

单词 倾耳而听

See also:

倾听 v

listen v


listen attentively

External sources (not reviewed)

确保 Jabra 无线耳麦底座与桌面电话听筒端口 而 不 是 耳 麦 端 口(如果桌面电话有这个端口)连接。
Make sure that the Jabra
[...] wireless headset base is connected to the desk phone handset port and not the headset port (if the [...]
desk phone has one).
我们需要走出去到工地上去,竖耳 朵 , 倾听 客户 需求,睁大眼睛,看客户如何使用设备,以充分了解客 [...]
You need to be
[...] out there with big ears, listening to customer [...]
needs, and big eyes to see how they use the equipment in order
to fully understand what kind of things they are looking for.
在此情况下,新闻部 的外联任务得以获倾听各方 赞助者和向他们学习的能力, 而 有 利 于本组织的 更大利益、宗旨和原则。
These have allowed its mission of
reaching out to be
[...] complemented by the capacity to listen to, and learn from, varied constituencies in the [...]
larger interests
of the Organization, its purposes and its principles.
一旦耳机上听到拨号音,便可以 耳 机 上 的“ 听 / 结 束 ”按钮接听来电;再按一次可结束通话。
As soon as the dial tone signal can be heard in the headset, you can answer the call by pressing [...]
the ”answer/end” button
on the headset; by pressing again the call is ended.
第三,国际社会对冲突做出的反应经常是根据自己能够提供哪些支持来决定 的,国际行动者重点关注可以提供什么 而 不 是 倾听 服 务 对象真正需要什么。
Third, the international response to conflict is often supply-driven,
with international actors focusing on what they
[...] can provide, rather than listening to the real needs [...]
of those they serve.
他回顾,针对小段(b)中的征象,会员国的意见各异,一些呼吁删除有关 “武装冲突性质和范围”的内容而 其 他人 则 倾 向 于保留这些内容。
He recalled that there were a variety of opinions among Member States as to the indicia in subparagraph (b), with some calling for the
deletion of the reference to “the nature and scope of the
[...] armed conflict”, while others preferred retaining [...]
such elements.
参考Tomatis的CD往往不外乎一些音乐作品的汇编,或多或少地编排在一起,由 倾听 者 不 能从具有TOMATIS效应的电 耳 中 受 益,因此无法产生Tomatis方法所具有的效应。
The CDs that refer to Tomatis are often nothing more than compilations of musical works, more or less well put together, which are unable
to produce the
[...] effects of the Tomatis Method since the listener cannot benefit from the functioning [...]
of the Tomatis Effect Electronic Ear.
实实在在和意义深远的参与需要我们继续搜寻 倾听 儿 童的观点和意见,在他们发展技能时,认真地对待他们并支持他们。
Authentic and meaningful participation requires us to continue
[...] to seek out and listen to the perspectives [...]
and opinions of children, treat them
seriously and support them as they develop their skills.
我甚至要说,这是一个企图压制 正义声音的恐怖分子的发言,是不顾政治和外交规 则和规范的政客的发言而这些 规则和规范使我们 有权捍卫自己,让我们的声音在负责和平与安全问 题的安理会得倾听。
I would even say that it is the statement of a terrorist who is trying to silence the voice of justice and that of a politician who does not recognize the
political and diplomatic
[...] rules and norms that give us the right to defend ourselves and to make our voices heard by the Council, which is responsible for peace and security.
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国拒 倾听国 际 社会的呼吁,这尤其令人担忧,因为联合王国是安全理事会常任理事国 而这 一 机构的主要目的是维护国际和平与安全。
The refusal of the United Kingdom to heed the calls of the international community was regarded as especially worrisome given that it was a permanent member of the Security Council, a body the main purpose of which was to preserve international peace and security.
比如,您可以在同一时间使用同一 耳 麦 听 手 机 上的音乐以及打网络电话(如:Skype 或 Google Talk)。
For example you
[...] can use the same headset for both listening to music from [...]
your mobile phone and for Internet telephony (e.g.
Skype or Google Talk) at the same time.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基本原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对耳其 进 行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动而这是 被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到耳 其之 前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the
