单词 | 倒角的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倒角的 adjective —chamfered adjSee also:倒 (...) v—fall v • collapse v • invert v • sell v • pour sth. v 倒—however • fail • actually • topple • place upside down • move around • move backwards • profiteer • go bankrupt • throw out • as a matter of fact • contrary expectation • change (trains or buses) 角 n—angle n • corner n • horn n • corners pl 角—horn-shaped • role (theater) • ancient three legged wine vessel • third note of pentatonic scale • surname Jue • unit of money equal 0.1 yuan
如果轴承经过喷砂处理, 则倒角的颜色会比较均匀。 schaeffler.cn | The chamfer colour will be uniform if [...] the bearing undergo sand blast process. schaeffler.cn |
下齿面加工是一道技术高端的前提工序,可决 定 倒角的 质 量。 audemarspiguet.com | High-end watchmaking employs the process of flanking to ensure the quality of the beveling. audemarspiguet.com |
這個命令是填入用一個象限的倒角的 選 擇 區域。 mitcalc.com | The command fills the selected area with a quadrant - rounding. mitcalc.com |
以手工装饰及倒角的镶钻 主夹板、太阳放射饰纹装饰齿轮组或与黑色处理铂金微自动盘相映成趣的黑色螺丝,1200D机芯的装饰体现了伯爵制表厂高级钟表细节装饰最纯粹的传统精华。 wthejournal.com | Gem-set bridges that are hand-beveled and drawn out with file strokes; sunray-brushed wheels and black screws echoing the black-coated platinum micro-rotor: the decorations of Caliber 1200D are entirely in harmony with the finest traditions of Haute Horlogerie finishes cultivated by the Manufacture Piaget. wthejournal.com |
对于轴圈,滚道面是孔径上倒角较小 的 一 侧。 schaeffler.com | On shaft locating washers, the raceway side is indicated [...] by the smaller chamfer on the bore diameter. schaeffler.com |
通过倒角更小的凹形 工件表面,可确保以固定的抓紧力将纤维固定在织针钩上。 news.groz-beckert.com | Concave-shaped working-component surfaces [...] with narrower edge angles enable precisely defined fibre looping and better fibre [...]support in the barb. news.groz-beckert.com |
的唯一号码的管道应置于通过冲压方法 上 的 端 部 倒角 或 上 表面的每个管道和可溯源至钢加热数。 chinatrader.ru | Unique number of pipe shall be placed by stamping [...] method on the end of chamfer or on surface of [...]each pipe and traceable to heating number of steel. chinatrader.ru |
端面上的倒角可以 轻易插入轴承并防止轴承的密封唇口损坏。 schaeffler.cn | Chamfers on the end faces allow [...] easy insertion into the bearings and prevent damage to the seal lips of the bearings. schaeffler.us |
有时, 美化外观, [...] 在套圈热处理后会对其倒角进行硬车, 此时就产生了光亮的倒角。 schaeffler.cn | Normally, bearing chamfer is black, no further process after heat treatment, but sometimes [...] hard turning is carried out after heat treatment in order to get good visual effect, and this [...] resulted the bright chamfer. schaeffler.cn |
手表正中上方的分钟计数器,在黑暗中能发光,显示在水下的逗留时间;在2分钟位置 处 的倒 三 角 标 示 了Carlos水下动态潜水的时间纪录:2分30秒。 oris.ch | The essential minute counter glows in the dark for ease of reading and to indicate the time spent under water; a triangle on the 2 minute position symbolises that Carlos would be reaching his own breath record of 2:30 [...] minutes for a dynamic dive at this [...] point, whilst a second triangle at the seven minute [...]position highlights Carlos’s record [...]of 7:30 minutes for holding his breath during a static dive. oris.ch |
部分原因似乎是一些贸易公司的倒闭 , 这些公 司一直扮演着非正规金融机构的角色 , 为公众提供 存款业务(这是违法行为)并给予很高的回报率。 crisisgroup.org | Part of the reason appears to have been the collapse of a number of trading companies that had been [...] acting as informal financial institutions [...]by taking deposits from the public (in violation of national law) and offering very high returns. crisisgroup.org |
