单词 | 偏向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 偏向—preferless common: partial towards sth. incline erroneous tendencies (Leftist or Revisionist deviation) Examples:偏向...的adj—biasedadj See also:偏—slant lean stubbornly contrary expectations deviate from average stray from the intended line left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical 偏adj—prejudicedadj obliqueadj
咨询委员会认为,其报告(A/63/487 和 Corr.1 和 [...] 2)附件六所反映的指导委员会人员构成严重偏向服务提供者, 宜增加用户部门的代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is of the view that the composition of the Steering Committee, as reflected in annex VI [...] to its report (A/63/487 and Corr.1 and 2), [...] is heavily tiltedtowards service providers [...]and that increased representation [...]of user departments is desirable. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下事实证明重新开展的调查是有偏向的:申诉人被迫接受多次讯问;而涉案的 [...] 警察一予否认,有关调查人员就立即接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | Itsbiased natureis confirmed by [...] the fact that, while forcing the complainant to undergo numerous interviews, the investigators [...]were immediately satisfied with the bare denials offered by the police officers involved in the incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人援引第十四条第1 款,他声称法院有偏向,因为它无视他的证词和 法医检查的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.3 The author invokes article 14, paragraph 1, as he claims [...] that the courtwas biased because it ignored [...]his testimonies and the results of forensic examinations. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,已有具体实例表明种群严重崩溃、关键种群生物量 历史低位的证据、生态系统相互作用认识的提高以及逐渐偏向食物链更低的捕获 量。 fao.org | However, there have been specific instances of serious stock [...] collapse, evidence of [...] historically lowbiomasses ofkey stocks, increasing awareness of ecosystem interactions and changing balances towardsharvesting lowerin the food chain. fao.org |
宏观一级的政策环境对增长有重大影响,而部门性政策可以使增长的速度和 模式偏向有利于就业的方向。 daccess-ods.un.org | The policy environment at the macro level has a major [...] influence on growth, while sectoral policies can shape both the rate and pattern of growth [...] in employmentfriendly directions. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是我们认为:象《数字千年着作权法》这样的立法使利益的天平太过于偏向着作权材 料的制造者,而不利于使用者的历史性权利行使。 iprcommission.org | In particular, we take the view that legislation such as the DMCA shifts the balance too far in favour of producers of copyright material at the expense of the historic rights of users. iprcommission.org |
高度优先考虑消除执法中的性别偏向,提高执法官员的能力,以妥善 处理对妇女的暴力侵害问题,包括酌情为警察和安全部队、检察官、法官和律师 [...] 提供系统的性别敏感的宣传培训,将性别观念纳入安全部门改革措施,制定议定 书和准则,强化或设立对裁决者的适当的问责措施 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) To place a high priority [...] on removing genderbias from the administration [...]of justice and enhancing the capacity of law [...]enforcement officials to deal appropriately with violence against women, including by providing systematic gender-sensitivity and awareness training, as appropriate, for police and security forces, prosecutors, judges and lawyers, integrating gender into security sector reform initiatives, developing protocols and guidelines, and enhancing or putting in place appropriate accountability measures for adjudicators daccess-ods.un.org |
有关液滴如何带点和偏向的问题,请参考Labome其他流式细胞仪的文章 图7。 labome.cn | For an image of how the drops [...] are charged and deflected, see the other [...]Labome article on flow cytometry Figure 7. labome.com |
在被占领叙利 亚戈兰,以色列的土地政策和水政策都偏向以色列 居住者而不利于叙利亚农民。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the occupied Syrian Golan, Israeli land and water policies discriminated against Syrian farmers in favour of Israeli settlers. daccess-ods.un.org |
