单词 | 倍感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 倍感 —be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)less common: feel even more See also:倍—times (multiplier) • increase or multiply • (two, three etc) -fold
俄罗斯如能批准该条约将 会加强能源关系中的合作性和规则,然而,俄罗斯 并未批准该条约,这让中国倍感为难。 crisisgroup.org | Its ratification of the treaty could bring about a more cooperative and rules-based energy relationship, but the fact that Russia has not ratified has made Beijing reluctant. crisisgroup.org |
(d) 此系統可以將人車分隔,盡量減少兩者爭用路面的情況, 令行人更方便舒適,倍感安全。 legco.gov.hk | (d) the links would minimize potential conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian traffic, [...] thus enhancing the safety, convenience [...]and comfort of pedestrians. legco.gov.hk |
这些挑战令人倍感烦恼 ,也是各国近期在大会、安全理事 会、20 国集团和援助实效问题高级论坛中讨论的焦点。 daccess-ods.un.org | These challenges are a [...] significant source of frustration and have been [...]a point of recent international discussions in the [...]General Assembly, the Security Council, the G-20 and the High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. daccess-ods.un.org |
国内各地区一些 官员的言论常常为民族主义论调煽风点火,使少数民族社 群 倍感 势 单 力薄。 daccess-ods.un.org | Statements by a few officials in various regions of the country have [...] often fuelled the nationalistic discourse [...] and contributed to feelings of vulnerability within [...]the minority communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
歐洲直升機公司總裁兼首席執行官Lutz [...] Bertling表示:“若沒有CHC,便不可能成就EC225的成功,CHC是EC225的全球旗艦運營商,我們對 此 倍感 榮 幸。 tipschina.gov.cn | The EC225's success story could not have been written without CHC, and it is an honor for Eurocopter [...] to have CHC as the EC225's flagship operator throughout the [...] world," said Lutz Bertling, Eurocopter's [...]President and CEO. tipschina.gov.cn |
这让人倍感失望 , 特别是因为我们和我们的合作伙伴已做了大量的会 [...] 前准备工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is deeply disappointing, particularly [...] since we and our partners had already done much preparatory work ahead of the meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
墨西哥和所有派遣代表的国家,特别是各国的创造者和艺术家们,因通过了《公约》 而 倍感鼓 舞。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mexico and all our countries, and in particular our creators and artists, have been strengthened by [...] this new Convention, which marks a historic milestone by [...] giving culture pride of place in [...]the development of our countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
民间社会倍感沮丧 的是,发达国家通过金融和粮食投机、不公正贸 易规则、附加有偿条件的不合理贷款、以及包括气候变化在内的生态损害,给最 [...] 不发达国家造成巨大损失,却连承诺向最不发达国家提供更多援助都没有做到。 daccess-ods.un.org | Civil society is frustrated that, having [...] caused massive costs in the LDCs through financial and food speculation, unjust [...]trade rules, illegitimate loans with onerous conditionality, and ecological damage, including climate change, the developed countries have not even committed to provide more aid to LDCs. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於年長顧客很難克服熟記自動櫃員機私人密碼的困難,而 [...] 沒有受過教育的長者在使用電子銀行服務時 亦 倍感 困 難 ,部分委員要 求銀行公會及金管局研究是否可能利用生物科技及其他先進科技作為 [...]識別身份的方法,以方便市民使用自動櫃員機設施。 legco.gov.hk | Given that elderly customers could hardly overcome the difficulty in memorizing the personal identification number for the [...] use of ATMs and that illiteracy among the [...] elderly added to their difficulty in [...]making use of e-banking, some members asked [...]HKAB and HKMA to study the feasibility of using biometrics and other advanced technology as means of personal identification to facilitate access to ATM facilities. legco.gov.hk |