試想像只佔整體教育開支 1%的學前教育,相對於開支最大的大 專教育,就如㆒個倒轉的㆔角形㆒樣,完全不成比例。 legco.gov.hk | Pre-primary education receives only 1% of the Government's total education funding, while tertiary education receives the lion's share. legco.gov.hk |
以1970年表款的外型與尺寸為藍本,TUDOR Heritage [...] Chrono特別添加了多項新穎精巧的設計細節:經過拋光 及 倒角 打 磨 的 表 耳、光滑且風格別緻的表殼護肩,而設於旋轉外圈及表冠的坑紋,則有助易於旋轉。 tudorwatch.com | Mirroring the original shape and proportions of the 1970s model, the TUDOR Heritage Chrono introduces a [...] series of new and beautifully executed [...] design details: the bevelled and polished edges [...]of the lugs, the slick, stylized shoulders [...]to protect the crown, and the knurled edge of the rotatable bezel and of the pushers that flank a knurled winding crown to improve grip. tudorwatch.com |
公制轴承的倒角尺寸在 轴承技术介绍章节 , 请参见尺寸表。 schaeffler.com | The values for metric tapered roller bearings are given in Technical Principles, see dimension table. schaeffler.com |
Turcon®,这种特瑞堡密封系统的专利PTFE材料本身具有极佳的耐摩性,因为 Stepseal® V具有为改善液力逆泵送而设计的成型 后 倒角 , 而 使这种材料的性能得到更大的提高。 tss.trelleborg.com | This was partly driven by cylinder manufactures changing the tolerance requirements between the rod and cylinder walls, along with the use of alternative hydraulic fluids and increasing temperatures and pressures. tss.trelleborg.com |
因此, 很 容 易 令 市 民 誤 以為政 府 的 角色完 全 倒 退 , 並 發生有 重 大 的 改變。 legco.gov.hk | So the people might easily come to the misunderstanding that the role of the Government has undergone total degeneration and major changes. legco.gov.hk |
藉由交错的雾面抛光处理,以放射状太阳饰纹或雾面磨砂饰纹营造出与亮 面 倒角 、 镀铑或黑色表面对 比 的 风 格。 piaget.com.cn | The search for style is shown with unusual decorative work containing alternating matt surfaces - sun-brushed and sand-brushed - contrasting with the shimmering brilliance of the edges as well as the rhodium in black or various colour. en.piaget.com |
不銹鋼外殼帶有倒角邊,並提供外部,免拆密封,最 好 的 衛 生 性能。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The stainless steel housing with chamfered sides and provide external, split-free [...] seal for best hygiene properties. en.developmentscout.com |
加工锥度包括在管子 的端部形成一个倒圆或倒角,以 方便零件装配。 zeusinc.com | Tipping involves forming a radius or chamfering the end of the tube to facilitate [...] the assembly of parts. zeusinc.com |
永远移动着的机械产生了令人催眠的视觉效果,这其间可能就包括了那引人入胜并饱含着制表大师的诀 窍 的倒角 蓝 宝石摆夹板设计。 wthejournal.com | The perpetually moving mechanism exercises a hypnotic [...] visual effect, which may be admired beneath [...] a meticulously chamfered sapphire bridge [...]revealing the full extent of the master-watchmaker’s know-how. wthejournal.com |
當降低,鏜孔和倒角8毫米 切割寬度減少了 新 的 “ 生 態-WSP SCMX”的, 赫爾曼BILZ 切割的成本相比,接地板清楚。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | When lowering, boring and chamfering to 8 mm cutting width reduces the new "Eco-WSP SCMX" of [...] Hermann Bilz Cutting the cost [...]compared to a ground plates clearly. en.developmentscout.com |
此枚腕表需花上近700小时完成组装、校正和手工修 饰 的 工 序 ,当中包 括 倒角 或 微 珠以及“日内瓦波纹”等完工处理,再以人手镂空打磨120小时,方能成就出这件平衡有置的杰作。 audemarspiguet.com | This piece requires close to 700 hours of [...] assembly, adjustments and hand [...] finishing, including the beveling as well as finishing treatments [...]such as beading and “Geneva [...]Stripes” and at least 120 hours of manual openworking, stands out immediately as an epitome of balance. audemarspiguet.com |
