单词 | 信息素 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 信息素—pheromoneExamples:化学信息素—semiochemical See also:信息—information message 信息n—newsn infon messagespl textn
作为一个缩小数字和知识鸿沟的重要工具,提高媒介与信息素养的重要性不言自喻, 发达国家和发展中国家对媒介与信息素养的重视程度与日俱增。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The importance of MIL is noted asakey instrument for narrowing both the digital and knowledge divides, and increased importance is being placed on MIL by both developed and developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
随着越来越多的国家致力于提 高媒介与信息素养,很多利益攸关方将教科文组织视作这一领域的领军者,因 此,教科文组织必须果断迅速地采取行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As more countries take up MIL, many stakeholders are looking to UNESCO as a lead player in this area and UNESCO must therefore be decisive and swift in its actions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该课程将在 15 个国家的教师培训机构进行试 点,媒介与信息素养有望成为一场广泛的民间教育运动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The curricula will be piloted in teacher-training institutions in 15 countries, and it is hoped that MIL will become a wide civic education movement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在曼谷举行的一个国际 专家小组会议(2010 年 11 月 4 日至 6 日)推进了全球媒介与信息素养指标框架 的制定工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An international expert group meeting in Bangkok (4-6 November 2010) furthered the development of a global framework of MIL indicators. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与比勒陀利亚大学在南非合作开展了两 个教师培训课程,以测试教师信息和传播技术能力框架以及教师媒介与信息素养(MIL)课程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two training courses for teachers in South Africa were undertaken in collaboration with the [...] University of Pretoria to [...] test the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers and the Mediaand Information Literacy (MIL) [...]Curriculum for Teachers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
已建立媒介与信息素养以及文化间 对话的国际大学网络,用以反馈教科文组织的行动,并通过促进研究和提供所有 区域教师的媒介与信息素养水平的经验证据来增加效果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The International University Network on MIL and Intercultural Dialogue hasbeen set up to feed back into UNESCO’s action and multiply its effect by fostering research and providing empirical evidence about the level of MIL among teachers in all regions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
来自教科文组织总部外办事处的支助已被证明是落实媒介与信息素养计划的成本 效益的组成部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Support from UNESCO field offices has proved to be a [...] cost-effective element for the implementation of the Media and Information Literacy [...]programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正在制定明确表达国家与区域媒介与信息素养政策和战略 的示范准则,从而为会员国提供帮助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Model guidelines for articulating national and regional MIL policies and strategies are being developed to assist Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,越来越多的会员国以及联合国机构(例如, 不同文明联盟倡议)对提高媒介与信息素养问题的兴趣日益浓厚,这为提高对表 达自由这项关键和基本的人权的认识创造了新的空间和机遇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, a growing interest on the issue of MIL among an increasing number of Member States and at United Nations agency level (e.g. Alliance of Civilization initiative) creates new spacesand increased opportunities for awareness-raising on the pivotal and fundamental human right of freedom of expression. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教训是需要 继续连接上游和增强意识的运动,比如言论自由和信息素养,要有具体的能力建设的倡议,最好 是在机构级的倡议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the lessons learned is the need to continue linking upstream and awarenessraising campaigns, for example, for freedom of expression andinformation literacy, with concrete capacity-building initiatives, preferably at the institutional level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据对中心的拟议活动及战略性计划的优先事项和目标的审查,可以断定中心的活动 将促进获取信息和知识的机会、促进文化多样性和多种语言的使用,提高对信息社会道德尺 度的认识,提高媒体和信息素养并促进本地区会员国关于开放式获取方面的能力建设和政策 制定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Based upon a review of the Centre’s proposed activities and its strategic programme priorities and objectives, it may be concluded that the activities of the Centre will improve access to information and knowledge, foster promotion of cultural diversity and multilingualism, and increase awareness about ethical dimensions of the information society, improve media and information literacy and promote capacity-building and policy development on open access in the Member States in the region. