

单词 信佛

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External sources (not reviewed)

巴西 说 , 它信 佛 得 角 将 继 续 克 服 在人权领域 的主要困 难 , 达 到可持续发展和扶贫的目标 。
Brazil stated its confidence that Cape Verde will continue [...]
to overcome its main challenges in the field of human rights,
along with the objective to reach sustainable development and combat poverty.
僧侣们正在帮助“满信佛人的 精神需求,并为受疾病感染的家庭调集物质支持。
The monks are helping “address the spiritual needs of a Buddhist people as well as
mobilizing material support for affected
[...] families,” said Ulrike Gilbert, a UNICEF [...]
HIV Specialist “The vast majority of these
families are impoverished and live well below the poverty line.
公元前 400 年的历史 遗迹显示的强有力的证据表明,这些人普 信 奉 佛 教。
Historical remains from 400 BC show strong
[...] evidence that Buddhism was widely practiced [...]
among these people.
在这方面,罗马教廷采取了许多举措来推动基督 教教派之间和我们与犹太信众、佛 教 徒 和印度教徒 的对话。
number of initiatives to promote dialogue among Christian denominations
[...] and with Jewish believers, Buddhists and Hindus.
中国是个多宗教的国家,现有各种宗教信徒一亿多人,主 信 奉 佛 教 、道 教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。
China is also a country of many religions, with
currently more than 100 million adherents of various
[...] religions; major faiths include Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, [...]
Catholicism and Protestantism.
尽管有规定鼓励官员做无神论者,但仍有一些共产党官员参与了宗教活动,最普遍的 信 奉 佛 教 或某一民间宗教。
Despite regulations encouraging
officials to be atheists, some party officials engaged in religious activity,
[...] most commonly Buddhism or a folk religion.
耶稣復臨論者, 浸信會, 佛教徒, 基督教徒
Adventist, Baptist, Buddhist, Christian
大多数越南信奉佛教和伊斯兰教,但越南国内的新教徒和天主教 徒人数在这一地区分别居第一和第二位。
While a majority of
[...] Vietnamese practised Buddhism and Islam, Viet [...]
Nam had the largest number of Protestants and the second
largest number of Catholics in the region.
她认为宗教不是很重要,无论是她的家人 信 的 佛 教 ,还是我们的信仰。
She believes that religion is not very important,
[...] whether that is Buddhism, in which her family has deep roots, or even [...]
our beliefs.
六位发言人分信奉佛教、 天主教、儒家学说、印度教、伊斯兰教和犹太教,他们应邀从自身角度阐述生 [...]
Six speakers from,
[...] respectively, the Buddhist, Catholic, Confucian, [...]
Hindu, Islamic and Jewish traditions were invited to
give a presentation based on their perception of the current challenges in bioethics and commented on the text prepared by the IBC Drafting Group.
她表示:“这次寻找院长对我来说是一次无价的教育,使我非常 信 , 哈 佛 大 学 商学院在全体教师、学生、职工和校友的大量参与和积极支持下,地位正在不断加强。
The search has been an invaluable education for me," she said, "and
[...] has given me great confidence that HBS moves forward [...]
from a position of strength, buoyed
by a remarkably engaged and energetic community of faculty, students, staff, and alumni.
请 联系Q-Lab 获取更多关于我们的测试服务信息, 我们可佛罗里 达州、亚利桑那,德国,或所有其他分支机构。
Please contact Q-Lab for more information on our test services, which may be available in Florida, Arizona, Germany, or all locations.
提供正确的工信息,萨澳-佛斯代 表处能协助您计算出马达的期望寿命。
With accurate duty cycle information, your Sauer-Danfoss representative can assist in calculating expected motor life.
教科 文组织设立佛兰德信托基金,支持南非的人的能力培养联网项目。
UNESCO launched a Flemish Trust Fund-supported human [...]
capacity-building networking project in South Africa.
