

单词 俾倪

See also:



surname Ni

External sources (not reviewed)

拥 有 多 年 的 电 信 行 业 从 [...]
业 经 验 及 超 过''年 的 管 理 经 验。
Mr. Nihas many years of [...]
experience in the telecommunications industry, including over '3 years in managerial positions.
委员会还敦促缔约国为公务员提供 培训,并开展运动以增强公众人遭受歧视问题的意识。
The Committee also urges the State party to
train public officials and organize campaigns to enhance public awareness in matters of
[...] discrimination against pygmies.
双年度虽开始不久,但一些发展趋势已经在包含有主要优先事项“提倡公平获得信息与 知识,促进发展,特别在共有领域”的计划 V.I 中初露
Although it is still early in the biennium, certain trends and developments are already becoming apparent in Programme V.I, which contains the principal priority of “fostering equitable access to information and knowledge for development, especially in the public domain”.
有关措施必须是有 约束力、可量度、可报告及可核实的使 体社会易於监督。
All measures must be binding, measureable, reportable and verifiable, so that the community can easily monitor progress.
(3) 如 任 何 警 务 人 员 有 理 由 相 信 须 拘 捕 的 人 已 逃 入 或 藏 身 於 任 何 场 所,则 居 於 该 场 所 的 人 或 该 场 所 的 负 责 人 在 警 务 人 员 要 求 下 , 须 准 许 他 自 由 进 入 该 场 所 , 并 给 予 一 切 合 理 方 便行 搜 查 。
(3) If any police officer has reason to believe that any person to be arrested has entered into or is in any place the person residing in or in charge of such place shall on demand of that police officer allow him free ingress thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for search therein.
在本报 告完成之际,委员会已经召开了两次会议,工作成效已初见
As this report was being finalized the Committee had met twice and the benefits were already being felt.
007年'月'0日 召 开 的 本 公 司 第 四 届 董 事 会 第 一 次 会 议 上,第 四 届 董 事 会 续 聘 殷 一 民 先 生 为 本 公 司 总 裁;续 聘 史 立 荣 先 生、何 士 友 先 生、韦 在 胜 先 生(同 时 续 聘 为 本 公 司 财 务 总 监 )、谢 大 雄 先 生、周 苏 苏 女 士、田 文 果 先 生 为 本公司高级副总裁,新聘邱未召先生为本公司高级副总裁;续聘陈杰女士、方榕女士、赵先明先生、丁明峰先生、 庞 胜 清 先 生、樊 庆 峰 先 生、曾 学 忠 先 生、徐 慧 俊 先 生、於 涌 先 生、叶 卫 民 先 生、锺 宏 先 生生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁,新 聘 武 增 奇 先 生 为 本 公 司 副 总 裁;续 聘 冯 健 雄 先 生 为 本 公 司 董 事 会 秘 书。
At the first meeting of the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors held on 30 March 2007, Mr. Yin Yimin was reappointed President of the Company, Mr. Shi Lirong, Mr. He Shiyou, Mr. Wei Zaisheng (concurrently re-appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company), Mr. Xie Daxiong, Ms. Zhou Susu and Mr. Tian Wenguo were re-appointed Senior Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Qiu Weizhao was appointed Senior Vice President of the Company, Ms. Chen Jie, Ms. Fang Rong, Mr. Zhao Xianming, Mr. Ding Mingfeng, Mr. Pang Shengqing, Mr. Fan Qingfeng, Mr. Zeng Xuezhong, Mr. Xu Huijun, Mr. Yu Yong, Mr. Ye Weimin, Mr. Zhong Hong and Mr. Ni Qin were re-appointed Vice Presidents of the Company, Mr. Wu Zengqi was appointed Vice President of the Company and Mr. Feng Jianxiong was re-appointed Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company.
由于勒索和犯罪行为日益猖獗,主 要 是农村地区的民间不满情绪已初露家组对此表示关切。
The Group is concerned by a low, but discernable, level of civil discontent, primarily in the rural areas, owing to the constant racketeering and criminality which is becoming ever more endemic.
委 员会建议缔约国通过法律和措施,承人和缔约国内其他土着人民的地 [...]
位,以便保护他们的祖传土地以及他们自身的文化特性(E/C.12/COD/CO/4,第 36 段)。
The Committee recommended that the State party adopt
legislation and measures to recognize the
[...] status of its pygmies andother indigenous [...]
peoples, in order to protect their
ancestral lands as well as their own cultural identity (E/C.12/COD/CO/4, para. 36).
该地区的七个国家(布隆迪、喀麦隆、刚果、加蓬、刚果民主共和国和卢旺达)组织出席了这一分地区讲习班,并使它们能够制定一项关于将为这些社区开展的各种项 目的战略。
This subregional workshop, which was attended by pygmy organizations from six states in the region (Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Rwanda), drew up a strategy for the projects to be carried out to help these communities.
[...] 府应从速制订整全的政策,定期注入额外资源展大规模的复修计划,帮 助更多楼宇改善老化问题。
It would be advisable for the Government to provide
[...] extra resources on a regular basis [...]
in a bid to push forward an extensive scale of rehabilitation.
如要实现其既定目标,即为自身 的和平与安全负责,东盟需要在纠纷初现利用现有机制解决问题,而不是仅仅依赖于态度积 极的轮值主席国。
If it wants to fulfil its stated goal of taking responsibility for its own peace and security, it needs to use its existing mechanisms at the first sign of trouble and not just rely on an activist chair.
