

单词 保呈

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

這項建議旨在授權私隱專員向資料使用者取得 資訊,核實資料使用者申報表中的資料,以 保呈 報 的 資料真確無 訛。
The proposal is to empower the PCPD to obtain information from
the data user to verify the information stated in a data user
[...] return to ensure that the information provided is accurate.
衞生署會繼續與私家醫院保持溝通,保 呈報系統有效運作。
DH would maintain communication with the
[...] private hospitals to ensure effective operation [...]
of the reporting system.
本功能不仅具有节能效果,而且还可以 保呈 现 始 终如一的鲜明对比度。
Not only is this energy
[...] efficient, it also ensures extraordinary and consistent [...]
或許,以後寶馬的標誌,就將只餘下在這輛車上仍 保 留 , 呈 兩 件式的進氣口了。
Other than that, it's still a BMW at heart, with kidney grilles at the front and typical BMW headlights.
建议国际学生仔细阅读入学须知并 保 提 呈 正 确及完整的信息。
International students are advised to read the requirements for
[...] admission carefully and ensure all information [...]
submitted is complete.
除了說 明承保㆟妥善備存適當紀錄,以及有關表格及報表是根據這些紀錄妥善擬備外,核數 師根據第 8
[...] 部呈交的表格所附的報告內,還應說明 保 ㆟ 呈 交 的 資料,已清楚列明承 保㆟的香港業務在各主要方面的承保業績。
Apart from stating that the insurer maintains proper records and that the forms and statements are properly prepared in accordance with the records, the auditor shall, in his report annexed to forms submitted
under Part 8, state that the information
[...] submitted by the insurer presents fairly, [...]
in all material respects, the underwriting
results pertaining to the insurer's business in Hong Kong.
主要的規定旨在保呈交公司註冊處的周年報表流量平均;為保證有限公司引進㆒定程度的彈性;規定㆖市公司 [...]
須提供該公司董事在每間公司擔任董事職務的詳盡索引;以及擴充分公司自動清盤的 特別措施。
The principal
[...] provisions aim to ensure a more even flow [...]
of submissions of annual returns for filing in the Companies Registry;
to introduce a degree of flexibility for companies limited by guarantee; to provide for a comprehensive index of the directorships held by directors of listed companies; and to strengthen the special procedures for the voluntary winding-up of companies.
而这些题辞作者的姓名,和那些谁参加了讨论,事务和disputations部 保 存 呈 现 犹 太法典中最重要的,而且在许多方面唯一的,期间的,它是产品的来源。
The preservation of the names of the authors of these apothegms, and of those who took part in the discussions, transactions, and disputations renders the Talmud the most important, and in many respects the only, source for the period of which it is the product.
資料使用者有責任保在申報表呈 交 的 資訊準確 無誤。
It is the responsibility of the Data
[...] Users to ensure the accuracy of the information submitted [...]
in the Return.
該條例只規定他們保險業監督呈交 他 們 呈 遞 予 英國貿易部的 各項申報表。
The Ordinance only
[...] requires them to submit to the Insurance Authority the returns which [...]
they submit to the Department of
Trade and Industry in the United Kingdom.
倘該等市場的利率長時期保持低於計算退保價值時所用利 率,則會保誠的已呈報利 潤有不利影響。
Where interest rates in these markets remain lower than interest rates used
to calculate surrender values over a sustained period, this could have an
[...] adverse impact on Prudential’s reported profit.
然后,主席提出关于澄清重保护申 请 呈 文 的 送交人和时间安排的问题,并介绍了 《准则》第 [...]
45 段所载的提议。
The Chairperson then turned to the issue of clarifying the
transmitter of and timeframe for the
[...] submission of requests for enhanced protection and [...]
introduced the proposals contained in paragraph 45 of the Guidelines.
LITHRONE S26/S29的主要特征包括出色的生产能力、印刷质量和再现性, 其超群的着墨和匀墨效果保印刷品 呈 现 出 绚丽的色彩。
The major advantages of the Lithrone S26/S29 include high print quality, high reproducibility, superior inking and distribution, and color brilliance along with high productivity.
保护区 呈现给 城市的隐藏或尚未认识到的以及未开发的 机遇。
Search for hidden or as yet unrecognized and underdeveloped opportunities which the PAs present to your municipality.
董事會會議紀 錄由本公司公司秘保存,並會呈 董 事 以作紀錄及公開予董事備查。
Board minutes are kept by the Company Secretary of the Company and are sent to the directors [...]
for records.
在他为ORIS拍摄广告的过程中,他一贯坚持的高要求的工作标准、充满激情和富有敬业精神的专业素质都毫 保 留 地淋 漓 呈 现。
Explore the breathtaking movie production where Nicholas is demonstrating his professional skills.
这款幻彩洗发水配方可用于临时增亮 保 护 颜 色,产 呈 凝 胶状,易于使用。
This color shampoo formula, used for temporary highlights or color maintenance, gives easy application through a gel form.
自提呈 請 後,保險業監督 一 直 與有 關的業界組織保 持 緊密聯繫, 協 [...]
助 受影響的保單持 有人 處理關於換轉保單及賠償安排的事宜。
Since the petition, the IA and relevant [...]
industry bodies had been liaising closely to assist the affected policy holders
