

单词 假如

假如 preposition ()

in case prep



replacement guaranteed if not genuine
fig. authentic

See also:


fake adj
false adj
artificial adj

External sources (not reviewed)

假如分析 結果顯示有關的新鮮水果含有防腐 劑,當局便會採取執法行動。
Enforcement action would
[...] be taken out if analysis revealed [...]
that the fresh fruit contained preservative.
假如司機 因酒後駕駛而導致交通意外,並引致他人死亡,當局可 [...]
If a traffic accident is [...]
caused by drink driving and causes the death of another person, the driver can be charged with
causing death by dangerous driving.
本集團每年評估廠房及設備的剩餘價值和使用年期 假如 預 期 與原先估計出現差異, 可能影響年中的折舊和更改將來期間估計。
The Group assesses annually the residual value
and the useful life of the plant and
[...] equipment and if the expectation differs from the [...]
original estimate, such a difference
may impact the depreciation in the year and the estimate will be changed in the future period.
除柴油車輛外,你是否贊成停車熄匙規 定 ( 假如 實 施)應該涵蓋汽油 和石油氣車輛?
In addition to diesel vehicles, do you
[...] agree that the ban, if introduced, should [...]
also cover petrol and LPG vehicles?
涉及相同保留的情况可能源于三个以上国家的合并,因 为可以想象,所有被继承国针对国家继承之日为有效的条约提出相同的保留因其 性质或其目的,不能扩大到继承国领土的另一部分 假如 这 一 部分属于另一个合 并的国家但在合并之日条约并未对其生效。
In the context of identical reservations, this situation may arise in the case of the uniting of more than two States, since it is conceivable that an identical reservation formulated by all of the predecessor States in respect of which the treaty was in force at the date of the succession of States could not be extended, because of its nature or its purpose, to the part of the territory of the successor State that, prior to the uniting of States, belonged to another uniting State in respect of which the treaty was not in force at the date of the succession of States.
假如批示 包括实施羁押措施,则经嫌犯同意后,立即将所指 之批示告知其血亲、其信任之人或其指明之辩护人。
Court orders imposing pretrial detention must be, with the defendant’s consent, immediately communicated to a relative or to a trustworthy person named by the defendant, or to his/her lawyer.
除了考慮每份意見書所表達的意見及研究意見書在原則㆖是支持或反對 老年退休金計劃抑或沒有表明立場之外,我們還會留意㆘列各項:(a)意見書是由個別 ㆟士或團體遞交的;(b)意見書是普通的信件或預先印製的形式; ( c ) 假如 意 見 書支持老 年退休金計劃的話,究竟是有條件或無條件的支持;如屬前者,則是在甚麼條件㆘支 持;及(d)假如意見書是反對老年退休金計劃的話,則是否原則㆖反對或只是反對諮詢 文件內個別的建議。
Apart from considering the views expressed in each submission and whether in principle at least the author was for or against an OPS or did not indicate either way, we took careful note of such points as: (a) whether the submission was from an individual or a group; (b) whether
it was an ordinary
[...] letter or a pre-printed form; (c) if in support of the OPS, whether such support was qualified or unqualified, and if the former, to what extent; and (d) if the submissions opposed the OPS, [...]
whether it did
so in principle or in respect of individual recommendations in the paper.
6.2 假如使用 表格 S 的申請人的家庭財政狀況於他的兄弟姊妹遞交表格 [...]
G 後有重大改變,應 該將有關改變連同證明文件輸入在表格 S 的第拾叁部。
6.2 If there has been substantial [...]
change of your family financial position which you think will affect the level of financial
support that you may obtain from your family after the submission of Form G by your sibling, you should list out the changes in Part M of Form S with the supporting documents.
即使 實施所有交通管理措施假如不興建 P2 道路網,中區 填海第一期地段內的交通將會在 2011 年全面癱瘓,原 因是干諾道中沿途會出現連綿不絕的車龍(在沒有中環 灣仔繞道的情況下),即使綠色交通燈亮起,康樂廣場 [...]
Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network [...]
is not built, because
continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour.
假如登記涉及獲授權為訊息簽署人的職員, 申請人便須知會有關職員帶同其香港身份證及數碼證書到登記中心,以便登記中心發出道路貨物資料系統的用戶 帳戶。
Should the registration involve any staff authorized as message signatory(ies), the applicant will be required to inform them of bringing along with their HKID cards and digital certificates to the Registration Centre for issuance of the Road Cargo System account.
3.4 不停靠原定港假如船長或承運人認為,在原定登岸港口靠岸會造成船隻、任何乘客、 [...]
行李或貨物之不便、延誤、損壞或危險,不論為何原因(包括不違背 前述之限制、疫情及罷工或要挾罷工)該船可以放棄在船票指定的登 岸港口停靠,並可由承運人全權決定將乘客及其行李載往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the opinion of the Master of [...]