对于 AMPCO® 25 和 AMPCO® 26,预钻底孔的直径 应比常规情况大 0.15 0.25mm;对于通孔上进行螺纹加工,应当预先在两端孔口加 工 倒角。 ampcometal.com | For AMPCO® 25 and 26 the diameter for drilling of the hole before tapping must be 0,15 - 0,25mm bigger than the value of the diameter of the hole given by the norms. ampcometal.com |
注:入口阀座 (6 和 33)不能颠倒;倒角一侧必须面向 阀球。 graco.com | NOTE: The inlet seats (6 and 33) are not [...] reversible; the chamfered side must face [...]the ball. graco.com |
每一款崭新的精密时计巨作都须经由一位专责的制表大师(Master Watchmaker)倾心投入长达数个月的宝贵 时光,安装配置、调校 、 倒角 处 理及抛光等数以百 计 的 精 密 零件,务求达到品牌所坚持不懈的精准尺寸与完美厚度。 audemarspiguet.com | Each new grande complication [...] requires a Master Watchmaker to spend several months fitting, adjusting, beveling, and polishing the hundreds [...]of components needed [...]to the exact size and thickness required. audemarspiguet.com |
例如,这里的评注似可作如下说明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 员所在地——或许在雇员可能成为未来债权人的情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与 主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项——适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一项决定 性因素,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的 因 素 反 倒 是 债务 人 的 管 理 地或业务实施 地。 daccess-ods.un.org | That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the COMI analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be a jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e). daccess-ods.un.org |
其中针对高速钢工具的应用,我们有CBN超硬磨料砂轮和各种普通磨料砂轮(陶瓷结合剂和树脂结合剂),用于一些刃具的外圆磨、平面磨、沟槽磨以及一些异型 面 的倒角。 abrasives.saint-gobain.com.cn | For high-speed steel tools, we have CBN grinding wheels and all kinds of general-purpose grinding wheels (vitrified and organic bond) for the cylindrical grinding, surface grinding, trace grinding and grinding of profiled surfaces. abrasives.saint-gobain.com.cn |
为了给各种板材加工提供全面、优质的服务,我们为您提供包括仪器,机器和设备在 内 的 全 方 位供应: 焊接准备倒角机 管端机 带式和盘式砂光机 剪板机 型材切割机 圆剪刀 [...] 折叠机 折布机 切角机 板材,棺材和型材成型机 地面翻转切割机 折边机 折弯矫直二合一弯曲机 [...]冲床和步冲轮廓机 及完整的加工中心 industrystock.cn | In order to offer a comprehensive and qualified service for all kinds of sheet metal forming to our customers, our delivery [...] program includes devices, [...] machines and equipment for: - Chamfering machines for preparation of [...]welds - Machines for tube-end [...]processing - Belt grinding and disc sanding machines - Plate shears - Profile cutting machines - Rotary shears - Edging machines - Swivel bending machines - Notching machines - Rounding and bending machines for sheets - Rounding and bending machines for profiles - Ground seaming machines - Flanging machines - Lining and bending machines - Punching and nibbleing machines - up to compleate machining centers industrystock.com |
根据《公约》第 3 条的规定,在和平时期为预 防军事冲突对文化财产造成后果而采取的保护 [...] 措施包括:编制目录,为保护文化财产而制定 预防建筑物火灾或倒塌的应急措施,做好可移 动文化财产的移出或有效保护的准备工作,以 [...]及确定负责文化财产保护的主管机构。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Preparatory measures taken in time of peace for the safeguarding of cultural property against the foreseeable effects of an armed conflict pursuant to Article 3 of the Convention shall include, as appropriate, the preparation of inventories, the 34 planning of [...] emergency measures for protection against fire [...] or structural collapse, the preparation [...]for the removal of movable cultural property [...]or the provision for adequate in situ protection of such property, and the designation of competent authorities responsible for the safeguarding of cultural property. unesdoc.unesco.org |