

单词 债权国

See also:

债权 pl

debentures pl


creditor's rights (law)


government debt
national debt

External sources (not reviewed)

会议指出,确保准则采用的 框架债权国和债务国的权 利和责任有明确的界定,以及准则牢固地树立基于人 权的框架,十分重要。
It was noted that it was important to ensure that the guidelines
adopted a framework that
[...] had clearly definable rights and responsibilities for debtors and creditors and that the [...]
guidelines were entrenched
in a human rights-based framework.
与巴黎俱乐债权国的协议包括了 待遇条款的一致化。
The agreement with
[...] the Paris Club creditors includes a comparability [...]
of treatment clause.
[...] 一套解决债务危机的原则,这些原则应规定公共和私营部门之间以及债 国 、债 权国和投资者之间公平地分担责任。
Countries need to agree on a set of principles for resolving debt
crises that provide for fair burden-sharing between public and private sectors
[...] and between debtors, creditors and investors.
为说明这一点,一位与会者提 债权国 给 本 国的农民 提供巨额津贴,而同一债权国却阻 拦债务国同样这么做,从而损害了农民的利 益。
To illustrate, one participant
referred to the huge
[...] subsidies that creditor countries provided to their farmers while debtor countries were prevented, by the same creditors, from doing [...]
the same, to the detriment of their farmers.
他还着重说明债权国和债务国 在防止 和解决不可持续的债务状况的共同责任问题。
He also highlighted the shared
[...] responsibility of creditors and debtors with regard to preventing and resolving unsustainable debt situations.
如 果援助在规模上有限债权国又一 定要为其指定用途,而且也没有与对教育部门的其他支持 进行充分协调,那么债务换教育就可能在捐助者扩大化和援助分散化这些老问题之上又添新 [...]
If they are limited in size, strongly earmarked by the creditor and insufficiently [...]
coordinated with other education sector
support, debt-for-education swaps may thus add to donor proliferation and aid fragmentation, standing in the way of a holistic approach to education and the development of a sustainable sector.
债务转换应进一步与债务国自己国家的教育发展计划进行政策方面 的协调,以保证国家自主权;也应该通过尽可能使 债权国 现 有 的教育系统实现系统方面的 协调,以减少交易成本,建设长期能力。
The debt swaps should further be
[...] policy-aligned with the debtor country’s own national and education sector development plans to ensure country ownership.
通过其债务转换和创新教育融资方法问题专家咨询小组,教科文组织协助各方分 享关于教育领域的债务转换等问题的知识,对重要问题开展研究(例如,调债 权国和债务国 的政策以及世界各地的债务状况,在债务转换和其他财政工具之间 形成增效作用)。
Ÿ Through its Advisory Panel of Experts on Debt Swaps and Innovative Approaches to Education Financing, UNESCO is contributing to
knowledge sharing on
[...] issues such as debt swaps in education, and conducting studies on key issues (e.g. the mapping of creditor and debtor [...]
policies and the debt
situation worldwide, and creating synergies between debt swaps and other financial instruments).
我们希望其债 权国也将 这样做,从而减少我们的双边债务。
We hope that other creditor States will act in [...]
the same way with a view to reducing our bilateral debt.
她还希望获知独立专家 打算让多少相关方参加磋商,以及他 债权国 和债 务国合作设想的方式。
She also wished to know how many stakeholders he planned to consult and what type of
[...] collaboration between creditor and debtor countries he [...]
他还敦促所有其他国家,特别是主 债权国 , 即刻考虑执行法律框架,以便在其 管辖范围内遏制秃鹫基金的掠夺性行为。
He also urges all other countries,
[...] particularly the major creditor countries, to [...]
urgently consider implementing legal frameworks
to curtail predatory vulture fund activities within their jurisdictions.
大多数情 况下,欠巴黎俱乐债权国的债务不 到外债总额的 25%,因此对某些国家而言, 要解决这一问题,还需要重点解决多边债务以及欠私人债权人和非巴黎俱乐部官 方债权人的债务。
In a majority
[...] of cases, debt owed to Paris Club creditors is less than 25 per cent of total external debt, so that [...]
solutions for some countries
also need to focus on resolving multilateral debt and debt owed to private creditors and non-Paris Club official creditors.
此外,巴黎俱乐债权国 同意 推迟和并调整短期到期债款和截止日期已到的债务以及这些拖欠债款,期限 [...]
为 10 年。
Furthermore, Paris Club creditors agreed to defer [...]
and reschedule, over a 10-year period, the repayment of maturities on
short-term and post-cut-off date debts, as well as the arrears on those claims.
(r) 在现有框架和原则内,在债权方和债务方广泛参与,所 债权国 享 受 同 等待遇以及由布雷顿森林机构发挥重要作用的基础上,考虑以各种方法加强主权 [...]
债务重组机制,在这一方面,欢迎并呼吁所有国家支持在国际货币基金组织和世 界银行及其他论坛就完善这一领域国际合作框架结构的必要性和可行性正在开 展的讨论
(r) Considering enhanced
[...] approaches to sovereign debt restructuring [...]
mechanisms based on existing frameworks and principles, the broad participation of creditors and debtors, the comparable treatment
of all creditors and an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions, and in this regard welcoming and calling upon all countries to contribute to the ongoing discussion in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and other forums on the need for, and feasibility of, a more structured framework for international cooperation in this area
本原则的主要目标是平衡因外债安排产生的债 国 和 债权国 的 合 约义务以及 债国和债权国双方 尊重、保护并实现各项人权、尤其是经济、社会、文化权利 的国际法律义务。
