

单词 假借



borrowed meaning


also called phonetic loan
character acquiring meanings by phonetic association

See also:


false adj
fake adj
artificial adj

(...) v

borrow (sth.) v
lend v
insult v

by means of
take (an opportunity)
surname Ji
walk all over (sb)
sleeping mat

External sources (not reviewed)

我們認為,應該 藉此機會,徹查教統局是否真的通過相關機制向學者施壓 假借 學 術 權威以 支持教統局政策。
Such structural mechanisms whereby EMB is able to pressurize academics to support their policies through their teaching and research activities should also be subject to careful probing.
缔约国应确保在其国内法规中包括明确禁 假借 特 殊 情况为酷刑开脱罪责的 条款。
The State party should ensure that its domestic legislation includes a provision expressly prohibiting the invocation of exceptional circumstances as a justification of torture.
其他弱 势群体成员”改为“其他个人”, 假借 宗 教 或信仰 的名义”改为“以背景为由假借宗 教 或信仰的名 义”。
The phrase “individuals from other vulnerable groups are carried out” should be replaced with “other individuals on the grounds or”.
據政府當局表示,香港直銷協會及一家在多個 司法管轄區經營多層式傳銷計劃的跨國公司均表示,條例草案將有 助打假借正當 的多層式傳銷計劃名義經營的不良層壓式計劃,從 而為正當的多層式傳銷計劃創造更有利的經營環境。
According to the Administration, DSA and a multi-national company which operates MLMS in a number of jurisdictions have indicated that the Bill would help combat objectionable pyramid schemes operated under the guise of legitimate MLMS, thereby creating a more favourable operating environment for legitimate MLMS.
尽管信息与传播技术 的积极发展已改善了全世界的生活质量,但每个文化
[...] 或宗教团体中的少数极端分子会谋求利用这种进步假借这种 技术来传播仇恨、种族主义和排斥。
While positive developments in information and communication technologies have improved the quality of life around that world, some extremist
minorities within every cultural or religious
[...] group seek to take advantage of that [...]
progress to propagate hatred, racism and
exclusion by way of such technology.
所有上述情况都表明,阿根廷共和 假借 领 土 完整不容破坏的原则主张对该 群岛的主权是毫无根据的,因为阿根廷共和国从未合法管理过该群岛,该群岛也 从来不是阿根廷共和国主权领土的组成部分。
All of the above demonstrates that the Republic of Argentina’s claim to the Islands, which it bases on the principle of disruption to its territorial integrity, is without foundation, as the Islands have never legitimately been administered by, or formed part of, the sovereign territory of the Republic of Argentina.
确信必须解决宗教极端主义在世界各地抬头导致个人权利受到影响的问题, 以宗教或信仰为理由假借其名 义或以文化和传统习俗为借口实施的影响到许 多妇女及其他个人的暴力和歧视情况,以及滥用宗教或信仰以达到有违《联合国 宪章》及联合国其他相关文书宗旨的目的的问题
Convinced of the need to address the rise in various parts of the world of religious extremism that affects the rights of individuals, the situations of violence and discrimination that affect many women as well as other individuals on the grounds or in the name of religion or belief or in accordance with cultural and traditional practices, and the misuse of religion or belief for ends inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as well as other relevant instruments of the United Nations
这 些支持犹太复国主义政权的国家 假借 可 能 转向和 平核活动以外用途的幌子,对原子能机构成员施加压 [...]
The same States that supported the
Zionist regime put pressure on IAEA
[...] members, using the false pretext of probable diversions [...]
from peaceful nuclear activities,
without producing any evidence whatsoever.
我們這次不要屈服於這假借自負盈虧為名,實則只以金 錢利益為出發點的要求,讓我們為過往的疏忽與漠視付出代價,希望當局不會重蹈 [...]
Let us for once not capitulate to the sole demand of
[...] money in the guise of self-financing; [...]
but let us pay the price of our past neglect
and oversight in the hope that the same blunder will not repeat itself at the expense of Hong Kong people’s well being.
