单词 | 值日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 值日—on day dutyExamples:值日官n—duty officern 值日生—student on duty prefect
经社会认识到在本区域开展信通能力建设工作的价值日益增大,并注 意到对持续扩展上述基础知识培训教程的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission recognized [...] the increasing valueofICT capacity-building [...]in the region and took note of the demand for continued [...]expansion of the Academy programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据上文载列之分析结果,於估值日,100%股权之价值可合理及概约呈列为人民币二 亿三千一百五十六万元(人民币231,560,000元)。 cre8ir.com | Based on the results from analysis set out above, as at [...] the ValuationDate,thevalue of the 100% equity [...]interest can be reasonably and approximately [...]stated as Renminbi Two Hundred Thirty One Million Five Hundred Sixty Thousand only (RMB231,560,000). cre8ir.com |
在不限制 [...] 本段前本部的一般性的原则下,对自估值日期起计三个月届满过後依赖本估值者,本行概不负责或承担任 [...]何法律责任。 wingtaiproperties.com | Without limiting the generality of preceding half of this paragraph, we do not [...] assume any responsibility or accept [...] liability where this valuation isrelied upon [...]after the expiration of three months from the date of valuation. wingtaiproperties.com |
就 R 类 牛熊证而言,剩余价值的估值将根据上市文件所载的条款及细则於估值日厘定。 citifirst.com | For Category R CBBCs, valuation of the residual value will be [...] determined on the valuation day accordingto the [...]terms and conditions as set out in the listing documents. citifirst.com |
该 等 变 动 包 括 但 不 限 於(i)引 入 按 公 平 价 值 计 量 非 控 股 权 益(现 时 的 少 数 股 东 权 [...] 益 )的 选 择;(ii)确 认 重 新 计 量 紧 接 业 务 合 并(以 分 步 [...] 收购方式 )前实体持有的被收购方权益公平价值所产生的收益或亏损;(iii)收购所产生的成本拨作支出; (iv)於 收 购 日 期 确 认 或 然 代 价 的 公 平价值,日後变动 一 般 在 收 益 表 中 反 映;及(v)收 购 双 方 於 收 购 前 已 存 在 的 关 系 的 独 立 会 计 处 理。 zte.com.cn | Thechangesinclude,butnotlimitedto,(i)introductionoftheoption thatnon-controllinginterests(i.e.existingminorityinterests)tobemeasuredatfairvalue,(ii)recognition ofprofitorlossarisinginreassessmentofthefairvalueofacquiree’sinterestsheldimmediatelybefore business combination achieved in stages, (iii) recognition of the cost of acquisition as an expense, (iv) [...] recognition of the [...] changes infair value of contingent liabilities in profit or loss in the future after initial recognition at fair value onthedate ofacquisition, [...]and (v) separate [...]accounting treatment between acquirer and acquiree before acquisition. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
人民在治理、安全和社会 经济发展方面的期望值日益提高,必须满足他们的 这些期待。 daccess-ods.un.org | The population had growing expectations in terms of [...] governance, security and social and economic development, which would have to be met. daccess-ods.un.org |
其分类算法可以自动检测用户是以数值,日期,时间还是文本数据进行分类的,然后将之应用合适得比较。 evget.com | The sorting algorithm automatically detects if you are sorting [...] numbers,date and timevalues or text data and [...]applies a proper comparison. evget.com |
吾等遵照宏峰太平洋集团有限公司(「贵公司」)的指示,对由 [...] 贵公司的附属公司富宏 [...] 国际投资有限公司拥有的位於香港的物业权益(「该物业」)进行估值,吾等确认已对该物业 进行视察及作出有关查询,并已取得吾等认为必要的其他资料,以便就该物业於2012年11 月30日(「估值日期」)的市值向 阁下提供意见。 cre8ir.com | In accordance with the instructions from Powerwell Pacific Holdings Limited (the ‘‘Company’’) to value the property interests (the ‘‘Property’’) owned by Richmind International Investment Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, situated in Hong Kong, we confirm that we have carried out inspections of the Property, made relevant enquiries and obtained such further information as we consider necessary for the purpose of [...] providing you with our [...] opinion of the market values of theProperty as at 30 November2012 (the ‘‘date of valuation’’). cre8ir.com |
