单词 | 俯仰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 俯仰verb—tiltv俯仰—(fig.) small move lowering and raising of the head pitch (position angle) Examples:与世俯仰—swim with the tide [idiom.] 俯仰之间—in a flash 俯仰无愧—have a clear conscience 前俯后仰—be convulsed (with laughter etc) rock one's body backward and forward See also:俯—look down stoop 仰—rely on admire look up face upward surname Yang
相机置于处于全景旋转轴上的滑板上,另外一块滑板可沿俯仰轴前后旋转。 manfrotto.cn | It has sliding plates to locate the camera over [...] the panoramic axis of rotation, plus a sliding plate which rotates around the front/backtilt axis. manfrotto.us |
云台融合了诸多重要的摄像用功能,例如出色的平衡系统、单独的摇摄锁和俯仰锁、针对摇摄和俯仰的可调液压阻尼控制,以实现流畅的操作。 gitzo.cn | This head incorporates key video features such as perfect balancing [...] system, variable fluid drag control on pan and tilt [...] movements for smooth repeatable actions, separate panand tilt locks. gitzo.ca |
根据镜头长度和直径和234RC俯仰云台(含)的倾斜来调整托架长度。 manfrotto.cn | The length of the bracket is adjustable to take different length lenses and different diameters by [...] tilting the Tilt Head234RC (included). manfrotto.us |
坚固防水的方位/俯仰云台壳能够连续旋转360°,做+/-90°俯仰。 flir.com | The rugged, waterproof pan/tilt enclosure provides a continuous 360° pan and +/-90° tilt. flir.com |
首先,摇摄锁和俯仰锁以及单独的阻尼控制均位于同一侧,便于进行舒适、迅速、精确的操作。 gitzo.cn | First, pan and tilt locks and separate [...] friction controls are positioned on the same side for ergonomic, fast and precise action. gitzo.ca |
旋转或俯仰操作期间,自动聚焦无效。 panasonic.net | (Auto focusing does not work during panning ortilting operations. panasonic.net |
安装人员可安装所有M系列方位/俯仰云台(无论球头朝上还是朝下) (M-618CS只能球头朝上安装)。 flir.com | Installers can mount all M-Series pan/tilts in either ball-up or balldown orientation (M-618CS is ball up only). flir.com |
当转为待机模式进行操作时 : 当前的摇摄、俯 仰位置被保存在存储器中(作为 POWER ON 的预设值),旋转云台移动,使摄像机指向后方。 panasonic.net | (Status display lamp: light up orange) w p When operation is transferred to the STANDBY mode: The current pan‑tilt position is stored in the [...] memory (as a POWER ON preset), [...] and the camera movesso that it pointstoward the back. [...]w p When operation is transferred [...]to the POWER ON mode: The camera moves to the position which was stored in the memory (as a POWER ON preset) when operation was transferred to the STANDBY mode. panasonic.net |
顶板适配组合式三脚架,性能出众,可绕大型半球碗进行15°俯仰。 gitzo.cn | The levelling base fits Systematic tripods and offers high performance and 15° tilt around a large half ball. gitzo.com |
其他重要特点包括:独立的摇摄锁和俯仰锁;固定的平衡弹簧,在125mm重心时可承载7.5kg;两个可收缩的摇摄手柄;一个气泡水平仪。 manfrotto.cn | Other important features of the head are: [...] separate tilt and pan locking mechanism; [...]a fixed counter balance spring of 7.5 kg [...]load capacity at a centre of gravity of 125mm; two telescopic pan handles; a bubble level. manfrotto.com |
无论是安装在驱动器内部亦或是作为一个独立的系统,"圣蒂科思"【Sendix】编码器都为俯仰角和方位角提供了一个坚固耐用和精确的测量系统。 kuebler.cn | Whether installed into the drive or as [...] a stand-alone system, the Sendix encoders offer a rugged and accurate measuring system [...] for elevation and azimuth angles. kuebler.com |
设为“On”时,摇摄和俯仰操作在变焦状态中将变得 较为缓慢。 panasonic.net | When “On” is set, the panning and tilting operations will become slower in the zoom status. panasonic.net |
两个橡胶手柄外加橡胶保护层可避免相机俯仰至最大角度时镜头受损。 manfrotto.cn | Two rubber hand grips plus rubber protection to prevent damage to lens when tilted to maximum. manfrotto.ca |
操作旋转、俯仰或变焦按钮确定摄像机角度。 panasonic.net | Operate the pan, tilt or zoom buttons to determine the camera angle. panasonic.net |
