单词 | 假影 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 假影 noun, plural —artifacts plSee also:假 adj—false adj • fake adj • artificial adj
最有说服力的研究之一是论述冰岛 渔业管理对安全的假设影响的报告,包括专用钩线分配和作业天数。 fao.org | One of the most compelling studies was a report discussing [...] the hypothesized effects of fisheries management [...]on safety in Iceland, including [...]the special line of dispensation and days of effort. fao.org |
注:以布伦特原油价格每桶 105 美元为基准假设;影响的 大小显示为相对基准情景的绝对百分 比差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the baseline assumption of the Brent crude oil price being $105 per barrel; impacts are shown in absolute [...] percentage differences from the baseline scenario. daccess-ods.un.org |
假設影響兩 隻權證或牛熊證的所有其他因素(掛鈎資產、行使價、到期日、波幅等)均相同, 其各自的換股比率將直接影響其各自的每單位價值。 citifirst.com | Assuming all other factors affecting two different warrants [...] or CBBCs are the same (underlying asset, strike price, expiry [...]date, volatility etc.), their respective entitlement ratios would directly affect their respective values per unit. citifirst.com |
g) 如果您不能減低假影的現 象,請將滑桿設定移回到最右邊,然後聯絡顯示器合作夥伴,報告所遭遇到的問題, [...] 確認廠商是否有已知問題的解決辦法,或是他們已有希望您使用的更新驅動程式。 matrox.com | g) If you [...] cannot get the artifacts to alleviate, [...]set the slider all the way back to the right and contact the display Partner [...]to report the problem and determine if they have a resolution for a known problem or a newer driver they would prefer you use. matrox.com |
因此,用於確定可採儲量的估計和假 設 會 影 響 資產的賬面值和確認於損益的消耗 費用和資產減值支出,以及報廢﹑復原及負債的賬面值。 southgobi.com | Therefore, changes in [...] the estimates and assumptions used to determine recoverable reserves could impact the carrying value [...]of assets, depletion [...]expense and impairment charges recognized in profit or loss and the carrying value of the decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities. southgobi.com |
报告只是提到气候变化对安全的假设性 影响,而不能准确地预估这些影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report [...] refers only to hypothetical impacts of climate change [...]on security and is not able to precisely predict them. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们估算方法更保守一些,仅假设受影 响设 备对业务的影响程度为10%,价值为每年5,000万美元。 adaptec.com | We take a much more conservative approach [...] and simply assume that the impacted device has a 10% impact on a business [...]valued at $50 million per year. adaptec.com |
今年第二季,滙豐新興市場指數從上季的53.6 微降至 [...] 53.0,儘管呈現退步,但經營活動仍保持動力,未受發達經濟體復甦再現 的 假 象 所 影 響。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | HSBC Emerging Markets Index moderates slightly to 53.0 in the second quarter from 53.6 in [...] the first quarter. Despite this deceleration, activity remains [...] resilient to yet another false dawn in the developed world. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
點選功能鈕瀏覽下一張投影片—假設 有 任何〝下一 張〞的投影片該功能鈕才會啟動。 w1.iproom.com | Click this icon to view the next slide—if there is any “next” slide, this icon will be activated. w1.iproom.com |
她们的其他假期或权利不得由于 在一年享受 60 天带薪休假而受到影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | None of their other leaves or entitlements could be compromised due to the grant of this 60 days paid leave in the annual year. daccess-ods.un.org |
該等估計或假設變化的影響可能導致重大差別的金額。 sunshineoilsands.com | The effects of a change in these estimates or assumptions could result in [...] a materially different amount. sunshineoilsands.com |
在咨询委员会询问后,审 计事务委员会主席告知咨询委员会,由于精算估值是在以往经验的基础 上来作出假定的,而影响这些估值的因素在未来可能出现变化,精算数 字每年可能都不相同。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed by the Chairman of the Audit Operations Committee that, since [...] actuarial valuations took [...] into consideration assumptions based on past experience and these factors affecting the valuations [...]may change in the future, [...]actuarial numbers could vary from year to year. daccess-ods.un.org |
在特殊情况下,如果让雇员在当年休 年 假 可 能 会 影 响 到 单位的良好运转, 那么经雇员和雇员代表的同意,可将假期推迟到下一工作年度。 daccess-ods.un.org | In exceptional cases, when offering annual leave to the employee in that [...] year may negatively influence the good functioning [...]of the unit, the leave may be [...]postponed for the next working year with the agreement of the employee and the employees’ representatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