The overriding aim of these principles is to balance a debtor and creditor State’s contractual obligations arising from external debt arrangements and both debtor and creditor’s international legal obligations to respect, protect and fulfil all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights.
巴黎俱乐债权国已承 诺 进一步减免债务,即一旦该国达到重债穷国倡议的决定点,将把到期债务本息偿 还额再减少 50%。
Paris Club creditors have committed to providing further debt relief, namely, [...]
reducing by an additional 50 per cent the
debt service falling due, once the country reaches the decision point under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative.
该国截止日期前的债务获得 100%的注销,其中包债权国在自 愿和双边基础上注销的额外债务。
The country obtained a 100 per cent write-off on its pre-cut-off-date debt, which included additional debt cancellations granted by creditors on a voluntary and bilateral basis.
评估出具体有多少债务而哪些债务可以被转换,这是一项艰巨的任务,主要原因是缺 少对债务数额详细数据的了解,也缺少对债务国 债权国债 务 减 免方面相关法规的了解。
Assessing how much debt is still available and eligible for swaps is a difficult task, mainly because of the lack of high-quality, detailed data on debt figures as well as creditor and debtor countries’ legal rules on debt relief.
在实施商定的注销后,多哥欠巴黎俱乐 债权国 的债 务将减少约 95%。
After the implementation of the agreed
[...] cancellations, Togo’s debt to the Paris Club creditors will be reduced [...]
by about 95 per cent.
在双边和自愿的基础上,巴黎俱乐 债权国 决 定 在重债穷国倡议的 取消债务标准安排以外,另外注销几内亚比绍 2 700 万美元的官方双边债务。
On a bilateral and voluntary basis, Paris Club creditors decided to go beyond the standard debt cancellation under the Initiative and wrote off an additional $27 million of Guinea-Bissau’s official bilateral debt.
在双边和自愿的基础上,巴黎俱乐 债权国 决定 超出重债穷国倡议取消债务的标准,为海地注销了另一笔官方双边债务 1.52 亿 美元,从而免除了海地拖欠巴黎俱乐部的所有符合条件的债务。
On a bilateral and voluntary basis, Paris Club creditors decided to go beyond the standard debt cancellation [...]
under the Initiative
and wrote off an additional $152 million of Haiti’s official bilateral debt, thus erasing the entire stock of eligible debt owed to the Paris Club.
11/5 号决议 呼吁债国和债权国,尤 其是国际金融机构,考虑为发展项目、减贫战略文件和 贷款协议开展人权影响评估,并指出,人权影响评估的价值在于这样的事实:它 是以作为条约承诺或习惯国际法的有法律约束力的国际人权标准为依据的。
Recalling resolution
[...] 11/5 of the Human Rights Council which called upon debtors and creditors, particularly [...]
international financial
institutions, to consider preparing human rights impact assessments for development projects, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and loan agreements, the speaker noted that the value of a human rights impact assessment lay in the fact that it was based on international standards that were legally binding either as treaty commitments or as customary international law.
重申认为,为了寻求持久解决外债问题的办法和审议任何新的解决债 务问题机制债权国和债务国与多边金融机构之间必须按照利益分享和责任分担 的原则,在联合国系统内进行广泛的政治对话
Reiterates its view that, in order to find a durable solution to the debt problem and for
the consideration
[...] of any new debt resolution mechanism, there is a need for a broad political dialogue between creditor and debtor countries [...]
and the multilateral
financial institutions, within the United Nations system, based on the principle of shared interests and responsibilities
[...] 制债务危机影响的预警系统的一个必要条件,呼吁债 国 和 债权国 加 强收集数据 的努力,并呼吁捐助方考虑加大对旨在提高发展中国家这方面统计能力的技术合 [...]
Acknowledges that timely and comprehensive data on the level and composition of debt are a condition necessary for, inter alia, building early warning systems aimed at
limiting the impact of debt crises,
[...] calls for debtor and creditor countries to intensify [...]
their efforts to collect data, and calls
for donors to consider increasing their support for technical cooperation programmes aimed at increasing the statistical capacity of developing countries in that regard
又呼吁 又呼吁 又呼吁 又呼吁考虑根据现有框架和原则,在债权人和债务人广泛参与下设法改 善主权债务重组和债务解决机制,给予所 债权国 同 等 待遇,并让布雷顿森林机 构和联合国系统内其他有关组织发挥重要作用,为此,促请所有国家促进和推动 在联合国内以及其他论坛中进行讨论,探讨在这个领域建立更规范的国际合作框 架的必要性和可行性
the consideration of enhanced approaches to sovereign debt restructuring and debt resolution mechanisms, based on existing frameworks and principles, with the broad participation of creditors and debtors, the comparable treatment of all creditors and an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions and other relevant organizations within the United Nations system, and in this regard calls upon all countries to promote and contribute to the discussions, within the United Nations and other appropriate forums, on the need for and feasibility of a more structured framework for international cooperation in this area




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