

单词 值日官

See also:


on day duty


official n

surname Guan
organ of body

External sources (not reviewed)

行動支援小 組指揮官須覆檢其所屬小組值日官 記 入警方通用資訊系統的所有個 案,以確保遵守有關的警隊命令及程序行事。
[...] Support Sub-unit Commanders are required to review all cases entered into the Police's [...]
Communal Information System
(CIS) by the DOs of their respective units to ensure that relevant orders and procedures are adhered to.
我 們 預值 日 官 不 應 單 是 向 被 捕 人 讀 出 正 式 警 [...]
誡 書 , 而 是 應 向 被 捕 人 解 釋 其 內 容 , 令 被 捕 人 可 以 知 道 自 己 的 處 境 。
It is envisaged that the Duty Officer would not simply [...]
read the formal warning to the arrested person but explain it so
that the arrested person understands his position.
委員關注到值日官沉重 的工作量,加上規 定須因應《警務處程序手冊》所述多項因素決定搜查範圍,以及個案 負責人員的職級可能值日官為高的事實,應由職級較高的人員(例如 警署內最高級的人員),負責授權進行任何涉及脫去所有衣物的搜身。
Members are concerned that in view of the heavy workload of a DO and the requirement for the scope of search to be determined having regard to a number of factors referred to in FPM as well as the fact that the officer-in-charge of a case may be of a higher rank than a DO, a higher-ranking officer, such as the most senior ranking officer in a police station, should be responsible for authorizing any search involving complete removal of clothing.
法 庭 保 釋 金 應 收 集 在 一 起,存 放值 日 官 保 險 箱 內 的 錢 箱,但 頇 與 警 察 保 釋 金 分 開 擺 放 。
Court bail money shall be pooled together and kept, separate from the Police bail pool, in a cash box in the safe of the DO.
有 人 仍 然 可 以 批 評值 日 官 是 警 隊 的 一 員 , 但 我 們 再 也 想 不 出 還 有 甚 麼 更 加 實 在 的 建 議 , 可 讓 獨 立 於 調 查 之 外 的 人 來 向 被 捕 人 提 供 所 需 的 資 料 。
The criticism can still be made that he is part of the police team but we are unable to make any more practical recommendation as to how an arrested person is to be given the requisite information by a person independent of the investigation.
(a) 每 更值 日 官 頇 查 閱 登 記 冊 一 次,以 確 保 所 有 保 釋 者 均 於 指 定 時 間 報 到
(a) DO shall check this register once per shift to ensure that all bailees have reported at the appointed times.
[...] 查時身處有關的警署,而被羈留者提出有關要求 值日官 可 容 許該名 代表律師在進行搜查時在場,但他不能對扣押程序構成任何不適當的 [...]
The Administration has responded that if a legal representative is at the police station when a
detainee is to be searched, and if the
[...] detainee so requests, the DO may allow the [...]
legal representative to be present during
the search as long as there is no undue hindrance to the detention process.
(g) 值 日 官 接 更 後 應 盡 速 在 登 記 冊 [...]
內 記 錄 由 上 更 結 轉 下 來 的 警 察 保 釋 金 額,以 及 任 何 存 放 在 分 區 指 揮 官 及 分 區 助 理 指 揮 官 處 警 察 保 釋 金 的 總 數 。
(g) As soon as a DO
[...] has taken over from the DO in an [...]
earlier shift, he shall enter in the register the amount of Police
bail brought down and the running total of Police bail, if any, held by the DVC and the ADVC.
值日官的決 定及要 求作出的動作均須記入警方通用資訊系統。
The DO's decision and the acts required will be recorded in CIS.
其中包括,警隊會修訂“發給接受警方調查的人士或被警方羈留的人士 通知”,訂明如果被扣留人士於搜查前或搜查期間就被搜查的原因及/或範 圍提出任何關注,進行搜查的人員會 值日官 得 知
Among these measures, the police will revise the "Notice to Persons under Investigation by, or Detained in the Custody of, the Police", to stipulate that if a detained person raises any concern about the reason for and/or the scope of the search
