

单词 信息时代

See also:

信息 n

messages pl
info n
news n
text n

时代 n

age n
era n
period n

时代 pl

times pl

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,在她们所处的环境中图书馆信 息时代真正的先行者。
In this context, libraries are true
[...] harbingers of the information age in their environment.
我们认为,当发展中国家进 信息时代 、 力争加入以知识为基础的全球经济时,与著作权 有关的问题会对它们越来越重要及相关。
We believe that copyright-related issues have become increasingly relevant and important for developing countries as they enter the information age [...]
and struggle to participate in
the knowledge-based global economy.
该口号的其他要素可以包括全民信息计划为支持制订信息政策和 信息时代 培 养 能 力而共享知识、经验和专门技术的目标。
Additional elements of the message could be IFAP’s objective to share knowledge, experience and
expertise in support of the development of information policies and the
[...] development of capacity for the information age.
在该主题之下,阿尔及利亚还建议设置以下议程项目: 信息时代对 未 成年人的保护;打击将互联网用于恐怖主义目的;打击通过使用信息与通信 [...]
技术而实施的犯罪,包括跨国有组织犯罪;以及在打击通过使用信息与通信技 术而实施的犯罪包括跨国有组织犯罪上开展国际合作,特别是司法协助、执法 合作和技术援助。
Under the umbrella of that theme, Algeria also suggested the
following agenda items: the protection of
[...] minors in the information age; the fight against [...]
the use of the Internet for terrorist
purposes; the fight against crime, including transnational organized crime, committed through the use of information and communication technologies; and international cooperation to fight crime, including transnational organized crime, committed through the use of information and communication technologies, in particular mutual legal assistance, law enforcement cooperation and technical assistance.
为了实现委员会制定的战略目标,必须显著提高本区域许多国 家统计系统的能力以及将各相关国家统计系统从“数据生产者”转变
[...] 为“信息服务提供者”,以便应对以下一个事实:二十一世纪 信息 时代已为 决策者和大众,产生了新的信息需求。
To achieve the strategic goals set by the Committee, there must be significant improvements in the capacity of many national statistical systems in the region and a transformation of national statistical systems from “data producers” to
“information service providers” to address the
[...] fact that the information age of the twenty-first [...]
century has generated new information
needs for decision makers and the general public.
信息扫盲 的定义为“人类获得和管理信息,分析和解释这一信息,批判性地评价其实用性和可信度,并利用信息解 决日常问题,协同创造知识产品并出于为社会所尊重的目的通过各种媒体交流思想所需的广泛能力”(二 十一世纪伙伴关系,《为二十一世纪学习》,2003 年;信息技术扫盲委员会,《熟练掌握信息技术》, 1999
年;教育测试服务(ETS),《数字变革:信息与传播技术扫盲框架》,2002 年;国际教育技术协 会(ISTE),《国家技术教育学生标准》,1998
[...] 年;经合组织/加拿大统计局, 信息时代 的 扫 盲》, 2000 年;Quellmalz & Kozma,《技术对学习和评估的影响》。
Information Literacy has been defined as “a broader range of human competencies needed to access and manage information, analyse and interpret this information, critically evaluate its relevance and credibility, and use information to solve everyday problems, collaboratively create knowledge products, and communicate ideas in a variety of media for purposes valued by a community” (21st Century Partnership, Learning for the 21st Century, 2003; Committee on Informational Technology Literacy, Being fluent with information technology, 1999; Educational Testing Service (ETS), Digital transformation: A framework for ICT literacy, 2002; International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), National educational technology standards for
students, 1998; OECD/Statistics Canada,
[...] Literacy in the information age, 2000; Quellmalz [...]
& Kozma, Implications of technology for learning and assessment.
专家小组在其结论中 强调指出,“信息时代,传播对于任何一个组织或企业的成功不仅至关重要,而且必 不可少”。
As the Expert Group stressed in its conclusions,
[...] “communication in the ‘information age’ is not only [...]