對於歐洲內含價值基準業績,以長期投 資回報為基礎的經營溢利不包括經濟 假 設 變動 的 影 響 及核心借款的按市值計算價值變動。 prudential.co.uk | In addition for EEV basis results, operating profit based on [...] longer-term investment returns excludes the effect of [...] changes in economic assumptions and the mark to market [...]value movement on core borrowings. prudential.co.uk |
如Glencore持有 20%至50%的投票權,則假定存在重大影 響 , 除非存在相反證明。 glencore.com | Significant influence is presumed if Glencore holds [...] between 20% and 50% of the voting rights, unless evidence exists to the contrary. glencore.com |
非經營業績包括投資回報短期波動的經常性項目、股東應佔界定利益退休金計劃的精算及其他收益和虧損、核心借 款按市價計算價值變動以及經濟假設 變動 的 影 響。 prudential.co.uk | Non-operating results comprise the recurrent items of short-term fluctuations in investment returns, the shareholders’ share of actuarial and other gains and losses on defined benefit [...] pension schemes, the mark to market value movements on core [...] borrowings and the effect of changes in economic assumptions. prudential.co.uk |
對資產及負債賬面值有重要影響的 估算 及 假 設 ,包括與投資物業、資產減值、所得稅及退休福利 責任相關的估算及假設。 swirepacific.com | The estimates and assumptions that have a significant effect on the carrying [...] amounts of assets and liabilities include those [...]related to investment properties, impairment of assets, income taxes and retirement benefit obligations. swirepacific.com |
精算评估与对承付款的长期预期不同时,产生精算收益或损失:它们因经验调整(以往 精算假设与实际发生情况之间的差异)和精 算 假 设 的变 化 影 响 而 产生。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Actuarial gains or losses arise when the actuarial assessment differs from the long-term expectation on the obligations: they result from experience adjustments (differences [...] between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually [...] occurred) and the effects of change in actuarial assumptions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
涉及高度判斷或複雜性之範疇,或對該綜合財務報表有重 大 影響 之假設及估計之範疇將於附註5中披露。 equitynet.com.hk | The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, [...] or areas where assumptions and estimates are [...]significant to the consolidated financial [...]statements, are disclosed in note 5. equitynet.com.hk |
然而,有与会者补充说,一人不当 使用或登记遭到恶意更改的,有担保债权人的权利不应受到所谓用户身份和口 令使用适当这一结论性假设的不利影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it was added that, in the case of wrongful use by a person and of registration of an adverse amendment, the rights [...] of the secured creditor [...] should not be negatively affected by a conclusive presumption that the [...]user identification and password were properly used. daccess-ods.un.org |
他們的回應及意見有助我們為隨後進行 的 影 響 評估 制訂假設, 從而令我們以數據為依歸的討論更加清晰及聚焦。 legco.gov.hk | These feedback and views [...] helped us formulate assumptions for subsequent conduct of impact assessment and [...]which in turn enabled [...]our evidence-based discussion to be more focused. legco.gov.hk |
审议了每项研究来确定支持或反驳有关渔业管理政策对捕捞安全 潜在影响的四个假设中 的一个或多个假设。 fao.org | Each case study was reviewed to identify evidence [...] supporting, or refuting, one or [...] more of four hypotheses regarding potential effects of fisheries [...]management policies on fishing safety. fao.org |
由於推行法定侍產假會在不同程度上 影 響 企 業的營運和增 加僱主的開支(尤其是佔香港企業98%的中小型企業),我們 必須小心評估立法對本港僱主及整體經濟可能帶來 的影 響、領取侍產假的準 則為何(例如在子女並非婚生、子女並非 由僱員的合法配偶所生,以及子女並非在香港出生的情況下 男性僱員可否享有侍產假、須符合哪些條件才可享有帶薪侍 產假等),以及相關的執法考慮(例如申領侍產假的僱員須出 示哪些證明文件)。 legco.gov.hk | As the implementation of statutory paternity leave will, to varying degrees, affect the operation of enterprises and increase the business costs of employers (particularly small-and-medium-sized enterprises which comprise 98% of all enterprises in Hong Kong), we must carefully assess the possible impact of legislating for paternity leave on [...] local employers and the [...]economy as a whole and examine the eligibility criteria for paternity leave (for example, should a male employee be entitled to paternity leave in cases of childbirth outside marriage, childbirth not given by his legal spouse and childbirth outside Hong Kong, the conditions to be met for entitlement to paid paternity leave, and so on) as well as other issues related to enforcement (for example, what kind of certification documents are required to support the taking of paternity leave ). legco.gov.hk |
