单词 | 倒垃圾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倒垃圾 verb—dump vSee also:倒—however • actually • fail • topple • place upside down • move around • move backwards • profiteer • go bankrupt • throw out • as a matter of fact • change (trains or buses) • contrary expectation 倒 (...) v—fall v • collapse v • invert v • sell v • pour sth. v 垃圾 n—garbage n • waste n • rubbish n • spam n • debris n • junk n • litter n
如果全港所有倒垃圾的工 人不工作 3 天,我相信最少 不會有人前來立法會開會,因為這裏會臭氣熏天,對嗎? legco.gov.hk | If all garbage collectors in Hong Kong [...] stop working for three days, I believe nobody would come back to the Legislative [...]Council for meetings because this place would be filled with stench. legco.gov.hk |
此外 , 有一些大廈 聘 用 的 清倒垃圾者 貪 圖 方便, 未有把垃圾運 往 食環署 的 垃圾收 集 站 , 反而在 深 夜 時 份 把 袋 裝 垃圾棄 [...] 置 路 上 。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, [...] some refuse collectors engaged by the building management dumped bagged refuse [...]on the street during late evening [...]instead of depositing them properly at the FEHD's refuse collection points for their own convenience. legco.gov.hk |
如果沒有接駁電 源、沒有冷氣、馬桶塞了、沒有人 倒垃圾 , 那麼他如何掙錢呢? legco.gov.hk | What if nobody helps him with electricity connection and air-conditioning supply? legco.gov.hk |
我也接獲一些投訴,指一些空置官地被人霸 佔,以及被用作傾倒垃圾和泥頭。 legco.gov.hk | I have received a complaint about the illegal occupation of Government land, where the site was used for [...] the disposal of rubbish and construction waste. legco.gov.hk |
我曾經說過 [...] 我心裏最難過,最不願看見的,便是為每座大 廈 倒垃圾 的 人 是年老的 長者;我最不願看見在我吃快餐時,替我清潔餐桌、掃地的人亦是年 [...]老的長者。 legco.gov.hk | I have said that what saddens me the most and [...] what I wish to see the least was [...] elderly people collecting rubbish in buildings, and [...]what I wish to see the least is to [...]also find elderly people cleaning the tables and sweeping the floor when I eat in a fast-food restaurant. legco.gov.hk |
我有一位女性朋友,她的學 歷是中五畢業,她的母親已六十多歲,是負責在大 廈 倒垃圾 的 清 潔工 人。 legco.gov.hk | Her mother who is already in her sixties is a cleaning worker responsible [...] for collecting garbage in a building. legco.gov.hk |
每星期最少清倒垃圾兩次。 bccdc.ca | Remove all garbage at least twice [...] each week. bccdc.ca |
推行都市固 體廢物徵費的時候,有必要採取其他輔助措施,例 如南韓的街道每隔200米便會在方便的位置設置回 [...] 收桶,同時亦設有嚴密的監察制度,以阻止非法傾 倒垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | There was a need for complementary measures upon the implementation of MSW charge, as in the case of South Korea where recycling bins [...] were conveniently located on the streets at every 200 meters, along with close monitoring systems [...] to deter illegal dumping. legco.gov.hk |
目前有很小部分的私㆟住宅因為種 種原因,致令兩個市政局不替他們傾 倒垃圾 , 他 們要自己付款聘請清潔商清理垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | At present, only very few private residential premises for various reasons do not require the service of collecting refuse by the two municipal councils. legco.gov.hk |
