

单词 借尸还魂

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External sources (not reviewed)

智利提出了一些建议,涉及国际人权机 制、大量寻求庇护者造成的问题,以及失踪人员 尸 体 挖掘、身份辨别和 还问 题等。
Chile made recommendations regarding international human rights mechanisms, the problem posed by the high numbers of asylum-seekers and the exhumation, identification and return of missing persons.
這無疑是等於趁火打劫,是變相讓成本 掛 政借屍還魂,違背過往㆒貫以低廉醫療收費保障市民健康的原則。
This is no different from robbing an unfortunate fire
victim, and it is really a revival of the
[...] cost-pegging policy in a new guise, which [...]
is against the principle of low-cost medical
care for the protection of the health of the public cherished in the past.
万圣节城是一个梦幻的世界,充满了如变形的怪物, 魂 , 食 尸 鬼 , 小妖精,吸血鬼,狼人和女巫的公民。
Halloween Town is a dream world filled with citizens such as deformed monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, vampires, werewolves and witches.
还借此机 会祝 贺你决定由安理会辩论小武器和轻武器对中部非洲 [...]
的安全与稳定的影响这一重要议题,中部非洲是一个 我们十分关心的区域。
I also take this opportunity [...]
to congratulate you on your decision to have the Council debate the important subject of the
impact of small arms and light weapons on security and stability in Central Africa, a region close to our hearts.
他们拿出来给观察员看并作为轰炸受害者展示的大批尸体,主要是这些 武装人员尸体,还有其 他家庭死人的尸体。
The large number of bodies that they took out for the observers to be displayed as victims of the bombardment, were mostly those of the armed men, in addition to those of the other families that died.
失 踪人员和法医问题办公还进行了尸 体 解 剖、法医临床检查、死亡现场勘查和 23 具战争案尸体解剖。
The Office on Missing Persons and Forensics also conducted autopsies, forensic clinical examinations, death scene investigations and 23 war case autopsies.
現在,這種近似的所謂樸 素的民族感情,實在也借屍還魂的 文 革式的東西。
Now, this accusation that looks like something out of the so-called simple class sentiment is in fact a relic of the Cultural Revolution.
當兩局廢除後,我擔心類似違反人 權的建議不知會借屍還魂,最 後演變成一個類似新加坡的高度控制市民行 [...]
I worry that anti-human-rights proposals similar to this will come to life again
in another form after the abolition of
[...] the two Municipal Councils. Eventually, Hong [...]
Kong might transform into a society similar
to Singapore where the people's behaviour is subject to a high degree of surveillance.
证人认为尸体还可在 战俘交换的谈判中用作谈判筹码。
Witnesses suggested that the bodies may also be used as bargaining chips in prisoner exchange negotiations.
在 Zamalka 和 Darayya 各发现一尸体;还在 Qatana 发现了一具尸体, 死者系被射杀。
Two bodies were found in Zamalka and another in Darayya; the body of a person who had been shot dead was found in Qatana.
特别报告还借此机 会指出条款草案所涵盖的各种关于冲突和缔约方的假 设:(1) 对立方之间的武装冲突,(2) [...]
缔约各方属盟国的武装冲突,(3) 仅有一个 缔约方为武装冲突一方的冲突,及(4) 非国际武装冲突。
The Special Rapporteur further took the opportunity [...]
to point out the various hypotheses of conflicts and parties covered
by the draft article: (1) armed conflict between opposing parties, (2) armed conflict where contracting parties are allies, (3) a conflict where only one contracting party is a party to the armed conflict, and (4) a non-international armed conflict.
广告Riparium”)表示,考虑撒马利亚人和犹太人 尸 体 , 不仅为不洁的死,而 还 包 含一 具 尸 体 的 房子的餐具。
Jerome says ("Epistola cix. ad Riparium") that the Samaritans and
the Jews considered not only the
[...] bodies of the dead as unclean, but also the utensils in the house containing a corpse.
想不到的是在八年之後,竟然假借「促進 健康」為名,舊事重提,反映出政府是有意將史葛報告書 借 屍 還 魂 」。
Little did one expect that the old proposal was to be revived eight years later under the title of Towards Better Health.
我 特 別 關注的事項 是條例草案在界定 本 港 的 稅 務 管 轄 區 時 違 反 了香港 稅 制 的地域 來 源 徵稅原則 ; 利 息 稅在 1989 年 取 消 後 , 現 時 又再以 旁 門 左 道 的 方借屍還 魂 ;在未 經 深 思 熟 慮 下 隨 便 推 出 一項“ 稅 務對稱 ” 原 則,而該 項 新 訂原則明顯 不能全面而公 正 的 應用於整項條 例。
I am particularly concerned with the fact that this Bill has breached the territorial source principle in defining our tax jurisdiction, resurrected the interest tax through the back door after its abolition in 1989, and inadvertently introduced a new tax policy of symmetry which is ill-conceived and clearly unworkable if applied universally and fairly to the entirety of the IRO.
分項收費」亦是當年史葛報告的建議,將當時諮詢文件的第 11 章借屍還魂」而已。
Itemized charging" is another idea advocated by
the Scott Report and represents an effort to revive in a new guise the proposals
[...] contained in Chapter 11 of the report.
今次建議增加首次登 記稅,似乎是改頭換面借屍還魂, 向 車主開刀。
This proposal on increasing the FRT appears to be a rehash of the one put forward by the Environment Bureau with vehicle owners being the targets.
死在以色列监狱中数目不详的 死者尸体被存放在军人公墓和冰箱里,在许多情况 下,以色列当局没有通知死者家属或 还尸 体 下 葬。
An unknown number of bodies of people who had died in Israeli prisons were being held in military cemeteries and refrigerators, and in many cases the Israeli authorities had failed to inform the families of the deceased or to release their bodies for burial.