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织促进媒体和信息素养社会的战略包括多个相互关联的 行动,现正在会员国实施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s strategy to [...] promote media and information literate societies [...]consists of multiple interrelated actions, and this [...]is now taking traction in Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年,对教科文组织旨在培养有媒介素养的一代教师的提高媒介与信息素养(MIL)战略进行了进一步的讨论,并通过三个地区磋商会议,对其拟议课程做了进一步的 [...] 改进。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO media and information literacy (MIL) [...] strategy, which aims to foster a medialiterate generation of teachers, was [...]further discussed and the proposed curricula was fine-tuned through three regional consultations in 2010. unesdoc.unesco.org |
目前,已有 18 家媒体组织试用了《关于 促进用户原创内容及媒介与信息素养的广播电台指南》(教科文组织,2009 年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The “Guidelines for Broadcasters on Promoting User-Generated Content and Media andInformation Literacy” (UNESCO, 2009) have now been piloted by 18 media organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本优先事项的两个工作重点着力于提高新闻媒体机构的能力,倡导服务公众的新闻教 [...] 育,帮助媒体培训机构达到优秀机构标准,加强社区媒体,利用公民教育运动,提高媒体和信息素养,增强媒体专业人员在调查和传播有关可持续发展与科学信息方面的能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The two Main Lines of Action under this priority will focus on developing capacities of news media organizations, promoting public-minded journalism education, assisting media training institutions in reaching standards of institutional [...] excellence, strengthening community media, [...] promoting mediaandinformation literacy as [...]a civic education movement, and building the [...]capabilities of media professionals to investigate and disseminate information on sustainable development and science. unesdoc.unesco.org |
出版物“针对教师的媒介与信息素养课程”(教科文组织,2011 年)——为期三 年在区域范围内开展综合咨询过程的产物——得出的结论是,发达国家和发展中 国家越来越重视媒介与信息素养。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The publication Mediaand InformationLiteracy Curriculum for Teachers (UNESCO, 2011) – the product of a comprehensive consultation process carried out region-wide over a three-year period – concluded that increased importance is being placed on mediaand information literacy by [...] both developed and developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
还将通过提高公民与相关群体的媒介和信息素养,使他们能够更多地参与知识社会, 从而推动媒体的发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Media development will be fostered also through the strengthening of media andinformation literacy competencies of citizens and stakeholder groups, so that they can increase their participation in knowledge societies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织基于与 20 个国家的 45 个教师培训机构召开的三个地区磋商会议(非 洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲及加勒比地区)期间所收集到的反馈意见,完成了提高媒介与信息素养(MIL)教师培训课程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Ÿ UNESCO has finalized its teacher training curricula on media and information literacy (MIL) on the basis of feedback collected during three regional consultations (Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean) with 45 teacher training institutions from 20 countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织《关于促进用户原创内容及媒介与信息素养的广播电台 指南》已被译成西班牙语,并与亚洲-太平洋广播联盟(ABU)、伊比利亚-美洲教 [...] 育与文化电视协会(ATEI)合作,在亚太国家试行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Guidelines for Broadcasters on Promoting User-Generated Content [...] and Media and Information Literacy were [...]translated into Spanish and piloted in the [...]Asia-Pacific in cooperation with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and the Iberoamerican Association of Educational and Cultural Televisions (ATEI). unesdoc.unesco.org |