in matters relating to policy replacement and compensation arrangements.
例 如,保留的風險可按財務 工具類呈列(例如保, 看漲或看跌期權),或按轉 移的類型(例如計入應收款 [...]
For example, the retained exposure could be presented by type of financial
[...] instrument (such as guarantees, call or put options), [...]
or by type of transfer
(such as factoring of receivables, securitisations or securities lending).
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平 呈 列 財務 報表有關的內部監控,以保並無 重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出合理的會計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
还注意到,工作组已商定登记处指南草 案应作为单独、自成一体、全面的案 呈 现 , 将与《 保 交 易指南》相一致。
It was also noted that the Working Group had agreed that the draft Registry Guide should
be presented as a separate, stand-alone, comprehensive text that
[...] would be consistent with the Secured Transactions Guide.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法呈 報規 定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,保障化 驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be
subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate
[...] control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
2008 年以来,该国为734 名艾滋病呈阳性患者保障 了抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Since 2008, it guaranteed anti-retro-viral treatment [...]
for 734 HIVpositive people.
此等調整的整體目標為確保經營業績所包括的投資回報等於長期回報, 呈 列 保 單 持有人應佔稅前利潤補充分析中, 任何一個報告期間內因投資回報所致的各保單持有人負債變動基本匹配。
The overall purpose of these adjustments is to ensure that investment returns included in operating results equal longer-term returns but that in any one reporting period movements on liabilities to policyholders caused by investment returns are substantially matched in the presentation of the supplementary analysis of profit before tax attributable to policyholders.
(v) 董事向董事會發出一般通知,而該通知指出彼為某家公司或企
[...] 排中擁有權益,或被視為於與彼或彼等有關連之人士於該通知日期後可能訂立之 任何合約或安排中擁有權益,則該通知須被視為有關合約或安排之充分權益披露 聲明,惟該通知須已在董事會會議上 呈 , 或 董事已採取合理步驟 保 該 通 知在 發出後下一次董事會會議上將獲呈 及 閱 讀,該通知方為有效。
(v) A general notice to the Board by a Director that he is a member of a specified firm or corporation and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with that firm or corporation after the date of such notice or that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person who is connected with him after the date of such notice shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless
either it is given at a meeting of the Board
[...] or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Board after it is given.
保時捷總代理 永業投注鉅資,以嶄新風呈現的保 時 捷 桃園展示中心,將以最優秀的服務團隊陣容,服務桃竹苗地區的保時捷車主與車迷朋友;全新保時捷桃園展示中心自2011年4月1日盛大開幕後正式落成啟用,當天並將同時發表保時捷全新911 Carrera GTS,宣示保時捷總代理 永業深耕大桃園地區性能車款市場的決心與實際行動。
With the huge investment made by UMT, the brand new image of Porsche Centre Taoyuan together with the best service team, provides assistance to Porsche car owners and enthusiasts of the residents of the Taoyuan area; the new Porsche Centre Taoyuan is officially opened and in operation from 1st April 2011, when the new 911 Carrera GTS will be launched at the same time, a model stating the commitment of Porsche in building high performance sports cars.
但如果委员会 决定审议瑞士为印度提出呈件,以 确 保 依 照 第 25/13 号决定对该年的捐款灵活调用,则 委员会可核准在其审议核准时所商定数额的多年期协定付款。
However, if the Committee decided to consider Switzerland’s submission for India to enable flexibility in the year to which contributions were assigned in line with decision 25/13, the Committee could approve disbursement of the MYA tranche at the agreed level when it was considered for approval.
有些代表团认为,在可行的情况下,可以按照 SPLOS/208 号文件第五部分 D
[...] 节所述,采用委员会远程工作和电话会议的方法,同时应充分考虑到各种因素, 例如委员会成员获得适当技术的机会 呈 件 内 容 保 密 问 题。
According to some delegations, remote working of the Commission and the use of teleconferencing methods, as mentioned in section V.D of document SPLOS/208, could be implemented, where
practicable, taking due account of factors such as members’ access to proper
[...] technologies and the confidentiality of submissions.
此外,委员会已将一个囊括所有已搜集证据的全面数据 呈 交 高 级专保 管, 这些证据可在保护证人和保密的情况下,向进行可信调查的主管机构公开。
Furthermore, the commission has deposited with the High
Commissioner a comprehensive
[...] database containing all evidence collected, which may be disclosed to competent authorities carrying [...]
out credible investigations,
subject to witness protection and confidentiality concerns.




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