食環署發給該署司機的指引規定,所有垃圾收集車於轉運站或堆 填區傾倒垃圾後, 均須把污水缸內的污水全部排出及利用該處的 洗車機清洗車身,方可離開。 legco.gov.hk | The FEHD's guidelines to its drivers stipulate that all RCVs, after disposal of refuse at transfer stations or landfills, should be cleansed by on-site vehicle washing machine and with the sump tanks emptied before leaving the site. legco.gov.hk |
但 是,當局有必要針對非法傾倒垃圾(特 別 在鄉郊地區) 的問題採取有效執法行動,以保護具有高度生態價 [...] 值的地方。 legco.gov.hk | However, there was a need for effective enforcement actions [...] against illegal dumping, particularly [...]in rural areas to protect sites with high ecological value. legco.gov.hk |
掩埋場關閉後,令市政府相當頭痛,因為沒有新掩埋場,迫使地方政府請求鄰近縣市清運垃圾,部分地區已拒絕,縱然答應,也無法長期處理墨西哥市的廢棄物,且市區各地也已出現違法 傾 倒垃圾 的 現 象。 thisbigcity.net | Because no new landfills are going [...] to be built in Mexico City, the local government has resorted to asking neighboring [...] municipalities to receive the trash. thisbigcity.net |
清倒垃圾後,將垃圾桶洗淨。 bccdc.ca | Wash garbage cans after emptying them. bccdc.ca |
我剛才在補充答覆中 也舉出另一個例 子 , 就 是 當 有 承 辦 清 潔 工作的公司的工 人 進 入 辦 公 室 清 倒垃圾時 , 該 辦 公 室 的公 務員必 須在場 , 或其他獲授權的公務員須在場 。 legco.gov.hk | When workers of the cleansing contractors entered an office to clear refuse, the civil servant to whom the office belongs or an authorized civil servant must be present. legco.gov.hk |
由於重點是放在處理而非盡量減少廢物,政府將要不斷尋求更多的㆞洞去 傾 倒垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | With emphasis on disposal and not minimization, the Government will forever be looking for more holes in [...] the ground to dump rubbish. legco.gov.hk |
例如有關注團體反映,發現有基層家庭一家大小,到郊野公園流連,從 [...] 垃圾堆及爐旁執拾遊人燒烤後吃剩的肉食;又發現多了人在食店打烊後,翻 倒垃圾箱尋找可供填肚的食物;也有基層市民等待麪 [...]包店關門一刻,執拾一 些遭店鋪丟棄、不可留隔夜的麪 包回家進食。 legco.gov.hk | One organization, for example, has told of how large numbers of entire grass-roots families [...] linger around country parks, trying to scavenge the meat discarded by [...] picnickers into garbage bins or beside [...]barbecue pits. legco.gov.hk |
在美国威斯康星州密尔沃基市,呼吁人们将更多的食 物 垃圾倒 进 他们 的 垃 圾 处 理器。 emerson.com | In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, people are urged to put more food waste down their garbage disposals. emerson.com |
行政機關即使收到這些簽名,也 只會全部倒入垃圾箱, 因此,我們還是把這些簽名掛出來,公諸於世好了。 legco.gov.hk | Even if the executive authorities received the signatures, they [...] will discard them all in the garbage can. legco.gov.hk |
其實,香港今天的市區(當然包括九龍在內)還有很多舊樓沒有業主 立案法團,每天沒有人倒垃圾,居民每晚也須把垃圾棄掉到街上的垃圾 桶內,區議會稱這些為“糯米雞”。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, in the urban areas of Hong Kong nowadays (including Kowloon, of course), many old buildings have yet to set up owners' corporations (OCs). legco.gov.hk |
由於集塵盒有著獨特的形狀與光滑表面,因此灰塵會集中在集塵盒的一側,並且可以均勻 地 倒 入 垃圾 桶 中。 philips.com.tw | Thanks to its unique shape and smooth surface, dust is collected at one side of the container and evenly glides into the dust bin. philips.com.my |
所以,我建議當局應該責成各區民政事務處盤點區內這類 沒有業主立案法團處理清潔工作的舊樓,然後按每區需要,向區議會撥 [...] 款,並主持招聘清潔工人的工作,為這類樓宇提供為期兩年的清潔服 務,如倒垃圾、清掃公共地方等,同時在這兩年內,鼓勵業主成立業主 [...]立案法團。 legco.gov.hk | The authorities should also take charge of the recruitment of cleansing workers to provide each of [...] these buildings with cleansing-related [...] services, such as rubbish removal and cleaning [...]of public areas, for a period of two years. legco.gov.hk |