同样关于渔业问题,我国希望强调,我们对以下 这一初显势感到关切:有些国家试图将大会 决议中的某些段落解释为规定区域渔业管理组织可 以对这种船只采取某种措施:其船旗国既非这种组织 的成员,又没有明确同意这种措施适用于本国船只。
Also in relation to fisheries, my country wishes to highlight its concern about an incipient trend of some States to try to interpret passages in Assembly resolutions as providing for the possibility of regional fisheries management organizations adopting some type of measure with respect to vessels whose flag States neither are members of such organizations nor have expressly consented the application of such measures to their vessels.
此外,危机在发展中国家的许多影响,诸如增长缓慢、需求和就业减少、 预算削减等现在仅仅刚出现严重影响保健、教育和儿童保护的进展,使 儿童长期受到营养不良引起的身心影响。
Furthermore, many impacts of the crisis in developing countries, such as slowing growth, reduced demand and employment, and declining budgets are only now beginning to unfold, severely threatening progress on health, education and child protection, and leaving children with the long-term mental and physical repercussions of malnutrition.
2010 年,与塔利班或基地组织包括塔利班运动有关联或受其影响的武装团
[...] 体继续攻击巴基斯坦政府机构和平民,而且攻击升级,超越省和开伯尔 巴图克瓦省及联邦直辖部落地区,扩大到几个主要城市中心。
In 2010, Pakistan continued to experience attacks by armed groups influenced by and/or associated with Taliban or Al-Qaida, including Tehrik-i-Taliban, on Government
institutions and civilians, which escalated and
[...] expanded beyond Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [...]
and the Federally Administered Tribal
Areas (FATA) to several major urban centres.
(e) 变本加厉地歧视宗教、族裔、语言或其他方面属于少数的人士,无论其 地位是否得到承认,这除其他外包括阿拉伯人、阿泽里人人、库尔德人、 基督教徒、犹太人、苏非派人和逊尼派穆斯林以及维护他们权益的人,并在其他 方面侵犯其人权,尤其是利用国营新闻媒体攻击巴哈教徒及其信仰;有越来越多 的迹象表明国家在竭力查找、监视和任意拘留巴哈教徒,不让巴哈教徒上大学和 谋生;继续羁押 7 名于 2008 年 3 月和 5 月被捕并面临严重指控的巴哈教领导人, 后者未曾充分或及时获得法律代表
(e) Increasing discrimination and other human rights violations against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities, recognized or otherwise, including, inter alia, Arabs, Azeris, Baluchis, Kurds, Christians, Jews, Sufis and Sunni Muslims and their defenders, and, in particular, attacks on Baha’is and their faith in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves economically, and the continuing detention of seven Baha’i leaders who were arrested in March and May 2008 and faced with serious charges without adequate or timely access to legal representation
此外,所有 T5 灯的长度均比 T12/T8 灯短 50 毫米确地配合在 假天花的一般金属网栅(600 毫米及 1200 毫米) 大小。
In addition, the lamp length of all T5 lamp types is 50mm shorter than their T12/T8 counterparts and T5 luminaires could then be dimensioned to enable them to fit exactly into the usual metric grid (600mm and 1200mm) of suspended ceilings.
又重申《宪章》序言所表示的决心,为避免后世再遭战祸,创造适当环境持正义,尊重由条约与国际法其他渊源而起之义务,促成大自由中之社会 进步及较善之民生,力行容恕,彼此以善邻之道和睦相处,并运用国际机构,以 促成全球人民经济及社会之进展
Reaffirming also the determination expressed in the Preamble to the Charter to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, to practise tolerance and good-neighbourliness, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples
鹦鹉螺公司与其合作伙伴 Teck
[...] Resources, 一家加拿大主要的矿业公司,还 海发现了更多海底块状硫化物休眠矿床, [...]
使这一区域已确定矿址的总数达到 18 块。
In conjunction with its partner, Teck Resources, a major Canadian mining company, Nautilus has also discovered
additional dormant sea floor massive sulphide
[...] deposits in the Bismarck Sea, bringing [...]
the total identified sites in this area to 18.
Emerson Climate Technologies believe that our energy efficient and environmentally responsible technologies can help customers minimize the energy consumption, reduce losses on fresh food, and facilitate sustainable urban development in China.
最近我们 2008,“三教原来一家,万变不离其宗”一文,就知道有“三酸”的故事,是苏轼、黄庭坚、佛印三个人喝唐代的名醋而咂嘴,在上海博物馆藏明末笔筒上和日本的几幅画都有《三酸图》,跟虎溪三笑图一样,是三教合一的图像化。
Recently, we have learned from a chapter in Ni Yibin 2008 that there is another trio representing the Three Teachings: the Song-dynasty friends Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, and Foyin.
在危机初现,许多国家实行了反周期措施 ( 例如,财政刺激方案和社会保护措施) ,将其作为一种途径,有效应对和缓解危 机对贫困人口享有人权的某些最严重影响。
When the crisis first emerged, a large number of States introduced counter-cyclical measures (such as fiscal stimulus packages and social protection interventions) as a means of responding effectively and mitigating some of the most severe effects on the enjoyment of human rights by those living in poverty.




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