important, it is a vital necessity
for the success of any organization or company”.
国家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些 国家为克服财政赤字及相关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一些专制或半专制政权
经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场
[...] (金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以 信息时代 的 到 来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,例如贫穷、不平等、安全、移民、恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance,
trade, services, manufacturing); and
[...] the rise of the information age, in addition to [...]
increasing world problems like poverty,
inequality, security, migration, terrorism, and climate change.
在当今包罗万象信息时代,面 对电子极端主义 的侵扰缺乏可靠的保护手段。
In today’s inclusive information age, there are no reliable means of protection against electronic extremism.
最初,本计划涉及以下五个活动领域:国际、地区和国家信息政策的 制定;信息时代培养 人才和提高能力;加强机构作为信息门户的作用;开 [...]
发信息处理和管理的工具和系统;信息技术为教育、科学、文化及传播服 务。
At its origin, the programme was composed of five areas: development of international, regional and national information policies;
development of human resources and capabilities
[...] for the information age; strengthening institutions [...]
as gateways for information
access; development of information processing and management tools and systems; information technology for education, science, culture and communication.
Sumida 目前在线圈产品目录中囊括了 31000 多种产品,可谓是当信息时代对线 圈技术充分应用的代表。
Sumida currently has over 31000 products in
its coil catalog-attesting to the diversity to which coil technology can be
[...] applied in the present day information age.
我们也知道,观点的多样化和想法的自由流通对于一个国家的成功来说从未比现在——一 信息时代 , 互 联网时代——更加至关重要的,这是一个适合创造性和创新性的时代。
We also know that diversity of opinion and the free flow of ideas have never been more crucial to a country’s success than today – the information age, the age of the Internet – a time suited for creativity and innovation.
I.2.1 信息时代的教育体制改革 I.2.2 普通中等教育和职业教育的革新 [...]
I.2.3 高等教育与发展
I.2.1 Renewal of education
[...] systems for the information age I.2.2 Renovation [...]
of general secondary and vocational education
I.2.3 Higher education and development
在目前信 息时代,更 需要通过明确的法律保护个人数据,因为大量的个人数据由中间商收 集和储存,而且存在国家要求或迫使这些私人方面交出他们用户的信息的令人担 忧的趋势。
The necessity of adopting clear laws to protect personal data is further increased in the current information age, where large volumes of personal data are collected and stored by intermediaries, and there is a worrying trend of States obliging or pressuring these private actors to hand over information of their users.
信息时代的消 费者将越来越有可能以较低的价格享用优质的产品和服务。
In the information age, consumers [...]
quickly came to count on drastically superior quality for less price over time.
免费紧随逆向定价之后:信息时代,免 费已经成为一个广受欢迎的、明智的商业战略。 由于网络知识经济逆转了定价法则,网络知识的内在属性使得产品复制品(有形的或无形的)的边际成本几乎为零。
Because compounding network knowledge inverts prices, the marginal cost of an additional copy (intangible or tangible) is near zero.
。 较之其他,这一法则更为重要信息时代的生物属性特征表现在:一个成熟领域突然之间的土崩瓦解会像一个新领域的突然出现一样自然, 在网络经济中,能够于巅峰时期放弃一件产品、职业或行业,需要非凡的能力。
Let go at the top: The biological nature of this period means that the sudden disintegration of established domains will be as certain as the sudden appearance of the new.
为了促信息时代的人 力资源开发和能力建设,有关在非洲的基础建设中运用信 息和传播技术的一系列试验性应用资料已编写完毕,准备广泛散发。
In order to contribute to developing human resources and
[...] capabilities in the information age, a series of [...]
pilot applications on the use of ICTs in
basic development in Africa was completed for wide dissemination.
。 培育网络为先: 网络的突出特征在于它没有明显的中心和边界,
[...] 工业时代你我、彼此泾渭分明的忠诚法则在网络时代越来越没有意义了,信息时代,忠 诚法则唯一要求你关注的就是:你是否在网络中。
