

单词 假定的

See also:

假定 n

assumptions pl
presumption n

假的 adj

false adj
fake adj
sham adj



External sources (not reviewed)

相反來說,假如實際的學費高假定的水平,因而出現剩餘款項,政府便會扣除經常補助金多付的部 分。
Conversely, if there is a surplus income as a
result of the actual tuition fee level being
[...] higher than that assumed, the excess in [...]
recurrent grant will be clawed back by the Government.
事实上,正如所见假定的 Cote ba 公司服务恶化 一事主要是由于工作方法产生分歧所致,其根源没有明确表明与工程监理公司相 关。
In fact, as we
[...] have seen, the supposed deterioration [...]
in the services of Coteba was connected primarily with divergences
in working methods which did not originate exclusively with the ACA.
在没有任何明确说明时,这 种意向可能假定的,但 不言而喻的是,保留方可以完全无阻碍地向其他缔约方 [...]
Although this
[...] intention may be hypothetical if not expressly [...]
indicated by the author, it is understood that nothing prevents
the author from making its true intention known to the other contracting parties.
用手转动作动器的输出轴,使机械一方的原点、作动器输出轴的原点与 假定的 点 的 位置重合。
Turn the output axis of the actuator manually to align the home position of the
[...] machine with the assumed home position [...]
of the output axis of the actuator.
在缺乏有關生物質碳含量的可靠信息 時,應為燃料類假定100%的化石 碳含量, 直到有更精確的數據可用。
A fossil carbon content
[...] of 100% shall be assumed for fuel types in [...]
case of a lack of reliable information on their biogenic
carbon content until more precise data becomes available.
重要的是,要精确地采集到实际数据,而不要象定额那 样建立假定的基础上。
It is important that ‘actual’ data is collected
[...] accurately and not assumed to be the same [...]
as the norm.
[...] (这些来函应来自所称侵犯人权行为的可合 假定的 受 害 者个人或团体,对这些侵犯人权的 行为有直接了解或确信存在侵犯行为的个人或团体,或是诚信行事的并对侵犯行为有直接了 [...]
Although there is some resemblance between the procedure of the CR and that of the Human Rights Council as to the source of the communications (they may be submitted
by any person or group of persons who
[...] may reasonably be presumed to be victims [...]
of the alleged violations, any person or
group of persons with direct and reliable knowledge of the violations or any non-governmental organization acting in good faith and having direct and reliable knowledge of the violations), the two procedures are dissimilar in many respects.
最后的降低值还不得不纳入一 假定的 实 施比例,即有多少土地所有者会愿意实施这些行动。
The final reduction also had to
[...] incorporate an assumed uptake rate; i.e. [...]
how many land owners would be willing to implement actions.
这些数字是在许 多有争的假定的基础 上产生的,没有太大的具体意义,但确实可以说,在全球范围内推 行专利制度对专利权所有者将相当有益,这些专利权所有者主要在发达国家,而这种受益 是建立在受保护技术和产品的使用者的损失之上的,这些使用者主要在发展中国家。
Not too much should be read into the exact value of these figures, which depend on a number of debateable assumptions, but it can safely be said that the effect of applying patent rights globally will be to benefit very considerably the holders of patent rights, mainly in developed countries, at the expense of the users of protected technologies and goods in developing countries.
关于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期 预算的第一次执行情况报告(A/65/581) 反 映 了 2010-2011 年预假定的变化,将使所需经费减少 1 820 万美元,原因是汇率变化的影响(11 853 600 美 元)和通货膨假定的变化产生的影响(4 691 200 美 元),但减少额因对标准薪资费用和一般人事费用的调 整导致所需经费增加(1 183 900 美元)而被部分抵消。
The first performance report on the budget of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010-2011
(A/65/581) reflected the
[...] changes in budgetary assumptions for 2010-2011, which would result in reduced requirements of $18.2 million arising from the impact of changes in exchange rates ($11,853,600) and in inflation assumptions ($4,691,200), [...]
partly offset by increased
requirements due to adjustments to standard salary costs and common staff costs ($1,183,900).
