

单词 修葺令

See also:




an order n
order n
command n
season n
warrant n

make sth. happen
government position (old)
honorific title

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 一直以來, 社 區 諮詢服務組就 維修斜坡及 履 行 危 險 斜修葺 令 的事宜 ,主動 向 業主 提供協 助。
(e) The Community Advisory Unit had been proactively providing assistance to owners on
[...] slope maintenance and in discharging Dangerous Hillside Orders.
該署會 怎 樣 確
[...] 保所調配 的財政及人力 資 源 足 以 使尚未 履 行修葺令得以 遵 從 ?
How will the Department ensure that adequate fiscal and human resources are deployed to enforce
[...] compliance of outstanding repair orders?
當 中 有 多 少 個 擁 有 人修 葺 令 限 期 完 結 前 完 成 斜修 葺 工 作 並 令 斜 坡 結 構 安 全 達 到 相 關 的 標 準 ?
Among the owners, how many of them
[...] completed the slope repair works and rendered the slopes structurally safe meeting the relevant standards before the repair orders expired?
儘管如此,他向委員保證,屋 宇署在發修葺令後, 會繼續監察有關斜坡的狀況,以確保安 全。
Nonetheless, he assured members that BD would monitor the condition of the slopes
[...] after issuance of orders to ensure their safety.
至於私人斜坡方面,政府除了對個別高風險 私人人造斜坡進行安全篩選研究及在必要時發出危險斜 修葺 令外, 土力工程處亦持續進行公眾教育,特別在雨季來臨前,加 強向公眾宣傳有關斜坡維修的信息。
The GEO, in a continued effort to educate the public about slope maintenance, also steps up publicity before the onset of the rainy season.
(d) 當局為 市 民印製了各種 資 料 單張及小冊 子 , 指導市 民 如 何維修斜坡,以 及在接獲 危 險 斜修葺 令時應怎樣處理; 同時亦透 過 公 眾教育, 令 市 民 更 普遍意識到 維修斜 坡的需 要 ; 及
(d) various information pamphlets and booklets providing guidance on slope maintenance and what to do upon receipt of a Dangerous Hillside Order were made available to members of the public.
(b) 就跟修葺令及執 法行動,請問屋宇署在 2004-05 年度會否外判有關 工作?
(b) Regarding the
[...] follow-up work on repair orders and enforcement [...]
actions, would the Buildings Department consider outsourcing such work in 2004-05?
這 些 目 標 樓 宇 的 勘 測 和 巡 查 工 作 剛 完 成 , 屋 宇 署 現 正 評 估 和 分 析 有 關 勘 測 和 巡
[...] 查 的 結 果 , 並 會 視 乎 需 要 向 目 標 樓 宇 的 業 主 發修 葺 令 / 勘 測 令 。
The BD is now assessing and analysing the
results of the survey and
[...] inspection, and will issue repair/investigation orders to the owners [...]
of the target buildings as necessary.
(d) 為加強屋宇署修葺令進行 的執法行動,本署的斜坡安全組由 2012-13 年度 起會獲增撥額外的人手資源。
98 10 or above (d) To enhance the BD’s enforcement action in relation to DHOs, the Slope [...]
Safety Section of the BD will be
provided with additional manpower resources starting from 2012-13.
(a) 就私人擁有的斜坡維修事宜,署方在過去五年每年曾就多少個已發出 修葺 令為私 人斜坡擁有人聘請顧問或工程承辦商?
(a) Regarding the maintenance of private slopes and among the repair orders issued to the owners of these slopes, how many did the Buildings Department (BD) appoint consultants or contractors for the owners in each of the past five years?
(d) 政府有沒有計劃檢討斜坡安全組的人手編制,並投放更多資源以提升監督各 斜修葺令的進度?
(d) Has the Government any plans to review the staff establishment of the Slope Safety Section?
土木工程署署長指 出,除 政府斜坡外 ,土木工 程署每年會選 定 約 300個 私 人 斜坡進 行 抽樣檢 查,並 會根 據 《 建築物條例 》向有關的
[...] 私 人 物 業業主發出危險斜修 葺 令 ,要求 他 們 對 其物業 範圍內不合 [...]
標準的 斜坡進 行 鞏固工程。
The Director of Civil Engineering (D of CE) pointed out that in addition to government slopes, the Civil Engineering Department (CED) would
select about 300 private slopes for random inspection every year, and would serve
[...] Dangerous Hillside Orders to private owners [...]
concerned under the
Buildings Ordinance requiring them to upgrade their substandard slopes.
她 對於當局處理這些個案需時甚久表示關注,並詢問當局曾採取 甚麼措施以加快處理未獲遵從 修葺令。
She expressed concern about the long time
taken to handle these cases and asked what measures had been taken to expedite work in
[...] clearing the outstanding Orders.
如擁有人在指明期間內沒有遵從危險斜 修葺令 , 屋宇署 會委聘其顧問及承建商進行勘察,以及代擁有人進行所需的修 葺或鞏固工程,並於其後向有關擁有人追討工程費用及監督 費。
If the owner did not comply with a
[...] Dangerous Hillside Order within a specified period of time, BD would [...]
