

单词 借方



debit balance (accountancy)


debit side (of a balance sheet)

See also:


borrow (sth.)v

by means of
take (an opportunity)
walk all over (sb)
surname Ji
sleeping mat

External sources (not reviewed)

借方争实施完善的宏观经济政 策和公共资源管理,这是降低国家脆弱性的重要手段。
Borrowers shouldstriveto implement [...]
sound macroeconomic policies and public resource management, which are key elements
in reducing national vulnerabilities.
借方要接受的政治条件 就是支持“一个中国原则,台湾是中国的一部分”。
The only
[...] politicalconditionborrowers must accept is support [...]
for the “one China principle” of reunification with Taiwan.
会员国用欧元缴纳的会费入账时使用的恒值美元汇率和计算预算使用的是欧元汇 率之间产生的差异也将计入本帐户借方方。
The differences between the constant dollar rates of exchange at which Member States’ contributions in euros are brought to
account and the rate of exchange of the euro used to calculate the budget shall also be
[...] creditedor debited to this account.
任何因交收或变现而导致借方,不管本 行是否有付款要求,阁下均须即时向本行清偿。
Any debit balancewhich isresultant [...]
from settlement or liquidation will be payable by you forthwith whether or not demanded by us.
对贷方而言, 稳定收入表借方力履行他们的还款。
A steady income reassures a
[...] lender that theborrower can meet his [...]
(c) 在下列情况下「「生」有权决定是否提供「信用卡结单」,若(i)在有关期间内并无任何进支及自上一份「信用卡结单」後「信用卡 户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」(视乎何种情况而定)亦未有任何未偿还结欠,或(ii)「「生」或「会员」因任何理由 已取消或终止之「信用卡」或「赛马团体」或「合股人」经已解散,但「信用卡户口」或「赛马团体户口」或「合股人户口」(视 乎何种情况而定)出现逾期未借方而「「生」认为逾期日子不能接受。
(c) Hang Seng will have the discretion whether to supply a Card Account Statement if (i) there are no entries covering the relevant statement period and no outstanding balance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) since the last Card Account Statement or (ii) where the Card has been cancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmember for whatever reason or where the Syndicate or the Partnership has been dissolved and there is a debit balance in the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) overdue for such period considered by Hang Seng to be unacceptable.
本 公 司借 方立 新 贷 款 协 议,借 方元 贷 款 余 额 再 融 资。
The Company has signed a new loan with the lenders to refinance the remainder of the USD loan.
(i) 本奖所产生一切费用:向本奖获奖者颁发 之奖金,金质奖章和证书的费用以及行政 费用(包括评审委员会委员差旅费)和秘 书处及委员会的活动费(人事、研究、出 版、专家会议;与各和平中心和基金会的 合作活动、广告、颁发奖金的仪式、评审 委员会委员磋商;走访捐款者和致力研究 和平的中心;评审委员会会议筹备及获奖 者选拔等方面的调研活动等),均记入特 别帐借方
(i) The Special Account shall be debited with all expenses pertaining to the Prize, that is, the amount paid to the winner of the Prize, the cost of the gold medal and of the diploma and all administrative costs (including travel expenses of the Jury) and expenses incurred for the operation of the Secretariat and of the Commission (staff costs, studies, publications, meetings of experts; activities involving cooperation with peace centres and foundations, advertising, prize-giving ceremonies, consultations of members of the Jury; missions to donors and centres specializing in peace studies; research missions as part of the preparations for the Jury’s meeting and the selection of the winners; and so on).
虽然世界银借方系统尚未公布 2011 年的数据,但是,联合国 [...]
贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)秘书处的估计表明,2010 至 2011 年期间,债务数额 继续增长了 12%左右,发展中国家的外债总额达 4.5 万亿美元。
While data for 2011 from
[...] the WorldBankDebtor Reporting System [...]
are not yet available, estimates made by the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) secretariat indicate that debt levels continued to grow by approximately 12 per cent over 2010-2011, bringing the total external debt of developing countries to $4.5 trillion.
