单词 | 俘获 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 俘获 —capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an |
(e) 向相关人道主义和人权机构提供其 俘获 人 员 情况的所有信息,并允许 这些行为者完全而不受阻碍地接触在押者。 daccess-ods.un.org | available information on the fate of persons it has captured, and give such actors full and unimpeded access to detainees. daccess-ods.un.org |
斗山 Way的发展从领导的变化开 始”这句话足以彻底俘获我心 ,虽然一直以来为了公司的发展, 我尽了最大努力,但还是常常会感到遗憾和不满足。 doosan.com | While I’ve always done my best to advance the company, there have also been regrets and failings. doosan.com |
自1966年布隆迪成为共和国后,主要由图西族精英进行的政 府 俘获 一 直 是政治的中心问题,而不公平的财富分配则加剧了冲突。 crisisgroup.org | Since Burundi became a republic in 1966, state capture, mostly by the Tutsi elite, was at the centre of politics, and the unfair wealth distribution fuelled conflict. crisisgroup.org |
目前也有多种技术俘获海浪 能并将之转换为电。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is also a wide array of technologies for both capturing and converting wave energy into electricity. daccess-ods.un.org |
法国沦陷后大概有600辆左右的H35系列坦克被德 国 俘获。 trumpeter-china.com | After the surrender of France, approximately 600 of H35 series tanks were requisitioned by Germany. trumpeter-china.com |
根据《日 [...] 内瓦第三公约》第七十条的规定,应在 战 俘 被 俘获 后 一 周内建立档案,记录其下 落和健康状态备其家人和原籍国查询。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to article 70 of the Third [...] Geneva Convention, prisoners of war are to be [...]documented, and their whereabouts and [...]health conditions made available to family members and to the country of origin of the prisoner within one week. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘密拘留这一侵犯人权行为的受害者不仅包括被拘留者本人,也包括被拘 留者的家人。他们的亲人被剥夺了权利,全 凭 俘获 者 处 置,却没有人将其命运告 诉他们。 daccess-ods.un.org | Victims of the human rights violation of secret detention are not only the detainees themselves, but also their families, who are not informed of the fate of their loved ones deprived of their rights and held solely at the mercy of their captors. daccess-ods.un.org |
病毒被珠子俘获,然 后失活,读出吸光度并与标准曲线比较(试剂盒提供慢病毒的RNA标准曲线)以确定核酸的含量。 labome.cn | The virus is captured by beads and then denatured, and absorbance is read and compared to a standard curve (Lentivirus RNA Standard provided with the kit) to determine nucleic acid content. labome.com |
从土著人民的角度来看,欧洲基督教 国家“入侵、俘获、战 胜、征服他们”并夺取他们的所有“动产和不动产”物品的假定和行为, [...] 按照土著法律体系属于未经授权和非法的行为,违背所有者固有的原有权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | From an indigenous peoples’ perspective the [...] assumptions and acts of Christian European powers [...] to “invade, capture, vanquish, and [...]subdue them” and to take away all their goods [...]“both movable and immovable” were unauthorized and wrongful under indigenous systems of law and inconsistent with the inherent and original rights of the owners. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,2010 年末,在中非共和国东北部比劳的战斗期间 , 俘获了 4 名 16 至 17 岁的少年儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, four children, aged between 16 and 17 years, were captured during fighting in Birao in the north-eastern area of the Central African Republic late in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
这部在全世界俘获数百万观众的轰动性演出讲述了“Baby and Johnny”的经典故事,两个来自不同世界、独立不羁的年轻灵魂走到一起,共同度过一段各自生命中最有挑战性而辉煌的夏日。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Seen by millions across the globe [...] this worldwide smash-hit tells the classic story of Baby and Johnny, two fiercely-independent [...]young spirits from different worlds, who come together in what will be the most challenging and triumphant summer of their lives. marinabaysands.com |
这些儿 童都是在冲突期间从敌对部队俘获的 , 或者被怀疑是胡塞战士或亲胡塞分子。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those children were either captured from opposing forces during the conflict or suspected of being fighters or pro-Houthis. daccess-ods.un.org |
Apache的错误,它俘获发生在我身上的神秘在第一次安装和调整阶段,我不能启动XAMPP的控制面板上的Apache服务器的。 technologeeko.com | It happened to me that mysteriously in the very first installation & tweaking stage I couldn’t start the Apache server from XAMPP control panel. technologeeko.com |
杜梅伊拉角和杜梅伊拉岛上的战事已经停止,但 是,在厄立特里亚袭击吉布提阵地近两年之后,冲突 不仅没有得到解决,而且,吉布提当局没有得到厄立 特里亚所俘获士兵的任何消息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fighting has stopped in Ras Doumeira and Doumeira Island, but almost two years after Eritrea’s attack on Djibouti positions, not only is the conflict still unresolved, but the Djibouti authorities have no news of the soldiers captured by Eritrea. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过简化,苹果也在有效地俘获非苹 果用户群 体。 siegelgale.cn | Apple is also using simplicity [...] effectively to win over non-users. siegelgale.com |
政府报告指出,该国部 队击毙了 100 多名民族复兴人民阵线战斗人员并俘获 80 多人,还指出该国部队 有 9 人丧生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government reported that its forces had killed more than 100 FPRN combatants and captured more than 80, and that its own forces had suffered nine fatalities. daccess-ods.un.org |
