

单词 修女

修女 ()

nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox








External sources (not reviewed)

他们说,他们将大部分时间用于阅读或祈祷;他们都信仰伊斯兰 教并说伊玛目十年只来了两次,但一 修女 每 个 星期天都来。
They said that they spent most of their time reading or in prayer; all
were of the Islamic faith and reported that the imam had only come twice in ten
[...] years, although a nun came every Sunday.
Geraldine Ryan与圣哥伦比亚修女在19 75年首次访问韩国,到此传教。
Geraldine Ryan's first visit to Korea was as
[...] a missionary with the nuns of Saint Columbia [...]
in 1975.
我與特首會面討論施政報告 時,就是談到隧道問題時,他覺得我說話太大聲、很粗魯,叫我不要 如此動氣,還送了德修女的卡 片給我看。
When I met with the Chief Executive to discuss the policy address, on discussing the subject of tunnels, he said I was too loud and rude, and asked me to calm down.
协会在9个国家坚持工作,秉持以马内 修女 所 坚 持的理念,延续其始于30多年前在开罗贫穷小镇的工作。
Based on her guiding principles, the [...]
association continues to work in 9 countries, work that was begun on her own in the
shanty towns of Cairo over 30 years ago.
项目包 括舞蹈;出版教科文组织的公约和带评注的建议;组织关于宗教间和文明间对话
[...] 的世界会议;关于文化遗产、记忆和美食的文化活动;出版关于该国文化遗产的 书籍和欧洲民乐选集;为特里修女 纪 念 堂举办开幕仪式;举办关于文化在欧洲 [...]
发展中的影响的研讨会;将以马其顿文和少数民族语文原创的诗歌、小说和散文 译成多种语言。
Projects involved dance; the publication of UNESCO conventions and recommendation with a commentary; the organization of the World Conference on Interreligious and Inter-Civilization Dialogue; cultural events about cultural heritage, memory and gastronomy; the publication of books on the cultural heritage of the nation and
of an anthology of European folk music; the
[...] inauguration of the Memorial House [...]
of Mother Theresa; a seminar on the influence
of culture in the development of Europe; and a multi-language translation of poetry, fiction and essays originally written in Macedonian and minority languages.
该组织向东帝汶的东帝汶和菲律宾多明我会天主 修女 提 供财政支助, 以实施一项针对青年人的支助和培训方案。
. The organization provided financial support to Timorese and Filipino
[...] Dominican Catholic Sisters in Timor-Leste [...]
to run a support and training programme for young people.
在第 3 次会议上,具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织圣樊尚·德 保罗仁修女会的代表发了言。
At the 3rd meeting, a statement was made by the representative of the Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
当地一个非政府组织Palli Unnayan Samiti的志愿修女杰西 娅(Jessya)说:“我们不得不乘船和三轮车去上班。
We had to travel by boat and cycle van to reach our areas of work.
伟大的多米尼加秩序,奥古斯丁,和无数教会 修女 仍 然期待他为自己的父亲和立法者。
The great Dominican Order, the Augustinians, and numberless
[...] congregations of nuns still look to [...]
him as their father and legislator.
[...] 界)、圣樊尚·德保罗慈善之女协会驻联合国特别代表(民间社会)、全球发展融 资中心执行主任(商界)及慈修女联 合会代表(民间社会)也作了发言。
Statements were also made by a senior researcher of the Third World Network (civil society); the permanent representative to the United Nations of the International Chamber of Commerce (business sector); the special representative to the United Nations of the Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul (civil society); the Executive Director of the Global Clearinghouse
for Development Finance (business sector); and the
[...] representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation [...]
(civil society).
没有什么比对照患有老年痴呆修女 的 大 脑更令人值得关注了。
What was also exciting was comparing
[...] the brains of nuns who had Alzheimer’s. [...]
A brain that has Alzheimer’s has “tangles” in it.
The nuns who did regular [...]
mental exercise, for example reading books and doing crosswords, had far better mental capacity
scores than those who did not.
马里奥2007年和2008年的圣诞节都是在巴西度过的(他作为克劳迪亚·斯特拉达和拉法埃拉·科尔维 修女 会 的客人,和当地平民区的孩子们一起度过),马里奥支持那里的“Un Ponte per il Futuro”(通向未来之桥)活动,它旨在帮助当地多个组织为马塔·埃斯库拉平民区的孩子们提供教育的机会,这是巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市内众多平民区中的一个,许多孩子们就生活在这样一个拥挤、混乱、贫穷、充满暴力的地方。
In Brazil, where he spent Christmas in 2007 and 2008 (as the guest of missionaries Sister Claudia Strada and Sister Raffaella Corvino, and the children who live in one of the country’s favelas), Mario supports the “Un Ponte per il Futuro” (A Bridge for the Future) project, which offers help to several local associations committed to providing an education for the children who live in the Mata Escura favela, one of the most notorious in Salvador de Bahia, where overcrowding, lack of services, poverty and violence put many children at permanent risk.
在第 8 次会议上,下列具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织代表也发 了言:圣母进殿修女国际 协会;希腊东正教大主教管区会议;巴哈教国际联盟。
At its 8th meeting, the representatives of the following non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council also spoke: International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation; the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council; and the Bahá’í International Community.
何美修女是聖保祿女修會省 會長,而聖保 祿 女修 會 更 是其中一間在亞洲歷史最悠久的法國團體。
Sister Marie Jacqueline Ho is the Provincial Superior of the Sisters of St. Paul De Chartres - one of the oldest remarkable French institutions in Asia.
白色 ", Bernie
