单词 | 债务人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 债n—debtn 务n—businessn mattern affairn 人n—peoplen humann mann 债务—liability indebtedness amount due 债务n—debtorn
如有逾期超过 九个月的贸易应收账款余额,有关债务人须先行清偿所有未支付结余, 才可再获给予信贷额。 equitynet.com.hk | Trade receivables with balances that are more than 9 months overdue are requested to settle all outstanding balances before any further credit is granted. equitynet.com.hk |
减值迹象包括一个债务人或一组债务人正经历重大财务危机、违约或拖欠支付利息或本金款项、将 有可能破产或进行其他财务重组及有可见数据指示估计未来现金流出现可计量的减少,如欠款数目变动或 出现与违约相关的经济状况。 wqfz.com | Evidence ofimpairment may include indications that a debtor or a group of debtors is experiencing significant financial difficulty, default or delinquency in interest or principal payments, the probability that they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation and observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows, such as changes in arrears or economic conditions that correlate with defaults. wqfz.com |
倘於其後期间,减值亏损的金额减少,同时该等减少客观地与确认减值後发生之事件 相关(例如债务人信贷评级改善),则过往确认之减值亏损回拨於综合全面收益表内 [...] 确认。 asiasat.com | If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the [...] impairment was recognised (such as an [...] improvement in the debtor’scredit rating), [...]the reversal of the previously recognised [...]impairment loss is recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. asiasat.com |
本公司作爲主要债务人,无条件及不可撤回地担保,并契诺及同意与要约人共同及个别承担适当 及准时履行要约人於支持协议项下或有关要约及支持协议拟进行的其他交易的各项及每项责任, 包括根据要约支付的应付要约价总额以及适当及准时履行要约人於锁定协议项下的各项及每项责 任。 mmg.com | The Company unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees, and covenants and agrees to be jointly and severally liable with the Offeror, as principal obligor, for the due and punctual performance of each and every obligation of the Offeror under the Support Agreement or relating to the Offer and the other transactions contemplated by the Support Agreement, including the payment of the aggregate Offer Price payable under the Offer, as well as for the due and punctual performance of each and every obligation of the Offeror under the Lock-up Agreement. mmg.com |
有关证据可能包括可观测数据显示债务 人之支付状况已出现不利变动,以及相关本地经济状况变动导致交易失败之潜在风险。 wingtaiproperties.com | This evidence may include observable data indicating that there [...] has been an adverse change in the [...] payment status of the debtors andthe local economic [...]conditions that correlate with the [...]potential risk of fallen through on the transactions. wingtaiproperties.com |
我 们 须 考 虑 的 问 题 是 : 担 保 人 的 责 任 , 应 是 从 首 次 缴 款 通 知 书 致送债 务 人时开始 承 担 , 还 是 从 缴 款 通 知 书 致 送 担 保 人 时 开 始 承 担 , 还 是 从 首 次 缴 款 通 知 书 日 期 後 或 缴 款 通 知 书 致 送 担 保 人 日 期 後 的 宽 限 期 届 满 时 开 始 承 担 ? hkreform.gov.hk | We have to consider whether his liability should arise from the date of the primary demand on the debtor, or from the date of demand on the guarantor, or after a grace period from the date of primary demand or demand upon the guarantor. hkreform.gov.hk |
为 了 消 除 [...] 现 行 法 例 内 有 利於债 务 人的偏袒 之 处 , 以 及 [...]将 制 度 推 向 对 债 权 人 更 公 帄 的 方 向 发 展 , 我 们 认 为 , 债 务 利 息 的 计 算 , 必 须 能 够 充 分 [...]赔 偿 债 权 人 因 不 能 使 用 其 金 钱 而 蒙 受 的 损 失 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In order to remove the bias in the present [...] law in favourof debtors andto move our [...]system in the direction of more justice [...]towards creditors, we take the view that interest on debts should be determined in a manner which adequately compensates the creditors for the loss of the use of their money. hkreform.gov.hk |
技术、市场、经济 或 法律环境 出现对债务 人不利的 重大 变化。 evoc.com.cn | significant changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment that [...] have an adverse effect on the debtor. evoc.cn |