看到我们的GMU能获此殊荣,我们倍感 自 豪 ,因为这是对我们不懈努力以尽可能高效地工作的一种认可。 delaval.cn | We are very proud to see our GMU win this prestigious award as it is an acknowledgment of our endeavour to work as efficiently as possible. delaval.com.au |
诗中表达出诗人不求回报的暗恋所带来的痛苦,他暗恋的女性浑然不知是自已激发了诗人的情感;接下来是对时间和历史的冥想,诗人感到哀伤,徘徊在生存与死亡、现实与虚无之间 , 倍感 疏 离 和孤独,继而回望过往的荣光,缅怀逝去的童年(《盛宴的夜晚》)。 wdl.org | The pain of unrequited love for a woman, unaware that she is the cause of the poet’s feelings, is expressed; this is followed by a meditation on time and history that leads the distressed poet, in his isolation and loneliness, on the border between life and death, reality and nothingness, to contemplate the glories of past ages and experience nostalgia for his childhood (Sera del giorno festivo). wdl.org |
单边干预一直是令中国倍感担忧 的问题,在中国看 来,这些行动干涉了他国 内政。 crisisgroup.org | Unilateral intervention goes to the heart of Chinese concerns about actions perceived to be interference in the internal affairs of other states. crisisgroup.org |
但令 国际社会倍感遗憾 的是,自此以后,没有取得积极成果,协议也未得到执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since then, however, much to the regret of the international community, there has been no positive outcome and the agreement stands unimplemented. daccess-ods.un.org |
我倍感高兴 的是,安全理事 会在你担任主席期间决定审议秘书长关于联合国组 织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团的报告(S/2012/65)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am overjoyed that the Security Council has decided under your presidency to consider the report of the SecretaryGeneral (S/2012/65) on the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚以及欧洲安全与合作 组织明斯克小组共同主席国在各自首都和在纽约这 里作了努力,导致无保留地商定把题为“被占领阿塞 拜疆领土的局势”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议的 议程,但亚美尼亚代表团却令人惊讶地不加入这一协 商一致意见,这令人倍感震惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is more than astonishing that while both Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as the co-chair countries of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group have, as a result of the efforts made in their respective capitals and here in New York, agreed without reservation on the inclusion of the item entitled “The situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan” in the agenda of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, the delegation of Armenia has surprisingly dissociated itself from the consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们将每一项任务都视为新的挑战,满怀喜悦地投入工 作,为自己是一个博世人而倍感骄傲。 bosch.com.cn | We experience our tasks as challenging, we are dedicated to our work, and we are proud to be part of Bosch. bosch.com.cn |
促进性别平等和妇女赋权是联合国组织的重要 使命,欧盟为联合国大会决定设立综合新机构以强 化联合国系统内负责促进性别平等和妇女赋权问题 的制度机制而倍感高兴。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union therefore welcomed the General Assembly’s decision to create a composite entity with a view to strengthening the United Nations system’s gender architecture for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
在接受这一奖项时,村田台湾公司总裁Toshiyuki Sato发表感言:“村田对能获得ANADIGICS颁发的这一重要奖 项 倍感 荣 幸。 tipschina.gov.cn | In accepting the award, Toshiyuki Sato, President of Murata Taiwan said, "Murata is truly honored to receive this major award from ANADIGICS. tipschina.gov.cn |
事态紧急,但只要采 取适当行动,就可为气候和臭氧层带来重大惠益,然而各方却推脱自身职责, 令人倍感沮丧。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Given the urgency of the matter, it was disheartening to hear parties brush off their responsibilities when strong co-benefits for the climate and the ozone layer could be realized through appropriate action. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
