单词 | 偌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 偌—suchless common: such a degree so Examples:偌大—so big such a big
偌亚奥国际快递集团(Royale International Group)是亚洲最大的独立快递公司之一,自1980年起为全球客户提供定制化的国际快递服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Royale International Group is one of the largest independent express companiesin Asia and has been providing customised global express solutions to clients worldwide since 1980. tipschina.gov.cn |
在加入史维特斯之前,桂先生曾任偌耀腾地产资金有限公司(Royalton Real Estate Capital, LLC)高级副总裁与合夥人,负责管理资金募集与资产管理。 civitascapital.com | Prior to joining Civitas, Mr. Crigler was Senior Vice President and Partner with Royalton Real Estate Capital, LLC, where he was responsible for investment sourcing and asset management. civitascapital.com |
超过三年的期限对本公司有利,此乃由於(i)任何较许可期限 及第二级商标许可期限为短的期限将增加本集团对树立飞利浦注入业务的品牌 作出的投资的相关风险,并减低在此方面的回报;(ii)完成交易後,本集团预计 投入偌大的管理力度,以期拓宽飞利浦注入业务的产品范围及市场份额,而当 中的裨益将延展至三年以上;及(iii)本公司拟加强飞利浦注入业务,并提升飞利 浦商标及第二级商标在范围内产品的销售市场中的地位。 cre8ir.com | The term in excess of three years is beneficial to the Company because (i) any term shorter than the License Term and the Secondary Trademark License Term would increase the risks associated with, and lower the returns on, the Group’s investment in its brand building of the Philips Contributed Business; (ii) following Completion, the Group is expected to invest substantial management effort to broaden the Philips Contributed Business’ product range and market share, the benefits of which will extend beyond three years; and (iii) it is the intention of the Company to strengthen the Philips Contributed Business and the presence of the Philips Trademarks and the Secondary Trademark in the markets in which the Scope Products are sold. cre8ir.com |
新开设的办事处将扩大偌亚奥国际快递集团在欧洲的客户群组,并加强为现有客户提供的服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | The new offices will expand the Royale International Group's European customer portfolio and enhance the services offered to existing clients. tipschina.gov.cn |
偌亚奥国际快递集团(The Royale International Group)今日宣布,其在德国杜塞尔多夫和法兰克福的公司办事处正式开张。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Royale International Group, one of the largest independent courier providers in the Asia Pacific region, today announced the official opening of its corporate offices in both Dusseldorf and Frankfurt, Germany. tipschina.gov.cn |
倘偌有关服务可由 贵集团「内部」自行取替或由第三方供应商提供,则 此类服务已在上述年度上限的估计中予以减少。 cre8ir.com | We have reviewed and we note that the EUR20.0 million (equivalent to approximately US$28.0 million) has been included in the computation of the aforesaid Annual Caps. cre8ir.com |
无论动机与原因为何,对许多美国民众而言,偌大的单一家庭住宅已不适合,都市规划专家与官员应确保社区拥有各式住宅,以顺应经济与人口趋势变迁,容纳家境小康、生活节俭的美国中产阶级。 thisbigcity.net | Regardless of the circumstances or motivations, it’s clear that for many Americans, a large single-family house isn’t the optimal living arrangement. thisbigcity.net |
(d) 第五号议定书网基信息系统 (WISP.V) ,由协调员匈牙利的久偌·寿莫言先生负总责 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The Web-based Information System for Protocol V (WISP.V), under the overall responsibility of the Coordinator, Mr. Gyula Somogyi of Hungary daccess-ods.un.org |
偌亚奥 国际快递集团提供丰富的全球知识且秉承24/7服务理念,帮助企业客户改善供应链管理。 tipschina.gov.cn | Royale International Group assists companies to [...] improvetheir supplychain management [...]by offering an in depth global knowledge and a 24/7 philosophy. tipschina.gov.cn |
受欧洲快递需求迅速增长的推动,偌亚奥德国办事处有望在帮助客户优化其物流基础设施性能方面扮演越来越重要的角色。 tipschina.gov.cn | Driven largelyby the rapid growth of courier solution demands throughout Europe, Royale Germany is expected to play an increasingly significant role in enabling clients to optimise the performance of their logistical infrastructures. tipschina.gov.cn |