当您完成了英语培训,您便可以参加国际认可的英文测试,包括剑桥测试、托福英语测试(TOEFL)和雅思测试(IELTS),澳大利亚的院校偏向采用雅思,同时雅思成绩也是许多学生签证的必备条件。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | When you finish your English course you can choose to sit for one of the major internationally recognised tests, including the Cambridge Test (CAE), the Pearson test (PTE) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). studyinaustralia.gov.au |
小心 将底座偏向杯,并完全啮合零配件,让 O 形圈依然 位于适当位置。 graco.com | Tilt the base toward the cup and fully [...] engage the parts, using care so that the o-ring remains in place. graco.com |
正如《2008 年全民教育全球监测报告》中所强调的,要使政策和计划有效, 应当确保:学校环境安全、无歧视现象;有足够数量的女性教师,以作为角色模 [...] 型,不带偏见的教师培训和课堂活力;学习内容的偏见;减少高等教育中课程选 修的男女偏向。unesdoc.unesco.org | As highlighted in the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008, effective policies and programmes should ensure: safe and non-discriminatory school environments; the presence of enough female teachers to act as role models, as [...] well as unbiased teacher training and [...] classroom dynamics; unbiased learningcontent; [...]and less gendered choice of subjects in tertiary education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当然有时也以风格区分,有别於1980年代後发展出的「当代艺术」风格作品者,抽象艺术如赵无极、朱德群等人近作,中国写实主义如陈逸飞、王沂东等人画作,皆归类在「华人现代艺术」范畴之内,其特色为风格偏向古典,具有美术史定位,价值较高。 ravenelart.com | For example, in contrast to much of the “contemporary art” developing after the 1980s, the more recent, abstract output of Zao Wou-ki, Chu Teh-chun and others, as well as works of “Chinese realism” by Chen Yifei, Wang Yidong and others, are usually tagged as “Chinese modern art,” its defining [...] characteristics including a [...] more classically orientedstyleand an established place in art history—qualities that fairly consistently put these works in a higher price range. ravenelart.com |
另一个常见的做法是,运用依陈规旧俗和潜在偏向性划定 的类别,包括“激情犯罪”或“情妇”案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another common practice is the use of stereotypical and potentially prejudicial categories, including “crime of passion” or “mistress”.183 107. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这可能让一些人(尤其 是中型和大型农户)受益,但爱尔兰政府担心发展中 国家贫困的小规模农户和最边缘化的小农由于可能 [...] 是文盲或在谈判中处于弱势地位,缺乏必要的技能扞 卫自己的权利,并没有从目前形式的承包合同中受 益,因为此类合同更偏向和有利于买方。 daccess-ods.un.org | While that might benefit some, particularly medium- and large-scale farmers, her Government was concerned that poor small-scale farmers and the most marginalized smallholders in developing countries, who might be illiterate or in a weak bargaining position, lacked the requisite skills to defend their [...] rights and did not benefit from such contracts in their current form, [...] as theywere heavilybiased in favour of the buyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
对体系的金 融管制主要偏向公司一级,新巴塞尔资本协定和欧洲联盟资本要求指示等主动行 动都明显表明了这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Financial regulation in the [...] system had been heavily biasedatthe firm level [...]and that had been evident in such initiatives [...]as Basel II and the Capital Requirement Directive of the European Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
比较值得引用的 论文之所以能获得较大的开放存取优势,并不是因为作者自己 在挑选开放存取论文时在质量上有所偏颇,而是因为用户在选择 自 己 想 使 用 和 引 用 的 论 文 时 ,更偏 向于优质 论 文 ( 传 统 出版只允许订阅者获取其出版物,开放存取则使用户摆脱了这 种约束)。 biggerbrains.com | The open access advantage is greater for the more citable articles, not because of a quality bias from authors self-selecting what to make open access, but because of a quality advantage, from users self-selecting what to use and cite, freed by open access from the constraints of selective accessibility to subscribers only. biggerbrains.com |
