

单词 偃旗息鼓

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前总统巴博被捕后,对联合国人员的直接袭偃旗息鼓合国工作人员的 安全保障得到了改善。
The safety and security ofUnited Nations personnel has improved since direct attacks on Organization personnel ceased following the apprehension of former President Gbagbo.
地区政局的整体稳定保障了人道主义、社会和 政治方面的重大进步,尤其是安哥拉难民返回进程 的完成,在赞比亚的刚果难民返回计划的启动,与 其他已经实施的使 159 000 名刚果难民重返家园的 行动,以及南非仇外暴力偃旗息鼓
Overall political stability in the region had led to some important humanitarian, social and political achievements, in particular, the completion of the repatriation process in Angola; the launching of repatriation operations for Congolese refugees in Zambia and other operations under way that had led to the return of up to 159,000 Congolese refugees; and the cessation of xenophobic violence in South Africa.
在这个问题上,面对现实偃旗息鼓然对政府管治有所影响,但长痛不 如短痛,拖拖拉拉下去,恐怕内伤更大。
This will surely affect the governance of the Government, but it is always better to endure short-term pain than allowing the disease to remain untreated, for I am afraid that if the problem is dragged on any further, it will inflict even greater damage.
1.10 虽然有关工作一如上述,得以完成,但各项问题和 困难,时有涌现,从偃息
1.10 Despite the work completed as described above, problems and difficulties
[...] have never ceased tosurface from time to time.
另一个例子,便是政府每年皆大旗鼓会投放 290 亿元作基建投 资,但近数年的每年实际开支均没有这个数目,究竟这是甚麽一回事?
Another example is that each year, the Government would
[...] say with greatfanfare that itwould [...]
commit $29 billion to infrastructure investment,
however, in recent years, the actual annual expenditure did not amount to that much, so what is happening actually?
通过收集和传播相关 全民信息计划背景下开展跨学科辩论和就适用于电 脑空间的原则达成一致,教科文组织努力加强其作为 [...]
信息社会中社会文化与伦理方面的知识论坛和信息交 流中心的作用,为关于信息社会的世界首脑会议做好 准备工作。
By gathering and disseminating relevant
[...] information,andby encouragingtransdisciplinary [...]
debate in the context of the Information
for All Programme and consensus-building on principles applicable to cyberspace, the Organization has endeavoured to strengthen its role as an intellectual forum and clearing house on sociocultural and ethical aspects of the information society, preparing the ground for the World Summit on Information Society.
[...] 人要来这个立法会,为香港人行使剩余价值,行使他的剩余权力,就是他老 人家大旗鼓了名称为问责制,这才有所谓“3 屍 11 [...]
As I have said many times, a person who was remunerated by public coffers and who had his own office and driver had come to this Legislative Council to exercise the residual value for Hong Kong people and also to exercise his
residual powers, and it was this elderly man
[...] who, witha greatfanfare,changedthe name [...]
into the accountability system from which
the common analogy of "three corpses and 11 lives" derived.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有 策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作动;关于使用开放源软 件的思考和指导原则;传播和力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to
information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building
[...] knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programmeas a flagshipactivity;reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and informationand training [...]
of media professionals;
public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
以色列和平活动者和以色列议会前议员乌里·阿夫内里表达了这样的看法, “种族清洗可以(像 1948 年在该国和 1998 年在科索沃那样)大旗鼓行,也 可以像目前在东耶路撒冷那样通过几十种复杂方法有条不紊地悄悄进行。
Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist and former member of the Knesset, made this observation: “Ethnic cleansing can be carried out dramatically (as in this country in 1948 and in Kosovo in 1998) or in a quiet and systematic way, by dozens of sophisticated methods, as is happening now in East Jerusalem.