无论如何,很重要的是借方办贷款时确定在贷款 期间有能力持续偿还贷款。
Nonetheless, it is
[...] important for the borrower to becertain [...]
from the onset of the loan that he can maintain his loan repayments throughout the loan period.
银行会根据各自的方针对财产质 量借方度进行核查。
The bank checks the quality of the property and the
[...] creditworthiness of the borrower in accordance [...]
with its own guidelines.
交易被记录在一个集中的“分类账簿”中,记录买进的物品价值(贷方)及卖出的物品价值借方—类似于数据交 换中心的股票,或者商业银行的账单那样。
Transactions are recorded in a
[...] centralized“ledger”which records the value of the items purchased (debit) and sold (credit) [...]
- much like a clearinghouse
does for stocks, or a commercial bank does for checks.
项目厅表示,所借方全面核对调节;凡在对结余能否全部收回有疑问 的情况下,项目厅就编列全额准备金;所有这些收到的缴款的例子都是很早以前 [...]
发生的,要用很长时间才能了解这些例子的最后情况,并达到目前的全面核对调 节阶段。
UNOPS statedthat all debitbalances had been [...]
fully reconciled; whenever there was doubt as to the full recoverability of
the balance, it made full provisions; all these instances of contributions received were very old and it took a long time to get to the bottom of those and reach the present full reconciliation stage.
政府通过了图书借方学校伙食方案向中小学校提供大量课本和伙食 补助,并大大提高了学生获得高等教育奖学金、助学金和贷款的可能性。
The Government heavily subsidizes textbooks and primary school meals trough its Book Loan and School Feeding Programmes, and has radically expanded students’ access to tertiary scholarships, grants and student loans.
2.7 若阁下在吾等开立的任何现金帐户借方且阁下同时持有保证金帐户,计算应缴利息时会按照个别帐 户借方计算,而利息将会记录在个别帐户内。
2.7 If there is a debit balance in any of your Accounts which is a cash account and you hold a Margin Account, interest will be calculated oneach debit balance and [...]
charged to the Accounts separately.
於二零零八年十二月二十三日,本集团与一间於香港注册成立之私营投资公司南方国际有限公司(借方及其控 股公司订立有条件协议(「贷款融资安排」),据此,本集团同意垫付本金额最高为人民币100,000,000元(相当於约 113,600,000港元)之贷款融资(「应收贷款」),借方意向本集团授出独家权利及期权以参借方零零九年 至二零一二年各年七月一日开始之十二个月期间之经审核综合财务报告而厘定之行使价认购合共不超借方大 已发行股本60%之股份(「可换股期权」)。
on 23 December 2008, the Group entered into a conditional agreement (the “Loan Facility
Arrangement”) with Southern
[...] International Limited(theBorrower”), a private investment company incorporated in Hong Kong, and its holding company whereby the Group agreed to advance a loan facility in the maximum principal amount of RMB100 million (equivalent to approximately HK$113.6 million) (the “Loan Receivable”)and the Borrower agreedto grant to the Group the exclusive rights and options to subscribe for an aggregate of up to 60% of the enlarged issued capital ofthe Borrower (the“Conversion option”) at an exercise price to be determined with reference to the audited consolidated financial statements ofthe Borrower in respect of each of the [...]
12-month periods beginning on 1 July eachyear from 2009 to 2012.
[...] 约为68,200,000港元之垫款於其後组成应收贷款之部分,而本集团亦於截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度借 方余额约45,400,000港元。
The transaction was approved by shareholders of the Company at the Special General Meeting of the Company on 17 February 2009, the advance of approximately HK$68.2 million as at 31 December 2008 formed part of the Loan Receivable thereafter and the
Group advances the remaining sum of approximately
[...] HK$45.4 million tothe Borrower during the year ended [...]
31 December 2009.
对 於 首 次 执 行 日 之 前 已 经 持 有 的
[...] 对 联 营 企 业 及 合 营 企 业 的 长 期 股 权 投 资,如 存 在 与 该 投 资 相 关 的 股 权 投借 方,还 应 扣 除 按 原 剩 余 期 限 直 线 摊 销 的 股 权 投借 方,确 认 投 资 损 益。
Net profit of the investee is recognised after adjustments. For long term equity investment in
associates and
[...] jointly-controlled entities held prior to the date of first-timeimplementation,any difference in equity investment relating to such investment [...]
