单词 | 倡始 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倡始 —initiateSee also:倡—initiate • instigate 倡 v—lead v
民主基金在也门资助的倡议始于 2010 年,目的是让也门妇女和青年人参与 民主进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | A UNDEF-funded initiative in Yemen started work in 2010 to [...] engage Yemeni women and young people in democratic processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
叙利亚和其他阿拉伯国家一道通过 2002 年《阿 拉伯和平倡议》,始终努 力争取实现和平以及和平所 需一切:恢复所有阿拉伯权利,包括以色列全部撤离 [...] 所有被占领土,撤回到 1967 年 6 月 4 日的界线;以 及按照 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦 难民问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Syria, along with other Arab countries, [...] has worked, through the adoption of the [...] 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, to achieve peace [...]and all that peace entails: the restoration [...]of all Arab rights, including Israel’s total withdrawal from all occupied territories to the line of 4 June 1967, and the settlement of Palestinian refugees as set forth in General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948. daccess-ods.un.org |
改进对科学知识的获取途径的一项著 名 倡 议 始 于 教 科文组织 同英国广播公司国际部信托基金的伙伴关系,目的是向 49 个发展中国家的国家广播公司提供高质量 的科学文献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A notable initiative to improve access to scientific knowledge commenced with UNESCO’s-BBC [...] World Trust partnership to provide [...]high-quality science documentaries to national broadcasting services in 49 developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中欧倡议” 始终力 求更好地了解妇女在其成员国的创业,分析社会创新作为创业过程一 [...] 部分的重要性;提出具体建议,支持协助女企业家的社会创新方案和政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has always aimed to better understand [...] women entrepreneurship in its member countries by analysing the importance of social [...]innovation as part of the entrepreneurial process and to propose concrete recommendations to support socially innovative programmes and policies for women entrepreneurs. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 4 月科罗马总统推出的免费医疗保健倡 议 开 始 显 示 出令人鼓 舞的成果,特别是在降低儿童和产妇死亡率方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | The free health-care initiative launched by President Koroma in April 2010 has begun to show encouraging [...] results, especially [...]in reducing child and maternal mortality. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括安全理事会在内的国际社会必须对以色列 [...] 采取的这些危险非法措施作出紧急回应。以色列采取 这些措施意在阻挠和制止和平倡议,甚至在和 平 倡议 开始之前 就这样做,以便继续巩固其对包括东耶路撒 冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土的非法占领,并对更多巴勒斯 [...]坦土地实施事实上的吞并。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community, including the Security Council, must urgently act in response to these dangerous illegal measures adopted by Israel, which are aimed at [...] hindering and putting an end [...] to the peace initiatives, even before they begin, with the objective [...]of continuing to consolidate [...]its unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and carrying out a de facto annexation of more Palestinian land. daccess-ods.un.org |
我愿强调的第二个具体结果是,将提交全球报 告,说明贩运方式和流动、最佳做法、从禁毒办将于 2012 年开始制定的区域倡议和 机制中汲取的教训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The second concrete outcome that I would underline is the global report on trafficking patterns and flows, best [...] practices and lessons learned [...] from regional initiatives and mechanisms that will be produced by UNODC starting in 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
早在2000 多年前,中 国 人就提出“防患于未然” 的概念,就开始提倡“和 为贵”的思想。 daccess-ods.un.org | As early as 2,000 years ago, the Chinese people put forward the concept of guarding against potential dangers and the idea that peace is of supreme value. daccess-ods.un.org |
他说,在防治疟疾的斗争中,儿基会已经作出了令人瞩目 的贡献,它是负担得起的抗疟药物倡 议 的 创 始 成 员, 该 倡 议 名 为“负担得起的抗 疟药物筹资机制”,它为在私人部门和公共部门购买药品者提供补贴,以确保患 者得到负担得起的有效治疗和药物。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the fight against malaria, he [...] said, UNICEF had made a remarkable contribution as a founding member of the affordable medicines for malaria initiative, known as the [...]Affordable Medicines [...]Facility — malaria, which subsidizes private-sector and public-sector drug buyers to ensure that patients have access to effective treatments and drugs at affordable prices. daccess-ods.un.org |