板岩下面的软木层让你的足部倍感温 暖 ,”Bienerth说。 wacker.com | The cork layer on the underside of the slate makes [...] for a nice warm feeling when you walk [...]on it,” says Bienerth. wacker.com |
与Marvell以及新的制造商伙伴合作令我 们 倍感 振 奋 ,节省成本以及降低存储、服务器和带宽需求这些优势会得到进一步增强,我们还能使成千上万的用户访问内容并享有独特的计算体验。 marvell.com.cn | We’re excited to work with Marvell [...] and our new partners to extend benefits such as cost savings; reduced storage, server [...]and bandwidth requirements; and the ability to enable thousands of users to access their content and enjoy a unique computing experience. marvell.com |
该款鞋是我们倍受欢迎的KSO系列的越野版,其特点是袋鼠皮的鞋面和鞋垫能使脚 部 倍感 柔 软 ,有兼具韧性不易撕破,以及超凡的透气性。 vibramfivefingers.cn | A more rugged version of our popular KSO, it features a kangaroo leather upper and sockliner that are soft against the foot, yet strong and tear resistant with outstanding breathability. vibramfivefingers.cn |
浓郁的乳霜配方含有娇韵诗独家配方的乳木果油、荷荷芭油与棕榈油,温和地卸除彩妆、污垢与细胞屑,使肌肤更光滑,达致保湿平衡 , 倍感 放 松 舒适。 clarinsusa.com | Rich, creamy formula — with Clarins’ proprietary blend of Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil and Palm [...] Oil — gently lifts-off make-up, impurities and flaky cells leaving skin smooth, [...] moisture-balanced and perfectly relaxed. clarinsusa.com |
娇韵诗眼部卸妆液含有舒缓肌肤的玫瑰矢车菊水,清洁卸妆的同 时 倍感 舒 适 温和。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins’ gentle Eye Make-Up Removers are formulated with organic rose and cornflower water to soften, soothe and make cleansing easy on your eyes. clarinsusa.com |
给真正懂得美味人士享用的Grana Padano “RISERVA”的熟化时间可达24个月或更长, 此时它的颜色更深,看上去比那些较“年轻”的伙伴更为成熟,并具有一 种 倍感 饱 满 和丰富的口感却又不带任何刺激; 它还透露出些许奶油和干草的芳香并令人联想到玉米花穗的甘甜。 knowfood.cn | A real gourmet’s treat, both grated and served in chunks, Grana Padano “RISERVA” may mature for up to 24 months and more, giving it a more mature look than its younger counterparts as it is darker in colour and with an increasingly richer, fuller taste though never aggressive; it also reveals aromas of butter and hay, and floral hints of corn. knowfood.cn |
凭借我们以Franklin (MA)为中心的销售网络以及派驻在美国各大重要区域的员工,我们总能即时响应客户需求并提供现场支持——该优势令我们的业务合作伙伴数十年来一 直 倍感 满 意。 plansee.com | Our sales network based in Franklin (MA) and our employees located in the most important regions of the USA guarantee outstanding reactivity and on-site customer support - a benefit that our many business partners have appreciated for decades. plansee.com |
一项独立评价结果证实,多 边基金是臭氧保护机制取得成功的关键因素,这令一些代 表 倍感 鼓 舞。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Some representatives drew encouragement from the conclusions of an independent evaluation confirming the value of the Multilateral Fund as a key institution for the success of the ozone protection regime. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在香港僅有少數幾家組織 良好且經驗豐富之機電安裝工程承建商具資格為醫院提供全套機電安裝工程服 務,而新昌亞仕達以屬於這幾家優越之承建商之一 而 倍感 自 豪。 hsinchong.com | Only a few well-organised and experienced electrical and mechanical installation contractors in Hong Kong are qualified to provide the full electrical and mechanical installation package for hospitals and Hsin Chong Aster is proud to be one of these unique contractors. hsinchong.com |
光滑细腻、高效保湿、营养丰富、再生修护、紧致防皱——现代面霜必须具有所承诺的功能、制造工艺简单、储存方便,而且令肌 肤 倍感 舒 适。 wacker.com | Smooth and delicate, moisturizing and nutrient-rich, regenerating and firming – modern creams are expected to deliver on their promises, be straightforward to make, non-problematic to store and pleasant on the skin. wacker.com |