

单词 保险精算计算

See also:


be sure
be bound to



精算 n

actuary n

External sources (not reviewed)

精算师用于确定这些计负债 的两个关键假设是贴现率以及针对离职后医保险的保健成本增长率。
Two key assumptions used by the actuary to determine these accrued liabilities are the discount rate and, for ASHI, the [...]
rate of increase in health-care costs.
根据指保险精算师的 书面建议,我们的董事会已 经通过决议,批准将上一计期的 红利和分红根据 保单进行分配。
Bonuses or dividends allocated to your policy for the previous accounting period were as approved by our Board of Directors, taking into account the written recommendation by the Appointed Actuary.
考虑到当前金融市场的动荡以及贴现率的选择对于离职后健康保险负债的估值 和可比性的潜在影响,正在作出有关安排,以确定由若干知名精算师组成的养 恤基金精算师委员会是否能够经商养恤基金投资管理处,核实用以确定未来离 职后健保险负债的精算计算和假设。
Given the current volatility in financial markets and the potential impact the selection of a discount rate can have on the valuation and comparability of the liability, arrangements are being made to determine whether the UNJSPF Committee of Actuaries, which consists of a number of eminent actuaries, can, in consultation with the UNJSPF
Investment Management
[...] Service, validate the actuarial calculations and assumptions used to determine future after-service health insurance liability.
贴现率与大部分用于离职后健保险 负 债 精算 估 值 的方法要素一样,是由 联合国代表所有参加相同健康保计 划 并 且其估值工作由联合国协调的实体选 定的。
Like most of the methodological elements
[...] used for the actuarial valuation of the after-service health insurance liability, the discount rate was selected by the United Nations on behalf of all entities participating in the same health insurance plans for which the [...]
United Nations coordinated the valuation exercise.
在确定概算是否合理的过程中,我们 是保险精算师的评估结果为准。
In forming our opinion on the reasonableness of the
[...] estimate, we relied on the work of the actuary.
减少的主要原因是使精算计算重估 未用假日 折付款和离职回国福利,并在确定法庭的离职后健 保险 负 债时将在职工作人员 缴款作为抵冲列入。
The decrease was attributable mainly to the revaluation of unused
vacation days and
[...] repatriation benefits using actuarial calculations, as well as the inclusion of the contributions of active staff as offset in the determination of the Tribunal’s afterservice health insurance liabilities.
保险精算师的评估 要用到参保人口、利率和通货膨胀等几种因素的假定。
Actuarial evaluations involve the use of assumptions [...]
about several factors including such factors as the population of participants,
interest rates, and inflation.
我们在中国保险精算业务 服务直接面向,保险,证券等有精算服务需要的金融机构,同时也会通过与德勤 计 和 并 购业务部门的合作为客户提供服务。
The Global Actuarial & Insurance Solutions practice provides actuarial services to our clients, both directly and through support of audits and mergers and acquisitions.
这是根保险精算 得出的结果。
This figure has
[...] been determined by actuarial valuation.
使用高等计学知 识进行数理分析,以保证 险 公 司维 持健全经营。对于保人而言,精算 师 利 用数理知识,在设定贴切的保 险费用及支付金额方面发挥着作用。
Individuals in this occupation utilize a high
[...] level of statistical expertise to provide mathematical support to allow insurance companies to maintain sound management while setting adequate premiums and insurance payments [...]
for each insurance subscriber.
前面第 26 (iii) 段述及的自动调整纳费机制可以按如下方式进行:如 精算 师 编 制的关 于基金未来十年的技术数据显示基金的储备金在五年内将无法达到所确定的 18 个月(上下 3 个月的机动余地)的医保险金目标,那么将采用按合同纳费的办法,即按前五年间医疗 消费变化的平均数确定“要求提高纳费的比率”。
The automatic contribution adjustment mechanism mentioned in paragraph 26(iii) above might operate as follows: if the ten-year technical
results projections
[...] for the Fund, established by the consulting actuary, show that the Fund’s reserves can no longer meet the criterion of 18 months (plus or minus three months) of benefits payments over the next five years, an adjustment [...]
rate, based
on the average rate of medical expenses over the last five years, will be applied to the contractual contribution.
虽然第二个因素与知识产权无关,但它是许多发达国家共有的一个政治问题,因为发达国 家之间的现行药价也是不同的,而且受专利保护药品价格的不断增长也对患者 算 、 保险 计划和国家施加着压力。
The second factor does not involve IP considerations, but represents a political problem in many developed countries because of the existing variation in prices of pharmaceuticals, even between
developed countries, and the
[...] pressure on the budgets of patients, insurance schemes and [...]
the state to meet ever rising bills for patented drugs.
[...] 括医疗保险基金(MBF)医疗理赔款和离职后医 保险精算 负 债 中的变动数额,后者在财务 业绩表中予以确认。
Other personnel costs include reimbursement of MBF medical claims and the
[...] movement in the ASHI actuarial liability where [...]
this is recognized in the Statement of Financial Performance.
(iii) 第 IV 篇--管理和行政事务--其中有 930,696 美元的未动用拨款,主要是因为推迟 了青年专业人计划的 实施(357,853 美元),与国际航空电信公司(SITA)业 务关系的新安排节省了费用(98,790 美元),以及对本组织应为非全额参加人员 交纳的纳款医保险基金金额算过 高(414,422 美元)。
(iii) Part IV – Management and Administrative Services – where the unspent balance of
$930,696 can be attributed mainly to
[...] delays in implementing the Young Professionals Programme ($357,853), savings resulting from the new SITA-linkage arrangement ($98,790), and an over-estimation of the Organization’s contribution to the Medical Benefits Fund for associate participants ($414,422).
此外,出自国家算的额 外资源已经转给了养恤 保 险 基金,以补偿退还 给已经加入强制注资养恤保险计划 的 人的部分社会保险税。
In addition, additional
[...] resources from the state budget have been transferred to the pension insurance fund in order to compensate for the repayment of part of social insurance tax to persons [...]
who have joined the 2nd pillar of the mandatory funded pensions insurance scheme.
秘书长表示,两个估值 都是由一家专精算公 司利用《公共部门会计准则》规定 精算 方法计单位成本给付法”独立确定的。