The vital distinction between the self (us) and the nonself
(them) - once exemplified by the
[...] allegiance of the industrial-era organization [...]
man - becomes less meaningful in a Network Economy.
信息时代”, 传播对于任何一个组织或企业的成功不仅至关重要而且必不 可少。
Communication in the “information age” is not only important, [...]
it is a vital necessity for the success of any organization or company.
2002年对建筑物进行了翻新,目的是保护建筑物的原有结构(始建于1906年),并安装了一些适 信息时代 的 新 设备,以创造安全舒适的内部环境。
The recent renovation, completed in 2002, aimed to preserve the original structure of the building (first created in
1906) while realizing a safe and comfortable environment equipped with up-to-date
[...] features befitting the information age.
为了信息时代提供 服务,公共服务组织必须发展确实可行的信息基础设 施网络以促进有效通讯、散发和处理信息、培养受过教育而且掌握技术的人员以 [...]
有效创造、分享和利用知识库,并建立经济和体制制度以奖励有效使用现有知识 和新知识。
Serving in the information age, public service [...]
organizations need to develop viable networks of information infrastructure
to facilitate effective communication, dissemination and processing of information, an educated and skilled population to effectively create, share and utilize knowledge well and an economic and institutional regime to provide incentives for the efficient use of existing and new knowledge.
公共服务必须符合应 用现代信息和通信技术及知识管理,以便在这 信息时代 中 服 务人群。
The public service needs to be conversant with the
[...] application of modern information and communications technology and knowledge management in order to serve people in this information age.
信息时代,主 页或者公司的网站或许是公司和顾客之间最初的联系点。
In this information era, a homepage or company’s [...]
web site may be the first contact point between the company and its customers.
信息时代,中 华广告网凭借自身的专业优势,成为广告业"数字化生存"方式的有力倡导者,致力于营造和推行新型的广告电子商务服务,致力于现代信息技术与传统广告作业的完美结合,营造三C合一的网络架构(Content内容、Commerce电子商务、Community社区),为广告及传媒产业提供信息及电子商务服务。
It is dedicated to build up
[...] and promote a new way of advertising [...]
e-commerce services and a perfect combination of advanced
IT and traditional advertisement methods, so as to forge a network framework of 3C in one (Content, Commerce and Community) and present information and e-commerce services for advertising and media sections.
强调公民意识的核心内容以及互联网 信息时代 为 社 会包容和普及到边缘化群 体,尤其是青年方面所提供的机遇, 9.
[...] the crucial dimension of citizenship and the potential for social inclusion and reaching the marginalised that the Internet provides in the digital age, with particular [...]
regard to youth
信息时代,中 国企业在此方面需要投入更大的精力,合理有效的利用有价值的信息,通过研究产生效应。
In this era of information, Chinese companies [...]
should pay more attention to effectively using valuable information to eventually generate more value.
1981 至 1987
[...] 年担任全国计算机委员会第一任主席,在拟订和倡导新 加坡第一个全国计算机化计划中发挥了领导作用,使该国进 信息时代。
He was the first Chairman of the National Computer Board from 1981 to 1987, where he played a leading role in
formulating and championing Singapore’s first national computerization
[...] plan to bring the nation into the information age.
十多年来,我们一直密切关注IT、互联网、电信、传统行业领域内各种主流商业形态的演变,以及公司、技术、人物的兴衰,在中 信息时代 的 商业进程中发出自己独特的声音,并树立起权威性。
10 years, we have been closely following IT, Internet, telecommunications, the traditional industries of all kinds of mainstream commercial forms of
evolution, and the company,
[...] technology, personalities rise and fall in China's business processes in the information age to make their [...]
unique voices and establish authority.
在高速发展信息时代,不 断变化的市场需求呼唤持续创新的精神,中兴通讯致力于TD-LTE领域创新性的研究和开发,对Small [...]
In the fast
[...] developing information era, ever-changing [...]
market demands call for continuous innovation.




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