谴责北假借预防 性战争理论在利比亚进行更迭政权的军事行动,从自身地 缘政治和经济利益出发操纵联合国,违反安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议
They denounce the NATO military operation for regime change in Libya, conducted under the doctrine of preventive war, and the manipulation of the United Nations to suit its geopolitical and economic interests in violation of Security Council resolution 1973 (2011).
是他们承诺采 取所有这些行动,也是他们要求得到保护和保证,利 用假借口进行讹诈和获得更多让步。
It is not the other way around. It is they who commit all of these actions, and yet
they call for protection and
[...] guarantees, resorting to false pretexts to engage in blackmail [...]
and gain further concessions.
10 年来,美国以“对话”为假借口, 违背《和平协议》的明确法律规定, 不断推行各种安排,企图破坏和阻挠厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚边界委员会“具有 [...]
Throughout the past 10 years, the United States has been
[...] advancing, under the spurious pretext of “dialogue” [...]
and contrary to express legal provisions
of the Peace Agreement, various arrangements so as to derail and obstruct the implementation of the “final and binding” arbitral ruling of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission and to perpetuate and aggravate the prevailing crisis.
我明白吳議員提出這修正,是基於維護基本人權的立場,不過,實際 上卻可能令法例出現漏洞,容許不法分 假借 上 述 的人道理由,提供資金予 恐怖分子作進行恐怖活動的用途。
But in practice, her amendment will lead to loopholes in the legislation, making it possible for some unruly elements to supply funds to terrorists for terrorist activities under the guise of the humanitarian grounds mentioned above.
這份報告的內容,除了吹噓當局 自以為過去 10 年來最光輝的成就外,政假借文康廣播科之名,無意對當局和兩個市 政局㆒直以來在藝術發展方面所做的工作,作任何重大的改變。
In it, apart from congratulating itself for what it regards as its great
achievement in the last decade,
[...] the Government in the guise of the Recreation and Culture Branch [...]
(RCB) has shown no intention
whatsoever of making any significant changes in what it and the two municipal councils have been doing in the development of the arts so far.
以色 列向该地区引进了核武器,并威胁使用这些武器,其
[...] 目前正在以冻结定居点——一种明显的恐怖主义形 式——的假借口, 通过讹诈向其最密切的盟友美国 索取特许权,而事实相反,它正在危险地扩大其定居 点。
Israel had introduced nuclear weapons into the region and threatened to use them, and it was now blackmailing the
United States, its closest ally, to get
[...] concessions on the false pretext that it would [...]
freeze settlements — a clear form of
terrorism — when instead it was expanding its settlements dangerously.
个人、各国人民 以及国家的友谊不是纯粹的外交问题,更不 假借人 类愿意携手合作来牟利的商行企业。
The friendship of individuals, peoples and nations is not exclusively a question of diplomacy, much less a commercial enterprise to make money from the inclination of human beings to join together.
信仰为理由假借其名义或借口遵循文化和传统习俗对许多妇女以及其他个人 实施暴力和歧视的情况,以及滥用宗教或信仰以达到有违《联合国宪章》和联合 国其他相关文书宗旨的目的的问题, 着重指出教育对于促进容忍,包括公众接受和尊重宗教表达方式等方面的多 样性的重要性,并着重指出教育特别是学校教育应切实帮助促进容忍和消除基于 宗教或信仰的歧视
Convinced of the need to address the rise in various parts of the world of religious extremism that affects the rights of individuals, the situations of violence and discrimination that affect many women as well as other individuals on the grounds or in the name of religion or belief or in accordance with cultural and traditional practices, and the misuse of religion or belief for ends inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as well as other relevant instruments of the United Nations
他們甚至會利用法例的漏洞,將毒藥名單所列的藥品貯存在另㆒㆞點,假借免費 供應之名,提供這類藥品,以逃避法例的管制。
They even make use of the loopholes of the law by stocking drugs on the poisons list at another address or circumvent control by offering such drugs under the guise of free supply.
