单词 | 倾家荡产 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倾家荡产 —lose a family fortune [idiom.]See also:倾家—lose a fortune • ruin a family 家产—family property
他补充说,世界上最贫穷者“仅仅为了喂饱自己,就 要 倾家荡产。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world’s poorest people, he added, “are [...] depleting their assets, depleting their [...]wealth, just to be able to feed themselves”. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多区域的产妇得不到 [...] 拯救生命的护理照顾。向私营诊所求医问诊致使许多妇女和家 庭 倾家荡产。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recourse to the private sector impoverished [...] many women and their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过这款博朗 Braun BN0106,我想开始一个品质卓越,却又不至于让 您 倾家荡产 的 设 计钟表系列。 iontime.ch | With the Braun BN0106, I start a series about exceptional design watches, which don’t cost you an arm and a leg. iontime.ch |
我也听到众多投入大量资源开发新产品和新技术的中国公司抱怨,那些非法复制其创意和技术的人几乎使他 们 倾家荡产。 embassyusa.cn | And they too complain they were almost wiped out by others illegally copying their ideas and technology. eng.embassyusa.cn |
如果 2015 年大选后产生的 议会仍 无法真正体现缅甸政治和民族的多元化,紧张局势 将进一步升级,进而加剧国家的动荡。 crisisgroup.org | If the post-2015 legislatures fail to represent the true political and ethnic diversity of the country, tensions are likely to increase and fuel instability. crisisgroup.org |
这将会帮助 阿拉伯地区对付人口增长、城市环境变化和青年失业、社会 动 荡 ( 包 括青年极端主义)、以 及家庭关系解体等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This would assist the Arab region in tackling problems of population growth and changing urban [...] environments with its attendant youth [...] unemployment, social unrest (including youth extremism) and the unravelling of family ties. unesdoc.unesco.org |
准则应确定可能受 到运输和倾倒危险产品及 废料不良影响的权利和基本自由以及 国 家 和 其 他行为方 的相应责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | They should identify the rights and fundamental freedoms that may be [...] adversely affected by [...] the movement and dumping of hazardous products and wastes and the corresponding responsibilities of States and [...]other actors. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,任务授 权的设立是对多起向发展中国家非法 倾 倒 工 业化 国 家产 生 的 有害废物的严重事件 的应对措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the establishment of the mandate represented a response to a number of [...] serious incidents involving [...] the illicit dumping in developing countries of hazardous wastes produced in industrialized countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次级方案下的特别方案的目的,是帮助内陆发展中国家减轻其不利 地理条件造成的不良经济后果,包括:(a) 支持作出决策以提高生产能力和健全 地走向经济专门化;(b) 帮助小岛屿发展中国家提高承受外来 震 荡 的 复 原能力, 并使它们大多数能够稳步取得社会经济进展;(c) 在整个贸发会议范围内造成一 种风气去系统地注意《阿克拉协议》第 10 段所述其他结构薄弱的、脆弱的和小 规模的经济体的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The special programme under the subprogramme is aimed at helping landlocked developing countries to mitigate the adverse economic consequences of their geographical disadvantage through: (a) support for policymaking with a view to enhanced productive capacities and sound economic specialization; (b) helping small island developing States to enhance their resilience to external shocks and making steady socio-economic progress possible for most of them; and (c) instilling throughout UNCTAD a practice of devoting systematic attention to the problems of other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, as referred to in paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种法规的目的是防止或最小化含汞产品的散播,防 止生产过程废物倾卸入 环境中,并限制一 般 家 庭 废物流(可造成重大汞排放、提高废物处理成本)中 含汞废物的数量。 zeromercury.org | The aim of such legislation is to prevent or minimise the [...] diffuse spreading of [...] mercury-containing products and prevent dumping of process waste in the environment, as well as limiting the amounts of mercury containing waste in the general household waste stream (where [...]it causes significant [...]mercury emissions and increases waste treatment costs). zeromercury.org |
