

单词 债权证

See also:

债权 n

creditor n


creditor's rights (law)

权证 n

warrant n

External sources (not reviewed)

债权证、债券及其他证券可以藉可转让方式作出,而本公司与获发行 人士之间无须有任何股份权益。
Debentures, bonds and other securities may be made [...]
assignable free from any equities between the Company and the person
to whom the same may be issued.
每位董事可获偿还或预付所有旅费、酒店费及其他杂费,包括出席董 事会会议、董事委员会会议或股东大会或本公司任何类别股份 债权证 的 独立会议 或 因执行董事职务所合理支出或预期支出的费用。
Each Director shall be entitled to be repaid or prepaid all travelling, hotel and incidental expenses reasonably incurred or expected to be incurred by him in attending meetings of the Board or committees of the Board or general meetings or separate meetings of any class of shares or of debentures of the Company or otherwise in connection with the discharge of his duties as a Director.
(2) 董事会须依照法例条文促使保存一份适当的登记册,登记影响本公司特定 财产的所有押记及本公司所发行的任何系 债权证, 并须妥为符合法例有关当中所订 明有关押记债权证的登记要求及其他方面的规定。
(2) The Board shall cause a proper register to be kept, in accordance with the provisions of the Law, of all charges specifically
affecting the property of
[...] the Company and of any series of debentures issued by the Company and shall duly comply with the requirements [...]
of the Law in regard
to the registration of charges and debentures therein specified and otherwise.
债权证、债券或 其他证券均可按折让(股份除外)、溢价或其他 价格发行,并可附带任何有关赎回、退回、支取款项、股份配发、出席本公司股东 [...]
Any debentures, bonds or other securities may be issued [...]
at a discount (other than shares), premium or otherwise and with
any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.
受细则第153条所限,董事会报告之印刷本连同截至有关财政年度止 载有归入明确标题下本公司资产及负债之概要及收支报表之资产负债表及损益账
[...] [...] (包括法律所规定须随附之每份文件)及核数师报告以及股东周年大会通告,须根 据章程细则第56条之规定于股东大会举行日期最少二十一(21)日前,寄交有权收取 上述文件之每位人士及于本公司之股东周年大会上提呈,惟此章程细则并无规定将 该等文件寄交本公司不知悉其地址之人士或任何股份 债权证 一 位以上之联名持有 人。
Subject to Article 153, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall be sent to each person entitled thereto at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the general meeting and at the same time as the notice of annual general meeting and laid before the Company at the annual general meeting held in accordance with Article 56 provided that this Article shall not require a copy of
those documents to be
[...] sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
董事会可行使本公司一切权力筹集或借贷款项及将本公司的全部或任 何部份业务、现时及日后之物业及资产及未催缴股本按揭或抵押,并在法例规限 下,发债权证、债券及 其他证券,作为本公司或任何第三方之债项、负债或责任 之十足或附属抵押。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money and to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Law, to
issue debentures, bonds
[...] and other securities, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability [...]
or obligation of the
Company or of any third party.
(iv) 董事或其联系人士仅因其于本公司股份 债权 证或其他证券所拥有的权 益,按与本公司的股份债权证或其 他证券的持有人相同的方式拥有权益 的任何合约或安排
(iv) any contract or arrangement in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested in the same manner as other holders of shares or debentures or other securities of the Company by virtue only of his/their interest in shares or debentures or other securities of the Company
在细则其他规定的规限下,在一般情况或任何特定情况下,凡加盖印章 的文书须经一位董事及秘书或两位董事或董事会委任的其他一位或以上人士(包括 董事)亲笔签署,惟就本公司股份 债权证 或 其 他证券的任何证书而言,董事会可 藉决议案决定该等签署或其中之一获免除或以某些机械签署方法或系统加上。
Subject as otherwise provided in these Articles, any instrument to which a Seal is affixed shall be signed autographically by one Director and the Secretary or by two Directors or by such other person (including a Director) or persons as the Board may appoint, either generally or in any particular case, save that as regards any certificates for shares or debentures or other securities of the Company the Board may by resolution determine that such signatures or either of them shall be dispensed with or affixed by some method or system of mechanical signature.
作为世界上最大的信贷投资公司之一,我们的业务范围非常广泛,包括为没有其他资金来源的公司提供私募股权投资、投资不受市场重视或被误解的公 债权证 券 等
As one of the world’s largest credit investors, our activities range from providing private capital to companies when
other funding sources are unavailable to
[...] investing in public debt securities which are [...]
undervalued or misunderstood by the market.
董事会可以行使本公司的所有权力,为本公司的目的以他们认为合适的条款作无 限额借款,并且抵押或押记本公司的业务、财产(包括现有或将来的财产)和未 催缴股本或其任何部分,并且发行债券、公司债券 债权 股 证 及 ( 须该条例第 57B 条的规定)可转换债券和可转债权 股 证 及 不论是直接的或作为本公司或任 何第三者的任何负债、债务或债项的抵押品的其他证券。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money for the purposes of the Company, without limit and upon such terms as they may think fit, and to mortgage or charge its undertaking,