territorial integrity and
[...] political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the [...]
need to uphold its obligations
and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
急性中耳炎如果不及时治疗,有可能导致 耳 长 期 发炎, 而 并 发 传导 听 力 障 碍、极个别的严重病例甚至可能出现颜面神经麻痹、内耳迷路发炎、脑脓疡等疾病。
If acute middle ear infections are not treated promptly, they can lead to chronic inner ear inflammation, causing potential hearing problems later on [...]
and in some extreme cases,
partial facial numbness from facial nerve damage, inner ear inflammation or brain abscess.
正如一位南苏丹 官员所说,“美国和我们的其他[西方 ]伙伴常常确 定无疑地告诉我们,我们需要什么 而 中 国 人则显 得更愿意相互探讨,倾听我们 想要什么。
As a South Sudanese official opined, “the U.S. and our other [Western] friends regularly tell us with certainty what we need.
政府公开表示倾听南部 的不满,但其安全部队却武力镇压大体上和 平的抗议,攻击独立媒体和仗义直言的南部学术界人士和学生。
While the Government
[...] publicly claimed to listen to southern grievances, [...]
its security forces had responded to largely peaceful
protests with a crackdown and attacked independent media and outspoken southern academics and students.
揭幕仪式开始时,主持人邀请主礼嘉宾上台,聚光灯一同凝聚于舞台上的巨型音乐盒,音乐盒上插着一把系着美高梅金色缎带的钥匙,主礼嘉宾携手解开缎带,钥匙随即转动而八音盒奏起动听旋律,此时,中央巨型圣诞树及四周的灯光随即亮起,漫天「雪花」悄然飘落,优雅的芭蕾舞铜像开始围绕圣诞树缓慢旋转,标志着「澳门美高梅梦幻圣诞」正式开幕!随后,著名唱作歌手方大同及薛凯 倾 情 献唱,特意以爵士乐风格为美高梅的嘉宾及宾客献唱圣诞经典名曲 “Winter Wonderland”,耳动听,而是夜的演出亦是他们两人今年首次演唱圣诞歌曲,份外特别。
Top Hong Kong vocalists Khalil Fong and Fiona Sit greeted guests with a Jazz version of classic Christmas song, “Winter Wonderland” as they slowly walked down the grand round stairway and
onto the stage. The duo expressed that this
[...] is the first time that they performed a Christmas song in the year 2011, and they have specifically put a Jazzy spin on the classic song for the guests at MGM MACAU.
They also thanked the participants for
[...] taking the time to hear and consider their views.
而,这 样的提议与提交人所受的损失不成比例,因为他还在接受治疗,他仍在遭受下 列病痛:耳听力困 难和剧烈疼痛,左下颚疼痛,健忘,失眠,这都是创伤后 应激病症。
Nevertheless, such a proposition is not in accordance with the damages suffered by the author, given that he is still undergoing medical treatment, is suffering severe pain in his left ear and acute hearing difficulties, as [...]
well as pain in his left
jaw, memory lapses and insomnia due to post traumatic stress disorder.
耳其政府应听从国际社会的呼吁,遵守《联合国宪章》,并尊重塞浦路斯 共和国的主权、独立和领土完整,根据商定的、并得到安全理事会多项决议赞同 [...]
The Government of Turkey should heed the call of the [...]
international community, abide by the Charter of the United Nations
and respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, thus contributing to the creation of the required conditions for the achievement of a viable solution to the Cyprus problem, according to the agreed basis endorsed by numerous Security Council resolutions.
他还计划在未来的国家 访问期间会见恐怖主义受害人及受害人协会的代 表,倾听他们的不满和关切。
He also planned to meet with victims of terrorism and
representatives of victims’ associations during future country
[...] visits in order to listen to their grievances [...]
and concerns.
虽然此案提出的有效性问题不涉及对公约条款的保 留而是对土耳其承认法院根据公约第 25 和 46 条拥有强制管辖权的任择声明的 [...]
While in this case the issue of validity arose in respect not of a reservation to a provision of the Convention, but
of a “reservation” to the optional
[...] declaration whereby Turkey recognized the compulsory [...]
jurisdiction of the Court pursuant
to articles 25 and 46 of the Convention, the lessons of the judgment can easily be transposed to the problem of reservations.
此外,应提醒希族塞人行政当局,它的对应方现在是、且一直是土族塞人方 面而不是土耳其,它顽固地拒不承认塞岛北部土族塞人的权力,这不利于根据 既定的联合国参数(即基于在两个组成国政治平等前提下结成两区两族联邦伙伴 关系)解决塞浦路斯冲突的前景。
