单词 | 倚靠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倚靠—rely onless common: lean on backing rest against back of a chair 倚靠verb—leanvSee also:倚prep—againstprep 倚—rely upon lean on 靠—depend on come near to fuck (vulgar) lean against or on traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old) stand by the side of
营建原则: 夫妇一起祷告正肯定你们更合一地倚靠神,更帮助你结出清洁、谦和、及合一的果子, 使你们的靈命在婚姻中继续成长。 global.gofamilylife.com | Praying together affirms your unified dependence on God and helps produce the cleansing, humility, and unity essential to continual spiritual growth in marriage. global.gofamilylife.com |
类似 地,在耶稣禁食了四十个昼夜之后,撒但诱惑他不倚靠天父,而运用超自然的能力来除去他 的饥饿(太 4:2-4)。 sallee.info | Likewise, after Jesus had been fasting for forty days and nights, Satan tempted Him to relieve His hunger by exercising supernatural power independently of His father (Mt 4:2-4). sallee.info |
如果有防守球 员首先把球倚靠门柱或护垫压地,结果是挽球成立。 irblaws.com | If a defending player is first to ground the ball against a goal post or padding, the result is a touch down. irblaws.com |
可持续发展教育所倚靠的支柱是各项支持可持续生计、民主和人类幸福的原则。 unesdoc.unesco.org | ESD is underpinned by principles that support sustainable living, democracy and human well-being. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大量且分散式的端点遍布我们各个系统及虚拟数据中心,因此我们需倚靠Symantec提供的全方位安全防护,以节省营运成本。 ipress.com.hk | With a vast and diverse collection of endpoints that spans [...] across our systems and to our virtualized [...] data center, we rely on Symantec to [...]deliver extensive protection along with operational cost savings. ipress.com.hk |
世界上有不少知名的电脑、节能电器、照明设备、汽车、卫星系统、宇航及国防系统制造商,皆倚靠IR的功率管理基准驱动其下一代产品。 ipress.com.hk | Leading manufacturers of computers, energy efficient appliances, [...] lighting, automobiles, satellites, aircraft and [...] defence systems relyonIR'spower management [...]benchmarks to power their next generation products. ipress.com.hk |
做为性格建造的一项特质,它教导我更加倚靠神,知道我的身份和目的单单在祂里面,而不是建立在我的背景或过去的经验中。 amccsm.org | As a character building trait, it has taught me a growing dependence on God, and that my identity and purpose lie in Him alone, not in my background or past experiences. amccsm.org |
特首速速约见传媒高层,又发表《香港家书》,在解释政策之余,又把巿民的关注聚焦到两个月後发表的施政报告,做法明智,比倚靠「民调有上有落」的开脱来得高明。 hkupop.hku.hk | CE immediately met media executives, and also issued the 'Letter to Hong Kong', apart from elaborating his policy directions, he also drew people's attention to his forthcoming policy address in two months time. hkupop.hku.hk |
然而,集团会继续精简工序和加强自动化运作,以提高生产力、减少倚靠劳工和提升产品质素。 vtech.com.hk | Nonetheless, the Group will continue to streamline work processes and increase automation to raise productivity, reduce dependence on labour and improve product quality. vtech.com.hk |
如果球或持球球员碰触到在极阵边线和阵线的交点、或在极阵边线和死 [...] 球线的交点的旗面或角杆而没有其他出界或极阵出界的情况发生,该球 并不是在比赛外,除非它是被首先倚靠着角杆压地。 irblaws.com | If the ball or a player carrying the ball touches a flag or a flag (corner) post at the intersection of the touch-in-goal lines and the goal lines or at the intersection of the touchin-goal lines and the dead ball lines [...] without otherwise being in touch or touch-in-goal the ball is not out of play unless [...] it isfirstgrounded against a flag post. irblaws.com |
Horizont不仅为这些孩子提供心灵的倚靠,并协助他们克服在社会与学习上所要面对的问题。 clarinsusa.com | It gives them a comfort zone and the opportunity to overcome individual social and educational issues. clarinsusa.com |
Wright和拍摄组尝试许多不同的场景设置,最后决定让Chandler弄脏自己,倚靠在车子打开的车前盖旁。 ba-repsasia.com | Wright and the crew experimented with a couple of setups before settling on Chandler dirtied up, leaning over the open hood of the car. ba-repsasia.com |