例如,在非洲已经开始的一些文化政策活动就由于有关 国 家 局 势 动 荡 而 未 能善终。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Thus, for example, a number of activities on cultural policies which had been [...] initiated in Africa could not be successfully completed because of the [...] conflictual situation in the countries concerned. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们希望,会议的筹备进程将朝着正确方向迈出 步骤,注重对最不发达国家的发展产 生 影 响的难以抵 挡的脆弱性和动荡局势——这些国家 都 生 活在极端 贫困、饥饿和不平等之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that steps will be taken in the right direction with the preparatory process of Conference, focusing on the overwhelming [...] vulnerabilities and situations of [...] insecurity affecting the development of least developed countries — those living with extreme poverty, hunger and inequality. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然工业化国家产生的 危险废物继续被运出 境外,在发展中国家非法倾倒,而且尽管缺乏这方面的完整可靠资料,但现在大 部分越境转移看来在同一区域内发生,一般涉及工业化国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although hazardous wastes generated in [...] industrialized countries continue to be moved across borders and illegally dumped in developing countries, and in spite [...]of the lack of complete [...]and reliable information in this respect, it appears that the majority of transboundary movements occur nowadays within the same region, and generally involve industrialized countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多市场中,文化生产的组织都 倾向于 寡头垄断形式;因此,“先发优势”起着很重要的作用,而目前,几乎所有的文化 产业领域跨国集团都集中在发达国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The organisation of cultural production in many markets favours oligopoly; hence, there is enormous ‘first mover advantage’, which lies almost exclusively with the developed world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首次购买的买家一般有薪酬 收入,他们更倾向资产增值 而非现金流。 remminternational.com | A first time buyer would normally have income from his employment and be more [...] interested in equity appreciation and less interested in cash flow. remminternational.com |
有进一步迹象显示,索马里的动荡局 势 产 生 区域影响:7 月 11 日,在国际足 协世界杯决赛期间发生针对乌干达坎帕拉 一 家 埃 塞 俄比亚餐馆和一个体育俱乐 部的自杀袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further indications of the regional impact of the instability in Somalia were the suicide attacks on 11 July, targeting an Ethiopian restaurant and a sports club in Kampala during the FIFA World Cup final. daccess-ods.un.org |
金融全球化削弱 了一国短期内在有大量资本撤出时控制快速私人资本逆向流动的能力,也削弱 了应对由此产生的金融动荡和经 济萎缩以及实施反周期金融和宏观经济政策的 能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Financial globalization lessened the ability to control rapid private capital flow reversals, when substantial amounts of capital can be withdrawn from a country in short periods, or to counter the resulting financial turmoil and economic contraction and implement countercyclical financial and macroeconomic policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
马尔代夫面临的迫在眉睫威胁,不仅来自伊斯兰激进主义或国内自生的恐 [...] 怖,而且来自根源于邻近地区和整个世界的恐怖主义状况的各种其他威胁,以及 有可能导致国家动荡的各种其他问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not only the threat from Islamic radicalization or home-grown terror that is imminent in the Maldives, but also various other threats that have their roots in the terror situation in the [...] neighbouring region as well as the whole world and also various other concerns that [...] might lead to unrest in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
姜军一行看望了奥坦斯、众望控股、柯力达、中亚布艺、华辰植绒、艾可、雅士居、腾狮、布言布语等参展企业,详细了解企业生产经营、科技创新、产品研发、营销模式等情况。姜军指出,2008年全球经济金融危机发生以来,我 区 家 纺 产 业 在 波动、 震 荡 中 奋 力前行,不断开拓国内外市场,企业生产经营一年比一年更有特色,发展思路一年比一年更加清晰,市场前景一年比一年更为广阔。 fhzj.com | JiangJun line visited Mr Jotham, capable of holding, KeLiDa, central Asia, cloth art, huachen flocking, 'in the dining room, the lion and cloth, said the enterprise, such as cloth language detailed understanding of the production and operation of enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, product development, marketing model, etc. JiangJun that [...] in 2008, the global economic [...] and financial crisis, home textile industry since our in fluctuation, [...]shock to go in, and constantly [...]open up the domestic and international markets, the production and operation of enterprises every year with more characteristics, the development ideas in a more clear than a year, the market outlook a year the wider. fhzj.com |
所有国家,包括发达国家和发展中国 家 , 在 金融 震 荡 中 都 可能在政治 和社会经济方面付出惨重的代价。 daccess-ods.un.org | All countries, developed and developing alike, can pay serious political, [...] economic and social costs from financial shocks. daccess-ods.un.org |
若干代表指出 在当前的情况下 效绩指标不对执行机构产生任何实际的 影响 可以通过所提议的秘密评分制度来纠正这一反常现象 因为如果把该报告广 泛分发给各个国家的臭氧机构 这些国家可能倾向于 选择那些评分较高的执行机构 multilateralfund.org | Several representatives pointed out that in the current situation the performance indicators did not have any [...] actual consequences for [...] the implementing agencies. That anomaly could be rectified by the confidential rating scheme proposed, since if the report was widely distributed to National Ozone Units, countries might tend towards choosing those implementing [...]agencies [...]which had earned the higher ratings. multilateralfund.org |