appoint its consultant and
contractor to carry out the investigation and undertake the required repair or upgrading works on behalf of the owner, and subsequently recover the costs plus supervision charges from the owner concerned.
(a) 這 項 每 年 巡 查 500 幢 失 修 的 目 標 樓 宇 以 及 在 有 需 要 時 發修 葺 令 / 勘 測 令 的 大 規 模 行 動,是 於 2011 年 4 月 展 開 的。
The Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) are planned for full implementation in the second quarter of 2012.
特別是法律人更要問,當一方現 身說法,即不是找不到他們,而是大業主、裝修工人、地產代理及住客
[...] 也出來說話,人人也說得很具體,甚至連他們名字也被傳媒報道了⎯⎯ 屋宇署當時發修葺令及之後派員巡查,究竟署方在提供意見前,有否 [...]
We cannot help asking ― especially as a member of the legal profession, when the majority owner, fitting-out workers, estate agent and residents voluntarily came forward and gave very specific accounts of what happened, and even
had their names reported by the media ―
[...] the BD issued the repair order and had inspections [...]
conducted by its staff, had the
BD considered before giving the advice that the removal of unauthorized building works could possibly cause the collapse of the whole building?
該 組 獲 增 撥 的 人 手 , 將 有 助 屋 宇 署 加 快 處 理 仍 未 獲 遵 從修 葺 令 的 工 作 。
The additional manpower provided to the section will enable the BD to accelerate its work in clearing the outstanding DHOs.
他答允就該85張發出超過10年仍未獲遵從的危險斜 修葺 令提供 資料,包括至今已採取的跟進行動,以及在多少宗個案 [...]
中,屋宇署會考慮委聘承建商進行工程並向有關擁有人追討費 用。
He agreed to provide information on the 85
[...] Dangerous Hillside Orders that had been outstanding [...]
for more than 10 years, including
the follow-up actions taken so far and the number of cases of which BD would consider employing contractors to undertake the works and recover the costs from the owners concerned.
(e) 助理署長/法律及管理改為助理署長/支援;以及 附錄 透過重訂工作先後次序和重新安排職務,屋宇署把拓展部、結構工程 部、專業事務部和管制及執行部的
5 個總屋宇測量師和 3 個總結構工
[...] 程師職位的職務重新調配,由負責特定的專責職務例如管制危樓、管 制違例建築工程、執修葺令及違 例建築工程清拆令等,改為負責兩 個樓宇部內所有不同層面的樓宇管制工作,包括管制按地區劃分的危 [...]
Through refocusing of work priorities and reshuffling of duties, BD also redeployed from the Development Division, Structural Engineering Division, Specialist Division and Control & Enforcement Division five Chief Building Surveyor (CBS) and three Chief Structural Engineer (CSE) posts from specialised functional duties such as control of
dangerous buildings, control of UBW
[...] and enforcement of repair and UBW removal orders, to all aspects [...]
of building control duties
including dangerous buildings and UBW relating to existing buildings on a geographical basis in the two EB divisions.
因沒有發現嚴重樓宇失修情況,獨立審查組在這期間沒有發 修葺令。
As no serious disrepair had been
[...] identified, no repair orders were issued during [...]
the period.
當局一定要整體考慮公眾利益,所以,我今次提出的議案 ⎯⎯ 代 理主席,我當然知道我現在不是動議議案,但我想向大家說,我覺得如
[...] [...] 果當局要將申請門檻降低,除了檢討現時不妥善的運作外,最低限度要 看數點:第一,如果從樓宇安全角度,覺得某地區、地段的樓宇業主無 法維修,即使對樓宇發修葺令亦不 能符合標準,或在此情況下會危及 第三者的安全等,便可以是優先處理的地區;否則,從私人發展商的角 度,他們當然不會挑選這些地區,而會挑選那些優秀的半山區。
The authorities must consider the public interest as a whole, and so I want to tell Members in the motion I proposed this time ― Deputy President, of course I know I am not moving the motion now ― that if the authorities have to lower the application threshold, apart from a review of the existing irregularities arising from operation, they at least need to examine the following points: first, from the safety perspective, priority should be given to
dealing with certain
[...] districts or lots where owners of the buildings there are incapable of carrying out repairs, or meeting the standards [...]
specified in
the repairs orders imposed on these buildings, or in such circumstances, the safety of a third party will be endangered; otherwise, naturally developers will rather select the prime Mid-Levels than these districts.
