

单词 借屍还魂

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External sources (not reviewed)

这无疑是等於趁火打劫,是变相让成本 挂 政借屍还魂背过往㆒贯以低廉医疗收费保障市民健康的原则。
This is no different from robbing an unfortunate fire
victim, and it is really a revival of the
[...] cost-pegging policy ina new guise, which [...]
is against the principle of low-cost medical
care for the protection of the health of the public cherished in the past.
现在,这种近似的所谓朴 素的民族感情,实在也借屍还魂革式的东西。
Now, this accusation that looks like something out of the so-called simple class sentiment is in fact a relic of the Cultural Revolution.
当两局废除後,我担心类似违反人 权的建议不知会借屍还魂後演变成一个类似新加坡的高度控制市民行 [...]
I worry that anti-human-rights proposals similar to this will come to life again
in another form after the abolition of
[...] the two Municipal Councils. Eventually, Hong [...]
Kong might transform into a society similar
to Singapore where the people's behaviour is subject to a high degree of surveillance.
分项收费」亦是当年史葛报告的建议,将当时谘询文件的第 11 章借屍还魂已。
Itemized charging" is another idea advocated by
the Scott Report and represents an effort to revive in a new guise the proposals
[...] contained in Chapter11 of thereport.
今次建议增加首次登 记税,似乎是改头换面借屍还魂车主开刀。
This proposal on increasing the FRT appears to be a rehash of the one put forward by the Environment Bureau with vehicle owners being the targets.
但不幸㆞,㆗国政府决 定把这条例列为基本法第 23 条,借屍还魂以在九七年後,这项违反㆟权法案的 条例将会透过基本法再度出现。
But unfortunately, the Chinese Government has decided to revive the provision in the guise of Article 23 of the Basic Law.
我 特 别 关注的事项 是条例草案在界定 本 港 的 税 务 管 辖 区 时 违 反 了香港 税 制 的地域 来 源 徵税原则 ; 利 息 税在 1989 年 取 消 後 , 现 时 又再以 旁 门 左 道 的 方借屍还 魂未 经 深 思 熟 虑 下 随 便 推 出 一项“ 税 务对称 ” 原 则,而该 项 新 订原则明显 不能全面而公 正 的 应用於整项条 例。
I am particularly concerned with the fact that this Bill has breached the territorial source principle in defining our tax jurisdiction, resurrected the interest tax through the back door after its abolition in 1989, and inadvertently introduced a new tax policy of symmetry which is ill-conceived and clearly unworkable if applied universally and fairly to the entirety of the IRO.
想不到的是在八年之後,竟然假借「促进 健康」为名,旧事重提,反映出政府是有意将史葛报告书借屍还魂
Little did one expect that the old proposal was to be revived eight years later under the title of Towards Better Health.
可是,在实际 执行上会遇到不少困难,例如有“前科”的东主或董事,可能会 借屍还 魂他人的名义申请开业,除非政府要“诛连九族”,否则这项规 定很可能难以奏效。
For instance, proprietors or directors "with a history" are likely to "resurrect in a new guise" by applying for permission to start businesses in other people's names. Unless the Government is to "punish all members of the nine related clans", otherwise it is most unlikely for such a requirement to be effective.
如今历史 重 演 , 考 克斯报告更将 “中国 威胁论”再借屍还 魂用子 虚乌有 的 指 控 , 在 美 国人民中 , 挑 起 反 华 情 绪 。
The Cox Report brings back to life the ghost of the "Chinese threat theory", using unfounded accusations to stir up anti-Chinese sentiments in America.
纵使法例上写明雇主有责任支付 欠薪、遣散费,倘若公司结业,一招“金蝉脱壳”便将所有责任推卸得一乾 二净,再一招借屍还魂可继续经营了。
Though it is clearly provided in the legislation that employers are liable to paying outstanding wages and severance pay, employers can still easily shirk their responsibilities by closing down their businesses and continue their operation in new clones.
杨耀忠议员:主席女士,曾钰成议员今天动议的议案 , 让我们再有一次 机 会 重 温 历 史 , 认 识到日本军 国主义 的 幽 灵 不但驱 之 不 散 , 而 且借 屍 还 魂历 史 之 屍 , 还军国主义 之 魂 。
MR YEUNG YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Madam President, Mr Jasper TSANG's motion today gives us a chance to look back on history once again, to understand that theghost ofJapanese militarism is still very much alive, trying to repossess the corpse of distortion of history for a revival.