遵守最佳管理做法的船舶能更容易地挫败攻击,或坚持到海军 部队作出反应,从而避免被俘获。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ships that comply with the best management practices can more easily thwart attacks or hold out until naval forces respond, thereby avoiding capture. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 如果尽管有第三项的规定,而未满十五岁的儿童直接参加敌对 行动,并被俘获,这 类儿童仍应适用本条所规定的特别保护 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The special protection provided by this Article to children who have not attained the age of fifteen years shall remain applicable to them if they take a direct part in hostilities despite the provisions of subparagraph (c) and are captured daccess-ods.un.org |
那些希望通过接受对在该区域展开行动的外国海 军 俘获 的 有 嫌疑的海盗进 行起诉而参与国际应对海盗行为工作的国家,其国内制度框架和法律框架必须 具备必要的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | States wishing to participate in the international response to piracy by accepting for prosecution suspected pirates apprehended by foreign navies operating in the region must have the necessary capacity in their domestic institutional and legal frameworks. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 与南部各省省长建立联系并与他们协调以最佳方式从这些省的人员中 获得科威特战俘和失踪人员的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To establish contacts with the governors of the southern governorates and coordinate with them with [...] regard to the best means of obtaining [...] information on Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons [...]from people in those governorates. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们强调占领国以色列关押的巴勒斯坦政治犯 应酌情被作为战俘对待。 daccess-ods.un.org | They stressed that Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel, the occupying Power, should be treated as Prisoners of War, when applicable. daccess-ods.un.org |
营地里没有任何治疗设施,五名吉布提 战 俘 生 病 后身体非常虚弱,他们也正 是因此而无法跟两名同胞一起逃离。 daccess-ods.un.org | This camp has no medical services and the five Djiboutian soldiers are ill and very weak, which is why they could not escape along with the two others. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国政府宣布全球“反恐战争”,由此将在世界各地抓获的人予以关押, [...] 但既不作为刑事嫌疑犯提交美国联邦法院审判,也不作为受《日内瓦四公约》保 护的战俘对待――无论抓获他们 是否是在国际人道主义法上可称为武装冲突的战 [...]场上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the United States declared a global “war on terror”, in which individuals captured around the world were to be held neither as criminal suspects, put forward for federal court trials in the [...] United States, nor treated as prisoners of war protected by the Geneva Conventions, irrespective of whether they had been captured on the [...] battlefield during what could be qualified as an armed conflict [...]in terms of international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管特别委员会欢迎最近的交换战俘 做 法 , 但它听到的证词令人对巴勒斯坦人在以色列监狱中 [...] 的待遇及其使用正当程序情况深表关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Special Committee welcomed the [...] recent exchange of prisoners, it had heard [...]testimony raising serious concerns about [...]the treatment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons and their access to due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,在某些情况下,公共行 政官员内部的腐败现象以及从过时的采购或公共订约规则 中 获 益 的 行业或公司 催生的“监管俘虏”现象,往往会为改革设置障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in some cases, corruption among officials within public administration, or regulatory capture by industries or firms that benefit from outdated procurement or public contracting rules create obstacles to reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
该书不仅包含各种行为准则,例如获 胜 的 骑士应该如何对待 战 俘 , 而且还包括很多皮桑从多部经典文献中收集的实用信息,例如如何选择搭帐篷的最佳地点以及如何在围攻下守城等。 wdl.org | The book contained not only rules of conduct, such as how a victorious knight should treat a prisoner of war, but also practical information that Pisan had gleaned from several classical texts, such as how to choose the best site to pitch one's tent and how to prevent one's castle from falling under siege. wdl.org |
(b) 人道主义问题的解决立足于各类人权挑战,包括解决由于朝鲜战争分 裂的家庭困境;解决韩战时期的战俘 问 题 ,及其后遭绑架的大韩民国国民问题; [...] 强调朝鲜民主主义人民共和国境内的人权是一个普遍价值观问题;基于人道主义 为该国提供援助;和援助来自该国的寻求庇护者。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The resolution of humanitarian issues is anchored on various human rights challenges, including resolution of the plight of families [...] separated by the Korean war; resolution of [...] the question of prisoners of war from that [...]era and subsequent abductions of nationals [...]of the Republic of Korea; emphasis on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as a matter of universal value; provision of aid to that country on the basis of humanitarianism; and assistance for asylum-seekers from there. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 重新提供科威特持有的在 1991 年解放战争期间伊拉克部队遗弃的伊拉 [...] 克文件副本,以便让伊拉克方面认真研究这些文件并查明负责科威特 战 俘 和 失 踪 人员的人,准备向他们询问情况和了解后续信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | To resubmit copies of the Iraqi documents held by Kuwait that were abandoned by Iraqi forces during the 1991 war of liberation, in order to allow the Iraqi side to closely [...] examine them and identify persons [...] responsible for Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons, [...]preparatory to questioning and following up information from them. daccess-ods.un.org |