(a) 调查应做到全面,即不仅应该注重可靠地确 尸 体 的 身分 还 应 该注 重致使这些人死亡的各种状况
(a) Investigations should be comprehensive in the sense that they
should not only focus on the
[...] reliable identification of corpses but also on the circumstances [...]
that led to those persons’ deaths
2009 年 12 月进行了第一次此类审讯,在军队承 认在军事墓地控制有一具尸体后,以色列高等法院命令将这 尸 体 交 还 给 其家 人。
In the first hearing of its kind, in December 2009, the Israeli High Court of Justice ordered a body to be released to his family after the army acknowledged holding the body in a military cemetery.
还下令从尸体 中 提取样本进行基因鉴定,并决定将诉讼移交检察机关。
The Court also ordered that samples be taken from the dead body for purposes [...]
of genetic identification and decided to refer
the proceedings to the Public Prosecution Service.
那些公司是很容易借屍還魂”的 ,政府又不可“誅九族”,所以,如 果單是針對有“前科”的公司,我覺得未必能達到保障的目的。
Also, it is not possible for the Government to "punish all members of the nine related clans." I, therefore, do not think that the goal of prevention can definitely be achieved by just targeting companies "with a history.
在提交人儿尸体上还发现 体内肋骨骨折,这是由于死前 施行心脏起博按摩,与其儿子死亡无关。
Internal rib fractures also detected on his son’s body occurred ante-mortem due to a cardiac massage and are unrelated to his son’s death.
可是,在實際 執行上會遇到不少困難,例如有“前科”的東主或董事,可能會 借 屍還 魂”,借用其 他人的名義申請開業,除非政府要“誅連九族”,否則這項規 定很可能難以奏效。
For instance, proprietors or directors "with a history" are likely to "resurrect in a new guise" by applying for permission to start businesses in other people's names. Unless the Government is to "punish all members of the nine related clans", otherwise it is most unlikely for such a requirement to be effective.
但不幸㆞,㆗國政府決 定把這條例列為基本法第 23 條,借屍還魂,所 以在九七年後,這項違反㆟權法案的 條例將會透過基本法再度出現。
But unfortunately, the Chinese Government has decided to revive the provision in the guise of Article 23 of the Basic Law.
(d) 父母或作为父母的照料者被判死刑的儿童、囚犯本人、家属及其法律
[...] 当信息,以便对囚犯进行最后的探视或与之交流,并 尸 体 送 还 家 属 埋葬,或通 知尸体所在地点; (a) [...]
请秘书长确保从联合国经常预算中提供适当的工作人员和便利,以便 儿童权利委员会、联合国系统特别程序和特别代表能够迅速、有效地履行职能、
执行任务,联合国人权事务高级专员办事处开展有关儿童权利的工作,可酌情要 求各国继续提供自愿捐款
(d) To ensure that children whose parents or
parental caregivers are on death row, the
[...] inmates themselves, their families and their [...]
legal representatives, are provided, in
advance, with adequate information about a pending execution, its date, time and location, to allow a last visit or communication with the prisoner, the return of the body to the family for burial or to inform on where the body is located
它建 议 采取措施废除极刑, 并 询问关于死刑的 公众辩 论情况;它对在处决日之 前 不 正 式 通知家属 或代表囚 犯 的 律师尸 体不归 还 家 属 安 葬 表 示 关 切 , 希望了解这个问 题是如何处理的。
It recommended that steps be taken to abolish capital punishment, enquired about the level of public debate on the death penalty, and expressed
concerns that the family
[...] or lawyers representing inmates are not formally informed in advance of the date of execution and the body is not returned to the family for [...]
private burial, and
asked how this issue is being addressed.
他指出,这些照片证实,除尸斑大量充血外,他儿子尸 体还显示 大块红斑,双手中指附近凝结血块,双手明显肿胀,大量抓痕和皮肤 伤。
He states that, as corroborated by the photographs, his son’s body showed in addition to livores mortis extensive haematomas, large red spots, coagulated blood around his middle fingers on both hands, apparent swelling of both hands, numerous scratches and skin injuries.
縱使法例上寫明僱主有責任支付 欠薪、遣散費,倘若公司結業,一招“金蟬脫殼”便將所有責任推卸得一乾 二淨,再一招借屍還魂”又 可繼續經營了。
Though it is clearly provided in the legislation that employers are liable to paying outstanding wages and severance pay, employers can still easily shirk their responsibilities by closing down their businesses and continue their operation in new clones.
楊耀忠議員:主席女士,曾鈺成議員今天動議的議案 , 讓我們再有一次 機 會 重 溫 歷 史 , 認 識到日本軍 國主義 的 幽 靈 不但驅 之 不 散 , 而 且借 屍 還 魂 , 借 篡 改 歷 史 之 屍 , 還軍國主義 之 魂 。
MR YEUNG YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Madam President, Mr Jasper TSANG's motion today gives us a chance to look back on history once again, to understand that the ghost of Japanese militarism is still very much alive, trying to repossess the corpse of distortion of history for a revival.
粮食还借调一 位工作人员给在纽约 的联合国全系统脆弱性监测和预警机制——全球脉动,并积极参与关于通过针对 [...]
特定背景的安全网工具实施社会保护最低标准的联合倡议和关于绿色经济和可 持续发展的联合倡议。
WFP has also seconded a staff member [...]
to the United Nations system-wide vulnerability monitoring and alert mechanism, Global
Pulse, in New York, and is active in the joint initiatives on the social protection floor through context-specific safety net tools, and on the green economy and sustainable development.




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