使用球形云台时,可锁定和解锁全景运动,无需影响前后俯仰或侧向翻滚,这一特点特别适合于全景摄影和需要精确控制的场合。 gitzo.cn | When using a ball head, the ability to lock and unlock the panoramic movement independent of front-back orlateral tilt movements is convenient for panoramic photography and when a high level of control is required. gitzo.ca |
多传感器系统中,在同一方位俯仰云台结构上还安装有一台昼夜通用型36倍变焦彩色CCD摄像机。 flir.com | Multi-sensor configurations also include a day/night 36× zoom color CCD camera on the same pan/tilt package. flir.com |
他们提出的飞机俯仰角精确定位方法解决了飞行员所面对的一项棘手问题。 digikey.cn | Their idea to provide a method of accurately determining an aircraft's pitch attitude solved a crucial problem for pilots. digikey.com.mx |
FLIR方位/俯仰云台热像仪知道所述护栏传感器的位置,而且,距离所述护栏传感器最近的传感器,将通过非视频报警系统,为您指出提供即时的目视预警确认的报警区域。 flir.com | Your FLIR pan/tilt cameras know where that fence sensor is, and the closest one will point to the alarm area giving you instant visual confirmation of the alerts provided by your non-video alarm systems. flir.com |
云台配有独立的摇摄锁和俯仰锁,还具有快装板和人性化设计的操纵杆,特别适合于摇摄或跟踪拍摄移动物体。 manfrotto.cn | The head has separate pan and tilt locks, a quick release plate and a short ergonomic bar, particularly useful for panning or tracking moving subjects. manfrotto.hk |
心脏冲击四核的性能,响应10手指多点触摸屏,加上陀螺仪和加速度计的感应,你可以横滚,俯仰,触摸,轻拍你的方式,同时探索600,000应用程序排行榜的顶部和在谷歌游戏提供的游戏。 zh-cn.samratbazaar.com.sg | With heart-pounding quad-core performance, a responsive 10-finger multi-touch screen, plus gyroscope and accelerometer sensing, you can barrel roll, tilt, touch, and tap your way to the top of the leaderboards while exploring over 600,000 apps and games available on Google Play. samratbazaar.com.sg |
配有快装板系统和特富龙垫,结合独立的摇摄锁和俯仰锁,以确保流畅的俯仰摇摄。 manfrotto.cn | It is equipped with a quick release plate system and PTFE pads to ensure smooth pan and tilt movements with independent locks. manfrotto.ca |
向上或向下移动摄像机(俯仰): 向上或向下移动摄像机(俯仰): 按下 [] 或 [] 按钮。 panasonic.net | Moving the camera up or down (tilting): Press the [] or [] button. panasonic.net |
折叠式手柄控制摇摄和俯仰,另一手柄控制左右翻滚。 manfrotto.cn | Fold away rotating handles for pan and tilt; and side to side leveling by a separated handle. manfrotto.us |
设计轻便,提供三个轴向即水平摇摄、前后俯仰和左右翻滚上的齿轮运动。 manfrotto.cn | Extremely compact, this unique head offers gear movement in three directions, pan, tilt and side to side tilt. manfrotto.com |
雷尼绍的测量光学镜组可让您沿任意轴线测量线性位移、俯仰角、扭摆角、水平方向和垂直方向直线度。 renishaw.com.cn | Renishaw measurement optics enable you to measure linear displacement, pitch, yaw, horizontal and vertical straightness along any axis. renishaw.com |
D系列的室外半球形外壳能够进行精确的方位/俯仰云台控制,同时提供完全可编程的扫描方式、雷达联动和报警联动功能。 flir.com | The D-Series outdoor dome enclosure provides precision pan/tilt control while providing fully programmable scan patterns, radar slew-to-cue, and slew-to-alarm functionality. flir.com |
关于使用高清映像通信主机进行摇摄、俯仰、变焦、 预设和其他摄像机操作的说明,参见支持的本装置的 使用说明书。 panasonic.net | w p For descriptions of the panning, tilting, zooming, preset and other camera operations using an HD visual communication unit, refer to the operating instructions of the unit which is supported. panasonic.net |
在此设置补偿功能的“On”或“ Off”,用以对手动聚 焦设置下的摇摄、俯仰或变焦操作过程中发生失焦 时进行补偿。 panasonic.net | On” or “Off” is set here for the function which compensates for out‑of‑focusing when it occurs during panning, tiltingor zooming operations at the manual focus setting. panasonic.net |
整体地理参照映射功能的特色在于FLIR独特的STC(从追踪到传递信号)侦查功能,它命令FLIR的全方位/俯仰云台安防红外热像仪,精确地为您指出FLIR红外热护栏™网络上任何传感器产生的任何报警的坐标。 flir.com | The integral geo-referenced mapping function features FLIR's unique slew-to-cue function, which commands FLIR's pan/tilt IP thermal security cameras to point at the precise coordinates of any alarm generated by any sensor on your FLIR Thermal Fence™ network. flir.com |