

单词 俨如白昼

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

如图表 1 所示,我们可以看出 2000 年之后,名义 GDP 增长率的低迷以及通 货紧俨然成 了日本经济最显著的特征。
As shown in Fig. 1, Japan’s economy after 2000 is characterized by the low nominal GDP growth rates and the deflation.
如今,中国俨然成 为绿色科技产业最主要的潜力市场之一。
Nowadays, China has become to be [...]
one of the primary potential markets for green tech industry.
然而白昼在什 么条件 下来临,我们鼓起勇气决裂之后,才能带来我们所希望的改变?
But on what condition will the [...]
dawn break for the desired transformation to impose itself as the rightful corollary to the audacity to break free?
咨询委员会认为,在审议安全和安保部关于在基本建设总计划项目 施工阶段为提供安保而设立临时安保特遣队的提议时,应当参照据信会 对安全和安保事务的总体运作情况作出评估的管理审查的结果,考如 果更 多地利用技术系统可以在多大程度上减少进 昼 夜 不 停监视所需的 经费,和更好地了解进一步提高效率的潜力。
The Advisory Committee considers that the Department’s proposals for a temporary security contingent to provide security coverage during the construction phase of the capital master plan project should be considered in the context of the outcome of that management review, which will presumably provide an assessment of the overall functioning of safety and security services, as well as the extent to which a more intensive recourse to technological systems could reduce requirements for 24/7 coverage, and a better understanding of the potential for achieving further efficiency gains.
The climate of Tristan da Cunha, further south, is marine subtropical with small differences between summer and
[...] winter and between day and night.
[...] 队能够适当利用稳定团的资产和资源进行重建活动;促进各项旨在加强国家能力 的活动,如支持 重要访问和方案的发起;(b) 通过每日局势报告昼夜行 动检 测中心的行动紧急时间报告交流信息,促进联合国系统对海地状况的了解;(c) [...]
The Centre is responsible for: (a) providing a focal point that ensures that the Government and the United Nations country team have appropriate access to the Mission’s assets and resources for reconstruction
activities and
[...] enabling activities that strengthen Government capacity, such as support for high-profile visits and programme launches; [...]
(b) facilitating
situational awareness within the United Nations system in Haiti through operational information shared in daily situation reports and emergency incident reporting made possible by a round-the-clock operations monitoring centre; and (c) coordinating the Mission’s crisis management centre, facilitating informed decisions by MINUSTAH senior management on the use of Mission resources in response to natural disasters or other significant crisis events.
又到了一年中的这个季节白昼变得 越来越短,黑夜变得越来越漫长,天气开始变得寒冷,一切似乎都很悲惨。
It is that time of the year again, when the days get shorter, the nights longer, and the weather becomes cold and often miserable.
这一服务每天都在开展,无论天气状 如 何 ,不 分 昼 夜。
The service is performed every day. In all weather conditions, day and night.
波导由地球表面形成,是一种电导体 白昼 期间 在大约 70 公里高度的低电离层 D-区域形成,夜间没有太阳辐射情况下在大 约 90 公里高度的 E-区域形成。
The waveguide was formed by the Earth’s surface, which was an electrical conductor, and by the low ionosphere D-region at an altitude of approximately 70 km of altitude during diurnal conditions and the E-region at an altitude of approximately 90 km at night without the presence of solar radiation.
最近几年,卡姆俨然成 为毒贩的天堂,他们会在光天化日之下叫卖毒品。
In recent years, Camden has become a haven for drug-dealers who openly ply their trade on the streets.
它们,如既往,俨然是 人权卫士,好像自己高于人权法律,阻止审议机制 成为旨在产生积极成果以促进叙利亚人权的交换意见的讲坛。
As usual, posing as the guardians of human rights and acting as though they were above human rights law themselves, they prevented the mechanism from serving as a forum for exchanges of views aimed at producing positive outcomes that will promote human rights in Syria.
斯托克现俨然成 为了一个平局“专业户”,因为他们在10场的比赛中已经取得了6场的平局。
While Stoke are in danger of becoming draw ‘specialists’ considering they’ve drew 6 of their 10 games so far.
在 条约义务方面,一些国家政府指出,为在国内法中具有效力,国际义务就必须纳 入国内法,要么通过立法(例如澳大利亚、白俄罗斯、南非),包括通过立法对落
[...] 实这项原则的程序性条件作出规定(例 如白 俄 罗斯),要么是通过普通法的应用 [...]
In respect of treaty obligations, some Governments noted that in order to have effect in domestic law, international obligations would have to be incorporated either through legislation (e.g., Australia, Belarus, South Africa), including the adoption of legislation regulating the
procedural conditions for implementation of the
[...] principle (e.g., Belarus), or by application [...]
of the common law (e.g., Australia).
[...] 年通过的关于被盗或非法出口文化财产的公约对1970年《公约》做了补充,并填补了1970年 《公约》在国际私法方面的多项白 , 如 : 被盗文化财产的归还(尽管并未对这些财产进行登 [...]
At the request of UNESCO, in 1995 the Convention was supplemented by the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, which closed some of loopholes of the 1970 Convention in terms of international private
law, such as the restitution of stolen
[...] cultural property even if not inventoried, [...]