amortised on a
straight line basis over the remaining period should be deducted and recognised as investment profit or loss.
(c) 以 人 事 担 保 的 保 释 事 项,及 已 取 消 的 保 释 金 收 据
[...] 编 号,仍 顸 在 登 记借 方方 适 当 的 一 栏 [...]
以 零 数 加 以 记 录 ; 108 (d) 以 划 线 分 隔 每 更 的 总 数
(c) Bail granted in the form of surety and cancelled bail receipt
numbers should be recorded in the control register with a nil amount
[...] on either the debit or credit side [...]
as appropriate.
我们认识到出现了从方借商业借贷、从外债向国内公债的转变,不过 大部分低收入国家的外债依然基本上属官方性质。
We recognize that a shift has occurred from
[...] official to commercialborrowing andfromexternal [...]
to domestic public debt, although for
most low-income countries external finance is still largely official.
Other liabilities include borrowings, non current deferred income, deferred tax liabilities, non current provisions, Viterra assetacquirer loans and liabilities held for sale.
Enough has been said to
[...] show that theWestborrowed,withopen-minded [...]
simplicity and humility, from the elder East all kinds
of practical and useful ways in ecclesiastical affairs and in the Christian life.
If Tertullian and Novatian use subordinationist language
[...] of theSon (perhapsborrowed from the East), it [...]
is of little consequence in comparison
with their main doctrine, that there is one substance of the Father and of the Son.
西方借护和促进人权, 集体指责朝鲜,该决议的动机不在于人权,而在于 保护和促进提案国的政治利益。
The draft resolution was motivated not by concern for human rights but by its sponsors’ concern to protect and promote their political interests.
因此,在审查和批准《公约》后,方借书确认,我方接受、加入《公 约》,遵守《公约》之规定,并阐明上述保留与声明。
Therefore, having studied and approved the Convention, we confirm by this instrument that we accept the Convention, accede to it and undertake to abide [these] provisions, while affirming and bearing in the mind the reservations and declarations mentioned above.
注意到一些国家主权债务的构成不断变化,日益发生从方借商业 借贷和从公共外债向内债的转变,但多数低收入国家的外债仍然基本为官方债 务,又注意到债务高筑以及官方和私人债权人数目的大幅增加会对宏观经济管理 [...]
which has shifted increasingly from official to commercialborrowing andfromexternal [...]
to domestic public debt, although
for most low-income countries external finance is still largely official, also notes that the levels of domestic debt and the significantly increased number of creditors, both official and private, could create other challenges for macroeconomic management and public debt sustainability, and stresses the need to address the implications of these changes, including through improved data collection and analysis
请有关多边、国际、区域和国家组织、公共和私营部门、民间社会和其他 利害关种活动和进程的协同作用,酌情在所有各级,包括在坎昆适 应框架下,以连贯一致和综合的方式开展和支持加强的适应行动,并提供资料, 说明取得的进展
Invites relevant multilateral, international, regional and national organizations, the public and private sectors, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to undertake and support enhanced action on adaptation at all levels, including under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, as appropriate, in a coherent and integrated manner, building on synergies among activities and processes, and to make information available on the progress made
我们尤其希望为非 洲和亚洲的维和培训中心提供支持;在亚洲和其他方借们设在广岛的中心培养和培训建设和平专 家;在包括阿富汗、乍得和索马里在内的多个国家建 设国家警察能力。
In particular, we are interested in supporting peacekeeping training centres in Africa and Asia; in creating and training peacebuilding experts in Asia and elsewhere through our centre in Hiroshima; and in building national police capacity in many countries, including Afghanistan, Chad and Somalia.




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