那些公司是很容易借屍还魂,政府又不可“诛九族”,所以,如 果单是针对有“前科”的公司,我觉得未必能达到保障的目的。
Also, it is not possible for the Government to "punish all members of the nine related clans." I, therefore, do not think that the goal of prevention can definitely be achieved by just targeting companies "with a history.
现 在,这些已证实行不通,也不为香港㆟和㆗国接纳的措施,却在他的施政报告内借 屍还魂象,把他的前任者与㆗国建立互相尊重,寻求制度衔接,顺利过渡的努力, [...]
Pushing the people of Hong Kong to confront with China will be a move seriously against the will of the people of Hong Kong and detrimental to the overall interest of Hong Kong. The above-mentioned measures that have proved to be
unfeasible and unacceptable to the people of Hong
[...] Kong and to China now seem to have revived [...]
in a different form in the policy address
of the Governor, and this will have completely neutralized his predecessor's efforts in establishing mutual respect with China, and pursuing convergence in political system and a smooth transition.
就此 点而言,特别行政区(“特区”)政府亦须受谴责,公司票是由殖民地政府 提出的,後来总督彭定康把它取消,不过,特区政府成立後,便迅速将公司借屍还魂公司可投票,我觉得这事应令香港人感到非常羞愧。
On this point, the Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government should be reprimanded. Corporate votes wereinvented by the colonial administration, but they were later abolished by Governor Chris PATTEN.
After death the disembodied soul hovers around the corpse [...]
for three days.
因为它侍奉 权贵、劫贫济富,所以便齐、
Since it is serving the bigwigs and robbing the poor for the wealthy, its spirit has been taken apart and it acts like a zombie.
护育粤剧”并非一个口号,而是关乎粤剧 生死存亡的还魂
To nurture Cantonese Opera" is not just a slogan but also a magical potion on which the survival or demise of the Cantonese opera depends.
除政 府的保证外,实际决定息率时,贷款机构会按相关因素而对每业进行个别评估,包业的商业、营运及财政能力;信贷类 别及性质;贷款金额;银行的资金成本;抵押品的类别质素 和可销售性及是否有个人担保,以 与银行的关系等。
Government guarantee aside, in practice, in
determining the interest levels, each borrowerwould be assessed individually against various relevant factors,
[...] includingthe borrower’s business, its operational and financial strength, the type and nature of credit facility, the loan amountand repaymenttenor,the cost of funds to the bank, the type, quality and marketability of any security pledged and availability of personal guarantees,theborrower’s relationship with [...]
the bank, etc.
(n) 收取按金款项或贷款及借款或以本公司认为合适的有关方式筹资,尤其是透 过发行债权证、或债权股证(永久或其他方式)以取得、 筹集或所欠或本公司(现时及未来)物业或资产的全部或任何抵押、押记或 [...]
本公司或任何其他人士或公司於本公司或任何其他人士或公司(视乎情况而 定)所担保的任何责任。
(n) To receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, or debenture stock
(perpetual or otherwise)
[...] and so secure the repaymentof any moneyborrowed,raised orowing mortgage, [...]
charge or lien upon
all or any of the property or assets of the Company (both present and future), including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company or any other person or company of any obligation undertaken by the Company or any other person or company as the case may be.
若 发现任何雀鸟会即时跟进及化验以确定牠的死因是 否与禽流感有关。
On discovering dead birds, they would immediately follow up and conduct tests to ascertain whether the deaths are caused by avian influenza.
此项改善归因於Xstrata有抵押银行贷款的再融资以及因此从即期借款重新归类为 非 即、偿「可 再 次 提 取」短 期 融 资以 及 [...]
上 述营 运 资 金 投 资。
This improvement is attributable to the refinancing of the Xstrata secured bank loans and the
resulting reclassification from current
[...] to noncurrent borrowings, therepayment of various ‘re-drawable’ [...]
short term facilities
and the investment in working capital as noted above.
以丧屍为题的产品一直广受欢迎,相关的电影、电玩游戏、漫画和小说等不断登场,当中更有「如何在 界中求存手册出版。
Zombie-themed products have been hugely popular, such as film, video game, comic, novel, and even a ‘survival guide’.
即 时到期之贷款,若已知,未按指或贷款已超获通知的批准限额,而此情况持续超 过 ㆖述逾期期限,亦列作逾期处理。
Advancesrepayable ondemand are classified as overdue either when a demand for repayment has been served on the borrower but repayment has not been made in accordance with the demand notice, or when the advances have remained continuously outside the approved limit advised to the borrower for more than the overdue period in question.
