

单词 倾巢而出

See also:


lit. the whole nest came out (fight us)
a turn-out in full force (of a gang of villains)

External sources (not reviewed)

另一方面,如若而掉出Nest“鹰巢”之 列,则只可能在其政治过渡进程恶化到使经济体处于崩溃的地步下会发生(比如爆发内战)。
Falling out of Nest, on the other hand, would require a shock that could only arise if the political transition process deteriorates to the extent of collapsing the economy (e.g., civil war).
而,国 家拒绝签署和批准核心国际人权文书、 在签署和批准文书时出保留的倾向 以 及缺乏资 金,使该系统的生存受到威胁。
Nevertheless, the survival of the system was threatened by the failure of States to sign and ratify core international human [...]
rights instruments,
the tendency to include reservations, and lack of funding.
於是澳門中聯辦 人士便巢而出,發 揮“澳門第二支管治力量”的作用,作為“第一支澳 [...]
門管治力量” ⎯⎯ 澳門特區政府 ⎯⎯ 的 “幫台”。
In vernacular terms, to "back up" means [...]
"to help out".
基于狭隘的 政治算计和短期利而有选 择地对非盟 出 回 应的 倾向,不仅有损非盟的工作而且有损非洲大陆和平 与安全的目标。
The tendency to selectively respond to the AU based upon narrow political calculus and expediency will undermine not only the work of the AU but also the goal of peace and security on the continent.
第三,国际社会对冲突出的反 应经常是根据自己能够提供哪些支持来决定 的,国际行动者重点关注可以提供什么 而 不 是 倾 听 服 务对象真正需要什么。
Third, the international
[...] response to conflict is often supply-driven, with international actors focusing on what they can provide, rather than listening to the real needs of those they serve.
一项在接受助孕治疗妇女中进行的新的研究显示,妇女的 巢 会 因 为老 而 失 去 修复DNA双股破裂的能力。
A new study in women undergoing fertility procedures shows that
[...] eggs in a woman’s ovaries lose the ability to repair [...]
DNA double-strand breaks with age.
这种splits通常只发生在一个失败的 巢 , 而 且 是 十分罕见的以前交配对。
Such splits of previously-mated pairs usually only occur after a failed nesting, and are extremely uncommon.
8.2 委员会出,缔约国倾向于 认为控告1993年和1998 年期间在强迫失踪中 代表公共主管当局行事的公务员或个人的来文必须参照当时政府打击恐怖主义时 期普遍存在的国内社会-政治和安全环境来考虑, 而 委 员 会不能在个人申诉机 制下审议这些案件。
8.2 The Committee notes that the State
[...] party prefers to maintain that communications incriminating public officials, or persons acting on behalf of public authorities, in enforced disappearances between 1993 and 1998, must be considered in the broader context of the domestic socio-political and security environment that prevailed during a period in which the Government was struggling to fight terrorism and that, consequently, they cannot be considered by the Committee [...]
under the individual complaints mechanism.
主席,好一個巢而出,如 果證諸香港近年的政治現實,無論是自 由黨選舉的崩潰和分裂,無論被質疑的 [...]
⎯⎯ 劉皇發讓路給葉國謙 ⎯⎯ 是否因此而獲委任進入行政會議,又或是很多人竊竊私語的,說 梁美芬力壓田北辰進入立法會,真的看到這第二支管治力量是具“幫台”
If we compare this to the political reality [...]
of Hong Kong in recent years, from the collapse and disintegration of the Liberal
Party in the election, the much debated question of whether Mr LAU Wong-fat got appointed to ExCo because he had given way to Mr IP Kwok-him in the election, or the much rumoured case that the second governing team could really "back up" somebody, as evident in the case of Dr Priscilla LEUNG beating Mr Michael TIEN in gaining her seat in the Legislative Council, it illustrates that the second governing team of the Central Government has been working in governing Hong Kong.
还可通过血液循环转移至肝、肺、脑、骨骼、 巢 等 处, 从 而出 现 腹 水、黄疸、肝脏肿大等症状。
When it transfers to liver,
[...] lung, brain, bones and ovaries, etc., the patient may [...]
develop ascites, jaundice and swelling of liver.
