单词 | 俐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:伶俐adj—cleveradj 伶俐—witty intelligent 玛俐欧—Mario (Nintendo video game character)
这是根除这个可耻的习俗 的最快捷而又乾净俐落的方法。 legco.gov.hk | This is the quickest and the cleanest way to get rid of a most miserable custom. legco.gov.hk |
该球员必须直接从敌方的踢球做成俐落的接球, 同时口喊「Mark!」才能成立。 irblaws.com | The player must make a clean catch direct from an opponent’s kick and at the same time shout “Mark”. irblaws.com |
我们深信,每个学生都聪明伶俐,因 此要求 他们不单要达到标准,还要超越标准。 sfusd.edu | We believe all children are brilliant and challenge all students to meet and exceed the standards. sfusd.edu |
彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬生性极为活泼且聪明伶俐,因此经常被称为“小个子的大狗狗”。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been described as a "large dog in a small dog’s body" due to its extremely active and intelligent nature. fr.eukanuba.ch |
由於拥有高速的触控萤幕1 操控能力与不占空间的尺寸设计 (甚至可装设於墙面),Veriton Z 系列能够打造乾净俐落的工作空间,并促成生产力最佳化。 acer.com.tw | With its speedy touchscreen1 control and space-saving size -- it's even wall mountable -- the Veriton Z Series creates a clean and neat workspace for optimized productivity. acer.es |
体验强大的效能、俐落的设计和优异的产品价值。 dell.com.hk | Experience the exceptional value. dell.com.hk |
当时,政府仍然说得非常清楚俐落,怎料言犹在耳、语音未落,在佛诞 假期後的第一次会议,政府便说在考虑并徵询大家的意见後,即使小额食品 要作出声称,但只要愿意提供忠告标签,政府也会准许其发售。 legco.gov.hk | Who would have expected that while these words were still ringing in our ears, the Government would say at the first meeting after the Buddha's Birthday holiday that having considered and consulted the views of various parties, the Government would permit the sales of small volume products even though they would carry claims, provided that they would be willing to display a warning label. legco.gov.hk |
自从1998年进入市场以来,QQ通过多种渠道打造品牌知名度,其中包括它那“伶俐”的品牌形象。 labbrand.com | Since its inception in 1998, QQ has been rapidly building its brand awareness in a number of ways. labbrand.com |
而力亚的前妻景伶俐(苟芸慧)突然从美国归来,令力亚与思苦的感情备受考验。 justlatte.com | To make the situation worse, LIK-AH’s ex-wife KING LING-LEI (Christine Kuo) suddenly returns from the USA and the relationship is put to the test. justlatte.com |
龙之爪HYPERION电竞耳机支架由曜越Tt eSPORTS专门为游戏玩家及音乐爱好者所设计的收纳周边,让耳机拥有属於自我的舒适空间,以Tt eSPORTS的黑、红原色系搭配俐落的设计曲线,不但可节省桌面上空间同时也可创造出职业级的电竞娱乐氛围! ttesports.com.tw | HYPERION headphone cradle by Tt eSPORTS is designed specifically for gamers and music enthusiasts who appreciate their precious headphones but demand for a stand that can steadily handle any size, but most importantly to fit what you wear! ttesports.fr |
GB-1500A 背包的外形设计俐落大方,非常适合商务专业人士及四处旅行者使用,携带其笔记型电脑。 geniusnetusa.com | Thanks to a clever design, the GB-1500A backpack is the ideal laptop case for business professionals and travelers. geniusnetusa.com |
兹准 董事会造送本公司九十五年度营业报告书、财务报表及盈余分配表等 表册,其中财务报表业经董事会委托勤业众信会计师事务所范有伟会计师及郭俐雯会计师查核竣事提出查核报告。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The CPAs of Deloitte & Touche were retained to audit the financial statements and have submitted a report relating thereto. english.taiwanmobile.com |
搭配修容组及 9 种不同的配件,让您打造心目中的自己,每天都乾净俐落。 philips.com.tw | With the grooming kit and its 9 different attachments to enable you to create the looks you want, you will look sharp every day. philips.com.hk |
中国橡胶》杂志社社长邓雅俐主持会议,主编宋志凌向与会代表汇报了上届年会理事单位建议、意见落实情况、一年来的工作进展,并明确了未来发展思路——努力在3~5年内将《中国橡胶》办成国内外知名刊物,力争与美国《橡胶塑料新闻》(Rubber & P1astics News)、《欧洲橡胶杂志》(European Rubber Journal)齐名。 chinarubber.org.cn | Deng Yali, Presidentof China Rubber Magazine Agency, presided over the conference; Song Zhiling, Chief Editor, reported the implementation of the council units’ suggestions and advices on the last annual conference and the work progress in the year to the representatives, and specified the future developing ideas that striving to make China Rubber a domestic and oversea famous journal within 3~5 years and enjoy equal popularity with American Rubber & P1astics News and European Rubber Journal. chinarubber.org.cn |