有一位房 屋 署 的 外 判 清 潔 工 人李女士差 不多在 9 年 以來, 每 年 也 要上班 足足 365 天 [...] , 即 使 是 在 大 年 初 一 , 也 要 背 兒 子 和 拖 女 兒 一起去 倒垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | Even on the Chinese Lunar New Year Day, [...] she has to clear the trash, carrying her baby boy [...]on her back and dragging her daughter along. legco.gov.hk |
由於她不忍心看到母親這麼辛苦 ⎯⎯ 因為推動那些垃圾車是很艱 [...] 難的,所以她不做全職工作,只在早上當散工送外賣,而晚上則協助母 親倒垃圾,兩 人的工資每月合共只有6,000元。 legco.gov.hk | As she cannot bear the idea of her mother working so hard ― it is tough to push those garbage carts, she has not taken up any full-time [...] job but only works as a casual food delivery worker in the morning and helps her [...] mother collect garbage in the evening. legco.gov.hk |
舉例來說,把政府用地作為 [...] 私人花園、耕種用途、棄置車輛、傾 倒垃圾 或 廢 物,都是大型佔用政府用地 的情況,其他諸如搭建構築物的情況,則要視乎構築物的大小而定。 legco.gov.hk | For example, cases of larger-scale unauthorized occupation of government [...] land include making the lot a private garden or conducting [...] farming, vehicles dumping, refuse or waste [...]dumping activities. legco.gov.hk |
我記得上星期六,香港大 [...] 學的陳文敏教授在電台發表“香港家書”,提到如果我們要成為國際大都 會,便一定要在人權、法治、自由、民主等方面,達到最高的標準,而不是 把這些標準倒入垃圾箱。 legco.gov.hk | We must introduce these standards into this Council. I recall that last Saturday, Prof Johannes M M CHAN of the University of Hong Kong said in the radio programme "Letters to Hong Kong" that if we were to become a cosmopolitan city, we must reach the highest [...] standards in terms of human rights, the rule of law, freedom, democracy, and [...] so on rather than dumping them into the trash can. legco.gov.hk |
在垃圾填埋厂所倾倒的垃圾就是 指不经过焚烧和循环利用的垃圾。 esab-cutting.cn | Dumping waste at a landfill means that it is deposited at a rubbish dump instead of being incinerated or recycled. esab-cutting.net |
我们希望,在这些地方增加国 际存在将使我们对经常报道的有人在索马里沿海进 行非法捕捞和倾倒工业垃圾的现 象有所了解。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that this increased international presence [...] will shed some light on the frequently reported illegal [...] fishing and the dumping of industrial waste in the sea [...]off Somali. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 加大力度收集和处理电子废物,并增加电子产品的安全回收利用, 包括由电子公司进行的回收利用,开展合作,以解决日益严重的 倾 倒 电 子垃 圾问题,特别是在发展中国家 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Increase efforts to collect and treat e-waste and increase safe recycling of e-products, including by electronic companies, and cooperate to address the growing problem of e-waste dumps, in particular in developing countries daccess-ods.un.org |
林偉強議員: 主席,據報,本年 11 月 13 日,一名男童在北區虎地排村 一條狹窄鄉村道路上騎自行車時,遇上一輛屬於食物環境衞生署外判清潔公 司的重型垃圾車,該男童在垃圾車旁停下讓路時,在傾斜路面失去平衡,連 人帶車倒地,被垃圾車輾 過後當場死亡。 legco.gov.hk | MR DANIEL LAM (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that on 13 November this year, a boy, while cycling on a narrow village road in Fu Tei Pai Tsuen of North District, came across a heavy garbage truck of a cleansing contractor of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. legco.gov.hk |