申索证明样式:截止日期命令其中规定,所有针对债务人提交的申索证明必须大致符 合截止日期命令附件 B 的样式;因应任何衍生交易合约下所欠款项而针对债务人的申索持有人,除须及时提交申索证明外,亦须於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5 时正(当时东 岸时间)或之前另行提交一份问卷;而因应担保(包括非债务人实体在衍生交易合约 下义务的担保)针对债务人的申索持有人,除须及时提交申索证明外,亦须於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5 时正(当时东岸时间)或之前另行提交一份担保问卷。 whbmac.com | Proof of Claim Form: the Bar Date Order provides, among other things, that all [...] Proofs of Claim filed [...] against the Debtors must substantially conform to the form attached to the Bar Date Order as Exhibit B; that each holder of a claim against aDebtor basedon amounts owed pursuant to any Derivative Contract, in addition to filing a timely Proof of Claim, must file a separate Questionnaire on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time);and that each holder of a claim against a Debtorbased on a Guarantee, including a Guarantee of the obligations of a non-Debtorentity under [...]a Derivative Contract, [...]in addition to timely filing a Proof of Claim, must files a separate Guarantee Questionnaire on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time). whbmac.com |
构成了 Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws(加州民法第 1542 条以及南达科他州法典第 20-7-11 条)规定 [...] 的弃权声明,这两个条款均规定「普通豁免不包括在执行豁免时债权人不知情或怀疑其存在 [...] 的索赔,如果当时该债权人知情的话,必然严重影响其与债务人的和解」;并构成了任何其 他州或适用管辖地的任何类似规定、成文法、规章、规则、法律原则或平衡法所规定的弃权 [...]声明。 aircargosettlement.com | This release … constitutes a waiver of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, each of which provides that “[a] general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by [...] him must have materially affected his [...] settlement with the debtor,”and a waiver [...]of any similar provision, statute, regulation, [...]rule, or principle of law or equity of any other state or applicable jurisdiction. aircargosettlement.com |
本集团将继续监察客户向债务人收款之情况及维持适当估计信 贷亏损水平。 equitynet.com.hk | The Group will continue to monitor the collections from debtors and maintain an appropriate level of estimate credit losses. equitynet.com.hk |
应收账款发生减值的客观证据,包括下列各项:(1)债务人发生严重财务困难;(2)债 务 人违反了 合 同 条 款,如 偿 付 利 息 或 本 金 发 生 违 约 或 逾 期 等;(3)债 权 人 出 於 经 济 或 法 律 等 方 面因素的考虑,对发生财务困难的债务人作出让步;(4)债务人很可能倒闭或进行其他财务重组; (5)因 发行债 务 人破产或 死 亡,以 其 破 产 财 产 或 者 遗 产 清 偿 後 仍 无 法 收 回 等。 zte.com.cn | Objective evidence for impairment [...] includes: (1) significant financial difficulties experienced by the debtor; (2) default on or non-payment of due interest or principal payments; (3) concessions made to the insolvent debtor by creditors owing to economic or legal considerations; (4) probable bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation of the debtor; (5) inability to recoverthe debt after repayments from the bankruptcy [...]assets or [...]the estate upon the bankruptcy or death of the debtor. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
然 而,管 理 层 认为基於 稳健之财务背景及债务人良好之信誉,本集团并无重大信贷风险。 aactechnologies.com | However, the management considers, based on the strong financialbackground and good creditability of those debtors, there are no significant credit risks. aactechnologies.com |
主权债务人按时偿还本金及支付利息的意愿或能力可能受到各项因素影响,当中包括其现金流量狀况、与中央银行的关系、外币准备 金、於付款到期当日是否有足够可用的外汇、债务负担相对整体经济的规模、主权债务人对当地及国际放债人的政 策,以及主权债务人可能受到的政治限制。 prudential.co.uk | A sovereign debtor’swillingness or ability to repay principal andto payinterest in a timely manner may be affected by, among other factors, its cash flow situation, its relations with its central bank, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of sufficient foreign exchange on the date a payment is due, the relative size ofthe debtserviceburden to the economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward local and international lenders, and the political constraints to which the sovereign debtor maybe subject. prudential.co.uk |