这个创新的立体声扩音器使用精密的数码讯息处理,制造出俐落而具备丰富立体声/多段式的和声 - 包括全新「阔」模式 - 并加入延迟/回响及自动反回馈控制。 tomleemusic.com.hk | This innovative stereo amp uses sophisticated digital signal processing to deliver a crisp sound with lush stereo/multi-band chorus—including a new "wide" mode—plus delay/reverb and impressive Auto Anti-Feedback control. tomleemusic.com.hk |
防水型游戏键盘,有着清脆俐落的打字触感。 geniusnetusa.com | Water-resistant gaming keyboard with crisp typing geniusnetusa.com |
他很快就显示出快速、俐落、惊人的滑雪天赋,他开始参加比赛,直到1998年才结束了作为职业选手参加高山滑雪赛的生涯。 swatch.com | Quickly showing an astonishing talent for quick, clean skiing, he began competing and skiied professionally in alpine ski races until 1998. swatch.com |
Carlos Coste配戴新款的潜水校正表潜入迷人的水中世界,俐落身影令人惊艳。 oris.ch | Carlos Coste, wearing the new Meistertaucher, gave guests an extraordinary insight into his amazing underwater world. oris.ch |
USB3.0 2.5“外接式硬碟H552V,以俐落细 致的线条,刻划出如同跑车般独特流线的外观,背盖两侧双曲线勾勒出极致美形,精工雕琢的抛光技术与咬花处理,打造出黑色镜面与雾面的双层次质感,光滑平顺的表面触感,手感及美感兼具,隐隐散发出低调中的奢华品味。 us.pqigroup.com | USB3.0 2.5“The exterior of the 2.5" H552V USB 3.0 external hard drive features distinctive sports car-like curves and finely crafted lines along with a curved design on both sides of the back cover to create the ultimate in beauty. pqigroup.com |
不论是维持胡须长度、修出鬓角、山羊胡或是任何造型,创新飞利浦超薄刀片技术让您下刀精准完美,自行打造俐落动人的风采。 philips.com.tw | Whether you want to keep your beard at a certain length or have sideburns, a goatee or any other style, the revolutionary Philips MicroBlade Technology offers precise and optimal results. philips.com.hk |
他也大方透露自己第一次购买珠宝戒指就选择了伯爵!而本次发表的Gouverneur系列,结合了俐落节约的表身设计及精湛的制表工艺,更是让吴尊爱不释手,无论是日常生活或是出席活动时穿着佩戴,皆能透过艺术作品般的外型展现好品味。 piaget.com.cn | WU didn’t hide his admiration to the Gouverneur watch which harmoniously integrated geometric curves with high end watch making, he proclaimed that whether in daily life or attending a event, the Gouverneur could comfortably fit in his daily life and show his taste via its artistic design. piaget.com |
其乾净俐落、游刃有余的驾驶风格为他赢得了“车坛教授”的美称,而强烈认真的竞争优势备受其他车手尊重,并受到全球众多赛车迷的顶礼膜拜。 tagheuer.com | His smooth, relaxed driving style earned him the nickname “Professor” but it was his intense competitive edge that won him the respect of fellow drivers and the admiration of motor-sports fans around the world. tagheuer.com |
AMT 全平面触控面板产品线包含 Touch Window 和 Framed Touch 两种产品,它是将触控面板、边框及机壳整合成全平面的造型,并结合多变的外观与丰富的色彩,使机体更为俐落并富有质感。 amtouch.com.tw | AMT true flat touch panel product lines consist of two categories-Touch Window and Framed Touch, putting touch panel, side frames and chassis together into a true flat styling, in combination of versatile outlooks as well as gorgeous colors, to create a sense of neat and high-end design. amtouch.com.tw |
成立时间:1964年 11月 10日 产品项目:无心精密研磨机 、无心刀具、特殊研磨机 营业型态:制造商、出口商 资 本 额:USD$200,000.00 厂房面积: 7117 平方英尺 付款方式:L/C、T/T及现金票 外销市场:美国、日本、东南亚 主要客户: 宝熊渔具股份有限公司 优乃克股份有限公司 冈崎精工股份有限公司 钛舜工业股份有限公司九俐切削刀具股份有限公司 员工人数: 11 人 grinding-machine007.net | PRODUCTION: Manufacture of Centerless Grinding Machines/ Centerless Guide Board / Special Grinding Machines TYPE OF BUSINESS: Manufacturer and Exporter CAPITAL: USD$200,000.00 FACTORY AREA: 7,117 ft2 PAYMENT TERM : L/C / T/T / CHECK AT SIGHT MAIN MARKET: East-south Asia / Japan / America etc. MAIN CUDTOMER:CHIU LI CUTTING TOOL CO. grinding-machine007.com |