

单词 借据

See also:

by means of
take (an opportunity)
surname Ji
sleeping mat
walk all over (sb)

External sources (not reviewed)

在省一级,借据称的 管理不善和挪用资金等问题对北基伍省省长和赤道省 议会主席提出的不信任动议,导致北基伍和赤道两个省的议会分别于 1 月 15 日 和 2 月 6 日暂停举行会议。
At the provincial level, motions of no confidence raised against the Governor of North Kivu and the President of the Provincial Assembly in Equateur on the basis of alleged mismanagement and embezzlement of funds led to the suspension of the Provincial Assembly sessions on 15 January in North Kivu and 6 February in Equateur.
条款的修订并不违反国际劳工组织《关于强迫劳 动的第 29 号公约》,除了禁止用酒类饮品、毒品、毒药、有害物质和其他毒素 物质、武器、弹药等物品作为工资发放外,现在还禁止用债券 借据 、 流 通债券 和息票顶替工资。
The new wording of the article is not at variance with International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 29 concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour.
借 Equinix 数据中心的全球网络,您就能满足您的近地托管要求。
With the
[...] global network of Equinix data centers you can [...]
achieve your proximity hosting requirements.
借助区域数据,说 明加强社会科 学能力所面临的挑战,并解释了社会科学各门学科与寻找全球危机解决策略之间的相关性。
Based on regional data, it describes the [...]
challenges of building social science capacities and illustrates the relevance
of social science disciplines to find solutions to global crises.
借在数据中心 和服务提供商市场的悠久传统和技术领先地位,Brocade [...]
Through a rich heritage and technology
[...] leadership in the data center and service [...]
provider markets, Brocade is uniquely qualified
to help services providers build and enhance their public cloud infrastructures.
开展有关对话将会为我们提供一个机会 借以 根据 1999 年《合作安全纲领》,加强欧安组织与联合 [...]
A relevant dialogue will provide us with an opportunity to
strengthen the OSCE’s relations with the
[...] United Nations, in accordance with the 1999 Platform [...]
for Cooperative Security.
节省时间和金钱——借我们根据丰 富 的经验制定的审批战略,我们将能帮助您避免项目后期昂贵且耗时的问题。
Save time and money – with an approval strategy based on our extensive experience that will help you avoid cost-intensive, time-consuming problems at a later stage of the project.
借可存储1000条据的内 存容量和内置的报告软件,FOT-600有效地促进了数据管理并使用户能够通过USB连接将数据传输到PC。
Thanks to its
[...] memory capacity of 1000 data items and its built-in [...]
reporting software, the FOT-600 facilitates data management
and enables data transfer to a PC via USB connection.
达奇斯集团借专有的大据分析 平台,帮助全球最大品牌企业优化他们的社交网络营销和与客户engage@scale。
Utilizing a proprietary big data analytics platform, [...]
Dachis Group helps the world's largest brands optimize their social
marketing and engage@scale with their customers.
计划于 11 月对海地 进行的人道主义伙伴关系实地访问将为参加访问的 会员国提供一次机会借以根据第一 手资料审视由联 合国领导的多边人道主义行动和协调的价值。
The International Humanitarian Partnership’s field mission to Haiti planned for November will provide participating Member States with an opportunity to consider first-hand the value of United Nations-led multilateral humanitarian action and coordination.
[...] 法人实体对它的附属企业(持有该企业25% 以上的股份)的欠债(如贷款借款 和票 据)超 过了它股本价值的3倍,在债务超过公 [...]
司股本三分之一的期间内,它的贷款利息将 不被作为所得税纳税的可扣除成本。
If all the liabilities of a Polish
corporate entity from different sources (such as
[...] loans, credits and invoices), due to its affiliates [...]
who hold no less than 25%
of shares, exceed three times the share capital value of the Polish corporate entity, the loan or credit interests are not recognised as a taxdeductible cost for a period in which a loan or credit exceeds a triple share capital value.
艾默生网络能源,借其在数据中心 领域的深厚经验和出色表现,荣获由中国数据中心产业发展联盟颁发的 “2011年度数据中心基础设施优秀管理解决方案奖”。
Emerson Network Power earned the 2011
[...] Excellent Data Center Infrastructure Management Solution Award from the China Data Center Industry [...]
Development Federation
in recognition of its outstanding contribution of technologies and service in the data center marketplace.
借助承载数据包的 SONET/SDH 分插多路 复用器(包括多业务传输平台 (MSTP) 和新型可重构的分插多路复用器 (ROADM))的出现,技术人员不但必须执行传统的 SONET/ SDH 测试,而且现在还必须负责验证基于数据包的服务,例如在相同网元上运行的以太网、万兆以太网以及光纤通道。