冲突爆发的影响在两种假定情形下可能有所不同,这种差异草案中应予以说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | The effects of the outbreak of a conflict could [...] be different in the two cases, and that difference should be reflected in the draft. daccess-ods.un.org |
繁忙的电影节为导向的度假胜地戛纳 电 影 节 标志着法国的里维埃拉迅速其次是非常独特的度假村的昂蒂布(第d'Antibes大道)住房的16世纪的格里马尔迪城堡和繁华的沿海市场。 leapfrog-properties.com | The busy film and festival orientated resort of Cannes marks the beginning [...] of the French Riviera swiftly followed by the [...]highly exclusive resort of Antibes (Cap d’Antibes) housing 16th Century chateau Grimaldi and a bustling coastal market. leapfrog-properties.com |
如果政府容許這些或真或假的判斷不 斷 影 響 選民,為什麼不能容納透過科學方法得出、有根有據的客觀數字? hkupop.hku.hk | Many of them involve forecast and judgment of elections based on the internal poll result. If the government allows this kind of assessment, which may be true or false, to influence the voters, why can't objective figures with solid bases derived from scientific method be accommodated? hkupop.hku.hk |
在為殘障家人制定總體未來規劃時,這些都是我們應該考量的重要文件,特別是 [...] 假若我們不再能夠簽署文件、操作銀行賬戶時,其利益將受 到 影 響 。 例如 , 假 若 我們 為家人設立了非正式財務管理安排,於一個銀行賬戶中與其聯名擁有資金,那麼假若 [...]我們突然喪失能力,有人能替我們簽名是非常重要的。 pavetheway.org.au | These are important documents which we should consider when formulating our overall future plan for our family members with a [...] disability, particularly if their [...] interests are likely to be affected if we can no longer [...]sign documents, operate bank accounts [...]etc. For example, if we have set up informal financial management arrangements for our family member, in which we hold funds jointly with them in a bank account, it might be important that someone can sign for us if we suddenly lose capacity. pavetheway.org.au |
葡萄牙共和国政府建议的中心将在淡水和海岸水之间 建立一种联系( [...] 教科文组织其他中心尚未着手解决这一问题),并促进制定一项以生态水 文学为基础的解决办法,在区域和国际各级处理人 为 影 响 、 气候变 化 假 想 和 动态等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Centre proposed by the Portuguese Republic will establish a link between freshwater and coastal waters, still not addressed by other UNESCO centres, promoting the development of [...] ecohydrology-based solutions [...] addressing anthropogenic impacts and climate change scenarios [...]and dynamics at both regional and international levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
出現下列情況時,各方均不應被認為違約,也不應要求另一方承擔責任:任一方遭受地震、洪水、火災、暴風雨、自然災難、天災、戰爭、恐怖主義、武裝鬥爭、工人罷工、停工、抵制或其他超過此方合理控制能力之外之類似事件,而導致其停止、中斷或延遲履行本協議義務 (支付義務除外),但前提是援引本條款 (第 17 條) 的此方 (i) [...] 就此迅速發出書面通知;且 (ii) 採取所有必要合理之措施以減輕不可抗力事件 之 影 響 ; 更進一步 , 假 設 不 可抗力事件持續之時間總計超過 30 天期限,則各方均可在書面通知後立即終止本協議。 verisign.com.hk | Neither party shall be deemed in default hereunder, nor shall it hold the other party responsible for, any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder (excluding payment obligations) due to earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, act of God, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, boycott or other similar events beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided that the party relying upon this Section 17: (i) gives prompt written notice thereof; and (ii) takes all steps [...] reasonably necessary [...] to mitigate the effects of the force majeure event; provided further, that in the event [...]a force majeure event [...]extends for a period in excess of thirty (30) days in the aggregate, either party may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice. verisign.com.hk |
該調整反映假如飛利浦就於合營公司的其餘30%權益行使飛利浦退出認沽期 [...] 權,以及本公司分別於二零一一年六月三十日及二零一零年一月一日取得合 營公司之全部權益時,對未經審核備考綜合資產負債表、未經審核備考綜合 [...] 收益表及未經審核備考綜合全面收益表之財 務 影 響 ,當 中 假 設 由於截至二零 一一年六月三十日止六個月及截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度的經審 [...]核綜合除息稅前盈利為負數,因此冠捷並無向飛利浦支付額外款項。 cre8ir.com | This adjustment reflects the financial impact on the unaudited pro forma consolidated balance sheet, the unaudited pro forma consolidated income statement and the unaudited pro forma consolidated statement of comprehensive income, if Philips exercised the Philips Exit Put Option on the remaining 30% equity interest in JVCo and the Company would have obtained a 100% equity interest [...] in JVCo on 30 June 2011 and 1 January [...] 2010 respectively, assuming no additional payment [...]shall be made by TPV to Philips as [...]the audited consolidated EBIT for the six months ended 30 June 2011 and for the year ended 31 December 2009 are negative. cre8ir.com |