the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation may result in inconvenience,
delay, damage, or danger either to the Vessel or any Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing restriction, 9 epidemic and whether actual or threatened strikes), the Vessel may omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and may carry the Passengers to any other port in the Carrier’s sole discretion and land them and their Luggage there.
根据书面请求,雇员可以休一个工作年度的 假, 如果随后其个人就业合同中止或终止,可获得所有未休假期的补偿。
Based on a written request, the employee may use the annual leave for one working year, with the subsequent suspension or termination of the individual employment contract, receiving compensation for all other unused leave.
这些观察人员将被部署在急需保护的抗议者之 中,而这种保护是观察人员没有条件或没有授权提供
[...] 的。部署的观察人员人数之少,无法覆盖整个国家, 然而这一人数又足以让人寄予期望 假如 叙 利 亚政府 不履行持续停止暴力的承诺的话,这种期望是根本不 [...]
They are going to be deployed in the midst of protesters who are desperate for a protection that the monitors are not equipped or mandated to provide, and they will be deployed in numbers too small to cover the entire country but
large enough to give rise to
[...] expectations that will be impossible to meet if the Syrian [...]
Government does not fulfil its commitments
towards a sustained cessation of violence.
如果说意大利政府提供的资金(外加物质支持如提供 Palazzo Zorzi
[...] 的使用权并承担其 维护)为办事处的运作带来了某种安全感, 假如 意 大 利政府不再逐年对其出资金额进行重 估,在一定程度上,这也成为一种隐患。
Although the Italian contribution (which also includes the use of the Palazzo Zorzi and its maintenance costs) offers a certain amount of security for the functioning of the
Bureau, there is equally an element of
[...] fragility in the assumption that the Italian [...]
Government will not reevaluate its contribution over the years.
假如土耳 其真的希望解 决塞浦路斯问题,唯一的办法是撤除岛上的占领部 [...]
If Turkey really wished to [...]
resolve the problem of Cyprus, it had only to withdraw its occupation troops and leave Turkish
and Greek Cypriots to live together in peace and harmony.
在目 前相对疲软的全球经济条件下,若石油价格在今后两年内一直保持上涨 50%的水
[...] 平,则世界生产总值就可能降低 0.5 至 1 个百分点。4 假如这导 致其他商品价格 随之上涨,而且如果进一步的不确定性引发在对影响的某种估计中没有考虑到的 [...]
Under the present, relatively weak, global economic conditions, an oil price rise of 50 per cent sustained over the coming two years could lower world gross
product growth by 0.5 to 1
[...] percentage point.4 The impact could be stronger if it induced [...]
other commodity prices to rise as
well and if increased uncertainty triggered turmoil in the financial market, effects not considered in the given estimate of the impact.
假如欧洲 国家能够表现出某种团结,利用共同资源 来解决各国的具体问题,欧洲的问题是可以解决的假如欧洲 国家做不到这一点,甚至极有可能引发严 重的全球问题。
The problem in
[...] Europe could be solved if the European countries showed some cohesion and used their common resources to address each individual situation; if they failed to do [...]
that, there would
be an even greater risk of a serious global problem.
关注性别平等,还意味着应该关注青年男子的境况,特别 假如 这 些 男子来自 发生过暴力和犯罪的贫困家庭。
Attention to gender equality means also that the situation of young men should equally be
addressed, especially when they come from
[...] disadvantaged backgrounds where they are exposed [...]
to violence and criminality.
(2) 因股東身故、精神紊亂或破產而享有股份權利的人士,本公司可以 預付郵資的信函及在信封或封套上註明其為收件人而把通知郵寄給該人士,而聲
[...] 稱以身故者代表或破產者受託人的身份或類似身份而享有股份權利的人士,本公 司可把通知寄交聲稱享有上述權利的人士就此目的所提供的地址(如有),或(直至 獲提供地址前)按假如股東 沒有身故、精神紊亂或破產時原來的方式發出通知。
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until
such an address has been
[...] so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental [...]
disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
在一个领域中的改进会增加在另一 个领域中取得进展的机会,假如安 全或发展两者缺 一,就可能无法在这两个领域都取得成功。
Improvements in one area enhance the chances of progress in the other, while failure to provide either security or development could jeopardize success in both fields.
(c) 一家「公司」应视为一家由某董事连同其任何联系人拥有百分之五或以上 权益的公司假如及只要(但假如 及 只要)他连同其任何联系人(直接 或间接)是该公司百分之五或以上任何类别股本或该公司的成员可有的投 [...]
(c) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which a Director together with any of his
Associates own five per