Furthermore, the Greek Cypriot administration should be reminded that its counterpart is, and has always been, the Turkish Cypriot side, not Turkey, and that its persistent denial of Turkish Cypriot rights in the North of the island does not bode well for the prospects of a settlement of the Cyprus conflict in line with the established United Nations parameters, namely a partnership based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation with the political equality of the two constituent States.
在思考和前瞻性分析方面,去年第四季度着重推销和传播了该双年度所出的各种出版 物(季刊倾听非洲 的意见》;非洲的中期战略(与战略规划局相关);《教科文组织在非 [...]
洲:总结教科文组织 2002-2003 年在非洲的成就》;瓦加杜古研讨会的建议《教科文组织与
非洲发展新伙伴计划:从认识到行动》;《非洲公民社会:定义及其在非洲发展新伙伴计划 中的作用》),并开展了一些宣传活动,例如,为出席大会第三十二届会议的代表开设了一 个宣传台。
As regards reflection and future-oriented analysis, the emphasis in the past six months has been on the promotion and dissemination of various publications
produced during the biennium: the
[...] biannual newsletter, Listening to Africa; the [...]
Medium-Term Strategy for the Africa Region
(in conjunction with BSP); UNESCO in Africa (2002-2003) – an appraisal of the Organization’s achievements in Africa; the recommendations of the Ouagadougou Seminar “UNESCO and NEPAD: From vision to action”, and La société civile africaine: définition et rôle dans le processus du NEPAD; and on communication activities such as the information stand for delegates attending the 32nd session of the General Conference.
因此,和平与安全理事会呼吁安全理事会更认真倾听非洲的关切,并以我们今天审议报告时的做法 [...]
为榜样,处理和平与安全理事会的要求,那就是,非 洲大陆的和平与安全问题必须得到解决。
The Peace and Security Council therefore appeals to the
[...] Security Council to listen more carefully to [...]
Africa’s concerns and, following the
example of what we are doing today with the consideration of this report, address the Peace and Security Council’s requests that the issues of peace and security on the African continent be dealt with.
政府设立了两个办事处,因受侮而具有自杀倾向的 受害人以及家庭暴力的受害人都能得到社会心理救助,他们 [...]
There are two bureaus where victims of offences against
[...] morality suicidal tendencies and domestic violence [...]
get social and psychological help,
they also get police, juridical and medical help.
我代表非洲大陆发出源自内心的呼喊,恳 倾听 从 一个广达 3 000 多万平方 公里的大陆、一个拥有巨大地质财富的愤怒大陆、一个已经重新开始经济增长的 [...]
I am making a heartfelt appeal on behalf of the African
continent and I would be infinitely
[...] grateful if you would listen to the voice of [...]
a vast continent of over 30 million square
km, of outrageous and impressive geological riches, a continent which has taken up the path of economic growth again and is full of hope and expectation.
增长模式变化正在挤压中国的经常项目顺差而 土耳其政府在去年批准了一系列提高储蓄率和开发战略投资的措施,以使该国降低对 [...]
The change of growth model is pressing down Chinese current
[...] account surplus, while Turkish government [...]
approved last year a bunch of measures to
increase the savings rate and to develop strategic investments that would allow the country to reduce external dependency on some products (including energy).
在 2004-2009 年期间,这两个国家中每个国家缉获的海
[...] 洛因总量似乎有非常密切的关系,但 2010 年明显偏离这一趋势,伊朗伊斯兰共 和国的海洛因缉获量继续增加而土 耳 其 的 缉获量减少(见图八)。
During the period 2004-2009, the total amount of heroin seized in each of the two countries appeared to be very closely related, but 2010 saw a marked departure from the trend, with seizures of
heroin in the Islamic Republic of Iran
[...] continuing to increase, while such seizures decreased in Turkey (see figure VIII).
[...] 通过治疗设备或手术纠正的残疾,或如果只有最小的视力和弱视、 而 只 能 靠耳 听和触摸感知生活的世界,这个人就是严重残疾人。
The person is seriously disabled if is completely blind and that disability cannot be corrected through therapeutic equipment or operation, or if has a
minimal sight and amblyopia, and, as a result, is able to perceive the
[...] world of life only through hearing and touching.




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