采取了哪些步骤,废除允许根据残疾情况( 不论是真的还假定的) 实施 拘留 的法律,包括心理社会和智力残疾,以及建立以社区为基础的为残疾人提供支持 和帮助的服务?
What steps are being taken to repeal legislation allowing for detention based on disability (whether actual or perceived), including psychosocial and intellectual disabilities, and to develop community-based services and support for persons with disabilities?
斯涅尔光折射定律用于图 1(b) 中所假定的液体 — 液体界面。
Snells law of refraction is
[...] applied to the hypothetical liquid-liquid [...]
interface shown in figure 1(b).
这嘉宾勒泰尔姆路易米歇尔党就会怠慢 MR 和 假定的 从 金刚,未来比利时政府政策的合法性下列6月13日 [...]
That gentlemen Leterme, Louis Michel and the party
[...] would snub MR and presume the legitimacy [...]
of the policy from the Kongo, the Future
Belgian government following the elections on June 13, 2010, you gentlemen Dewever Bart (NVA) and DI RUPO (PS), are been big winners, they would not otherwise take.
[...] 必分担第一位安装钻井平台时所需的上亿美元的费用,而且他可以因为这 假定 的下降 趋势风险合同预先获得一笔现金。
The counterparty is in agreement because it does not have to partake in the billions of dollars required to
implement the rig in the first place, and it actually obtains some cash up front for
[...] this contract to assume the downside risk.
这个概念具有灵活性,它使道路可以在局部区域面积放大,越 假定的 边 界 ,形成不同的高差,创造丰富的景观平台、缓坡和适宜的与城市的连接点。
The concept allowed for parts of the path to increase in area, extend past its expected boundaries, and to vary in height, creating viewing platforms, subtle ramps, and logical access points from the city side.
用计算机方法或用质谱法识别了 假定 ) 的 磷 酸 化位点之后,可以从公司购买针对磷酸化位点的通用抗体,通过免疫沉淀的步骤,以确定目标蛋白质是否在特定类型的位点被磷酸化(例如一个典型的cyclin/cdk位点) [...]
[10] 。
[...] identification of a (putative) phosphorylation [...]
site by an in silico method or by mass spectrometry, commercially
available antibodies for the general class of phosphorylation sites can be used in conjunction with an immunopercipitation step to determine if the protein of interest is phosphorylated at a specific type of site (for example a canonical cyclin/cdk site) [10] .
咨询员所作的 Chimcomplex 直至该年年底之前的四氯化碳最大产量为 47 ODP 吨的 假定的是根 据是,由于二氯甲烷的全球市场竞争状况,该公司不可能在该年 8 月后的剩余 时间内生产二氯甲烷。
The assumption of the maximum production of CTC of 47 ODP tonnes by Chimcomplex till the end of the year was made by the consultant on the basis that the company might not produce methylene chloride between August and the rest of the year because of the global market competition for methylene chloride.
此外,前瞻性信息基于各種各樣的假設,包括但不限于管理層的預期和信心 假定的 長 期 金價;許可證和地面部分所有權的可用性;融資、設備和勞動力的可用性;以及在公司運營的司法管轄區的政策環境將繼續支持環境安全的開采項目的開發。
In addition, forward-looking information is based
[...] on various assumptions including, without limitation, the expectations and beliefs of management; the assumed long-term [...]
price of gold; the availability
of permits and surface rights; access to financing, equipment and labour and that the political environment in the jurisdictions within which the Company operates will continue to support the development of environmentally safe mining projects.
Pizano 女士接着强调指出,未更改用于评价关键用途提名的标 假定的 内容 ,但对其在文件中的位置进行了调整,她还指出,澄清了若干经济指标, [...]
Ms. Pizano then highlighted the
[...] fact that standard assumptions used to evaluate critical-use [...]
nominations had not been changed,
although their position within the document had, and that economic indicators had been clarified to reflect standard agricultural economic practice and accommodate differences between soils and structures and commodities.
計 算 所 用 的 數 字,由 始 至 終 都 是 按 實 際 情 況假 定 的 數 字 中 款 額 最 低 者 , 正 如 後 陎 D 段 所 指 出 , 有 [...]
關 費 用 很 可 能 會 大 大 高 於 現 時 所 列 之 數 。