[...] cent. or more if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he together with any of his Associates [...]
are (either directly
or indirectly) the holders of or beneficially interested in five per cent. or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights available to members of such company.
(B) 替任董事之委任取決假如替任 董事為董事,在某些情況出現時會 導致其離任或其委任人不再為董事。
(B) The appointment of an alternate Director shall determine on the happening of any event which, were he a Director, would cause him to vacate such office or if his appointor ceases to be a Director.
隨 之 而 來 的 問 題 是 在 上 述 情 況 下 , 當 有 關 公 司
[...] 不 兌 現 該 支 票 時 ,假 如 受 款 人 和 獲 授 權 簽 署 [...]
人 在 支 票 的 簽 署 之 時 有 停 下 來 想 一 想 的 話 , 他
們 都 會 意 識 到 簽 署 人 只 是 以 該 公 司 的 高 級 人 員 或 僱 員 的 身 分 而 非 個 人 身 分 牽 涉 在 內 , 則 要 求 獲 授 權 簽 署 人 承 擔 個 人 法 律 責 任 在 商 業 上 是 否 適 切 或 公 帄 ; 又 或 在 如 此 情 形 下 是 否 應 令 受 款 人 承 擔 有 關 損 失 。
The question then arises as to
[...] whether in such circumstances, when the cheque [...]
is dishonoured by the company, it is commercially
desirable or equitable for the authorised signatory to be personally liable in circumstances where perhaps both the payee and himself would have appreciated, if they had paused to think at the time of signing, that he was only involved as an officer or employee of the company, and not in his personal capacity; or whether in such circumstances it is the payee who should be made to bear the loss.
案 件 頇 押 後 審 理 時,主 控 官 應 知 會 裁 判 司 廉 政 公 署 是
[...] 否 反 對 給 予 保 釋,假 如 法 庭 不 批 准 保 釋 的 [...]
話,廉 政 公 署 是 要 求 把 被 告 人 還 押 於 警 方 、 監 獄 還 是 廉 政 公 署 。
When it is necessary for a case to be remanded the prosecuting officer will inform the magistrate
whether or not the ICAC is opposed to the
[...] granting of bail and, if bail is not granted, [...]
whether ICAC requests a remand in police, jail or ICAC custody.
在計算這項成本 時,運輸署會考假如不興建中環灣仔繞道及 P2 道路網,則在 2011 年道路使用 者因中區填海第一期地段內康樂廣場、民耀街、民祥街等道路塞車而引致的延 誤。
In deriving the cost, TD has taken into account the delay in time that road users will suffer from congestion in the CRI area, namely along Connaught Place, Man Yiu Street and Man Cheung Street, for not having the CWB and Road P2 in place by 2011.
假如不可 面見收件者,而又要由其他地方取得公開密碼匙,便有需要確定 [...]
公開密碼匙沒有被未獲授權使用,或被其他可容許非意屬收件者解密信息的公開 密碼匙取代。
But if you cannot meet the [...]
recipient in person, and must obtain the public key from somewhere else, you need to be sure
the public key has not been tampered with, or substituted with another public key that allows someone other than the intended recipient to decrypt the message.
4.3 此外假如閣下 的持牌人或註冊人在有關授權的期限屆滿前最少 14 日向閣下發出有關授權將被視 為已續期的提示,而閣下對於在有關授權的期限屆滿前以此方式將該授權延續不表示反對,則閣下 的授權將會在沒有閣下的書面同意下被視為已續期。
4.3 Additionally, your authority may be deemed to be renewed (i.e. without your written consent) if the licensed [...]
or registered person
issues you a reminder at least 14 days prior to the expiry of the authority, and you do not object to such deemed renewal before the expiry date of your then existing authority.
假如是非 签署国,执行委员会可以考虑为开展氟氯烃调查和编制加速氟氯烃淘汰管 [...]
理计划提供资金,但相关国家政府须承诺批准或加入必要的修正案,并且还有一项谅解, 即在臭氧秘书处确认该国政府已批准或加入该修正案之前,不会再提供任何供资。
In the case of a non-signatory [...]
country, the Executive Committee might consider providing funding for conducting an HCFC
survey and the preparation of an accelerated HCFC phase-out management plan, with the commitment of the government concerned to ratify or accede to the necessary Amendment and on the understanding that no further funding would be available until the Ozone Secretariat had confirmed that the government had ratified or acceded to that Amendment.
保 單 被 取 消 後,我 們 將 退 回 您
[...] 已 繳 付 的 全 數 保 費,假 如 在 我 們接獲及批核您取消保單的書面通知之時,您的投資已經貶 [...]
值,我 們 會 先 行 扣 除 虧 蝕 的 金 額。
Once the policy is cancelled, we will refund the total
premium you have paid to us less a
[...] deduction of the amount (if any) by which the [...]
value of your investment has fallen at the
time when your cancellation letter is received and approved by us.




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