(f) 请联合国统计司在最后确定准则后建立并维护一个门户知识网站,以便
[...] 提供单一接入点,用于检索各种既适用于发达统计系统、也适用于发展中统计系 统的经济统计整合案例研究和 料, 员国为最后确定准则和建立门 户网站提供本国经验和案例研究。
(f) Requested the United Nations Statistics Division to develop and maintain a web-based knowledge portal even after the finalization of the guidelines in order to provide a single access point to a broad range and diverse set of case studies and information material related to the integration of economic statistics applicable
to both developed and developing
[...] statistical systems,and encouraged Member States to [...]
make available their country experiences
and case studies for the finalization of the guidelines and the portal.
考虑到此类经验,再加上令,应当有助于解决其余的问题(例如甜瓜中可能发生的幼芽和根桩茎 [...]
Consideration of
[...] such experiencesplusencouraging information exchange [...]
should help solve remaining problems (for example,
incompatibility between scion and rootstock which may occur in melons, or appropriate selection of rootstocks).
[...] 供的关于气候技术倡议的私营融资咨询网络对清洁能源项目开发商获得私人资 本的作用的他多边倡议推动项目融资,并向科技咨询机构通报这类 [...]
The SBSTA noted the information provided orally by the Climate Technology Initiative and at the workshop on TNAs on the role of the Climate Technology Initiative’s Private Financing Advisory Network in helping clean
energy project developers to access
[...] privatecapital andencourages other multilateral [...]
initiatives to promote the financing
of projects, and to inform the SBSTA about such activities.
南太平洋渔管组织《公约》还要求采取各种措施,例如、威慑 缔约方成为缔约方。
The SPRFMO Convention also required measures such as exchange of
[...] information, deterrence and encouragementfornon-contracting [...]
parties to become parties.
此外,它敦促所有船旗 国,特别是那些位于没有区域渔业管理组织及安排地 方的船旗国,思考一切可获得的科学 为其制定规则。
Furthermore, it exhorts all flag States, particularly those in areas where no regional fisheries management
organizations and arrangements exist, to consider all available
[...] scientific information andto adopt rules fortheirflagged vessels.
在哥斯达黎加开展的其他相关活动包括修改小学教育大纲以 列入气候变化以及等提高意识活动。
Other relevant activities in Costa Rica have included changing the primary education curriculum to include informationabout climate change, and awarenessraising activities such as the Bandera Azul programme.
States should foster international dissemination of scientific
[...] information andencourage thefreeflow and [...]
sharing of scientific and technological knowledge.
一些国家推出了森林或林业日或周,大旗鼓展活动,让更多的群体,特别是年轻人参与进来,并在书面和电视媒 体上广为宣传。
Some countries have a forest or forestry day or week with visibility events involving the broader community and especially the youth, and which receives broad coverage in the written and electronic media.
尽管如 此,令人关切的是,这些大旗鼓动可能仅仅是为了赢得社区的支持,从而 减少其核心活动遭到的反对,而这类核心活动对环境产生重大损害和对资源造成 压力,从此类自愿举措中受益的社区没有充分认识到这些不利影响。
Nonetheless, there is concern that these intensely publicized activities may serve only to win community support and thus reduce opposition to their core activities, which produce significant environmental damage and pressure on resources, effects which, in turn, are not fully appreciated by the communities that benefit from such voluntary initiatives.
2010 年,该政府在外国技术援助下大旗鼓复尚存的米-24 型武装直升机,并断然拒绝对共和国卫队进行检查。
In 2010, the Government overtly rehabilitated its remaining Mi-24 helicopter gunship with foreign technical assistance and refused categorically to allow inspections of the Republican Guard.
大会注意到该研究的建议,请秘书长任命一名暴力侵害儿童行为问题特别代 表,作为高级别独立倡导人,大旗鼓防止和消除一切形式的暴力侵害儿童 行为(第 62/141 号决议)。
The General Assembly took note of the recommendations of the study and requested the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative on violence against children to act as a high-profile and independent global advocate to promote the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children (resolution 62/141).