当婴儿诞生后,选择和倚靠一位专科大夫(儿科)是很重要的,既是为 了关注婴儿的健康状况和逐渐成长的历程,更是父母在遇到疑难问题面前 需要有经验的人能给予指导。 stranieriincampania.it | After the birth of a baby, boy or girl, the choice and the help of a specialist doctor (paediatrician) is very important, whether it is following each step of the baby’s health and growth, or for giving expert advice to the parents when confronted with any doubts as they arise. stranieriincampania.it |
本来在房屋方面只能长期倚靠公帑资助的家庭,房委会如今为他们打开了置业的大门。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Thus the opportunity for ownership has been opened to families who otherwise would have [...] become dependent on longtermrental subsidy. housingauthority.gov.hk |
请您不要在出、入口区域倚靠在设置於边区 〈有时是隐藏式〉的保全屏障上。 biotronik.com | Do not lean on the (sometimes concealed) alarm sensor devices usually installed on both sides of the entry and exit areas. biotronik.com |
专家组报告还指出,虽然刚果和外国的武装团体已被迫让刚果武装部队接管 [...] 了南、北基伍的大部分主要矿场,但它们继续控制着较偏远地区的自然资源,并 越来越多地倚靠中间商和掠夺性袭击从矿产贸易中谋利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the report, the Group also observed that, though forced to concede most of the main mining sites in the Kivus to the Congolese armed forces, Congolese and foreign armed groups continued to control [...] natural resources in more remote areas [...] and increasingly reliedonintermediaries [...]and predatory attacks to profit from the mineral trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
我必须真正地用新的方式倚靠神,以期更深地认识祂和祂的性格;这样做所带来的益处真是一个令人敬畏的经验。 amccsm.org | The benefits of [...] reallyhavingtorely on God in new ways [...]and therefore learn more about Him and His character have been an awesome experience. amccsm.org |
只停留在口边的爱不会有感 染力,责任式和倚靠自己的传福音、事奉、追求会很枯燥乏味,也不能持久。 ccineurope.org | Sharing the Good News, serving and seeking for growth out of responsibility and our own efforts can be very dry and will not last long. ccineurope.org |
在这经济低迷的时期,祈求人的骄傲和倚靠自己的心能被粉碎,而转向寻求神﹔ 也祈求教会能作好准备,引领人归向基督。 ccineurope.org | Pray that the pride [...] of man and self reliance be broken and [...]a turning of hearts to seek God. ccineurope.org |
所以,我倚靠看录影带和练习,方可追得上进度。 tomleemusic.com.hk | So I had to watch videos and practice to catch up”. tomleemusic.com.hk |
换 言 之 , 在 牵 涉 其 配 偶 的 刑 事 诉 讼 中 , 无 论 是 为 或 针 对 配 偶 , 配 偶 证 人 都 无顸倚 靠这项‚ 特 权 ‛ 来 获 得 不 可 强 制 的 地 位 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In other words, a spouse-witness in criminal proceedings involving the other spouse does not need this "privilege", in order to be noncompellable, either for or against the other spouse. hkreform.gov.hk |
偎依于威雷亚海滩及乌卢阿海滩之间,倚靠毛伊岛壮丽的南部海岸线,座落于世界着名的威雷亚度假村。 marriott.com.cn | Nestled between Wailea Beach and Ulua Beach along Maui's spectacular southern coastline, within the world-class Wailea Resort. marriott.com |
注一: 残疾代号 (1)非短暂性室内倚靠轮椅活动 (2)四肢瘫痪 (3)过度活跃症 (4)需要在居所洗肾 (5)弱视/失明 (6)弱听/失聪 注二: 综援,即综合社会保障计划援助金,但不包括只领取伤残津贴及高龄津贴 housingauthority.gov.hk | Note 1: Disability code: (1) Non-temporary indoor dependence on wheelchair for mobility; (2) Tetraplegia; (3) Hyperactivity disorder; (4) Need for peritoneal dialysis at home; (5) Visual impairment/blindness; (6) Hearing impairment/deafness. housingauthority.gov.hk |
吾等并 无理由怀疑吾等达成意见所倚靠之资料及陈述为失实、不准确或存有误导成份,且吾 [...] 等并不知悉有遗漏任何事实会导致该等提供予吾等之资料及陈述为失实、不准确或存 有误导成份。 jinhengholdings.com | We have no reason to believe that any information [...] andrepresentations reliedon byus informing [...]our opinion is untrue, inaccurate [...]or misleading, nor are we aware of any material facts the omission of which would render the information provided and the representations made to us untrue, inaccurate or misleading. jinhengholdings.com |