property (both present
[...] and future) and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and to issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock, and, subject to section 57B of the Ordinance, convertible debentures and convertible debenture stock and other securities whether outright [...]
or as security
for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
在华沙证交所可以交易以下金融工具:股 票债券、认购权证、期 货、期权、指数参 与单位、股票分配证书、投资证书及其他金 [...]
The following instruments are all traded on the WSE:
[...] shares, bonds, subscription rights, futures, options, index [...]
participation units, allotment
certificates, investment certificates, and derivative instruments.
股票市场的交易客体是有价证 券(股票债券、权利、认股权证、 投 资证书 和其他衍生工具),期货合同,选择权和指数 单位。
The subjects of the trade on the stock market are securities (stocks, bonds, rights, rights to shares, investment certificates and derivatives), forward contracts, options and index units.
需要加紧努力,通过国际债务解决机制, 证所 有债权人的 同等待遇、债权人和债务人的公平待遇以及法律的可预测性。
More efforts are needed through international debt resolution mechanisms to guarantee equivalent treatment of all creditors, just treatment of creditors and debtors, and legal predictability.
有意见认为,规定未来的空间资产议定书适用于债务人的权利和相关权利 将是不妥当的,只要这样规定就足够了,即:规定不履约的债务人有义务尽可 能充分合作,将许证转让给债权人 ,若不允许转让,则终止自己的许 证并 为债权人办理新的许可证。
The view was expressed that it would be inappropriate to provide for the application of the future space assets protocol to debtor’s rights and related rights and that it would be sufficient to
impose a duty on a defaulting debtor to cooperate, to the fullest extent possible, in either the transfer of a
[...] licence to a creditor or, if not permitted, the termination of its licence and procurement of a new licence for a creditor.
各位部长欢迎巴黎俱乐部有关大幅削减伊拉克外债的承诺,并敦促其债 权人效仿。
The Ministers welcomed the commitment of Paris Club to substantially reduce
[...] Iraq’s foreign debts and urge the other creditors to follow suit.
法院认为,根据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 101(24)节[《跨国破产示范法》第 2(d)条 ],外国代表符合“外国代表”的定
[...] 义,因而是“一个人或机构”,因为它是根据外国法院批准的协议建立的,规定 的目是保债权人的利益和证债务 人履行其付款义务。
The court held that the foreign representative met the definition of a “foreign representative” and hence “a person or body” pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 101(24) [Art. 2 (d) MLCBI], as it was created under the approved by the foreign court for the
stated purpose of protecting the
[...] interests of the creditors and assuring the debtor’s compliance [...]
with its payment obligations.
为了增加资本准入,最不发达 国家应促进国证券交易和债券市场,并支持资本市场的信息流动。
In order to increase access to capital, LDCs should promote domestic stock exchanges and bond markets, and support capital market information flows.
[...] Revolution中,StatPro的客户现在可以访问280多万个固定收益债券的评估价格数据,包括投资级和高收益企业与 权债 券 、 证 券 化 债券以及美国市政债券。
By integrating Interactive Data's extensive award winning fixed income evaluations data into StatPro Revolution, StatPro's cloud-based portfolio analysis platform, StatPro clients can now access evaluated prices for approximately 2.8m fixed income securities
including investment grade and high
[...] yield corporate and sovereign securities, securitised [...]
securities and U.S. municipal securities.
还存在降低债务可收回性和减少秃鹫基金裁决的强大的公众利益理由,即 本法有助于促债权人之间的公平和重债穷国的发展。
There are also compelling public interest grounds for reducing the recoverability of debts and judgements
by vulture funds, namely, that the Act promotes
[...] fairness among creditors and that it [...]
promotes the development of HIPCs.
证债务得 以偿付或履行以协议方式在动产上设定的财 权 [ 建议 2
Property right in a movable asset created by agreement to secure payment or performance of an obligation [Recommendation 2
[...] 款。在这方面,他们呼吁各国政府推动并促进讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当 论坛内,讨论新的权债务重 组和债务解决机制的必要性和可行性,并考虑到 [...]
债务可持续性的多个层面,及其在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展 目标方面的作用。
The Ministers expressed concern that the world financial and economic crisis is still threatening the debt sustainability in some developing countries, inter alia, through its impact on the real economy and the increase in borrowing undertaken in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis, and in that regard called upon all Governments to promote and contribute to the discussions, including within the United Nations and other