(b) 以宗教或信仰为理由假借其名义或借口遵循文化和传统习俗对许多 妇女和其他个人实施暴力和歧视的情况
(b) The situations of violence and discrimination that affect many women as well as other individuals on the grounds or in the name of religion or belief or in accordance with cultural and traditional practices
我們反 對 美 國 武 力 攻 打 伊 拉 克 ,是因 為這是一場不義 之 戰 ,是布 殊 總假 借 人 民 的 名義發 動 戰 爭。
We oppose the United States' employment of military forces against Iraq because it is an unjust war waged by President George BUSH in the name of the people.
[...] 市民,尤其是那些沒有能力應付有突發意外的㆟,提供的基本援助,因此政府對基金的財 政承擔是難以推卸,亦不假借任何藉口予以削減,因為政府有責任為市民提供福利保 障。
Madam deputy, judging from the way the fund makes disbursements to traffic accident victims or their families, this is a provision of basic assistance
on the part of the Government to citizens,
[...] in particular those who are financially [...]
unable to cope with traffic accidents.
Therefore, the United States must lift it
[...] without any further delay, or excuses.
同时,拟议的常规武器贸易条约不应成为某种借口,用于干涉别国内政以控 制别国合法自卫能力,或用于政治化 假借 可 持 续发展标准达到这一目的。
At the same time, the proposed treaty on trade in conventional arms should not be used as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of other States in order to control their capacity for legitimate self-defence or to politicize or use sustainable development standards to that end.
尽管 注意到缔约国所提供的资料表明其国家法律,特别是《刑事诉讼法典》,并没有
[...] 任何条款可在任何情况下用来作为开脱酷刑罪行的理由或手段,但委员会关注国 内法规中没有明确禁假借特殊 情况为酷刑开脱罪责的条款。
While noting the information provided by the State party that its national laws, especially the Penal Procedure Code, do not contain any provisions that can be used as a justification or means for an excuse for torture, under any circumstances, the Committee is concerned at the lack of a
provision in domestic legislation
[...] expressly prohibiting the invocation of exceptional [...]
circumstances as a justification for torture.
但 是,對假借維護 資本主義制度的穩定性,發表只要維護資本家利益才 能令工人生活有保障的謬論的議員,我們會不斷提醒他們是做錯了,他 們違背了香港作為一個和諧社會所須有的原則。
However, there are Members who use maintaining the stability of the capitalist system as the excuse for presenting their fallacy that the living of workers can be protected only when the interest of capitalists is upheld.
18.15 梁家傑議員察悉,在2011年,勞工處根據《僱傭條例》 或《僱員補償條例》(第 282章 )向假借自僱方式聘用僱員的僱 主提出89宗檢控。
18.15 Mr Alan LEONG noted that in 2011, LD had initiated 89 prosecutions under the Employment Ordinance or the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282) against employers who had engaged employees under the guise of self-employment.
假借纪念 霍贾卢悲剧事件的受害者而诬蔑亚美尼亚一方,将一切都归罪于纳 戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫共和国武装部队,这种做法是丑恶的。
The disgraceful mistreatment of the memory of victims of the tragic events of Khojalu for political purposes – discrediting the Armenian side and putting all the blame for what happened on the armed forces of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic – is repulsive.
[...] 一目的,该政权不惜策划假象试图掩盖暗杀和恐怖主义行为,或更确切地说是策 划所谓假借旗号 行动,并将其归咎于他人,如 2010 [...]
年 1 月 19 日在迪拜开展的 行动和伪造某些对该政权友好国家的旅行证件。
Along the same lines, this regime has resorted to masterminding camouflaged assassination attempts and acts of
terrorism or, more
[...] specifically the so-called false flag operations, [...]
and attributing them to others, such as what took place in Dubai on 19 January
2010 and the forgery of travel documents of some countries friendly to that regime.




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