這個構想是要善用社區內過剩/多餘的食材,結合地圖與擴增實境,輸入食譜所需材料後,應用程式會標明社區裡哪些地方可能找得到,由於一般家庭浪費食材比例約三成,這也是種串聯社區的好方法,到幾戶人家聯絡感情,順帶借幾顆多餘的馬鈴薯、一杯麵粉、幾顆蛋(我忽然想起最近 出 的 雀 巢 糖 粉廣告,「熱愛食物、痛恨浪費」這句廣告詞變得更有意義!),評審對這項概念能否落實存疑 而 且 想下廚時,也得確定鄰居在家才行。
(It made me wonder what else it could lead to, with Nescafe’s sugar ad springing to mind, and lending a whole new dimension to the phrase ‘Love food, hate waste’!
出的所 有关切问题看来 都需要持续和系统的努力,说明就不同问题制定具体的行动计划是有必要的。这 些具体问题包括平等和歧视、罗姆人的生活水准、家庭暴力、移民人口的融入和 社会融合,以及社倾销等
All concerns raised were seen as requiring continuous and systematic efforts, which justified the setting-up of concrete plans of action on various issues, such as equality and discrimination, living standards for Roma people, domestic violence, integration and social inclusion of immigrant population and social dumping.
乙方的投资价 值可出现突然大幅下倾向,而且 ,如果乙方的投资下降得厉害,乙方可能血本无归。
Your investment may be subject to sudden and large falls in value and you may get back nothing at all if there is a sufficiently large fall in your investment.
与会者出,捐助方倾向于 偏好可获立即 回报的发展项目而科学 、技术及创新项目则需要长期投资。
It was pointed out that donors tend to prefer development projects with immediate returns, whereas science, technology [...]
and innovation
require long-term investments.
而在另一些情 况下,法人实体有可能显出利用更有利的破产制度的意愿,例如 倾 向 于而非清算的破产制度。
In others, it might reflect a desire to gain access to a
[...] more favourable insolvency regime, such as one inclined to reorganization, rather than to liquidation.
清楚简洁地表达想法倾听他人,创 出 一 种 环境,使员工可以在其中自在地表达自己的想 法、促进信息在自己与他人之间及 而 持 续 地流动。
Express ideas clearly and simply; listen to others; create an environment where people are comfortable expressing their thoughts; promote the timely and ongoing flow of information to and from others.
这项多中心研究的主要目标是评估OVA1对于适用人群的效果,重点是两类难度特别大的人群:一类是早期卵巢癌妇女,她们中约有一半人CA125水平正常,另一类是绝经前妇女,她们的 巢 癌 发 病率低 而 良 性囊肿的发病率高。
The primary objective of the multicenter study was to assess the performance of OVA1 in the intended use population with a focus on two particularly challenging subgroups: women with early-stage ovarian cancer, where approximately half of patients have a normal
CA125 level, and premenopausal women, where the
[...] incidence of ovarian cancer is low and incidence of benign cysts [...]
is high.
他回顾,针对小段(b)中的征象,会员国的意见各异,一些呼吁删除有关 “武装冲突性质和范围”的内容而 其 他人 则 倾 向 于保留这些内容。
He recalled that there were a variety of opinions among Member States as to the indicia in subparagraph (b), with some calling for the
deletion of the reference to “the nature and scope of the
[...] armed conflict”, while others preferred retaining [...]
such elements.
针对条约类别清单的位置,特别报告员 出 , 委 员会似 倾 向 于 一读期间 的做法,将其作为条款草案的一项附件来保留,条件是在清单内加入以下新类 别:作为国际组织组成文书的条约、关于国际刑法的条约,以及包含强制性规则 [...]
As for the location of the list of categories of
treaties, the Special
[...] Rapporteur noted that the preference of the Commission seemed to be in favour [...]
of retaining it as an annex
to the draft articles, as was done on first reading, with the qualification that it be augmented by the following new categories: treaties which are constituent instruments of international organizations, treaties relating to international criminal justice, and treaties including rules of a peremptory (jus cogens) nature.
对犯倾向的人是出生之 内,它的功率不能按人的努力 而 最 终 的结果是完整的和永久的从神的存在分离。
The propensity to sin is within man from birth, its power cannot be broken by human effort, and [...]
the ultimate result is complete
and permanent separation from the presence of God.
