

单词 倾销地

See also:


dump (goods, products)

pour out

External sources (not reviewed)

非洲继续成为小武器和轻武器及毒品倾销地,这 加剧了区域内的不安全局势。
Africa continues to be the dumping ground of small [...]
arms and light weapons, as well as drugs, exacerbating the situation
of insecurity within the region.
Avoids the domestic
[...] market becoming a dumping ground for non-conforming [...]
目前正在实施 反社倾销的行 动计划、对劳力市场遵守法律和规范情况进行积极监测以及针对 [...]
An action plan
[...] against social dumping, active surveillance [...]
of respect for the laws and regulations at the labour market,
and effective policies against financial crises were being implemented.
另外,工业化国家利用贸易自由倾销廉价商品,使地方工业发展受阻,导致增 速缓慢、生产能力利用程度低、产出不高。
Moreover, industrialized nations had taken advantage of trade liberalization to dump cheap manufactured goods, rendering local industries inefficient and leading to slow growth, low capacity utilization and low output.
民间社会承认私营部门能够发挥有益作用,但我们看到的却是企业 不可持续地采矿、捕鱼和砍伐森林,通过土地掠夺偷取资源和当地人生计,通过 生物燃料场毁坏森林和农田,通过食 倾销 摧 毁 农民生计,通过项目让 地 人失 去水源面对污染的环境。
Civil society accepts that the private sector can play a useful role, but our experience is of companies that have unsustainably exploited minerals, fish and forests; land grabs that have stolen the resources and livelihoods of local people; biofuel plantations that have
destroyed forests and
[...] agricultural lands; food dumping that has destroyed farmers’ livelihoods; and projects that leave local people with no water and [...]
a polluted environment.
在美 国受过教育的一些研究生学位获得者回到他们的祖国以后 常常会取得领导职位,而且在诸多方面 倾 向 于积 极 地跟 美国合作。
Graduate degree holders trained in the US who return to their home countries often achieve leadership positions and have a positive orientation toward collaborating with the US on a variety of fronts.
业已交流的现行最佳做法包括:(a) 涉农 粮食供应链模式的应用,其目的是吸引企业家投资,从而促进经济增 长;(b) 国际超市链的企业社会职责做法,包括那些 倾 向 于购 买地 方农产品的、有助于农产品销的、以及可确保农民和本地居民收入 安全的采购做法。
Existing best practices that had been shared included: (a) the application of an agri-food supply chain model designed to attract entrepreneurship and thus support economic growth; and (b) corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of international supermarket chains, including procurement practices, that favoured the purchase of local produce, helped distribute agricultural products and ensured income security for farmers and local people.
设立安全 网及保障和倾销制度
Put in place safety nets,
[...] safeguards and anti-dumping mechanisms.
提出的所有关切问题看来 都需要持续和系统的努力,说明就不同问题制定具体的行动计划是有必要的。这
[...] 些具体问题包括平等和歧视、罗姆人的生活水准、家庭暴力、移民人口的融入和 社会融合,以及社倾销等。
All concerns raised were seen as requiring continuous and systematic efforts, which justified the setting-up of concrete plans of action on various issues, such as equality and discrimination, living
standards for Roma people, domestic violence, integration and social inclusion of immigrant
[...] population and social dumping.
整整一年前,当东盟与中国自由贸易协定於2008年全球金融危机后展开,有人担忧东盟的经济将受到中国制造 倾销 廉价 商品到东盟市场造成极大的冲击, 而乖离了自由贸易协定原本的宗旨,亦即确保原料与货物的自由流动,以促进 这两个以出口为主地区的扩张。
Exactly a year ago when the ASEAN-China FTA kicked in soon after the 2008 global financial crisis, there was fear that the economies of ASEAN would be
wrecked by China’s
[...] manufacturing juggernaut dumping cheap goods into the ASEAN markets against the original objective of ensuring free movement of raw materials and goods in the FTA region in order to facilitate the expansion of these two export oriented regional blocks.
请联系您的地销售代 表,检查应用的负载循环。
Please contact your local sales representative [...]
to review the duty cycle for your application.
[...] 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形倾向的 国家;一个人人不受 歧地拥有 政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law,
far from any political
[...] or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, [...]
transparent and
free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
一些机构除了竞争执法外还有 其他责任,包括处理不公平竞争、 倾销 、 国家援助、公共采购和消费者保护, [...]
因此,至少在早年,这些机构常常在这些活动上耗费了过多时间和资源,而用在 竞争问题上的时间和资源则不足。
Some agencies that had responsibilities in addition to
competition enforcement – including unfair
[...] competition, anti-dumping, State aid, public [...]
procurement and consumer protection –
found themselves devoting too much time and resources to these activities and not enough to competition, at least in the early years.