prior to or during the
[...] search, the officer conducting the search will bring such concerns to the attention of the Duty Officer.
不 過 , 被 控 人 在 此 情 況 下 , 也 會 有 機 會 向
[...] 法 庭 解 釋 自 己 拒 絕值 日 官 作 出 投 訴 的 原 因 。
The accused would in these circumstances
however have the opportunity to explain to the court his reasons for declining
[...] to make a complaint to the Duty Officer.
湯家驊議員: 主席,根據《警察通例》,將被扣留人士安置在臨時羈留 處或羈留倉前,警值日官或其 指派的人員須先為被扣留人士搜身,在搜身 時或須該等人士除下最貼身的衣物(下稱“脫衣搜身”)。
MR RONNY TONG (in Cantonese): President, according to the Police
General Orders (PGOs),
[...] the Duty Officer of a police station, or an officer detailed by him, will search a detained person prior to the person being secured in a Temporary Holding Area or cell [...]
block, and the search
may involve the removal of the person's clothing worn next to the skin (strip searches).
保 釋 可 採 現 金 或 人 事 擔 保 方 式,由 犯 人 自 己 或 其 他 人 士 代 為 處 理 , 案 件 主 管值 日 官 於 接 受 某 人 為 擔 保 人 之 前 , 應 確 知 其 信 譽 可 靠 , 及 在 犯 人 未 能 如 期 報 到 的 時 候 , 有 足 夠 財 力 繳 付 有 關 的 保 釋 金 。
Before accepting a surety the OC Case or DO shall satisfy himself that a person offering to stand as surety is of reliable reputation and sufficient substance to enable him to pay the sum involved in the event of the non-appearance of the defendant.
(c) 更充分反映被羈留者在獲值日官告 知 進行搜查的範圍時, 可就此提出反對的權利
(c) to better reflect a detainee's right in raising objection to the scope of search when being so informed by DOs
委員並建議政府當局安值日官與立 法會議員舉行座談或交 流會,以提值日官對有關人權的關注事項的認識。
Members also suggest that forums or exchange sessions between DOs and Legislative Council Members should be arranged to enhance DOs' awareness of human rights concerns.
(二 ) 警方一貫的政策是,當前線人員(通常是警署報案室 值日 官 )接獲 有關詐騙案件的舉報時,會根據案情分類。
(b) The usual practice of the police is that upon receipt of a fraud report, a front-line officer (generally a Duty Officer of the report room of a police station) will classify the case on the basis of its circumstances.
值日官為履 行警方照顧被羈留者,以及確保可能會接觸被羈留者 的其他人士的安全的職責,而作出的有關搜查被羈留者的決定,均屬 獨立無私,且不應受到任何其他警務人員的影響。
The decision of a DO in respect of the search of a detainee for the fulfilment of the Police's duty of care to detainees and to ensure the safety of others who may come into contact with them is independent and should not be influenced by any other police officers.
警 察 保 釋 金 應 收 集 在 一 起 , 存 放值 日 官 保 險 箱 內 的 錢 箱 。
Police bail money shall be pooled together and kept in a cash box in the safe of the DO.
值 日 官 頇 在 表 格 的 正 本 上 簽 字 , 證 明 保 釋 金 已 發 還 妥 當 , 然 後 將 副 本 夾 附 正 本 之 後 。
The DO shall certify on the original that the bail has been correctly refunded and shall attach the duplicate to the original.
被 替 代值 日 官 頇 在 點 核 手 續 進 行 時 在 場,並 在 登 記 冊 副 本 的 第 三 欄 暫值 日 官 的 簽 名 之 上 , 簽 字 證 明 。
The Duty Officer being relieved shall witness these checks and shall also sign the certificate in column (3) of the duplicate of the register immediately above the signature of the relieving Duty Officer.
其實,當警務人員接受入職培訓, 甚至資深的警務人員接受在職培訓時,也會接受關於搜身的訓練,特別是那 些所謂值日官。
Actually, training on conducting searches will be included when police officers receive
induction training or when
[...] experienced police officers, especially the so-called Duty Officers, receive in-service [...]