2000 年初在阿拉伯联合酋长国的倡议下 ,已 开 始 就 提 高阿联酋(UAE)现代化教育规 划能力的需要以及在教科文组织国际教育规划研究所(IIEP)支持下提高这类能力的可能途 径进行的讨论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The discussion on the need of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for a modern educational planning capacity and possible ways to build such capacity with support from the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), began at the initiative of the United Arab Emirates in early 2000. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们仍然致力于按照安全理事会决议、先 前协定,以及路线图和阿拉伯和平倡 议 ,结 束 始于 1 967 年的占领,通过建立一个与以色列和平安全比 邻相处的独立的巴勒斯坦国结束冲突,并实现全面 中东和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | We remain committed to an end to the occupation that began in 1967, an end to the conflict through the creation of an independent Palestinian State living side by side with Israel in peace and security, and comprehensive regional peace, in accordance with Security Council resolutions, previous agreements, the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还表示,始终需要提倡利用 这些建议书,通过包括世界教师日之类的各 种宣传活动,使人们更好地了解它们。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He also denoted the constant need to advocate use of the Recommendations [...] and to make them better known through various promotional [...]activities including World Teachers’ Day. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们不能错失达成协议的这一机 会,而这一协议应当根据安全理事会决议、先前协议、 “路线图”和《阿拉伯和平倡议》 ,结 束 始于 1 967 年 的占领,并促成建立一个独立、民主、有生存能力、 与以色列和其它邻国和平安全毗邻共存的巴勒斯坦 国。 daccess-ods.un.org | We cannot afford to lose this opportunity to reach an agreement that will end the occupation that began in 1967 and that will result in the emergence of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian State living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbours in accordance with Security Council resolutions, previous agreements, the road map and the Arab Peace Initiative. daccess-ods.un.org |
搜集当地清真寺驱逐不受欢迎的传教者的例 子,从而研究此类现象的始终—找出 倡 导 者 ,了 解驱逐的理由。 crisisgroup.org | It would also be useful to get concrete examples of [...] unpopular preachers being evicted from local mosques to see how this was [...] done – on whose initiative and with what rationale. crisisgroup.org |
基金对社区的服务发展起到了促进作用,办法是向服务提供 者 倡 议 提 供初 始资金 支持,这些服务提供者将在今后时期依靠自身力量继续维护和提供这些服 务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Funds act as catalysts for the development of services in the community [...] by providing preliminary financial [...] assistance for the initiatives of service-providers [...]who undertake to continue to maintain [...]and operate these services on their own for an extended period. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些缔约方鼓励秘书处与其他的国家和国际方案密切合作,包括与水土保 持概览等相关倡议合作,这类倡议已 开 始 采 用实际和有效的形式提供有关最佳做 法的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some Parties encouraged the secretariat to work closely with other [...] national and international programmes, [...] including relevant initiatives such as WOCAT that [...]are already making best practices information [...]available in a more relevant and useful form. daccess-ods.un.org |
在上次內會會議上,已有議員開始質 疑 倡 議 和 附議的議員應為本身 的行為承擔政治責任,我覺得這話對我們4位議員非常不公道。 legco.gov.hk | In the last meeting of the House [...] Committee, some Members began to voice the query [...]of whether or not Members who proposed [...]or seconded the motion should assume political responsibility for their action. legco.gov.hk |
世界卫生组织(世卫组织)在其最 近的报告中,呼吁国际社会加强打击风险因素的工 作,不仅要通过法律和执行强调健康生活方式的重要 性的教育方案,而且要提倡从幼年开 始 的 健 康饮食和 体育活动的好处。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its most recent report, the World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to the international community to intensify its work in combating risk factors, both by passing laws and through education programmes that stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle, as well as through promoting the benefits of a healthy diet and physical activity from a very early age. daccess-ods.un.org |
TOD’S 豆豆鞋等标志性产品沿袭了奢华意大利手工皮具品牌的传统 , 始 终 倡导 “精致手工”来体现品牌的奢华内涵。 expo2010italy.gov.it | Tod's “Art of Italian Shoemaking” highlights the coveted Italian tradition of pure craftsmanship, which is at the heart of the brand’s essence and central to the idea of "Made in Italy". expo2010italy.gov.it |
遗憾地是,所谓的外德涅斯特当局再次破坏了这 些倡议,他们开始收取 非法关税,阻碍位于德涅斯特 河左岸村落的选举进程并且没收校舍,严重侵犯摩尔 多瓦公民用其母语学习的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the so-called [...] Transdniestrian authorities time and again have undermined these initiatives by introducing [...]illegal customs taxes, [...]impeding the elections process in the villages situated on the left bank of the Dniester River, and confiscating school premises, gravely violating the right of the Moldovan citizens to study in their native language. daccess-ods.un.org |
联伊援助团就如何尽可能地鼓 励妇女在省议会任职提供了咨询意见 , 始 终 如一 地 倡 导 妇女积极参与政治。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNAMI provided advice on how best to encourage [...] representation of women in the governorate [...] councils, consistently advocating the active engagement [...]of women in politics. daccess-ods.un.org |