With the advent of packet-aware SONET/SDH add-drop multiplexers—including multiservice transport platforms (MSTPs) and new reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs)—technicians must not only perform traditional SONET/SDH tests, but are now also responsible for verifying packet-based services such as Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel running over the same network elements.
交易被记录在一个集中的“分类账簿”中,记录买进的物品价值(贷方)及卖出的物品价值 借 方 ) ——类似于 据交 换 中心的股票,或者商业银行的账单那样。
Transactions are recorded in a
centralized“ledger”which records the value of the
[...] items purchased (debit) and sold (credit) - much like a clearinghouse [...]
does for stocks, or a
commercial bank does for checks.
为了将全球艺术市场的中心从西方转 到东方来,中国不需要借助任何手段,比如借用画廊的据(私人市场比公开拍 卖更加模糊),还是动产或者中国传统艺 术品的数据来提高在全球范围内的成交 价。
To reverse the polarity of the global art market from West to
East, China has done
[...] without artifices such as art gallery figures (a more opaque private market [...]
than the public auction market)
or even furniture or traditional Chinese art objects (the prices of which are shooting up worldwide).
为 1.A.所述设备的“使用”而专门设计或修改、可处理飞航后所记录据借以判 定飞行器飞航路径全程位置的“软件”。
Software" which processes
[...] post-flight, recorded data, enabling determination [...]
of vehicle position throughout its flight path,
specially designed or modified for systems specified in 1.
因此,瑞典 移民局掌握充分的资料,包括档案所载的事实和文件汇编,以确保当局可 借确 凿据评估申诉人是否需要保护。
Thus, the Swedish migration authorities had sufficient information, including the facts and documentation available on file, to ensure that they had a solid basis for their assessment of the author‟s need for protection.
[...] 目的去向--资产表或负债表--不应该 据借 方 或 贷方的地位,而应该根据入账的内容:向工 [...]
The posting of a transaction in an asset or
liability account should not be determined by
[...] whether it is a debit or credit transaction [...]
but by the content of the operation;
thus advances paid to the staff are shown as receivables in the asset account and amounts to be transferred to staff as debits in the liability account.
评价的目的是评估现有全系统合作框架的实效和效率 据 以 借 鉴 并 交流在联合 国系统支助非洲的活动中学到的经验教训,并确认这方面的最佳做法和协作方法。 评价以迄今对这一问题各个方面进行的审查为依据,负责进行这些审查的有秘书长、 联合国行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)、联检组、内部监督事务厅(监督厅)、 非洲问题特别顾问办公室(非洲顾问办)、非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)以及联合国系 统其他成员。
The evaluation is aimed at assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing system-wide cooperation framework, drawing on and sharing lessons learned as well as identifying best coordination practices and methods of collaboration with regard to the United Nations system support to Africa, based on the various reviews undertaken so far on different aspects of the issue by the Secretary-General, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), the JIU, the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and other members of the United Nations system.
15.5 计划服务包括:技术咨询;业务需求评估;项目范围确定和规划;业务程序分析;不断开
[...] 发和部署针对知识产权管理和优先权文件及检索审查结果交换的定制业务系统解决方案;知识产权据库的建立借助 WIPO 全球知识产权体系(包括 PCT 和马德里体系)实现知识产权记录数字 [...]
WIPO 数据库(如 PATENTSCOPE)进行的电子交 流;提供 WIPO 知识产权统计数字;技术基础设施的改进;培训和知识转让;业务系统支持。
Program services include: technical consultancy; business needs assessment; project scoping and planning; business process analysis; ongoing development and deployment of customized business system solutions for the administration of IP rights and for the exchange of priority documents
and of search and examination
[...] results; establishment of IP databases; digitization of [...]
IP records and preparation of data
for online publication and electronic data exchange with WIPO global IP systems (including PCT and Madrid); e-communication with WIPO databases such as PATENTSCOPE; provision of WIPO IP statistics; upgrading of technical infrastructure; training and knowledge transfer; and, business system support.
