单词 | 保守派 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 保守派adjective—conservativeadj保守派—conservative factionSee also:保守v—guardv keepv conservev 派n—groupn schooln factionn 派v—sendv appointv 派—assign clique the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 (loanword) pie pi (Greek letter Ππ)
持有“保守派”观点的官 员包括离任的吴丁昂敏乌副总统和他的一些内阁同 僚(见下文第五点)。 crisisgroup.org | It has been associated with the departing vice president, Tin Aung Myint Oo, and some of his colleagues in cabinet (see Section V below). crisisgroup.org |
保守派势力也与政党合 作,是为了得到政治上或物质上的好处,而非是因为真的对党政民主存有任何真实 [...] 的信念。 hkahe.com | Conservativeforces cooperated [...] with the parties only because of a desire for political or material gains, not because of [...]a real belief in party democracy. hkahe.com |
另一方面,保守派相信全民投票可以有效反映沉默大多数寻求? hkupop.hku.hk | On the other hand, conservatives believereferendum [...] can reflect majority view on seeking stability, which is advantageous [...]to maintain the status quo or neutralize the demand from reformists. hkupop.hku.hk |
a. 政党内的政客 他们尝试服务那些保守派势力以建立政治权力,反而没有照顾普罗大众的利益。 hkahe.com | They tried to build up political [...] power by serving conservative forces rather [...]than working for the benefit of the common people. hkahe.com |
保守派”寻求保留旧的 经济体制,这种经济体制为一小撮人提供了众多经 济寻租机会和垄断优势。 crisisgroup.org | The “conservative”viewseeks to preserve the old economic [...] system that provided considerable economic rents and monopolistic advantages to a small group. crisisgroup.org |
保守派女权主义者和社会评论家凯特•杰宁丝和前律师和高层政治圈内人士杰西卡•陆讨论她们遇到的玻璃天花板问题。 china.embassy.gov.au | Old-guard feminist and social commentator Kate Jennings andformer [...] lawyer and insider to the world of high politics Jessica [...]Rudd discuss their accounts of encounters with the glass ceiling. china.embassy.gov.au |
民盟可能会走向与 少数民族保守派政治家的对抗,就像 1990 年的掸 邦局势那样。 crisisgroup.org | The NLD may be headed for a [...] confrontation with conservative ethnicpoliticians, [...]as happened in Shan State in 1990. crisisgroup.org |
该方案可以安抚保守派,使缅甸向民盟统治的政治体系的过渡变 得更加顺利。 crisisgroup.org | This would reassure the old guard, easing the transition to an NLD-dominated political system. crisisgroup.org |
外交部 [...] 人员对这一新战术基本持支持态度,然而保守派却反对向苏丹施压或对伊朗进行制裁,理由是, [...]中国有和第三世界结盟和不干涉内政的传统原 则,也需要制衡美国势力。 crisisgroup.org | Foreign ministry personnel are generally supportive of the new [...] tack, but the old guard opposes pressuring [...]Sudan or imposing sanctions on Iran, citing [...]as justification traditional principles of Third World solidarity and non-interference, or the need to counterbalance U.S. power. crisisgroup.org |
作为美国保守派的声音,它是就各种问题向国会、行政官员、国家政府、媒体、 政治候选人和公众提出保守派立场的牵头实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | As America’s conservative voice, it is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, administration officials, state governments, [...] the media, [...]political candidates and the public. daccess-ods.un.org |
一批保守派部长和不得力的部长或被免职或被排挤。 crisisgroup.org | A number of ministers [...] who wereseen as conservative orineffective [...]were removed or sidelined. crisisgroup.org |
事实上,政党企图透过压抑一些大众的社会运动,例如是劳工运 动,来争取保守派份子的欢心。 hkahe.com | In fact, party governments tried to win [...] approval from theconservatives by trying to [...]check popular social movements like labour activities. hkahe.com |
美国保守派联盟通过将千年发展目标与其原则声明及其 Sharon 声明合为一体为 [...] 这些目标提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | TheAmerican ConservativeUnion is supportive [...] of the Millennium Development Goals where they are in cooperation with its [...]statement of principles and its Sharon statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