The Secretary-General indicates that both valuations were
independently determined by
[...] a professional actuarial firm using the “projected unit credit” method, which is the actuarial methodology prescribed by IPSAS.
在第 343
[...] 段中,审计委员会报告说,行政当局同意其建议,即确保联刚特 派团及时更新信息总库中休假事项的记录,并适当核准病假事项,以 保精 确计 算假期结余。
In paragraph 343, the Board reported that the Administration had agreed with its recommendation that it should ensure that MONUC updates leave records in a timely manner in the
Matrix system and that sick leave transactions are duly
[...] approved so as to ensure accurate calculation of leave balances.
该计划是参加组织可能遭受与 其他组织的在职雇员和原雇员有关 精算 风 险 , 结果是没有一致可靠的依据在参加计划的 各组织之间分配义务、计划资产和费用。
The plan exposes participating organizations to actuarial risks associated with the current and former [...]
employees of other organizations, with the result that there is no consistent and reliable basis for allocating the obligation, plan assets and costs to individual organizations participating in the plan.
截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日的离职后医保险精算估值包括精算收益 1.13 亿美 元,这是自上次估值以来精算师使用的主要假定出现变动的结果。
The actuarial valuation for ASHI as at 31 December 2009 includes actuarial gains of $113 million resulting from changes in the major assumptions used by the actuary since the previous valuation.
这款紧凑、创新的OBDII(车载诊断)设备给我们的生态系统和企业客户带来了给车队管理增加即插即用易于安装的能力,或者以合理的价格获得按使用 计算 的 保险 应 用 的能力。
This compact, innovative OBDII (on-board diagnostic) device offers our ecosystem and enterprise customers the ability to incorporate
plug-and-play easy installation into fleet
[...] management or usage-based insurance applications at [...]
an affordable price point.
减少的原因主要是采精算 计算方法 重估了未用假日折付款和离职回国福利。
The decrease was due mainly to the revaluation of unused vacation days and
[...] repatriation benefits using actuarial calculations.
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继 保 留 , 比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参 与执行每计划的 合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 引言和每个重计划的 引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 度的优先事项、指导方针和行动精 髓。
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could [...]
provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
咨询委员会从审计委员会的报告(A/63/5/Add.11 和 12)中注意到,计委员 会已对这两个法庭发表了经修订的 计 意 见,其中的强调事项 是 2007 年 12 月 31 日终了的两年期的财务报表,涉及这两个法庭准备金 和基金结余方面的亏绌,原因是在财务报表中已确认在服务终了负债, 包括离职后健保险负债
The Advisory Committee notes from the reports of the Board of Auditors (A/63/5/Add.11 and 12)
[...] that, for both Tribunals, the Board issued a modified opinion with an emphasis of matter on the financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 in relation to the deficits in the reserves and fund balances of the two Tribunals, owing to the recognition on the face of the financial statements of end-of-service liabilities, including after-service health insurance.
咨询 委员会获悉,虽然审计委员会主张联合国披露离职后健 保险 负 债 ,但计委员 会并未就这些负债的供资选择办法采取任何立场,除了下列实 体及方案和活动之外:(a) 任务有限、且任务期限将要届满的实体,如 [...]
卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭;(b) 自愿供资的 方案和活动,无供资和不断增加的离职后健康保险负债可能在自愿捐款
The Advisory Committee was informed
that, while the Board
[...] of Auditors had advocated for the disclosure of after-service health insurance liabilities by [...]
the United Nations, the
Board had not taken a position on funding options for those liabilities, except for (a ) entities with limited mandates that were to expire, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; and (b ) voluntarily funded programmes and activities, for which unfunded and growing after-service health insurance liabilities could consume programme funds when voluntary contributions fell short.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如保 数 字 遗产得 保 护 , 包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记计划” 的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教 计 划 ; 根据信息社会世界首脑会议精神, 特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward,
[...] such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework [...]
of the knowledge society
and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
[...] 素,这些问题对妇女特别严重,造成工资更低,并且由于工作历史曾经中断过, 她们缴社会保险费的能力也因此降低,从而减少了社 保险计 划 的 福利。
These problems are particularly serious for women as discrimination and care responsibilities result in lower
wages and interrupted work histories, reducing their ability to contribute to and
[...] benefit from social insurance schemes.
预计参 加总部经保险计划的人数平均增长 6.5%,日内瓦平均增长 7%,联合国维也纳 办事处经保险计划平均增长 7%。
The projected
[...] increases in enrolment are 6.5 per cent on average for Headquarters plans, 7 per cent on average for Geneva and 7 per cent on average for plans administered by the United [...]
Nations Office at Vienna.
采用“CDM 造林再造林项目活动林木和灌木碳储量及其变化的估算工具 计算精 度水 平,采用“CDM 造林再造林项目活动监测样地数量的计算工具”来确定监测的固定样地数量 及其空间分配方案。
PPs should use the latest version of the approved tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities” to estimate precision level of bamboo biomass.
鉴于基金的 储备若不采取措施的话将在七年内消耗殆尽,所以提出要对整个保 计 划 重新进行构思,并 提出了一保险精算模式来估计改革 可能对这一计划造成的影响。
The review produced recommendations to
[...] improve claims processing and to revisit the plan design given that the reserves held by the fund could [...]
be depleted in seven years if no changes are made.




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