

单词 俳句

See also:

not serious
variety show




classifier for sentences

External sources (not reviewed)

,如果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动的水平则势必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
然而……可……包括在”的措辞反映了这一不同 做法的可选性质,而最后的限果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织在特定情况 下提出反对”则保障在若无任何一个缔约国或缔约组织反对将其列入计算时适用 第 1 款中制定的原则。
The expression “may, however, be included” reflects the optional nature of this divergent practice, whereas the finalqualification “if no contracting State or contracting organization is opposed in a particular case” safeguards the application of the principle established in paragraph 1 should any one contracting State or contracting organization be opposed to that inclusion.
对观福音阐明了这个信仰的犹太根源, 象犹太人在进入应许之地前在旷样, 它们讨论的题材适合于使人为理解约翰福音和书信作准备。
The synoptics clarify the Jewish roots of the faith and like the Jews wandering in the desert before entering the promise land, they deal with material appropriate to prepare one to understand the gospel of John and the letters.
对观福音阐明了这个信仰的犹太根源, 象犹太人在进入应许之地前在旷样, 它们讨论的题材适合于使人为理解约翰福音和书信作准备。
The synoptics clarify the Jewish roots of the faith and like the Jews wandering in the desert before entering the promise land, they deal with material appropriate to prepare one to understand the gospel of John and the letters.
在 “来临,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在紧前删除“及 (四 ) 从教育和社会文化入手,投放资源,提升网络公 民素质,以及推广理性、互信、互相尊重的沟通模式,从而有效 凝聚社会智慧”,并以“(四 ) 推广社会对青年议政采开放态度,包 括其表达意见的形式,以维护其表达的权利;(五 ) 完善选民登记 制度,使年满十八岁的青年人可以尽快参与投票;及(六 ) 修订《电 讯条例》及广播政策,提供大气电波及电视广播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言论及发表自由”代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the full stop and substitute with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can participate in voting as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression.
事实上,确定一项单方面声明是 否“为了指明或澄清声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”―― 它与“解释性声明”的定义相对应――是一回事,确定其中所拟议的解释是否有 效,即“声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”是否有 效又是另外一回事。
Indeed, it is one thing to determine whether a unilateral statement “purports to specify or clarify the meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” — which corresponds to the definition of “interpretative declaration” — and another to determine whether the interpretation proposed therein is valid, or, in other words, whether the “meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” is valid.
在紧前加上“;本会亦对行政长官在政府库房有大笔盈余的 情况下,投放在改善长者医疗服务方面的资源微不足道,不足以照顾 低下层长者的医疗需要,深表失望;本会促请行政长官及政府采取措 施及投入更多资源,改善长者的医疗服务,包括将医疗券的受惠对象 扩展至所有 65 岁或以上的长者、增加每名长者所获的津贴金额、为 所有长者提供公营医疗半价优惠、设立基金津贴长者的牙科服务,以 及为所有长者提供免费流感防疫注射等”。
To add "; this Council also expresses deep disappointment that, despite a huge surplus in the government treasury, the Chief Executive only deploys a meagre amount of resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, which is hardly sufficient to meet the medical needs of the elderly in the lower class; this Council urges the Chief Executive and the Government to adopt measures and devote more resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, including extending the beneficiaries of the health care vouchers to all senior citizens aged 65 or above, increasing the amount of subsidy for each elderly recipient, offering half-fee concession for public medical services to all senior citizens, setting up a fund to subsidize dental services for the elderly, and providing all senior citizens with free vaccination against influenza, etc" immediately before the full stop.




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