

单词 借支

See also:

by means of
take (an opportunity)
surname Ji
sleeping mat
walk all over (sb)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 400 QUANTUM 直接制版机借支持 10 微米柯达 STACCATO [...]
加网技术, 提供了 高生产率和无与伦比的图像质量。
The KODAK MAGNUS 400 QUANTUM Platesetter delivers high productivity and unmatched
[...] image quality with support for 10-micron [...]
DKSH越南公司借支持完 善且多元化的业务组合的广泛基础设施,将提供销售、售后服务、市场营销以及客户服务。
DKSH Vietnam will provide sales, after-sales, marketing, and customer services, leveraging on the extensive infrastructure supporting its well-established and diversified business portfolio.
With an integrated traffic
[...] management engine supporting up to 256 subscribers, [...]
the CS8160 also gives network operators maximum
control in managing and provisioning traffic from their customers.
借支持真 正多重业务的先进产品,EXFO简单易用、经济高效的解决方案可提供完整的LTE网络生命周期测试、监测和保证,从初始服务推出到开通、故障排除和监测等不一而足,并且适用于所有服务。
With sophisticated products that support true multiplay, [...]
EXFO’s simple and cost-effective solutions provide complete LTE
network lifecycle testing, monitoring and assurance, from initial service rollout, to turn-up, troubleshooting and monitoring—no matter what the service.
屬於合資格資產成本一部分的借貸成本在資產產生 支 、 借 貸 成 本產生和使資產投入擬定用途或銷售所必須的準備工作進行期間開始 資本化。
The capitalisation of borrowing costs as part of the cost of a
qualifying asset
[...] commences when expenditure for the asset is being incurred, borrowing costs are being [...]
incurred and activities
that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress.
借多产品支持、 顶级的音质和全天候的舒适感这一系列优势,Jabra 免提音频解决方案能够跟上您的需求。
With multi-product support, top sound quality, [...]
and all-day comfort, Jabra hands-free audio solutions keep up with your needs.
这就意味着,您可使用银行卡(信用卡 借 记 卡 )直 支 付 服 务费用或购买商品,通常还可提取现金。
It means you can use your bank card (credit or debit) to pay directly for services or purchases, and often withdraw cash as well.
和金融机构能够为消费者提供更多的支付选择,包括用于即 支 付 的 借 记 卡 、提 支 付 的预付费卡或事后支 付的信用卡等产品。
Visa’s innovations enable its bank customers to offer consumers more choices: pay now with debit, ahead of time with prepaid or later with credit products.
社会科学及人文科学借鉴人权计划 支 持 反对所有压迫形式的解放运动,推动 消除种族主义、不宽容与排斥现象。
Social and Human Sciences: consolidating action to secure emancipation [...]
from all forms of oppression and to achieve progress
in the eradication of racism, intolerance and exclusion by drawing on human rights programmes.
[...] 影響總開支水平,包括但不限於稅項及政府費用、經紀費、佣金及其他交易 支 、 借 貸 成 本 (包括利息開支)、設立成本、非經常開支(例如訴訟及彌償開支),以及本公司的獨立董事 [...]
The Funds will bear other expenses related to their operation that are not covered by the Management Fee which may vary and affect the total level of expenses within the Funds including, but not limited to, taxes and governmental fees, brokerage
fees, commissions and other transaction
[...] expenses, costs of borrowing money including [...]
interest expenses, establishment costs,
extraordinary expenses (such as litigation and indemnification expenses) and fees and expenses of the Company’s independent Directors and their counsel.
随着所需服务的减少,从该中心得到的唯一 剩支持是由两借调的 P-3 工作人员提供的现支持。
With this reduced level of service
requirements, the
[...] only remaining support received from the Centre was on-site support provided by its two seconded P-3 staff.
这些问题可在内部或通过双边 途径解决,但似乎也可以扩大监察员办公室的权力,专门授权监察员监测此类案
[...] 件并采取后续行动,确保基地组织和塔利班制裁措施不会被错误 借 用 于 支 持限 制个人或实体的权利。
While these matters can be addressed domestically or on a bilateral basis, it seems a natural extension of the powers of the Office to specifically authorize the Ombudsperson to monitor and follow up on such cases to ensure that Al-Qaida and
Taliban sanctions measures are not relied
[...] upon, in error, to support restrictions on [...]
the rights of individuals or entities.
待 用 作 未 完 成 資 產支 的 特 定 借 款 的 臨 時 投 資 所 賺 取 之 投 資 收 入,自 撥 充 資 本 的 [...]
借 款 成 本 中 扣 除。
Investment income earned on the temporary
[...] investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on qualifying [...]
assets is deducted from the borrowing cost capitalised.