[...] Bonvoisin也是非常有趣,那些古怪的角色我们制作出来 修女 或 是歌伎亦或是阿飞,非常个性十足。
White”, the film by Bernie Bonvoisin was
also very interesting, with oddball
[...] characters like these nuns that we made up [...]
like geishas or punks with very electric shades.
建议“婚委会”成员可包括:公教夫妇、家庭服务专业组织代表、与婚姻及家庭牧民有关的教友组织代表、公教专业人士(如:医生、护士、律师、教师、社工),司铎、已婚终身执事 修女 及 修 士 等
Members of the PCMF may include: Catholic married couples, a representative from the professional family service organizations, a representative from organizations engaged in marriage and family pastoral care, Catholic professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses,
lawyers, teachers,
[...] social workers), priests, a married permanent deacon, a religious Sister and [...]
a religious Brother, etc.
何美修女以自身說明奉獻、謙卑及堅毅的特質,並虛心向其他聖保 祿 修女 學 習
Sister Marie Jacqueline Ho reflects the qualities of not only devotion, humility but also tenacity, the willingness to learn from the Sisters of Saint Paul.
她参演的电影还有《东西战争》、《赤子情深》、 修女 也 疯 狂》、《美国制造》、《扭计当家》、《长脚女佣》、《潇洒有情天》、《妈咪也疯狂》、《当老牛碰上嫩草》、《移魂女郎》和《亡命夺宝》,她还为多部动画配音以及制作记录片。
Her film credits include Jumpin' Jack Flash, Clara's Heart, Sister Act, Made in America, Corrina, Corrina, The Long Walk Home, Boys on the Side, Bogus, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Girl, Interrupted, and Rat Race, plus several animated voiceovers and documentaries.
世界传教基金会通修女卫生 倡议全球项目,与非洲、加勒比和美国的网络 [...]
开展合作,努力解决非洲和非洲裔青少年和青年的社会问题、艾滋病毒/艾滋病 防治和医疗保健问题。
Through its global project
[...] on health, My Sisters’ Health Initiative, [...]
World Mission Foundation works with networks in Africa,
the Caribbean and the United States of America to address social issues, HIV/AIDS and health care in respect of adolescents and youth in Africa and adolescents and youth of African descent.
引用了第 1249/2004 号来文,斯里兰卡 Menzingen 教区圣方济第三会圣十字传女修会的 Immaculate Joseph 修女和其他 80 名修女诉斯里兰卡,2005 年 10 月 21 日通过的意见,第 7.2 段,以及上注 12, CCPR/CO/71/UZB, 第 21 段。
Reference is made to communication No. 1249/2004, Sister Immaculate Joseph and 80 Teaching Sisters of the Holy Cross of the Third Order of Saint Francis in Menzingen of Sri Lanka v. Sri Lanka, Views adopted on 21 October 2005, paragraph 7.2 and supra n.12, CCPR/CO/71/UZB, paragraph 21.
(c) 耶穌寶女修會及沙爾德聖保祿女修 會 , 以 免由該兩間修會經營的私立牟利醫院也可 獲豁免。
(c) the Sisters of the Precious Blood and Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres, lest the profit-making private hospitals operated by them might be exempted as well.
( k ) 立 誓 修 行 並 居 於修 道 院 、 女 修 道 院 或 其 他 此 類 宗 教 團 體 內 的 全 時 間 修 行 的 任 何 修 道 會 成 員
(k) persons who are vowed and full-time members of any religious orders living in monasteries, convents or other such religious communities
修订歧视妇女的法 律和制订对 妇女友好的法律、以及确保妇女能够获得体面的工作和社会保障等领域, 被作为优先重点领域和主要挑战而提出。
The revision of laws discriminatory to women and enactment [...]
of women-friendly laws as well as ensuring and that women had
access to decent jobs and social protection were cited as priority areas and challenges.
第 746 条规定,如果没有军事需要证明其 合理性,破坏教堂女修道院 、图书馆、 博物馆、档案馆或著名艺术作品的行为, [...]
Article 746 provides that the destruction
[...] of churches, convents, libraries, [...]
museums, archives or notable art works where
the destruction is not justified by military necessity is punishable by an ordinary medium-term prison sentence.
本次發行的郵品「公共建築物及紀念碑」包含:作為澳門特別行政區政府總部的宮殿;名為「耶穌寶 女修 院 」 又稱為「白宮」之澳門金融管理局;澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋;以及民國大馬路的建築群,即澳門基金會所在地。
This "Public Buildings and Monuments" philatelic collection includes the palace that serves as the Government Headquarters of the Macao Special
Administrative Region, the
[...] "White House" or "Convent of the Precious Blood" as it became to [...]
be known as headquarters to
the Monetary Authority of Macao, the Holy House of Mercy Hospice of Macao and the group of buildings at Avenida da República where the Macao Foundation is installed.
回顾过去一年,整个检讨工作,经历了不同阶段,而最后得以顺利完成,实有赖牧函委员会的领导、公教教研中心的协助,以及总铎、堂区、 女修 会 、教区各委员会、培育中心、办学团体、校监校长、大众传播、社会事务、明爱机构等的积极参与。
The evaluation work went through different stages during the past year and its smooth completion is due to the leadership of the Committee for Promoting the Cardinal's Pastoral Exhortation, the assistance of the Catholic Institute for Religion and Society, and the active
participation of Deans, parishes, religious
[...] congregations of men and women, various Diocesan [...]
committees, Laity Formation Centres, sponsoring
bodies, Supervisors and Principals, organizations for mass communications, organizations for social affairs, and Caritas.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄
瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免
[...] 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔女教育 的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related
to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote
[...] the education of women of African descent.




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