因此,和平与安全理事会呼吁安全理事会更认地倾听非洲的关切,并以我们今天审议报告时的做法 为榜样,处理和平与安全理事会的要求,那就是,非 洲大陆的和平与安全问题必须得到解决。
The Peace and Security Council therefore appeals to the Security Council to listen more carefully to Africa’s concerns and, following the example of what we are doing today with the consideration of this report, address the Peace and Security Council’s requests that the issues of peace and security on the African continent be dealt with.
5.4 司法管辖权: 双方特此不可销地同意 ,新加坡法院将具有关于解决任何可能因本协议所引起或与之 相关的争议的司法管辖权,而这些争议无法通过新加坡调解中心 (SMC) 或新加坡仲裁 员协会 (SIArb) 予以解决;并同意,据此任何因本协议所引起或与之相关的法律诉讼 (以下称“诉讼”)可以提交给这些法院进行处理,而且双方不可 销地 服 从 这些法院 的司法管辖权,但前提条件是:本条款中的任何规定均不会限制任何一方向具有同等司 法管辖权的其他任何法院提起诉讼,而且一方在一个或多个司法管辖区提起诉讼亦不会 妨碍该方在其他任何司法管辖区另行提起诉讼(不论是否同时进行)。
The parties hereby irrevocably agree that the courts of Singapore are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement which cannot be settled successfully through the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) and that, accordingly, any legal action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (“Proceedings”) may be brought in those courts and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of those courts PROVIDED THAT nothing in this Clause shall limit the right of any party to take Proceedings in any other court of competent jurisdiction nor shall the taking of Proceedings in one or more jurisdictions preclude that party from taking Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not.
从推行结构性调整方案以提高生产能力以来,农业部门长期存在弊病,同时国家 撤销机构支持服务,通过大幅降低或取消关税和配额制,在条件尚未成熟的情况
[...] 下让小农面临大型跨国供应商的竞争,以及一些发达国家由于过分支持国内农 民,实施粮食倾销”政策。
These weaknesses reflected a persistent failure since the promotion of structural adjustment programmes to support the building of productive capacities; along with a dismantling of institutional support services; the premature exposure of small-scale farmers, through a rapid reduction or elimination of tariffs and quotas, to
competition from large multinational
[...] suppliers; and food “dumping” by a number of [...]
developed countries because of excessive support to their farmers.
为了实现远大的碳减排目标,全球各国的政府越来越 地倾 向 于 将风能作为清洁能源组合的重要组成部分。
In the effort to achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets, governments around the globe are increasingly turning towards wind power as a key component of the clean energy mix.
此外,一个埃塞俄比亚扫雷排接受了在 Noong、Alal 和 Tejalei 布有未爆弹 药和地雷的危险地区执行行动的任务;他们安 地销 毁 了未爆弹药和地雷。
In addition, an Ethiopian demining platoon was tasked with taking action in dangerous areas contaminated with unexploded ordnance and mines, which they safely destroyed, in Noong, Alal and Tejalei.
[...] 事处一直在为达到这个项目的第一个目标“基本技能”而辛勤工作,为处于社会边缘的青年 开办手工艺讲习班进行培训,并对大约 175 名青年男女开设了技能培训方面的非正规教育课 程,举办新产品促销展览和开拓 地销 售 渠 道。
The UNESCO Offices in Cambodia, Congo, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Papua New Guinea and Zimbabwe have been involved in the implementation of the project’s first objective – Basic skills, training of marginalized youth in craft workshops and non-formal education courses with the skills
training of some 175 young
[...] girls and boys, sales exhibitions of new products and the development of local marketing channels.
在塞内加尔,渔民改变网具,并集中捕捞在渔业中更有利润的物 种(例如从捕捞中上层鱼转到头足类),从在 地销 售 转 为出口 市场,当地的捕捞后处理产业遭受影响(西非渔业政策网)。
In Senegal, as fishermen change gear and the focus of their effort in response to changing profit opportunities in their fishery (e.g. shifting from harvesting
pelagic fish to cephalopods)
[...] and switch from selling into local to export markets, the local [...]
post-harvest sector can suffer
(Network on Fishery Policies in West Africa).
也有难得但短暂的好消息,英利(NYSE: YGE)、天合(NYSE:
[...] TSL)以及其他太阳能企业出现短暂提振,因为它们收回之前预留出以备遭遇美国 倾销 调 查 攻击时使用的资金,将不再需要这些钱了。
And in a rare but fleeting piece of good news, Yingli (NYSE: YGE), Trina (NYSE: TSL) and others are getting a temporary boost as they reclaim money
they previously set aside but will no longer need to use as provisions
[...] in the US anti-dumping investigation [...]
against them.
方案 3
[...] 根据现有的国际文书,充分尊重并履行知识产权,尤其是采取或加强反盗版措施,以及反对 以文化产品充斥发展中市场的“经济性文 倾销 ”。
OPTION 3 that intellectual property rights are fully respected and enforced according to existing international instruments, particularly through the development or
strengthening of measures against piracy, and