为确保重要专家的专门知识得以维系,教科文组织还将鼓励 支 持 借 调 、 短期借调以 及与大学、政府部门、智库以及其他主要智囊机构开展交流活动。
To ensure that key specialists
maintain their expertise, UNESCO will also
[...] encourage and support secondments, temporary transfers, [...]
and exchanges with universities,
government departments, think tanks and other thought leading bodies.
4.18 在可能認為適合的情況下,向有關人士根據有關條 借 出 及 墊 支 款 項或提供信 貸,以及就任何第三方的責任提供擔保或作為擔保人,不論該第三方是否與本公 [...]
司有關聯,亦不論該擔保或作為該擔保人會否為本公司帶來任何利益,以及就此 目的,按可能認為對支持對本公司具約束力(不論或有或實有)的任何有關責任
為權宜的條款及條件,對本公司的業務、財產及未催繳股本或其任何部分設立按 揭或押記。
4.18 To lend and advance moneys or give credit [...]
to such persons and on such terms as may be thought fit and to guarantee
or stand surety for the obligations of any third party whether such third party is related to the Company or otherwise and whether or not such guarantee or surety is to provide any benefits to the Company and for that purpose to mortgage or charge the Company's undertaking, property and uncalled capital or any part thereof, on such terms and conditions as may be thought expedient in support of any such obligations binding on the Company whether contingent or otherwise.
依發行合約規定,本公司於合約存續 期間,各年度之年底流動比率應維持 100%以上,負債佔股東權益比率應
[...] 維持100%以下,九十年度起長期償 債能力〔(稅後淨利+折舊費用+攤 提+利息支出)/(當期應償還中長借款+利息支出)〕應維持150% 以上。
The bond covenant requires the Corporation to maintain its year-end current ratio at above 100%, debtto-equity ratio at below 100% and solvency ratio [(Net
income + Depreciation + Amortization + Interest
[...] expense)/(Long-term bank loan repayments + Interest expense)] at above 150%.
除 上 述 或 本 公 告 另 行 披 露 者 外 , 本 集 團
並 無 任 何 未 償 還 按揭、 抵押、 債 券 或 其 他 借 貸 股 本( 已 發
[...] 行 或 同 意 發 行 )、 銀 行支 、 借 貸 、 承 兌 負 債 或 其 他 同 類 [...]
負 債 、 租 購 及 財 務 租 賃 承 擔 或 任 何 擔 保 或 其 他 重 大 或 有 負 債 。
In addition to the information disclosed above or otherwise in this announcement, the Group has no outstanding
mortgage, pledge, bonds or other borrowing capital issued or agreed to be
[...] issued, bank overdraft, borrowing, committed liability [...]
or other similar
liabilities, lease and financing lease commitment, or any guarantee or other significant contingent liabilities.
[...] 量表中,現金及現金等值物包括庫存現金、銀行通知存款、 銀行支及須於借貸日期起三個月內償還之銀行貸款。
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise
cash on hand, deposits held at call with
[...] banks, and bank overdrafts and loans repayable [...]
within 3 months from date of advance.
(c) 根據中華人民共和國土地增值稅暫行條例,所有由轉讓中國內地房地產物業產生的收 益均須以土地價值的增值部分(即出售物業所得款項減可扣稅 支 ( 包 括 借 貸 成 本及所 有物業發展開支))按介乎 30%至 60%的累進稅率繳納土地增值稅。
(c) Under the Provisional Regulations on LAT, all gains arising from transfer of real estate property in Mainland China are subject to LAT at progressive rates ranging from 30% to 60% on the appreciation of land value, being the proceeds
of sales of properties
[...] less deductible expenditures including cost of land use rights, borrowings costs and all [...]
property development expenditures.
他 們 的 立 論 ,
[...] 是 基 於 相 信 人 身 傷 害 案 的 原 告 不 大 可 能 為 應 付 特 別 損 害 的支 而 借 入 款 項 。
Their reasoning was based on the
belief that a plaintiff in a personal injury action is
[...] unlikely to have borrowed money for expenditure on special damages.
我感谢秘书长提供协助,向安全理事会通报西非经共体的立场,并寻求其对 西非经共体和非洲联盟行动支持; 同时 借 此 机会重申,为维护西非的区域和 平与安全,西非经共体表示致力于与联合国开展密切合作。
While appreciating the assistance of the Secretary-General in kindly apprising the Security
Council of the ECOWAS position and
[...] seeking the latter’s support for the actions of ECOWAS [...]
and the African Union, I seize
this opportunity to renew to you the expressions of the commitment by ECOWAS to work closely with the United Nations in the interests of regional peace and security in West Africa.