偌亚奥国际快递集团总经理Dean Locke表示:“欧洲的国际快递市场及快递基础设施正以令人难以置信的速度发展着,给偌亚奥国际快递集团带来了巨大的战略机遇。 tipschina.gov.cn | Europe's global courier market and the infrastructure that supports it are growing at an unbelievable pace, presenting a tremendous strategic opportunity for the Royale International Group," said Dean Locke, Managing Director of Royale International Group. tipschina.gov.cn |
到访BLT STEAK时正值午後,店内只有数台客人,偌大的临海窗子面对着波光荡漾的维多利亚港,配合深棕色石材和木料内装,一室注满和谐温暖。 think-silly.com | Stone and wooden interior in a dark brown palette, the setting is cosy and warm. think-silly.com |
偌亚奥国际快递集团是亚太地区最大的独立快递公司之一,这种持续积极的国际扩张是为了满足客户对其全球快递解决方案日益增长的需求。 tipschina.gov.cn | The continued, aggressive international expansion is designed to capitalise on the growing demand for its global courier solutions. tipschina.gov.cn |
像极婚纱店的CAKE2,全白内装在水晶灯掩映下更显优雅气氛,让人可以安坐偌大的千尺空间里,选择或构想最属於自己的Dream Wedding Cake。 think-silly.com | The over thousand square foot elegant white space is decorated with crystal chandelier, making it a lovely environment to choose your dream wedding cake from a charming selection or simply make your own one come true. think-silly.com |
该 两 个 租 户 分 别 承 租 办 公 楼 高 层 及 低 层 的 单 位 , 并 同 时 有 信 心 太 古 广 场 三 座 占 尽 地 利 的 优 势及偌大的空 间 , 能 让 其 随 心 所 欲 地 开 拓 自 己 的 事 业 。 swirepacific.com | With their respective occupation of the lower and upper zones, the tenants are fully confident that Three Pacific Place provides them with the strategic location and superb flexibility to do business in their own way," commented Swire Properties' Director and General Manager, Mr Jolyon Culbertson. swirepacific.com |
欲知更多偌亚奥德国国际快递有限公司的相关信息,请通过下列联系方式联系我公司当地销售代表或访问网站:www.royalegermany.com 。 tipschina.gov.cn | For more information on Royale Germany International Couriers GmbH, please contact our local sales representatives below or visit www.royalegermany.com. tipschina.gov.cn |
开放而阔偌的通道不但为校园营造空间感,更利用两旁的展览及演艺场地汇聚设计气息,为学生提供一个诱发灵感的互动空间。 hkdi.edu.hk | Conceived as a 'breathing space' for the campus, Design Boulevard evokes a feeling of party culture, with space for student activities and the interaction of creative minds. hkdi.edu.hk |
Tuscan Cooking被认为源自「Cucina Povera」(Peasant Cooking),简单直接,没有过多的调味或花巧的料理方式,鱼和肉放在偌大的Charcoal Grill上烤煮,锁住肉汁令肉质外脆内软;再凭着Tuscany盛产的Wild Herbs及Olive Oil,稍稍烹调便能带出食物的真正美味。 think-silly.com | Fresh meat and fish are cooked on large charcoal grill, locking tasty juice inside to keep the meat tender, while the outside is crispy; and then lightly cooked with Tuscany wild herbs and olive oil. think-silly.com |
成效为本建筑物能源效益守则》亦为建筑设计者提供指引,并给予他们偌大的弹性发挥具创意的设计意念,以符合能源效益及节省运作费用,从而达到为环保作出贡献的最终目标。 devb.gov.hk | The Code also provides guidance to building designers while leaving them with ample flexibility to nurture original and creative ideas to achieve energy efficiency and cost savings, thereby contributing to the ultimate goal of protecting the environment. devb.gov.hk |
CA 亚 太 及 日 本 区 的 资 深 副 总 裁 兼 总 经 理 John Ruthven 表 示 ︰ 「 公 司 现 时 位 於 世 贸 中 心 , 搬 迁 後 员 工 可 享有偌大的办 公 空 间 及 完 善 的 管 理 服 务 。 swirepacific.com | Mr John Ruthven, Senior Vice President of CA Asia Pacific and Japan, currently located in World Trade Centre said that, "the relocation allows an upgrade on space and building management. swirepacific.com |
位处维港海傍的 Tamarind 餐厅主打泰、越、印式美食,并拥有偌大的露天用餐区,可无遮挡地欣赏大年初二烟花,更於当晚六点半至九点半供应烟花汇演自助晚餐,供应多种泰、越、印式头盘、主菜及甜品,是跟家人聚首庆祝的好选择。 style-tips.com | Tamarind’s outdoor terrace, which overlooks the Victoria Harbour, provides a perfect view of the Chinese New Year fireworks display. Have your taste senses enlightened by the buffet which features a variety of Thai, Vietnamese and Indian dishes for just HK$398 + 10% for adults and HK$188 + 10% for children. style-tips.com |