儿基会和中非建和办已开始倡导实 施 两项议定书,通过国家立法,将武装部队和武装团体在该国使用儿童定为刑事罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF and BINUCA began advocating the implementation [...] of the protocols and the adoption of national legislation criminalizing [...]the use of children by armed forces and groups in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
由加拿大牵头,约 25 [...] 个会员国组成的非正式 小组,“妇女与和平与安全之友”开 始倡 导 并支持政府间的协调,分配资源以及 联合国各实体加快执行第 [...]1325(2000)号决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Spearheaded by Canada, an informal group of approximately 25 Member [...] States, the “Friends of Women and [...] Peace and Security”, began to advocate for and support [...]intergovernmental coordination, allocation [...]of resources and acceleration of implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) by United Nations entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照对千年发展目标进展的审查,并根据千年发展目标首脑会议的建议,该 基金会开始实施以下倡议: 民间社会在监测千年发展目标实现方面的作用;地方 政策和国家战略在发展进程中的作用;四重危机对发展援助委员会成员国履行其 [...] 发展援助义务并为发展项目融资制定替代计划的能力的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with the review of the progress achieved on the Millennium Development Goals, and in the light of the recommendations of the [...] Millennium Development Goals [...] Summit, the Foundation has started a number of initiatives that account [...]for the following: the role [...]of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the Goals; the role of local policies and national strategies in the development process; the implications of the quadruple crisis on the ability of Development Assistance Committee member countries to meet their development assistance obligations and create alternative schemes for financing development projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席女士,工聯會早在 1999 年開始,便提倡發展 環保回收業,我們當 時曾舉辦大遊行。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, the FTU advocated the development [...] of the recycling industry as early as in 1999, and we had organized a [...]massive procession at the time. legco.gov.hk |
阿尔及利亚与萨赫勒国家一道始终倡 导 采取以 下做法,即面向以区域国家——马里、毛里塔尼亚和 [...] 尼日尔——自主权为基础的、有针对性的高效行动, 以便按照其国际义务打击恐怖主义和跨界犯罪,同时 承担保障境内安全和稳定的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria, in agreement with the Sahel countries, has [...] consistently advocated an approach that [...]is geared towards targeted and efficient [...]action based on ownership by the countries of the region — Mali, Mauritania and the Niger — aimed at combating terrorism and cross-border criminality while assuming responsibility for security and stability on their territories, in keeping with their international obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
二十年来,传媒业发生了翻天覆地的变化,但我们的目 标 始 终 如一 :倡 导表 达自由是人类尊严的根本,是民主的基石。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Twenty years on, the media landscape has changed beyond recognition, but our objective remains the same: to promote freedom of expression as the foundation for human dignity and the cornerstone of democracy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在開拓職位方面,政府自2009年起開始 提 倡 發 展 六大產業,但有 關的支援措施卻寥寥可數,尤其在環保回收產業方面,政府只提出改 善建築物能源效益、成立綠色運輸試驗基金等“善後”的政策,對環保 回收業的協助卻隻字不提。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding job creation, the Government has promoted since 2009 the development of the six priority industries, but it has formulated very few support measures in this regard, particularly in respect of the environmental and recycling industries. legco.gov.hk |
正如这些决议所反映的情况,大会和安全理事会 [...] 的做法完全符合阿塞拜疆的立场。我国从一 开 始 就提 倡以逐步方法解决这场冲突,认为这是唯一可行的选 择。 daccess-ods.un.org | As reflected in those resolutions, the approach of the General Assembly and the Security Council is fully [...] consistent with the position of [...] Azerbaijan, which from the beginning advocated a step-by-step [...]approach to settling the conflict as the only viable option. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位部长欢迎和鼓励“我美洲人民玻利维亚抉择-人民贸易条约”、加勒 [...] 比石油组织、区域支付补偿单一体系框架协定(西班牙语缩写为 SUCRE)等原始 倡议, 在合作、互补能源和社会正义的原则下,这些倡议在该区域的粮食主权 [...]方面以及货币和经济部门得到了推广。 daccess-ods.un.org | 322. The Ministers welcomed and encouraged original initiatives such as the “Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty” (ALBA-TCP), PETROCARIBE and the Framework Agreement of the Single System of Regional Payments Compensation (SUCRE for its Spanish [...] Acronym), which are promoted in this region [...] under the principles of cooperation, complementarity [...]covering energy, social justice; [...]food sovereignty, monetary and economic sectors; these experiences demonstrate, inter alia, that a new international economic order is progressively emerging. daccess-ods.un.org |