有 人 仍 然 可 以 批 评说值 日官是警 队 的 一 员 , 但 我 们 再 也 想 不 出 还 有 甚 麽 更 加 实 在 的 建 议 , 可 让 独 立 於 调 查 之 外 的 人 来 向 被 捕 人 提 供 所 需 的 资 料 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The criticism can still be made that he is part of the police team but we are unable to make any more practical recommendation as to how an arrested person is to be given the requisite information by a person independent of the investigation. hkreform.gov.hk |
应计负债是从聘用联合国工作人员之日起到精算估值日产生的各项福利 的现值(不包括退休人员的缴款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accrued liabilities [...] represent the present valueof benefits (excluding [...]retiree contributions) earned between the recruitment date of United Nations staff and the date of the actuarial evaluation. daccess-ods.un.org |
按公允值列账、以外币计量的非 货币项目,采用厘定公允值日期的汇率换算。 wqfz.com | Nonmonetary items [...] measured atfair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair valuewas determined. wqfz.com |
德盛菲律宾基金的交易截止时间,将为相关估值日前一个估值日的香港时间下午 5 时。 hk.dbs.com | For Allianz RCM Philippines the trading deadline will be 5 p.m. Hong Kong [...] time on any valuation day preceding a valuation day. hk.dbs.com |
假定投资回报反映於估值日所持并分配至承保业务的资产之预期未來回报。 prudential.co.uk | Assumed investment returns reflect the expected future returns on the assets held and allocated to the covered business at the valuation date. prudential.co.uk |
(g)值 日官接更 後 应 尽 速 在 登 [...] 记 册 内 记 录 由 上 更 结 转 下 来 的 警 察 保 释 金 额,以 及 任 何 存 放 在 分 区 指 挥 官 及 分 区 助 理 指 挥 官 处 警 察 保 释 金 的 总 数 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (g) As soon as a DO has [...] taken over from theDO in [...]an earlier shift, he shall enter in the register the amount of Police [...]bail brought down and the running total of Police bail, if any, held by the DVC and the ADVC. hkreform.gov.hk |
该等估值乃按照香港测量师学会之物业估值准则进行。物业估值准则所定义之市值乃指「经适当推销 後,买家与卖家自愿於估值日就物业进行公平交易之估计交易金额,而双方均在知情、审慎及无强迫之 [...] 情况下自愿进行交易」。 wingtaiproperties.com | These valuations were carried out in accordance with the Valuation Standards on Properties of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors which defines market value as “the [...] estimated amount for which a property should [...] exchange on the date of valuation between [...]a willing buyer and seller in an arm’s [...]length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties each acted knowledgably, prudently and without compulsion”. wingtaiproperties.com |
所 有於非香港营业日或於营业日下午五时後被收到的申请表将被视作下一个估值日才被收到。 htisec.com | Applications received on a day which is not a [...] Hong Kong Business Day or after [...] 5:00p.m. on anyday will be treated as having been received on the next Valuation Date. htisec.com |
函数 COUNT 在计数时,将把数字、空值、逻辑值、日期或以文字代表的数计算进去;但是错误值或其他无法转化成数字的文字则被忽略。 oapdf.com | COUNT function, when the count would be the [...] number ofnull values, logicalvalues, dates or afew words [...]on behalf of the calculation into [...]account; but the wrong value or the other can not be converted into digital text were ignored. oapdf.com |
除此之外,获信托人允许下基 金经理可随时更改该等估值日内之估值时间。 htisec.com | In addition the Manager may at any time with the consent of the Trustee change the [...] Valuation Point on such Valuation Dates. htisec.com |
(a) 仅於原定估值日并无收市价 – 在此情况下,原定估值日後的交易日的收市价将用作为到 期时结算价。 markets.rbs.com.hk | (a) Absence of closing price on the [...] original valuation date only - in that case, the closing price on the trading day following the original valuation date will [...]be used as the settlement price at expiry. markets.rbs.com.hk |
风险边际准备金 25 个基点即截至估值日期应用於有效业务价值的现金流量预测的拨备。 prudential.co.uk | The RMR of 25 bps represents the allowance, as at [...] the valuation applied in the cash flow projectionsof thevalue of the in-force [...]business. prudential.co.uk |
本公司须於每月的估值日计算本公司每股的资产净值及根据有关地区的交易所 规例( 如适用) 要求,於适当的相隔期间及按适当的方法公布该结果。 earnest-inv.com | The Company shall calculate [...] the Net Asset Value per share of the Company as at theValuation Dateofeachcalendar [...]month and, if so required [...]by the rules, where applicable, of the stock exchange in the Relevant Territory, publish the same in appropriate intervals and manner. earnest-inv.com |