[...] 須事先獲閣下及授權使用者同意或向彼等發出通知,而閣下及授權使用者須對因此而產生 之任何支、墊支或借項承 擔全部責任。
We may, however, at its sole discretion carry out any instructions notwithstanding such insufficiency without prior approval from or notice to you or the Authorized
User and you and the Authorized User shall be fully
[...] responsible for any overdraft, advance or debit created as a result.
应设立一个妇女署账户,来自 C 节所述来源的妇女署所有收入和应收现金均 应贷记入该账户,代表妇女署产生的所 支 出 应 借 记 入 该账户,但妇女署经管的 信托基金的收入和支出除外。
There shall be established an account for UN-Women to which all of the revenue to UN-Women derived from the sources specified under section “C” and receivable in cash
shall be credited and
[...] against which all expenses on behalf of UN-Women shall be charged, except for revenue and expenses in [...]
respect of trust funds administered by UN-Women.
[...] 和军事人员将通过提供人道主义和发展有关的援助,继续在当地居民中建立信 任,支持特遣队借助各 种媒体工具,深入当地居民,使公众更好地理解联黎部 [...]
UNIFIL specialized civilian and military personnel would continue to build confidence with the local population through the provision of
humanitarian and development-related
[...] assistance, as well as support to contingents in reaching [...]
out to the local population so as to
foster a better understanding by the public of the mandate and activities of the Force through the use of a variety of media tools.
加强这些国家的努力需要国际社会在能力 建设方面支持,包括借助财 政和技术援助,以及联合国依照国家发展战略和优 先事项开展的旨在促进发展的业务活动。
These national efforts need to be reinforced by
[...] international support for capacitybuilding, including through financial and [...]
technical assistance,
and United Nations operational activities for development in accordance with national development strategies and priorities.
172 在支付管理費用借款利息及其他董事會認為屬收入性質的費用後,就本公 司投資應收取的股息、利息及紅利及任何其他利益及得益收入,以及本公司 任何佣金、託管權、代理、轉讓及其他費用及經常性收入均構成本公司可供 分派的利潤。
172 The dividends, interest and bonuses and any other benefits and advantages in the nature of income receivable in respect of the Company's investments, and any commissions, trusteeship, agency, transfer and other fees and current receipts of the Company shall, subject to the payment thereout of the expenses of management, interest upon borrowed money and other expenses which in the opinion of the Board are of a revenue nature, constitute the profits of the Company available for distribution.
最后,我要提到的是,作为建设和平基金的共同 创建者,克罗地亚完全承认,及时和可持续的建设和 平供资是对和平与发展的早期投资,发挥着重要的作 用;在这方面,克罗地亚坚决支持建设和平基金更简 单的新结构,支持该基金借助重 新审查过的职权范 围和准则,努力提出可预测、灵活和充足供资计划。
Finally, let me mention that as a co-founder of the Peacebuilding Fund, Croatia fully recognizes the critical role that timely and sustainable peacebuilding funding plays as an early investment towards peace and
development, and in that
[...] regard strongly supports the Fund’s new simpler structures and its efforts to introduce predictable, flexible and sufficient funding schemes through [...]
revisited terms of reference and guidelines.
(a) 推进和强化协调统一议程,支持国 家进程 借 鉴 以 往在促成更强有力 国家自主权、有力国家卫生保健计划与战略、透明预算过程、创新型融资和强化 [...]
(a) Advance and escalate the harmonization
[...] and alignment agenda in support of national processes, [...]
building on the positive experiences
that have resulted in stronger national ownership, robust national health plans and strategies, transparent budgetary processes, innovative financing and enhanced implementation, complemented by supportive global programmes
請議員留意條例草案的附表 5,因為在那個附表 5
[...] 大家可以看到第 15(2)條、第 26(2) 條和第 17(2)條等數條,賦予政務司及/和庫務司全權控制委員會的 支 、 借 款 和投 資。
I refer Members to Schedule 5 of the Bill because in that Schedule 5 you will see various sections 15(2), 26(2) and 17(2), giving the Secretary for Home
Affairs and/or the Secretary for the Treasury
[...] full power to control expenditures, borrowings and investment by [...]
the Commission.
[...] 生产率和减少新进工作人员在遴选和培训方面的 支 , 借 以 节 省更多的费用,同 时认识到有若干其他因素可能影响到这种期望
Takes note of the objective of UNOPS management to achieve, through the reclassification exercise, a reduction in the current attrition rates as well as increased cost savings from
greater productivity and reduced
[...] selection and training expenditures for new staff, while [...]
recognizing that these expectations
can be affected by a number of other factors




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