因此,全球增长偏向于太平洋地区,远高于大西洋或印度洋周边的经济活动。 bbvaresearch.com | Therefore, world growth [...] confirms its Pacific bias, well above activity [...]surrounding the Atlantic or the Indic Ocean. bbvaresearch.com |
民主与经济相比,45%认为港人应该偏向推动中国的经济发展多於民主发展、27%则比较重视中国的民主步伐。 hkupop.hku.hk | When comparing democracy and economic development, 45% of the respondents believed Hong Kong people should put more effort on instigating the economic development in China, while 27% of the respondents put more weight on the development of democracy. hkupop.hku.hk |
他担心对事件的偏向性看法可能会使前南斯拉夫的每个国家都只向本国的信 息中心陈述自己的一面之词。 daccess-ods.un.org | He feared that partialityabout theevents [...] would lead each country of the former Yugoslavia to present only their side of [...]the story in their Information Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会对以下情况表示关 注:许多家长由于经济上的原因偏向于儿童的机构化照料;多数家庭并不了解机 [...] 构照料对于儿童成长的负面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned at the fact that [...] many parents preferinstitutionalization [...]of children for economic reasons and [...]that most families are not aware of the negative effects that institutionalization can have on a child’s development. daccess-ods.un.org |
这方针偏向「学生为本」,因此学生应为自己的学习负责 任。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | This is a more student-centred approach in which learners take responsibility for their own learning. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
色温越高,光越偏向蓝色;色温越低,光越偏向红色。 motion.kodak.com | The higher the color temperature, the bluer the light; the lower the temperature, the redder the light. motion.kodak.com |
一些苏人解的高层人士更偏向西方,而对中国犹豫不 决,虽然大多数人都对由谁提供帮助持开放的态度。 crisisgroup.org | Some in the SPLM’s top tier [...] exhibit astronger orientationtothe West and [...]persistent hesitations about China, though most [...]are open to whoever will help. crisisgroup.org |
第19 条组织呼吁人权理事会促请贝宁政府废除所有将诽谤定为刑事罪的条 款,而将其纳入适当的民事法律中;通过减税、规范广告和提供媒体资源,为媒 [...] 体创建一个扶持环境;对媒体单位的政治资金实行监管和媒体所有权完全透明 [...] 化;避免使用补贴和广告合同的方式影响媒体内容,避免对公共媒体单位表示偏 向;确保警察在对抗议和示威游行进行治安管控时保持克制;通过全面的信息自 [...]由法律;加强音像媒体和通信高级管理局相对于政府和其他势力的独立性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 19 calls on the Human Rights Council to urge the Government of Benin to repeal all criminal defamation provisions and replace them with appropriate civil laws; create an enabling environment for the media via tax reductions, advertising regulations, and the provision of media resources; introduce regulation on political funding of media outlets and the full transparency of media ownership; refrain from using subsidies and advertising [...] contracts to influence media [...] content, and from showing favouritismtopublic media outlets; [...]ensure that police show restraint [...]in policing protests and demonstrations; adopt comprehensive freedom of information legislation; strengthen the independence of HAAC vis-à-vis the Government and other forces.44 daccess-ods.un.org |
调查的另一个有趣发现指出,原来整体上有65%的被访者偏向选择独睡,其中分别有53%的共睡者及85%的独睡者偏向选择独睡,而选择与人共睡的仅得21%。 hkupop.hku.hk | An inspiring finding is that 65% of the respondents prefer sleeping alone, among them 53% of those sleeping with partner and 85% of the alone sleepers preferto sleep alone, compared with 21% who chose to sleep with partner. hkupop.hku.hk |
随着新店开幕,全新系列Claridge亦告推出 – 用上如同雕塑的镂空花纹设计,Oxford鞋款将鞋面的缝合线延伸至鞋底,Loafer则偏向简约配搭,还有用上整张皮革制作而成的小牛皮短靴等,均保持J.M. Weston一贯高质素的细致水准。 think-silly.com | Following the opening, the brand new Claridge collection, with sculptural pattern, is now launched; the Oxford collection is now with stitching extended to the leather sole; loafers as well as calfskin ankle boots (using up a whole piece of leather) are excellent for casual outfits. think-silly.com |