几个答 复者还认为,成立教科文组织的总目标
[...] 在当今甚至更有效和更有针对性。当今的环境是以 下列正出现的倾向和 全球性挑战为特点的,如:对和平与国际安全的威胁依然存在、贫困 [...]
Several also considered that the overarching goals for which UNESCO was established remain even more valid
and relevant today, in an environment
[...] characterized by emerging trends and global [...]
challenges, such as the persistence of
threats to peace and international security, the deepening of poverty, together with its corollaries of social exclusion, the spread of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, increased environmental risks, inequalities and aggravated forms of conflict and violence, including terrorism.
鲨鱼软骨被用于制作多种药品,制成粉、膏和胶囊,鲨鱼的其他部分也同 样用于制药,例如巢、脑、皮和胃。
Shark cartilage is utilized in many pharmaceutical
preparations and reduced in powder, creams and capsules, as are other parts
[...] of sharks, e.g. ovaries, brain, skin and [...]
援助疲劳症是在爆发金融危机之后出现的,这导致援 出 现 “周 期 倾 向 ”的 危险,即“好时光”出的雄 心勃勃的援助承诺到了“坏时光”由于捐助国缺乏 财政资而遭到削弱。
Aid fatigue had risen particularly
after the onset of the
[...] financial crisis, which pointed towards the dangers of “procyclicality” of aid, with ambitious aid commitments made in “good times” being undermined by lack of donor financial resources in “bad times”.
Most birds are destined to fly, but for them to fly strong and right, it is extremely important that they not be pushed from the nest prematurely.
101. 特别报告员关切的是,对以社区为基础的传播者定罪并起诉 倾 向 出 现惊 人的增长,以社区为基础的传播者也应当被视为新闻记者和媒体工作人员,因此 应受到与所有新闻记者相同的保障,因为一个人的记者地位由其所从事的工作决 定而不是职务名称或需要登记注册。
The Special Rapporteur is concerned about the alarming and growing tendency to criminalize and institute legal proceedings against community-based communicators, who should also be considered journalists and media personnel, and should thus benefit from the same safeguards as all journalists, since a person’s status as a journalist is determined by the work that he or she performs and is not subject to any job title or form of registration.
[...] Peter在1896年寻找业外经济合伙人;他的公司于1904 年和Kohler联合而雀巢公司于1905年取得了Peter-Kohler [...]
To take just one example, Daniel Peter, the inventor of milk chocolate, turned to external partners for finance
in 1896; his company then linked up with
[...] Kohler in 1904, and Nestlé took a share of [...]
the capital of Peter-Kohler in 1905.
诺华(瑞士)是2009年申请量排名第一的申请人,有136件国际商标申请,接下来是利得(德国)、汉高(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、禧玛诺(日本)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、欧莱雅(法国)、博世和西门子(德国)、Egis制药(匈牙利)、辉瑞(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、拜尔(德国)、葛兰素集团(联合王国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、 巢 ( 瑞士)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、卡拉威高尔夫公司(美国)和西门子(德国)。
With 136 international trademark applications, Novartis (Switzerland) was the largest filer in 2009 followed by Lidl (Germany), Henkel (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), Shimano (Japan), KRKA (Slovenia), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), L’Oréal (France), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Pfizer (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), Bayer
(Germany), Glaxo Group (UK), Boehringer
[...] Ingelheim (Germany), Nestlé (Switzerland), [...]
Sanofi Aventis (France), Callaway Golf Company (USA) and Siemens (Germany).




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