关於应收及其他应收账款,如果有客观证据(比如债务人很有可能破产或有重大财务困难,以及市场、经济、 法律或者环境的重大改变对债务人有负面影响)表明本集团不能按照发票上的原始条款收回所有到期金额, 则 计 提 减 值 准 备。 zte.com.cn | In relation to trade and bills and other receivables, a provision for impairment is made when there is objective evidence (such as the [...] probability of insolvency or [...] significant financial difficulties of the debtor andsignificant change in the technological, market economic or legal environment that have an adverse effect onthe debtor) that the [...]Group will not be able [...]to collect all the amounts due under the original terms of an invoice. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
他 们 认 为 , 如 果 此 举 引 致 削 [...] 弱 收 取 利 息 的 权 利 , 或 者 造 成 前 後 矛 盾 , 则 可 制 [...] 订 法 例 条 文 , 规定债 务 人在法庭 行 使 暂 停 权 [...]之 前 须 证 明 本 身 有 苦 况 , 作 为 法 律 上 的 补 救 方 法 。 hkreform.gov.hk | They suggested that if that has the effect of diluting the entitlement to interest or of producing [...] inconsistency this could be remedied by a [...] provision requiringthe debtor toshow hardship [...]before the power to suspend could be exercised. hkreform.gov.hk |
该 等 可 观 察 数 据 包 括 但 不 限 於 本 集 团内债 务 人之付款 状 况 恶 化 , 以 及 与 本 集 团 内 资 产 拖 欠 情 况 有 关 联 之 国 家 或 当 地 经 济 状 况 出 现 不 利 变 动 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Such observable data includes but is not limited to adverse changes in the payment statusof debtors in the group and, national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on the assets in the Group. cigyangtzeports.com |
(3) 本通则未规定之契约法问题,諸如消费者保护、欠缺行为能力、代理人之权 限、抵销、非属智慧财产权之其他权利之让与、代位权、多數债务人及其内部之 求偿、与因先契约关系而生之债,应依法院地国之国际私法,定其应适用之法律。 cl-ip.eu | (3) Questions of contract law not dealt with in these Principles such as consumer protection, incapacity, authority of an agent, set-off, assignment of other rights than intellectual property [...] rights, legal subrogation, [...] multitudeof debtors andcompensation between them as well as obligations arising from pre-contractual [...]relationships [...]shall be governed by the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law of the forum State. cl-ip.eu |
为贯彻履行此承诺,中华煤气集团期望并鼓励其雇员及与中华煤气集团有往来者 (如 客户、承办商、供应商、 债权人、债务人等)(「其他持份者」) 对中华煤气集团内的 不当行为、舞弊及违规情况作出举报。 towngaschina.com | In line with this commitment, the HKCG Group expects and encourages its employees and other parties who deal with the HKCG Group (e.g. customers, contractors, suppliers,creditors anddebtors,etc.) (“Other Stakeholders”) to report any misconduct, malpractice or irregularity within the HKCG Group. towngaschina.com |
若曾经或现时就客户欠负本行之任何或所有债务而发出以本行为受益人之无限额担保/第三方抵押,客户同意本行可不时向担保人/提供第三方 [...] 抵押人士提供任何其向客户提供之任何贷款/银行融资/信贷按排之资料或详情(包括任何有关客户之个人资料),作为通知彼等根据有关担保/第 [...]三方抵押下之法律责任。 bank.hangseng.com | In the case where a guarantee/third [...] party security, unlimited in amount, has been [...] or is presently issuedin the Bank’s favour in respect of any or [...]all of your [...]liabilities owed to the Bank, you agree that the Bank may from time to time provide the guarantor/provider of third party security with any data, details or information (including any of your personal data) relating to any loan/banking/credit facilities extended by the Bank to you for the purpose of notifying the guarantor/provider of third party security of the liabilities under the guarantee/third party security. bank.hangseng.com |