(35) 按本公司认为合适之方式借入或筹集款项,特别是透过发行债权证及透过按 揭、抵押或留置本公司全部或任何部分财产或资产(不論现时或日後之财产或 资产)(包括其未催缴股本),担保所筹集款项或欠款,此外, 亦透过類似按揭、抵押或留置权,担保及保证本公司履行其可能承担之任何义 务或负债。
(35) To borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing, by mortgage, charge, or lien upon the whole or any part of the Company’s property or assets (whether present or future) including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar mortgage, charge, or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company of any obligation or liability it may undertake.
依发行合约规定,本公司於合约存续 期间,各年度之年底流动比率应维持 100%以上,负债占股东权益比率应 维持100%以下,九十年度起长期偿
[...] 债能力〔(税後净利+折旧费用+摊 提+利息支出)/(当期应利息支出)〕应维持150% 以上。
The bond covenant requires the Corporation to maintain its year-end current ratio at above 100%, debtto-equity ratio at below 100% and solvency ratio [(Net
income + Depreciation + Amortization + Interest
[...] expense)/(Long-term bank loan repayments +Interest expense)] [...]
at above 150%.
佐洱的女儿,有香港协进联盟(即现时的民建联)许长青的儿子,有中 国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员(“全国政协委员”)施子清的儿 子,有前香港基本法委员会副主任黄保欣的儿子,有全国人民代表大
[...] 会常务委员会委员范徐丽泰的儿子国政协委员胡法光的儿 子。
They include the daughter of CHEN Zuoer, former Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council; the son of HUI Cheung-ching of the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance (that means the present Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong); the son of SZE Chi-ching, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); the son of WONG Po-yan, former Deputy Director of the Committee for the Basic Law; the son of Rita
FAN, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's
[...] Congress; and theson of HUFa-kuang, member [...]
of the CPPCC.
除了在传统渠道,包括电视、公共交通公具等投下富有创意的广告外 还借富之网路资源,包括企业网站、 微 博 及 线 上 游 戏,有 效 地 拉 近 与 消 费 者 的 距 离,特 别 是 增 强 了 与 白 领、年 青 人、儿 童 及 网 路 消 费 群 体 的 互 动, 促 进维 达 产品的 市场 渗 透力。
Besidesplacing creative advertisements in conventional media such as television and on public transport, the Group also successfully utilized internet resources to strengthen its interaction with consumers, particularly office-ladies, young people, children and online consumers.
二十年过去了,六四魂还目,被六四情结引向持不同政见 者之路的我,在1991年走出秦城监狱之後,就失去了在自己的祖国公 [...]
开发言的权利,而只能通过境外媒体发言,并因此而被长年监控、被 监视居住(1995年 5月至1996年 1月 ) 、被劳动教养(1996年
10月至1999 年 10月 ),现在又再次被政权的敌人意识推上了被告席,但我仍然要 对这个剥夺我自由的政权说,我监守着二十年前我在《六․二绝食宣 言》中所表达的信念 ⎯⎯ 我没有敌人,也没有仇恨。
Twenty years on,the innocentsouls of June Fourth do not [...]
yet rest in peace, and I, who had been drawn into the path of
dissidence by the passions of June Fourth, after leaving the Qincheng Prison in 1991, lost in the right to speak openly in my own country, and could only do so through overseas media, and hence was monitored for many years; placed under surveillance (May 1995 to January 1996); educated through labour (October 1996 to October 1999s), and now once again am thrust into the dock by enemies in the regime.
为确保医院员工的职 业健康和安全,我们已根据以下两项国际标准, 检讨现有解剖设施:
美国疾病控制及预防中 心 公 布 的 《 医 护 设施环境感染控制指引》,以 及 英国 生及社 会保障部公 布 的 《 医 疗
[...] 建 筑 物 概 要 20:殓房和, 检讨范围包括医疗 [...]
建 筑 物的实际环境、工作流程安排 、员工辅 助 设施和设备。
To ensure occupational health and safety for hospital personnel, we have reviewed the existing autopsy facilities against such international standards as the “Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities” published by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United
States and the “Health Building Note 20:
[...] Mortuary and Post Mortem Room” published [...]
by the Department of Health and Social Security
of the United Kingdom, in terms of physical environment, workflow logistics, staff amenities as well as equipment.




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