[...] “economic cultural dumping” flooding the developing [...]
markets with cultural goods.
家缺乏有效监测其海岸的必要资源和能力,对非洲海 洋资源的这种侵略行为变本加厉,这导致了许多问
[...] 题,特别是索马里沿海海盗活动、索马里的资源遭到 开采并且枯竭以及在索马里沿海肆无忌 地倾 倒有毒废物,这加剧了海盗活动带来的问题,使得海盗活 [...]
Unfortunately, such acts of aggression against African marine resources are exacerbated by the fact that most African countries lack the necessary resources and capacity to monitor their shores effectively, which has given rise to many problems, in particular piracy off the coast of Somalia, the
exploitation and exhaustion of Somalia’s
[...] resources and the unscrupulous dumping of toxic wastes [...]
off the coast of Somalia, which has
exacerbated the problems caused by piracy, making it uncontrollable over the past few years.
颁布国竞争主管当局应当能够就相关风险和任何其他风险提供有 关信息,如相关市场倾销风险
The competition authorities in the enacting State may be able to
provide relevant information on the relative risks, and any others,
[...] such as the risk of dumping in the market concerned.
区域经济共同体之间越来越地倾向 于合并及统一相关政策和方案,例如, 2009 年在东部非洲共同体、东南非共同市场和南部非洲发展共同体之间创建的三 方安排,正准备在三个区域经济共同体内建立一个自由贸易区。
The regional economic communities are moving increasingly towards consolidating and harmonizing policies and programmes among themselves. For example, the tripartite arrangement created in 2009 between the East African Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa and the Southern African Development Community is geared towards the establishment of a free trade area between the three regional economic communities.
研究结论是,在促进农业产业化经营和农民组织创新中,政府政策应更 地倾 向 于 支持 农民专业合作社,提高农民的组织化程度,而不是发展“公司+农户”模式。
In conclusion, public policies need to focus primarily on supporting the development of specialised farming co-ops and improving the organisation of agriculture rather than pursuing the “company + farming” household model any further when seeking to promote the management of agricultural industrialisation and organisational innovation in farming.
Maïlëlë 先生建议将重点放到 与其它相近的机构或隶属联合国系统的机构开展阶段性的行动上,强调有必要给非政府组织 更多的发言时间,建议更地倾听国 家级非政府组织的声音并建议以后委员会应有三天的会 议时间。
He proposed that emphasis be placed on the conduct of activities in tandem with other bodies close or relevant to the United Nations system, stressed the need for a longer speaking time to be allotted to the NGOs, proposed that greater heed be paid to national NGOs and suggested that the Committee be convened for three days in future.
在限制前述一 般性的情况下,客户代表其自身及代为行事的任 何第三方就本协议无条件及不可 销地向 P CGS 转 让、传达、出让客户或任何有关第三方可能于或 对资料及图像(无论有关图像在什么媒体或以何 种形式重现或发表)拥有的现有及此后获得的任 何及全部权利所有权及权益(包括但不限于,版 权、专利、商业秘密及商标的权利)。
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer, on behalf of itself and any third party for whom Customer may be acting with respect to this agreement, unconditionally and irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to PCGS any and all current and any hereafter acquired rights, title and interests (including, without limitation, rights in copyright, patent, trade secret and trademark) that Customer or any such third party may have in or to the Data and the Images (on whatever media or in whatever form such Images may be reproduced or published).
[...] 库存量居高不下、应对回收和再利用系统予以完善、非法贸易 倾销 问 题 日趋 严重、在将创新解决方案引入替代技术领域的问题上面临挑战,以及气候炎热 [...]
A number of representatives spoke of the challenges that lay ahead for the Montreal Protocol. Among the specific issues raised were the urgent need to find alternatives for certain uses of methyl bromide, the continuing existence of large banks and stockpiles of ozone-depleting substances, the need to improve systems for recovery
and recycling, the growing problem of
[...] illicit trade and dumping, the need for further [...]
institutional strengthening, the challenge
of incorporating innovative solutions in the field of alternative technologies, and the problems faced by countries with hot climates in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors.
根据美国持续倾销和补 贴抵消法案,第三季度 倾销 关 税 相关的动力传动业务将有望获得3700万美元的补助款项,预计这将是该法案的最后一次付款,从而使业务利润率受益。
Profitability benefited from an anticipated $37 million payment received by the
power transmission
[...] business in the third quarter related to dumping duties under the U.S. Continued Dumping [...]
and Subsidy Offset Act.




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