保守派、民族派和自由派等个思想学派之间正展开激烈和意义重大的辩论。 australiachina.com.au | Increasingly, researchers [...] understand that China is not as monolithic as it is sometimes [...]imagined, and debates between conservative, [...]nationalist and liberal schools of thought are heated and influential. australiachina.com.au |
有公共身份的妇女常常被谴责为行为不道德,这是保 守派宗教领袖,包括那些既得政治利益者频繁传达的一个信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women with a public profile are often accused of [...] immoral behaviour, a message frequently [...] transmitted by conservative religious leaders, [...]including those with vested political interests. daccess-ods.un.org |
在保守派议员朴槿惠当选为韩国历史上首位女总统之後,美元/韩圆可能走低。 htisec.com | USD/KRW may trickle lower after voters elected [...] Park Geun-hye, a conservative lawmaker, as the [...]country's first female president. htisec.com |
到时候,根据瓦伦斯阿里安反应引起的东部保守派引向东正教,并编制了正统的狄奥多西电源恢复,尼西亚决定是开始时被看作是神圣不可侵犯,而且会优先考虑到独特的地位高于所有其他人。 mb-soft.com | By the time that the Arian reaction under Valens [...] caused the Eastern conservatives to drawtowards [...]the orthodox, and prepared the restoration [...]of orthodoxy to power by Theodosius, the Nicene decisions were beginning to be looked upon as sacrosanct, and that council to be preferred to a unique position above all others. mb-soft.com |
如果30天之后的终止日期,用户并没有充分记入他的账户或过去的出货量没有给出答案,4C及合作伙伴®有权永久终止客户的帐户,摧毁在他身上(字母或出货保守派或默认) 并拒绝对任何新的代表用户接收的邮件。 4c-partners.biz | If 30 days after the date of termination, the user does not sufficiently credited his account for past shipments or gave no answer, 4C & partners ® reserves the right to permanently terminate a [...] customer's account, to destroy the [...] letters in hispossession (or to ship it-cons or the default) [...]and refuse any new incoming mail on behalf of the user. 4c-partners.biz |
在现今氛围之下,政府删减预算开销时,常先拿都会基础建设开刀,这正是纽约所面对的现实,布鲁克林区的一元小巴只是填补无人闻问的市场缺口,对於市场找到解决施政缺失的方法,保守派人士应乐观其成;一元小巴虽然违法,自由派也应乐见,低收入社区至少能获得更多交通转运机会。 thisbigcity.net | Brooklyn’s dollar vans are just filling a gap that no [...] one wantsto fill—conservativesshould be lauding [...]the market-based solution to a governmental [...]shortcoming and liberals should be happy about the transit access, albeit informal, for low-income neighborhoods. thisbigcity.net |
英国对於目前情势处於矛盾 一边是欢 欣庆贺希望英国彻底退出欧盟的保守派另一边是愁眉不展希望英国更融入欧盟的其它 众多势力 包括部份商业团体 然而由於 英国经济存亡尚需仰赖欧盟的经济发展 银行 业 服务业与制造业 英国目前处境仍是十 分尴尬 apecscmc.org | But since the UK economy depends on EU economic growth (in banking, services and manufacturing) for their own survival, this position is deeply contradictory. apecscmc.org |
除 了 这 些 有 组 织 [...] 的 政 党 外 ﹐ 还 有 一 些 极端保 守 派(如贵 族 ﹑ 军 官 ﹑ 官 僚 ﹑ [...]地 主 ﹑ 部 份 中 产 阶 级 等 )﹐ 他 们 组 成 了 「 俄 国 人 民 联 盟 」 ﹐ 以 支 持 [...]政 府 (尤 其 是 在 日 俄 战 争 以 後 )。 hkahe.com | Apart from the organized [...] parties, the extreme conservativeelements- aristocracy, [...]army officers, bureaucrats, landlords [...]and some from the middle class had formed the “Union of the Russian People’ to support the government especially after the end of the Russo-Japanese War. hkahe.com |
在中国许多地区,已登记和未登记的基督教会关系紧张;据媒体报道,未登记教会团体成员之间的关系也不融洽,而且官方新教教会和家庭教会运动在教义问题上也分成了不同的派别,不论是已登记的新教教会还是未登记的新教教会,内部都分成保守派和自由派。 embassyusa.cn | There were reports of divisions within both the official Protestant church and the house church movement over issues [...] of doctrine; in both the registered and unregistered Protestant [...] churches, there are conservativeand more liberal groups. eng.embassyusa.cn |
前总理马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德虽然已经退休,但目前任UMNO中极端保守派的领袖,他警告马来西亚人民如果反对党在大选中失利,将引发更多的街头暴力行为。 crisisgroup.org | Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, now retired but leading [...] UMNO’sultra-conservatives from thesidelines, [...]has been warning Malaysians to expect [...]more violence in the streets if the opposition loses. crisisgroup.org |