[...] 部指引,列明負責對被扣留人士進行搜查的人員須在進行搜查前向有關人士 解釋,如果他對進行搜查有任何關注,可 值日官 提 出
In addition, the Force will promulgate internal guidelines stipulating that the police officer conducting the search is required to explain to the person concerned,
before the search is to be conducted, that he could
[...] raise with the Duty Officer his concerns, if [...]
any, regarding the search.
我想問局長,警務人員在進行解釋時,有沒有清楚表明,被扣留人士如 果對搜查有任何關注,其實也有權向警 值日官 或 主 管人員表達?
May I ask the Secretary whether the police officer, when explaining to the detainee, will make it clear that if the detainee has any concerns about the search, he has the right to make them known to the Duty Officer of the Police Station or the Supervisor of the Police Station?
有關當警務人員在進行搜查前向被扣留人士解釋進行搜查目的時,會否清楚 向其表明,如果他對搜查有任何關注,可向警 值日官 或 主管人員表達,警 隊現行的內部指引並無包括上述安排。
As regards whether a police officer would clearly inform a detainee, when he explains the reason for the search to the detainee before conducting the search, that if the detainee
has any concerns about the search
[...] he could raise them with the Duty Officer of the police [...]
station, the internal guidelines
of the Force currently do not provide for the above arrangement.
值日官或主 管人員在考慮該人的關注後維持 原來決定進行搜查,而被扣留人士繼續拒絕合作,則警務人員會 [...]
If the Duty Officer or the Supervisor [...]
upholds the decision to conduct the search after considering the concerns expressed
by individual, and yet the detainee continues to refuse to co-operate, the police officer will warn him of the offences he may commit as a consequence of obstructing a police officer in execution of duty.
在程序上,警署值日官須先 行安排對被捕人士進行搜查, 確保該人士不會藏有物件,以助其在羈留期間逃走或協助他人逃 走、傷害自己或其他人、毀壞或棄置證據,或再度犯事等。
Procedurally, a Duty Officer of a police station is required to [...]
first arrange to conduct a search on an arrested person
to ensure that the person does not possess any item that would assist him to escape or assist others to do so; injure himself or others; destroy or dispose of evidence, or commit further crime, and so on.
倘 保 釋 金 被 充 公 或 無 人 認 領值 日 官 頇 將 正 副 本 貼 回 保 釋 簿 的 第 二 副 本 之 上 , 並 將 法 庭 簽 收 保 釋 金 的 印 據 貼 附 Po1 4 0 的 正 本 之 後 。
He shall then paste both the original and duplicate copies back into the bail book on top of the triplicate copies and also paste the bail receipt issued by court to the original Pol 40 in case of estreated or unclaimed bail.
其實,警署值日官一般 也是屬於警署的警長職級,他們有十分專業的判斷 能力,並且已累積多年的警務經驗,由他們視乎當時的情況決定搜身的範 圍,是一種合適的做法。
Actually, the Duty Office of a police station is in general an officer of the rank of Sergeant.
案 件 主 管 不 論 是 否 如 上 文 第 2 段 所 述 需 提 供 有 關 的 詳 細 資 料 , 或 是 如 第 3 段 所 述 從 法 庭 主 管 的 資 料 中 獲 悉 詳 情 , 仍 頇 盡 速值 日 官 提 供 下 述 資 料 , 包 括 : 保 釋 者 的 相 片 、 所 需 要 通 知 的 人 員 之 詳 細 資 料 , 以 及 保 釋 者 一 旦 未 有 如 期 報 到 時 應 採 取 的 特 別 行 動 。
Whether he is responsible for supplying the details referred to at paragraph 2, or whether he is so informed by the OC Court's copy referred to at paragraph 3, the OC Case shall, as soon as possible, provide the DO with a photograph of the bailee, if available, and details of the officers to be informed, and any special action to be taken, should the bailee fail to report.




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