(2) 每位股东同意放弃其原可因董事在履行本公司职责时采取的任何行动 或未有采取任何行动而针对董事提起的申索或起诉权利(不论个别或 据 或 凭 借本 公 司的权利),惟该权利的放弃不延伸至任何与董事欺诈或不忠诚有关的事宜。
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such
Director, or the failure of
[...] such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the [...]
Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not extend to any matter
in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.
所提供的统计据在适当之借鉴了 其他来源,但主要是通过年度报告调查表和与会员国合 作进行的非法作物调查收集的。
While also drawing on other sources where relevant, the statistics presented were mainly gathered through the annual reports questionnaire and the illicit crop surveys produced in cooperation with Member States.
人类学家和社会学家发现在非西方人millennialist信仰,但他们一直在争论是否或不是这些外表的教学后,从教学的基础上, 据借 款 , 从基督教的说教借贷为基础。
Anthropologists and sociologists have found millennialist belief among non Western people, but they have debated as to whether or not these
appearances of the teaching
[...] are based upon borrowing from the teaching are based upon borrowing from Christian [...]
Emerson 全球据中心凭借太阳能电池阵、节能设计及通过垃圾掩埋场循环利用 80% [...]
建筑垃圾的建设实践,获得了美国绿色建筑委员会(the U.S. Green Building Council)颁发的能源与环境建筑认证系统(LEED®)金牌认证(对数据中心来讲是一项罕见殊荣),及美国可持续建筑行业委员会(the
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council)颁发的 2009 年度 Beyond Green™ 高性能建筑奖。
The solar array and energy-efficient design [...]
and building practices, which diverted approximately 80 percent of construction
waste from landfills, were among the factors that helped the Emerson Global Data Center earn LEED® Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (a rare distinction for a data center) and a 2009 Beyond Green™ High-Performance Building Award from the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council.
最后,她希望获知特别报告员是 否打算不久后返回缅甸,以及他是否打算 据 具体 情况借此机 会考察缅甸所有地区并起草一份更为 详尽和深入的报告。
Lastly, she asked whether the Special Rapporteur hoped to return soon to Burma and, if so, whether he expected to be able to travel to all areas and to report in depth and in detail.
创设此项评估的目的是提供在国际正常运行时间协会层级认证之外、一套由行业驱动的运营与网站管理标准,并使 据 中 心 能够 借 其 管 理和运营能力而非以其基础设施去获取认可。
The assessment was created to address a practical need for an industry-driven set of criteria for operational and site management
independent of Uptime’s Tier
[...] Certification and to enable data centers to be recognized [...]
for their management and operations
capabilities, independent of their infrastructure.
执行委员会据其关于从借款和 其他来源获得补充收入的特别筹资机制的讨论结 果,审议了关于为调集资源以处理淘汰氟氯烃的共同气候惠益问题提供技术援助的申请。
The Executive Committee considered the request for technical assistance for mobilizing resources to maximize climate benefits of HCFC phase-out in light of its discussion on a special funding facility for additional income from loans and other sources.
一些发言者指出,需要有可靠、公 开共享和可比较的统计据,借以对 种植估计量进行可靠的分析。
Some speakers noted that reliable, openly shared and comparable statistics supporting sound analysis of cultivation estimates and information on production and seizures were essential to a thorough understanding of emerging trends and developments as a basis for policymaking.
在贸易法委员会网站所提供的据库 上可 凭借 所有关键识别特征查找这些摘要,即可输入国名、立法文本、法规判例法的判 例号和法规判例法的期号、裁定日期或其中各项的任何组合。
The abstracts are searchable on the database available through the UNCITRAL website by reference to all key identifying features, i.e. country, legislative text, CLOUT case number, CLOUT issue number, decision date or a combination of any of these.
此外,军事占领不仅 是要为以色列提供安全保障,事实上是要以打击暴 力和恐怖主义等毫无据的借口, 令人震惊地侵犯 手无寸铁的被压迫人民的人权。
Moreover, the military occupation not only provided Israel with security, but was in fact an appalling violation of the human rights of unarmed and oppressed people, on the groundless pretext of combating violence and terrorism.




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