时值日本侵华,牧良逢唯有放下儿女私情,踏上了抵御日寇的征途;并在长官猛子(梁家辉饰)的严厉训练下,成为令日军闻风而惧的头号狙击手。 dddhouse.com | After defending Liu Yan from some brutish soliders in the Nationalist Army, Liangfeng is arrested by Commander Wu (Ye Xinyu) and transported to their camp. dddhouse.com |
(b) 於原定估值日及紧随原定估值日後三个交易日各日均无收市价 – 在此情况下,原定估值 日後第四个交易日日的收市价将用作为到期时结算价。 markets.rbs.com.hk | (b) Absence of closing price on the [...] original valuation dateand each of the three tradingdays immediately following the original valuation date - in that case, the closing price on the 4th tradingday following the original valuation date will be used [...]as the settlement price at expiry. markets.rbs.com.hk |
倘应收款项之可收回金额增加与确认减值後发生之事件有客观关连,减值亏损於往後期间拨回,并在收益表确 认,惟应收款项於拨回减值日期之账面值不得超逾假设并无确认减值下应存在之摊销成本。 equitynet.com.hk | Impairment losses are reversed in subsequent periods and recognised in the income statement when an increase in the receivables’ recoverable amount can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, subject to the [...] restriction that the carrying amount of the [...] receivables at the date theimpairment [...]is reversed shall not exceed what the amortised [...]cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised. equitynet.com.hk |
两舰到达新加坡时,正值日本发动太平洋战争,由日本马来的小泽舰队负责掩护日本登陆舰队在马来半岛登陆。 trumpeter-china.com | The two ships arrived at [...] Singapore just before Japan began the Pacific War. trumpeter-china.com |
据二零零四年二月进行 的另一次仲裁聆讯,仲裁人裁定用以厘定办公大楼补 地价数额的估值日期,应为每幢大楼获发入伙纸之 日,而利息应由估值日期起按香港银行同业拆入息率 的三分之二计算。 swirepacific.com | Following a fresh hearing held in February 2004, the arbitrator determined that the valuation dates for the purpose of quantifying the amount of land premium on the office towers should be the dateson which occupation permits were issued for each of the buildings, and that interest should be calculated at two-thirds of HIBID from those valuation dates. swirepacific.com |
吾 等 遵 照 指 示 , 对 中 国基建 港 口 有 限 公 司(「 贵 公 司 」)及 其 附 属 公 司( 统 称「 贵 集 团 」)所 持 有 位 於 香 港 及 中 华 人 民 共 和 国(「 中 国 」)之 物 业(「 物 业 」)之 市 值 进 行 估 [...] 值 。 吾 等 证 实 曾 进 行 视 察 、 作 出 [...] 有 关 查 询 及 收 集 吾 等 认 为 必 要 之 其 他 资 料 , 以 便 向 阁 下 呈 述 吾 等 对 物 业 於 二 零 一一年 九 月 三十日(「 估值 日期」)现 况 下之市 值 之 意 见 。 cigyangtzeports.com | In accordance with the instruction for us to carry out the valuations of the market values of the properties (the ‘‘Properties’’)heldbyCIGYangtzePortsPLC(the‘‘ Company’’) and its subsidiaries (together ‘‘ the Group’’) in Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China (the ‘‘PRC’’ ), we confirm that we have carried out inspection, made relevant enquiries and obtained such further information as we considered necessary for the purpose of [...] providing you with our [...] opinion of the market values in existing state of the Properties as at 30 September 2011 (the ‘‘date of valuation’’). cigyangtzeports.com |
转让价额(975 日元)为,对于离本案第三方配售的取缔役会决议日最近的交易日 2010 年 4 月21日的终值(1,047)日元折价 6.9%,从最近的交易日起追溯至前1个月期间内的终值单纯平均值(1,036日元)折价 5.9%,从最近的交易日起追溯至前3个月期间内的终值单纯平均值(920日元)溢价 6.0%,从最近的交易日 起追溯至前6个月期间内的终值单纯平均值(860日元)溢价 13.4%后的金额。 tachi-s.co.jp | The said price of 975 yen per share represents a 6.9% discount against 1,047 yen, the closing price of the Company’s share on April 21, 2010 which is the most recent trade date of the board resolution date; a [...] 5.9% discount against the simple [...] average closing price of 1,036 yen pershare for the one-month period prior to the most recent trade date; a 6.0% premium against the simple average closing price of 920 yen pershare for the three-month period prior to the most recent tradedate;and a 13.4% premium against the simple average closing price of 860 yen per share for the six-month period prior to the most recent trade date. tachi-s.co.jp |