fair compensation, due diligence, good faith and so on.
請確定電 話號碼輸入區為白,如果已輸入電話號碼,按動左右鍵時只會在電話 號碼之間移動光標。
Please make sure that the phone number input area is empty, otherwise, push the [...]
jogdial Left/Right will only move the cursor
left/right in the phone number input area.
关于住院 儿童昼夜与 他们亲近的父母等人,无论其年龄和健康状 如 何 , 应当给予鼓 励,支持他们留下来,邀请他们参与对孩子的关怀。
Regarding children hospitalized, parents or substitutes that are near them, day and night, whatever their age and health status, should be encouraged and supported these stays, invited to participate in the care of their children.
将文 化生产和分配作为重点就必须白如 何 将 文化内涵融入到社会和经济流程之中。
This focus on the production and distribution of culture necessarily
[...] entails understanding how meaning is embedded [...]
within social and economic processes.
独特的购物步道流线的设计,形成一系列有趣的景观广场,其中,坡道之上24小时营业的拥有运河无敌美景的商街 俨 然 成 为景致之极。
At night, the elevated street comes alive via multicoloured illuminated canopies, and the building's unique retail footprint results in a series of interesting landscaped plazas, the largest of which is the ramped 24-hr street which takes advantage of the spectacular view of Yunhe.
但是Marie根据自己的经验和在该领域的专业能力,很快 白 , 如 果 要 长远改变这些孤儿的生活,就必须采取截然不同的做法。
But with Marie's own personal experience and expertise in this field, she
[...] soon realized that if she was ever going [...]
to make a long-term difference to these
children's lives, a different approach would be needed.
一眼就能认出的独特滚花表圈设俨 然 成 为 Breitling Bentley Motors 手表的品牌特质,大胆进取的风格恰到好处地体现了手表开拓进取的前瞻特质。
The instantly recognizable bezel with the knurled design remains a trademark of the Breitling Bentley Motors watches and its bold and aggressive styling speaks to its equally aggressive timekeeping features.
所以,挑选一个能使中国消费者产生共鸣的品牌 俨 然 不再是一门艺术,而是一门科学,需要集咨询,电脑程序,语言学分析于一体,以确保一个能让说普通话的人发笑的名字不会惹恼说广东话的人。
It has become a sort of science, with consultants, computer programs and linguistic analyses to ensure that what tickles a Mandarin ear does not grate on a Cantonese one.
大家都白,如果在 委員會內沒有足夠的代表性,頗會影 響資源分配,尤其是公共資源方面,而中大方面當然有考慮這一點,也很憂 [...]
慮有關書院如果欠缺足夠的代表性,便不是一所真正的書院,而只不過是宿 舍,不等於有書院制度或聯邦制度。
Of course, CUHK has already taken this point [...]
into consideration, and it was also worried that if the Colleges concerned
did not have adequate representation, then instead of being the real Colleges, they would just be hostels, and could not manifest the existence of the College system or the federal system.
當然我亦相當白,如果現 時居英權計劃的受惠總㆟數只有 135000 ㆟,與原先估計的 251000 [...]
㆟有如此大的差距,而英國政府卻以種種理由不想增加接受申請的配額,以用 盡有關總額的話,這自然又是英國政府在這個問題㆖的再㆒次食言。
Of course,
[...] I also clearly understand that if at present there [...]
are only a total of 135 000 people benefitting from the BNSS,
which number is far from the originally estimated number of 251 000 people, and yet the British Government refuses, for various reasons, to increase the application quota just to use up the original one, that naturally indicates that the British Government is once again going back on its words on that issue.
反叛分子,不论他们是什么人,都必须白,如果他 们希望重返阿富汗的政治生活,他们就 必须切断同基地组织的联系,不让他们的国家再次成 为国际恐怖主义活动的平台。
The insurgents, whoever they may be, need to understand that, if they wish to rejoin political life in Afghanistan, they must break their ties to Al-Qaida and not allow their country to become once again a platform for international terrorism.
在儿童扶养研究所的《住院儿童宪章》中,载有 所有这些事项,以及住院儿童的若干方面问题 昼 夜 与 他们亲近的父母等人,无 论其年龄和健康状如何, 应当给予鼓励,支持他们留下来,邀请他们参与对孩 子的关怀。
In the Charter of the Hospitalized Child of the Institute of Child Support for all these things are contained and a number of aspects with regard to children hospitalized, parents or substitutes that are near them, day and night, whatever their age and status health, should be encouraged and supported these stays, invited to participate in the care of their children.
从表盘上可以看到URWERK标志性的旋转式卫星指示系统和回拨分钟的复杂机械结构,在上右方的第二个旋转式卫星指示显示的是日期和月份,而动力储存(最长39小时)指示 昼 夜 指 示在左边。
On the dial side, you see URWERK’s signature complication of revolving satellites for the hours combined with the retrograde minutes, a second revolving satellite on the
top right displays the month and date, a power reserve (max.
[...] 39 hrs) and a day/night indication [...]
is integrated on the left.
该战略包括监测和预警评估,进昼 夜 巡逻,在地方一级促进族群 间对话,争取米塞里亚人和恩哥克-丁卡人的传统领导人参与和解,以便为计划 [...]
It consists of monitoring and early warning assessments, the
[...] conduct of day and night patrols, [...]
the promotion of intercommunity dialogue at
the local level, reconciliation involving Misseriya and Ngok Dinka traditional leaders to prepare for the planned conferences on peaceful coexistence, and interaction with Sudanese and South Sudanese Government officials.




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