非洲经委会通过它的区 域合作与一体化委员会和重旗鼓 次区域办事处为区域经济共同体提供支 持,另外还对该区域各国给予支持,在整个东部和南部非洲次区域内就实施贸易 便利化和走廊管理方案开展经验交流,并对次区域内贸易便利化方案的制定和实 施进展进行评估。
ECA, in addition to providing support to the regional economic communities through its Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration and its newly invigorated subregional offices, is supporting countries in the region by sharing experiences in the implementation of trade facilitation and corridor management programmes across the Eastern and Southern Africa subregion, and assessing progress in the design and implementation of trade facilitation programmes within the subregion.
[...] 题的了解和支持从业人员的资产追回网络,减少对资产追回的障碍;(b)建设资 产追回的国家能力;和(c)协助国家收集和分享国家的特定资产 追回工作中取得进展。
Using the Convention as its legal framework, the Initiative focuses on three core actions: (a) lowering the barriers to asset recovery by increasing the knowledge base about the problem and supporting practitioners’ networks for asset recovery; (b) building national capacity for asset recovery; and
(c) assisting States in collecting
[...] and sharing informationtoencourage progressin a country’s [...]
specific asset recovery efforts.
发起宣传运动,通过大众传媒和大 旗鼓奖活动,提高人们对创 新能够创造财富和发展国民福利的重要性的认识
(vi) Launch campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of innovation for wealth creation and national welfare through the mass media and high-profile awards
设立该数据中心就是为了相互保存关于商业卫星飞行 轨道、机动飞行和有效载荷频率的 与该中心的成员进行协调与交 流,从而努力提高空间行动的安全。
The data centre was established to serve as an interactive repository for commercial satellite orbit, manoeuvre and payload frequency
information to promote the safety of
[...] space operationsbyencouraging coordination and [...]
communication among its participating members.
亚太经社会还帮助大湄公河次区域国 家制定信息技术行业贸易和投资的扶持政
[...] 策,同时还对不同的贸易和投资政策改革措 施的效果进行研究,以推动大湄公河次区域 更多地利用扩大产品和服务贸易。
ESCAP is also helping countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in developing enabling policies for trade and investment in the IT sector, while also studying the effects of different trade and investment policy
reform measures aimed at
[...] promoting greater useof IT andencouraging greater trade in IT products [...]
and services in the GMS countries.
持续致力于在加强法律、刑事和监狱系统方面 提供援助和开展培训以及提供后勤基础设施和,可地区更多国家协助审判和关押海 盗,就象肯尼亚和塞舌尔正在做的那样。
A lasting commitment to assistance and training in strengthening the legal, penal and prison systems, as well as the
provision of logistical infrastructure and
[...] informationtechnology, can encouragemore countries [...]
of the region to help with the
trial and imprisonment of pirates, as Kenya and Seychelles are doing.
西部地区最近的战斗暴露了长期存在的种族、公民权和土地所有权问题,支 持巴博的人员企图在这个自古动荡不安的地区重 旗鼓可能在那里重新引发 冲突。
The recent fighting in the west has brought to the surface long-standing ethnic, citizenship and land ownership issues, and the attempted regrouping of pro-Gbagbo elements in this traditionally volatile area could reignite conflict there.
约翰内斯堡高峰会议的召开 引起了媒体对可持续发展的高度关注,然
[...] 而许多其它方面的工作虽然不是那么大旗鼓 从长远看对我们同样重要,如: 联合国教科文组织通过新设立的非洲发展 [...]
新 伙 伴 关 系 科 学 技 术 多 国 办 事 处 牵 头
, 开展的对非洲的援助工作;以及利用卫星 技术来监测我们的生物圈保留地--- 描绘一 幅人类和生态和睦相处的诱人前景。
Sustainable development caught the limelight in the media with
[...] the Johannesburg Summit, but muchother [...]
work was going on more quietly that will
be of equal benefit in the long term: UNESCO’s support for Africa through the new NEPAD Science and Technology Cluster it has been tasked to lead, for example, or the use of satellite technology to monitor our biosphere reserves - prefiguring an interesting rapprochement between earth and ecological sciences.




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