appropriate forums, on the need and
[...] feasibility of new sovereign debt restructuring [...]
and debt resolution mechanisms that take
into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability and its role on the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
[...] 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 员所在地——或许在雇员可能成为未 债权 人 的 情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与 [...]
22 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项——适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一项决定 性因素,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of
employees, might be important where employees
[...] could be future creditors, or less important [...]
on the basis that protection of employees
is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the COMI analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be a jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e).
[...] 国家中,有三分之一国家的外债存量占国内总产值比例在 100%到 220%之间,而 且证据显示,债务存量自 2008 年以来有所恶化。
External debt stocks were in the range of 100 to 220 per cent of GDP in the one third of
the States of the subgroup for which data was available,
[...] and there is evidence that debt stocks have worsened [...]
since 2008.
因此,这个术语包括各债权收入 (不论是否有 抵押担保),以及(尤其是)来源于有 证 券 和 债券或公司债券的收益,包括与这 证 券 、 债券或公 司债券有关的溢价收入。
Accordingly, the term includes income from debt claims of all kinds, whether or not secured by mortgage, and, in particular, income from securities and income from bonds or [...]
debentures, including premiums attached
to such securities, bonds or debentures.
[...] 危机背景下进行了多次审议,尽管经济复苏不均衡、 国际贸易疲软以及对权债务危 机扩散的恐慌等等 问题导致形势充满挑战,但各代表团还是表现出灵 [...]
活性与合作精神,促进委员会就决议草案的大部分 内容达成共识。
Although deliberations had been held in the context of an ongoing global financial crisis, with such issues as uneven economic recovery,
sluggish international trade and fears
[...] of a spreading sovereign debt crisis creating [...]
a challenging backdrop, delegations had
shown flexibility and a spirit of cooperation that had helped achieve consensus on the vast majority of the draft resolutions.
由 于经济稳步增长、对外贷款条件合理,公共收入不断增加、公共债务减少;公共证债务在 国内生产总值(GDP)中所占的比重已从 2000 年的 79%降至 [...]
2006 年的 26%。
Robust economic growth and prudential external crediting limits have provided with constant increase of
public incomes and reduction of
[...] the public debt and the public guaranteed debt compared to [...]
GDP from 79% in 2000 to 26% in 2006.
在 5 月 9 日第 1
[...] 次全体会议上,会议决定任命下列国家为 权证 书 委员会成 员:巴哈马、中国、芬兰、加蓬、危地马拉、肯尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡和美 [...]
At the 1st plenary meeting, on 9 May, the Conference
decided to appoint the following countries as
[...] members of the Credentials Committee: [...]
Bahamas, China, Finland, Gabon, Guatemala,
Kenya, Russian Federation, Singapore and United States of America.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)根据第 1 款备选案文 C,登记处应当 同时有按数字和姓名编制的索引,查询人员应当能够使用其中某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保 人及有担债权人或 其管理人的地址必须是记录的一部分,但不一定是身份识 别特征的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担 债权 人 、其管理人或设保人 的身份。
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish to note that: (a) under option C in paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other indexing criterion; and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c)
the address of the
[...] grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to be part of the record, but not necessarily part of the identifier, except if there is a need for additional information to identify the secured creditor, its representative [...]
or the grantor.
在介绍 180 EX/35 号文件时,秘书处的代表简要强调了以下几点:a) 根据《联合国系 统会计准则》,对没有资金证的债 务 进 行会计处理时只需要对财务帐目作出说明;而根据 《国际公共部门会计标准》,这一债务必须全部记入本组织的财务报表或资产负债表并在其 财务状况中反映出来。
In introducing document 180 EX/35, the representative of the Secretariat briefly highlighted the following: (a) the accounting treatment of unfunded liabilities under UNSAS requires a Note disclosure to the financial accounts whereas under IPSAS, full recognition is necessary of the liabilities to be reflected on the Statement of financial position or Balance Sheet.




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