任何樓齡達50年或以上並已獲 修葺令 的樓 宇,應自動納入樓宇更新大行動。
Any building aged 50 years or above
[...] and was issued a repair order should be [...]
included automatically in Operation Building Bright.
現時香港有不少樓宇是於1960年代之前落成,雖然在塌樓慘劇發生 後,當局立即宣布爭取在1個月時間內巡查全港數千幢樓齡達50年以上 的樓宇,並對有問題的樓宇發 修葺令 , 但 對於擁有業權卻沒有收入, 只依靠積蓄過日的清貧長者,或月入只有數千元的低收入人士來說,沉 重的維修費將是他們面對的最大難題。
Although after the tragedy of building collapse, the Administration immediately announced that a few thousand buildings aged more than 50 years would be inspected within one month and repair orders would be issued to the problematic buildings, to those poor elderly people who only possess the ownership but have no income and merely live on their savings, or to those low-income earners who make only a few thousand dollars monthly, the heavy maintenance cost will be their biggest hurdle.
至 於 餘 下 8 張 未 獲 遵 從修 葺 令 , 本 署 亦 正 就 執 法 行 動 的 細 節 定 案 , 並 可 能 會 對 有 關 業 主 提 出 檢 控 及 / 或 進 行 未 履 行 命 令 的 工 程 , 並 在 工 程 完 成 後 , 向 有 關 業 主 追 討 費 用 。
The BD is also finalising the details of the enforcement action for the remaining eight outstanding DHOs and may instigate prosecution against the owners and/or carry out the defaulted works and then recover the costs from the owners upon completion of the works.
(b) 大 部分在 2003 年發出修葺令是 渠 務修葺令,這些命令主要是由於爆 發 「嚴重 急 性 呼 吸 系統綜合症」後 , 當 局 視察全港私 [...]
人樓宇以找 出 損 毀排水渠所 致 。
(b) The majority of the repair orders issued in 2003 are drainage repair orders arising mainly [...]
from the territory-wide inspection
of private buildings carried out to detect defective drainage pipes in the wake of the SARS outbreak.
(二) 過去兩年,屋宇署向私人樓宇業主發出的勘 令 、 修葺令 及拆卸令等“法定命令”的數目;未能在上述命令所訂的指定限期 內完成有關工程的業主數目;他們在接獲有關命令的業主中所 [...]
(b) of the number of
[...] "statutory orders" such as investigation orders, repair orders, demolition [...]
orders, etc. issued to private
building owners by BD over the past two years, the number of owners who have failed to complete the required works within the period specified in such orders, the percentage of such owners among all owners served with such orders, and the reasons for their failure to complete the required works; and
[...] 因為火警、風、雨、破舊使用、缺乏走火通道或其他因由而令建築物變 得危險或可以變得危險,監督便要馬上發出書面命令 ⎯⎯ 即我們稱為 樓修葺令 ⎯⎯ 來立即處理有關情況。
Section 26 provides that where in the opinion of the Authority any building has been rendered dangerous or liable to become dangerous by fire, wind, rain, dilapidation, use, lack of fire escapes or any other cause, the Authority
may serve a written order on the
[...] owner (commonly referred to as building repair order), requiring [...]
immediate rectification.
(a) 就 私 人 擁 有 的 斜 坡 維 修 事 宜,署 方 在 過 去 五 年 每 年 曾 就 多 少 個 已 發 出修 葺 令 為 私 人 斜 坡 擁 有 人 聘 請 顧 問 或 工 程 承 辦 商 ?
It is mentioned in paragraph 68 of the Budget Speech that the land use studies and reviews being conducted cover 2 500 hectares of land.
至於餘下 195 幢尚未遵修葺令的樓 宇,其維修工程正由政府因業主未 遵行命令而委派的承建商,或由業主自行委聘的顧問公司/ 承建商進行 或安排進行。
For the remaining 195 buildings
[...] where the repair orders are still outstanding, repair works are being [...]
carried out or being arranged
by either the government contractor in default of the owners or the consultants/contractors engaged by the owners.
按 照 樓 齡 30 至 39 年 , 40 至
49 年 , 50 年 以 上 等 的 劃 分 , 過 去 3 年 , 當 局 每 年 巡 查 每 組 樓 宇 多 少 次 ; 每
[...] 年 向 每 組 樓 宇 發 出 多 少修 葺 令 ; 現 時 各 區 每 組 樓 宇 數 目 [...]
為 何 ?
Regarding buildings aged 30 to 39 years, 40 to 49 years and 50 years or above, what is the number of inspections conducted by the Government for each age group of buildings
in each of the past three years?
[...] What is the number of repair orders issued for each [...]
group of buildings; and currently,
what is the number of buildings for each age group in each district?




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