公司的信息化建设成果也得到了社会各界的认同和肯定,先后获得全国CAD应用工程示范单位(2000年)、广东 信 息 化应用示范单位(2002年) 佛 山 市首 批 信 息 化 应用示范单位(2003年)、中国企业信息化500强(2003年~2008年)等荣誉;2008年11月,在广东省“企业信息化技术改造优秀示范工程”之“装备制造业信息化示范工程”招标项目中,我公司“数字化制造与设计信息集成系统”项目中标,获得广东省以及顺德区政府超过100万元资金奖励,这也是我公司信息化应用领域首次通过公开竞标方式获得的省级奖励。
The achievements of the company's information construction has also been a recognition and affirmation of the community, has won the National CAD Application Engineering Demonstration Unit (2000), Guangdong Province of information technology application and demonstration units (2002), Foshan City, the first application of information technology demonstration unit(2003) enterprises in China 500 (2003 to 2008) and other honors; November 2008 in Guangdong Province "enterprise information technology excellence project" of the equipment manufacturing industry information technology demonstration project "tenderdigital manufacturing and design information integration system "project of the project, the company won the bid, Guangdong Province Shunde District Government more than 1 million yuan of financial incentives, this is also my company's information technology applications for the first time through the open bidding provincial awards.
提出建议的各国与佛 得 角 有 着良好 的相互关系佛 得 角信赖它 们,没有它们的支持,便难以取得更大的成果。
access to water, improving health and satisfying other basic needs of the population. The States that made
recommendations had good mutual
[...] relationships with Cape Verde and the Government was relying on [...]
them, since without their support,
it will be difficult to achieve additional results.
议程项目138(续) 联合国经费分摊比额表(A/66/668/Add.8)
[...] 注意文件A/66/668/Add.8,秘书长在其中通知大会 主席,自其载于文件A/66/668/Add.7的信 件 印 发以 来佛得角和冈比亚已支付必要款项,将其拖欠款 项减至《宪章》第十九条规定的数额以下。
The President: I should like, in keeping with the established practice, to draw the attention of the General Assembly to document A/66/668/Add.8, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the General Assembly that,
since the issuance of his
[...] communication contained in document A/66/668/Add.7, Cape Verde and the Gambia [...]
have made the payments
necessary to reduce their arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter.
佛教徒大部分是汉族人,他们基本上 信 奉 大 乘 佛 教 ;藏族和蒙古族大 信 奉 藏 传 佛 教 (藏 传 佛 教 是 由大乘佛教的一种变体);云南省西南部的一些少数民 信 仰 的 是南 佛 教 , 南传佛教是在附近东南亚地区占主导地位的一种宗教传统。
Some ethnic minorities in southwest Yunnan Province practice Theravada Buddhism, the dominant tradition in parts of neighboring Southeast Asia.
高壓力變送器的“Tphada”的佛倫 相信通過小規模和工程上的應變計法。
The high-pressure transmitter
[...] "Tphada" of Gefran convinced by small size and [...]
works on the strain gauge method.
在勾地表內的六幅市區住宅用地,分別位於山頂聶 信山 道、何文佛光街與忠孝街交界、 九龍塘延文禮士道、西半山 [...]
波老道、司徒拔道前嶺南書院地盤和北角油街前政府物料倉庫用 地,倘若這些土地未獲勾出作公開出售,政府會因應情況在未來 兩年推出這些土地作公開拍賣或招標。
The Application List includes 6 urban
residential sites - at Mt. Nicholson Road,
[...] the Peak; the junction of Fat Kwong Street and Chung Hau [...]
Street; Inverness Road, Kowloon
Tong; Borrett Road, Mid-Levels West; the former Lingnan College site at Stubbs Road and the ex-Government Supplies Depot site at Oil Street in North Point, which the Government will, depending on the circumstances, put up for open auction or tender over the next two years if they have not been triggered for sale by then.
此外,应该指出,佛兰德政府还将通过教科文组 织 - - 佛 兰 德 斯科 信 托 基 金,为 开展中心计划范围内的各种活动提供捐助。
In addition, it should be noted that the Flemish Government,
[...] through the UNESCOFlanders Trust Fund for the Sciences, [...]
will make contributions to carry out
various activities within the programme of the Centre.