提高信息素养:教科文组织与亚洲新闻与传播研究所(AIJC)合作,支持 2010 年 11 月 23 日至 26 日在菲律宾马尼拉举行的第五届亚洲及太平洋地区信息网(APIN)会议及信 息和传播技术扫盲讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Informationliteracy: UNESCO, in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) [...] supported the holding [...]of the 5th Asia Pacific Information Network (APIN) Meeting and ICT Literacy Workshop in Manila, Philippines, from 23 to 26 November 2010. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织的大学结对和网络计划和不同文明联盟已经设立了有关媒体和信息素养和不同文化间对话的大学网络(“UAC-MILID”),共有(澳大利亚、巴西、 [...] 中国、埃及、牙买加、摩洛哥、西班牙和美利坚合众国的)8 个大学参加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Network of Universities [...] on Media and InformationLiteracy and [...]Intercultural Dialogue, a network of eight universities [...]in Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jamaica, Morocco, Spain and the United States, has been established by the UNESCO University Twinning and networking scheme and the Alliance of Civilizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些变化包括在农产品中使用的 [...] 下列物质:硫酸铜、臭氧、过乙酸、信息素、氯化钙、硝酸钠、DL-蛋氨酸、氢氧化钙、铜和镁微 [...]量元素,以及成分目录中的: 琼脂-琼脂,动物 酶,硫酸钙,carageenan,glucono delta lactone, [...]酒石酸、纤维素、乙烯、氢氧化钾。 ecocert.cn | Changes involved the following substances used in agricultural [...] production: Cupper sulfate, Ozone gas, [...] Peracetic acid, pheromones, Calcium chloride, [...]Sodium nitrate, DL-Methionine, hydrates [...]lime, copper and magnesium as trace minerals; and in the list of ingredients: agar-agar, animal enzymes, calcium sulfate, carageenan, glucono delta lactone, tartaric acid, cellulose, ethylene potassium hydroxide. ecocert.cn |
Marie-Christine [...] Broillet及其同事提取出了当小鼠暴露在令其警觉的环境中的时候释放出的挥发性分子,并且发现了一种称为2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole(SBT)的分子,该分子看上去起到了小鼠报警信息素的作用。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Marie-Christine Broillet and colleagues extracted volatile molecules released when mice were exposed to alarm [...] conditions, and identified a molecule, 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (SBT), which appeared [...] to act as a mouse alarmpheromone. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此外,还必须扩大信息传播范围,使更广泛的利益攸关方获得信息,分发能 [...] 协助经验不足的用户获得增加国家一级透明度所必不可少的关键信息要素的文件,并监测各利益攸关方(特别是方案国的利益攸关方)在获取或解读信息方面遇 [...]到的任何问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also essential to widen dissemination of information to a much broader range of stakeholders, to disseminate [...] documentation that assists inexperienced users [...] in accessing key elements essential for transparency [...]at the national level, and to [...]monitor any problems that stakeholders (especially programme countries) are having accessing or interpreting information. daccess-ods.un.org |
FENDI及其员工、管理人员、董事及股东未就本网站或其所含的信息、元素、软件及一般材料作出任何明示或默示的陈述或保证,并明确否认承担任何相关责任,因此,对于用户因使用、无法使用或执行本网站所含的信息、元素及材料或与此有关而直接或间接蒙受的任何性质的损害,即使FENDI事前已获悉可能造成此种损害,FENDI及其员工、管理人员、董事及股东亦不因任何原因或理由承担任何赔偿责任。 kids.fendi.com | Fendi and [...] its employees, officers, directors and shareholders,make no representations and warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this Site or any of itsinformation, elements,software and material in general and expressly disclaim any [...]responsibility in relation [...]thereto; consequently, they cannot be considered liable and responsible, for any reason, cause or title, for any and all damages, of any kind and entity, direct or indirect, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use or performance of the information, elements and material contained in this Site even if Fendi has previously become aware of the possibility of such damages. kids.fendi.com |
政治意愿、充足的资金、机构 能力和信息等若干因素,都在影响发展中国家限 制温室气体排放增长的政策的执行程度。 undpcc.org | A number of factors, including political will, adequate financing, institutional capacity and information, appear to [...] affect the extent to [...]which developing countries are implementing policies that limit the growth of GHG emissions. undpcc.org |
非附件一缔约方应提供更新信息,说明限制因素和差距以及相关的资金、 技术和能力建设需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Non-Annex I Parties [...] should provide updated information on constraints and gaps, [...]and related financial, technical and capacity-building needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
影响健康的周围环境因素的监测和信息系统,正在实行现代化。 daccess-ods.un.org | The monitoringand informationsystemof ambient environmental factorsaffecting health [...] is being modernised. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会注意到,对安全和安保部的管理审查强调,需要大规模 增加分析的覆盖面,认为要为现代的全球外勤业务提供安保,最为重要 的要素是信息,而不是人力或火力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes that the management review of the Department of Safety and Security emphasized the need for a major enhancement of analytical coverage, arguing that information, rather than manpower or firepower, is the single most important commodity needed to provide security for modern global field operations. daccess-ods.un.org |