裔根据立法者通过的法律被判 犯罪的的比偏高,而 他们改变这些立法者和法律的能力却遭到削弱,因为判定 有罪而有过高比例的非裔美国人的选举权遭到剥夺。
It was explained to the members that a vicious circle exists whereby people of African descent are disproportionately convicted of crimes under laws passed by legislators but their ability to change these legislators and laws is diminished due to the disproportionately high electoral disenfranchisement of African Americans because of criminal convictions.
另一方面,新界地區的經濟和社會活力遠遜市區; 更嚴重的是很多新界居民因工作與居住地點錯配而導致失業,造成新界地區失 業偏高的情況。
Even worse, residents of  considerable  proportion  might  be  continuously  obsessed  with  soaring  unemployment  rate  or  to  say,  the  displacement  between  their  places  of  residence  and work.
本案十分复杂、工作人员更 替偏高以及 人手不足都是造成估计日期被修订的原因。
The complexity of
[...] the case and the high staff turnover [...]
and understaffing are the factors contributing to this revised estimate.
正如这 份报告所显示的,减员偏高,造 成各审判分庭配备的工作人员经验不足,或人 [...]
As this report shows, the high rate of attrition [...]
results in either inexperienced or insufficient staff manning the Trial
Chambers, leading to longer time being taken to dispose of motions and generally impact negatively on the pace of proceedings.
(b) 改善初级卫生保健服务质量,扩大预防性干预措施范围,包括提高免
[...] 疫覆盖率、营养干预和对医务人员进行培训,以降低新生儿、婴儿和孕产妇死亡 率,优先考虑贫困偏高的农村地区
(b) Improve the quality of and expand preventive interventions in primary health care, including increased immunization coverage, nutrition interventions and provide training for medical personnel, with a view to reduce neo-natal,
infant and maternal mortality rates, giving priority to rural areas (Upper
[...] Egypt) where there are high levels of poverty
[...] 的峰会、在日本举行的非洲发展会议(TICAD)、在贝宁举行的全国委员会磋商等),使用了临时 人员,这也是造成开支偏高的一 个原因。
In addition, the lack of core staff meant that the department had to use temporary assistance for the preparation of meetings and other events during the first six months (AU Summit in Egypt, meeting of
TICAD in Japan, the consultations with NATCOMs in Benin, etc.) which
[...] contributed to the relatively high expenditure rate.
由於內需暢旺、國民儲蓄偏高,加 上人口趨勢有利,印度經濟在短期的表現應會繼續領先全球其他國家。
India's robust
[...] domestic demand, high savings rate, [...]
favourable demographic trends should ensure that India's economy remains
a global outperformer over the near term.
飛航安全調查委員會發布:立榮一架DASH-8-300型客機,正駕駛員於進場目視跑道時,因航 高 度 偏高 故 採 取較大量之操作,使得正駕駛員之注意力侷限於落地操作,未能確實接收管制員及副駕駛員提醒有關對錯跑道之資訊,造成降落於未經指定跑道之事故。
Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the investigation report of an Uni Air Dash-8-300, the aircraft landed on a non-designated runway due to the captain had his attention limited to landing operations during approach, as a result of his excessive control to correct the aircraft that was slightly above the glide slope, thus failed to perceive the information from both the controller and the first officer (F/O) that the aircraft was aiming at the wrong runway.
此外还敦促政府处理非洲人后裔监禁 偏高 这个 严重问题,以及某些法律、尤其是涉及毒品犯罪的法律的歧视性质和歧视性 适用问题。
The Government is also urged to redress the grave issue of disproportionate incarceration rates of people of African descent and the discriminatory nature and application of some laws, in particular those related to drug offences.
在地區層面, 我們已調低對新興市場比偏高的配 置,對歐洲維持比重偏低的 部署,並調高美國 - 防守性最佳的地區 - 的部署至比偏高 (見第11頁)。
On a regional level this means that we have reduced our Overweight in emerging markets, remain Underweight in Europe, and upgraded the US – as the most defensive region – to Overweight (see page 11).
[...] 指出,目前该国氟氯烃的消费量对像特立尼达和多巴哥这样规模的国家而 偏高 , 并 鼓励 该国利用这些体制建设资金建立能够在制定国家氟氯烃战略中发挥主导作用的强大臭氧机 [...]
构,从而实现 2013 年冻结目标。
The Executive Committee notes that current HCFC consumption
[...] in the country is high for a country the [...]
size of Trinidad and Tobago, and encourages
the country to use these IS funds to build a strong ozone unit that can take the lead in the process of preparing a national HCFC strategy, in order to comply with the 2013 freeze target.
財政司司長在預算案演辭第 58 段指出,政府「留意到建造業工人年 偏高 及可能出現技術錯配的情況……預留一億元以作配合,並期望建造業議會相應增加在 這方面的投資,提供適當誘因,吸引年青人加入建造業和改善業內文化。
As mentioned in paragraph 58 of the Financial Secretary’s Budget Speech, the Government is “mindful of the ageing problem and possible skills mismatch in the construction workforce …… earmark $100 million to support the CIC…. and I expect that the CIC will increase its investment in tandem with this funding to provide the necessary incentives to attract more young people to join the construction industry and to improve the practice of the industry”.
營 銷 活 動:在特定商品的價格平均較高的市場環境下,Glencore與該等商品相關的實物營 銷業務產生的溢價/利潤率由於地域、時間及質量不平衡 偏高。
Marketing activities: In a market environment in which prices for a particular commodity are higher on average, the premiums/margins that Glencore generates in its physical marketing operations relating to such commodity as a result of geographical, time and quality imbalances tend to be higher.
分析顯示,雖然調查的樣本偏低,抽樣誤 偏高 , 但 是在選民的投票意欲不高的情況下,五區形勢可謂強弱懸殊,但在九龍西和新界東就比較緊湊,因為在黃毓民和梁國雄在原始支持率中,只分別領先白韻琴和陳國強16和23個百分比,而推算誤差又有7和5個百分比。
From our analysis, although our sample size is small and
[...] sampling errors high, because voting [...]
propensity is low, candidate strengths are
quite lopsided across all constituencies. The situation is a bit tighter in Kowloon West and NT East, because Wong Yuk-man and Leung Kwok-hung are only leading Peck Wan-kam and Chan Kwok-keung by 16 and 23 percentage points respectively in their raw support rates, with sampling errors standing at 7 and 5 percentage points.




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