2011年12月3日至2012年1月14日期间,持工商银行天津分行发行的牡丹信用卡、牡丹贷记卡、牡丹国 信 用 卡 来 佛 罗 伦萨小镇购物满600元(含600元),可享受12期0手续费0利息分期付款。
From Dec 3, 2011 to Jan 14, 2012, with The Industry and Commerce Bank(Tianjin branch)issue of peony credit card. peony international card, shopping in the Florentia Village and the amount of consumption up to RMB 600(including just 600yuan),can enjoy 12 issues 0 poundage 0 interest payment by installment.
次之是廣州、中山佛山,電子信息 生 產 總值分別佔全省的5%、3%和3%;廣東省其他城市合 共只佔3%。
On the other
[...] hand, the industrial output value of the electronic information industry in Guangzhou, Zhongshan [...]
and Foshan accounted
for respectively 5%, 3% and 3% of the total in Guangdong, with the remaining cities accounting for only 3%.
具有保密性质信息包括佛吉亚 集团业务计划和商业协约的存在及其条款和条件,集团的 财务和技术资料以及其他敏感性的数据,如各生产单位的销售额、知识产权资料、技术资 料、企业正常业务活动中使用的软件或电脑设备等。
The following in particular are of a confidential nature: information concerning the existence, terms and conditions of projects and commercial agreements of Faurecia, Group financial and technical data, and all other sensitive data, such as that relative to production unit sales, intellectual property rights, technology, computer software or hardware used in the normal practice of its business.
[...] 水资源中心已在智利拉塞雷纳成立,并在当地组织和教科文组 佛 兰 德科 学 信 托 基 金资源的 支助下开始开展活动。
The Water Centre for Arid and Semi-arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean being established in La Serena, Chile,
started activities with the support of local organizations and resources from
[...] the UNESCO-Flanders Trust Fund for the Sciences.
根据教科文组织-佛兰德科学信托基金项目“巴勒斯坦环境规划和管理能力培养与培 训,第二阶段”,向 Al-Azhar 大学文献中心提供了计算机与演示设备并于 2006 年 8 月开始 运作。
In the framework of the UNESCO-Flanders Science FIT project on “Capacity-Building and Training on Environmental Planning and Management in Palestine, Phase-II”, computer and presentation equipment were provided to the documentation centre at Al-Azhar University and made operational in August 2006.
3月19日,在福建省残联领导陪同下,特奥会东亚区总裁顾抒航来到福建龙岩市永定县,探望赖静和母亲李雪珍,带去全球400万特奥运动员和他们父母的祈祷,以及 一封来自特奥会主席蒂姆•施佛的 鼓 励 信函 ,信中提 到“有时我们不得不和过去告别,甚至和生命告别,从某种程度上来说,这的确是无奈的事情。
Mary brought an inspiring letter
[...] written by Dr. Timothy P. Shriver, Chairman and CEO of Special [...]
Olympics, on behalf of 4 million
athletes and their parents all over the world to Lai Jing and her mother.
其他用于为镇压活动提供法律根据的政府限制仍然存在,在政府认 佛 教 信 仰 为分离活动推波助澜时更是如此,例如在西藏一些地区和内蒙古自治区的部分地区。
Other government restrictions used to justify repression
remained, particularly where the government
[...] interpreted Buddhist belief as supporting separatism, [...]
such as in some Tibetan areas
and parts of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.
74 贝 克 特基金 报告说 , 2008 年 1 月
[...] ,政府颁布了新的《西藏自治区实施 〈 宗教事 务 条 例 〉办法》,对西佛 教 徒信仰和 宗教活动的各个方面实施控 制,包括宗教教职人员的外 出。
Affairs (RRA) in TAR and that the guidelines assert control over all aspects of Tibetan Buddhist belief and practice, including the movement of monks and nuns.75 According to HRWFI, the RRA allow local officials to arbitrarily arrest believers, close places of worship, and place restrictions on
the movement and action of
[...] clergy, even on recognized religions.76 Adherents are often arrested [...]
and punished for a wide range
of criminal charges related to religious activity, such as disturbing the social order, violating restrictions on the ability of unregistered groups to assemble, travel, or publish literature.77 HRWFI reported that ethnic and religious minorities, such as Uighur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists, face restrictions on their freedom of religion and their culture.




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