Throughout, the figures adopted have been the lowest that it is realistic to assume.
的假定是, 作为该决定收受者的国家或国际组织没有实施 这样的行动的裁量权:既可遵守该决定,又不会构成国际不法行为。
The assumption is that the State [...]
or international organization which is the addressee of the decision is not given discretion
to carry out conduct that, while complying with the decision, would not constitute an internationally wrongful act.
根据独立专家的估计,贸易协会呈文和秃鹫基金的其他拥护者提出的类似关 切看似建立在一种错的假定上: 商场拥有高效的自我纠正机制。
In the estimation of the independent expert, the EMTA submission and similar concerns by other
proponents of vulture funds appear to be based
[...] on the erroneous assumption that markets have [...]
efficient, self-correcting mechanisms.
某些行业、专业或职业只能在普通中等教育的基础上才能获得职业 中等教育,因假定修学课程的学者 都达到了某个成熟年龄。
There are certain professions, specialties or occupations where vocational secondary education can only be acquired
on the basis of general secondary education, as
[...] entrants to the course are presumed to have reached certain [...]
age maturity.
此 外,还有人对善治提出了批评意见,而正如每一种关于质量的概念一样,善治也
[...] 被许多学者和官员认为是一个与经济增长(往往在新自由主 的假定 下 )、与有效 的政府(通常在一种新式公共管理办法下)、与政治稳定或与其他公共目标有关的 [...]
In addition, critical remarks were made about good governance which,
as with every concept of quality, was regarded by many scholars and officials as a relative concept (“good for something”, “relevant to something”), related to economic growth (often
[...] under neoliberal assumptions), to effective [...]
government (often under an
NPM approach), to political stability, or to other public goals.
2009 年,工作组再次发现军
事法庭审判平民对于享受人身自由的权利、获得公正和――首先是――及时的审判 的权利、毫不拖延地见法官的权利、待审期间获释的权利、对被拘留上诉的权
[...] 利、由依法设立的独立、称职、公正的法庭公开审 的 权 利 、 假定 无 罪 的 权 利 、 权力平等和见到证据的权利、得到免费充分辩护的权利、得到不拖延审判的权利 [...]
In 2009, the Working Group once again found that the trial of civilians by military tribunals usually has an adverse effect on the enjoyment of the right to liberty of person, the right to a fair and, above all, prompt trial, the right to be brought before a judge without delay, to be released pending trial, to appeal against detention and to be tried in public by a legally established,
independent, competent and impartial
[...] court, the right to a presumption of innocence, to equality [...]
of arms and to access to evidence,
the right to a free and adequate defence, the right to be tried without delay, etc.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证 的 情 况 下 假定 索 赔的是实 话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
虽然第 1 款中所提的例外与关于保留的准则草案 5.3 中的例外相同,但第 2 款中所的例外仅与反对相关, 假定 对 于与继承国所维 的 保 留 相同或相当的 保留,并不维持反对。
While the exception cited in paragraph 1 was the same as that set out in draft guideline 5.3 concerning reservations, the
exception set out
[...] in paragraph 2 was specific to objections and posited the non-maintenance of objections to reservations [...]
identical or equivalent
to a reservation maintained by the successor State itself.
第一项,这是在第 1 款所设想,
[...] 即条约在国家继承之日只是对其中一个被继承国有效:在这种情况下,应 假定 任何条约领土范的扩大 也涉及到被继承国有可能已经提出的对条约的保留,除 [...]
The first, contemplated in paragraph 1, was that of a treaty that, on the date of the succession of States, had been in force for only
one of the predecessor States:
[...] in such cases it should be presumed that any possible extension [...]
of the territorial application
of the treaty also concerned any reservations to the treaty that might have been formulated by the predecessor State unless the successor State expressed a contrary intention at the time of such extension (subpara.




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