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 [...] 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 [...] 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家; 一 个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 [...] 它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality [...] before the law, far from any political [...] or ideological tendencies, a State where political [...]and economic opportunities are available [...]to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
15 分配给各国和各部门的援助仍不平 衡,出现这样一种倾向,即少数国家 以 及 社会基础设施和社会服务(如卫生和教 育等)获得援助的比例在增加,而生产 部 门 、特别是粮食农业和基础设施所获得 的援助在减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, ODA allocation has [...] been highly skewed.15 The distribution of aid across countries and sectors remains uneven, with the tendency being to allocate a rising share of aid in a few countries and in the social [...]infrastructure and social services (such as health and education), while reducing aid to production sectors, especially food agriculture and infrastructure. daccess-ods.un.org |
提出的所有关切问题看来 都需要持续和系统的努力,说明就不同问题制定具体的行动计划是有必要的。这 些具体问题包括平等和歧视、罗姆人的生活水准 、 家 庭 暴 力、移民人口的融入和 社会融合,以及社会倾销等。 daccess-ods.un.org | All concerns raised were seen as requiring continuous and systematic efforts, which justified the setting-up of concrete plans of action on various issues, such as equality and discrimination, living [...] standards for Roma people, [...] domestic violence, integration and social inclusion of immigrant population and social dumping. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然大家倾向的 具体做法不仅限于特定权利清单, 但也有意见认为,委员会应当只研究与驱逐具体相关的权利,包括目的地国对尊 [...] 重这些权利的保证作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | While a preference was expressed for a comprehensive [...] approach that would not be limited to a list of specific rights, according [...]to another view the Commission’s analysis should be limited to those rights that were specifically relevant in the event of expulsion, including the role of assurances given by the State of destination concerning respect for those rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
三个月前,我在科伦坡举行 的亚非法律协商组织五十周年会议开幕式上发言时 曾指出,发达国家制造的商业和工业 产 品 的 倾 销 危 及 在这里与会的许多亚洲和非洲国家的经济。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I observed when inaugurating the fiftieth anniversary meeting of the Asian-African Legal Consultative [...] Organization in Colombo three [...] months ago, the dumping of commercial and industrial goods manufactured in developed countries imperils the economies [...]of many Asian [...]and African countries represented here. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 通过努力获取所有利益攸关方,包括雇主协会和工作,最大程度的合 作与参与,确保产业和平与和谐,实现生产率最大化,并将 因 产 业动 荡造成的工作流失降至最低。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Ensuring industrial peace and harmony, maximizing productivity and minimizing job losses through industrial unrest by securing maximum cooperation from, and participation by, all the stakeholders including the association of employers and trade unions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我已经看到联合国在世界各地所取得的成就,我 有幸见到许多无私奉献的男女工作人员在远离他们 的家园的动荡领土上辛勤劳作,这些领土包括:利比 里亚——在那里联合国部队提供了该战乱国家所需 要的空间和安全,以便开始其重建工作;巴基斯坦— —在那里联合国援助人员正在协助其家园和生计被 洪水冲走的人民;当然还有海地——在那里巴西领导 的联合国维和人员在地震发生后立即走上街头,尽管 他们自己也蒙受了严重损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have seen the good that the United Nations has accomplished all over the world, and I have been privileged to meet many of the dedicated men and women who work under the blue flag in troubled lands very far from their homes: places like Liberia, where United Nations forces have provided the space and security that that war-torn country needed to begin putting itself back together; Pakistan, where United Nations aid workers are assisting people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by the floods; and, of course, Haiti, where United Nations peacekeepers, led by Brazil, were immediately back on the streets after the earthquake, despite having suffered grievous losses themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
最 后,这是一项困难的工作,因为我们必须更好地评估 [...] 与新的威胁相关的风险,如毒品和人口贩运、有组织 犯罪和甚至腐败等问题,这些都极可能使脆弱的 国家 动荡不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, it is difficult because we must better assess the risks associated with new threats, such as drug [...] and human trafficking, organized crime and even corruption, which have great potential [...] to destabilize fragile countries. daccess-ods.un.org |