单词 | 便服 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 便服—civilian clothesless common: everyday clothes informal dress
如果 NBCF 的所有或绝大部分业务所有权,或 NBCF, Inc.拥有的单独业务单位发生变更,您的用户信息可能会被转交新主,以 便服务能够继续运作。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | If the ownership of all or substantially all of the NBCF business, or individual business units owned by NBCF, Inc. beyondtheshock.com |
此外,2010 年 3 月作出上诉判决的两名被定罪者也在等待有关将其移 交国家司法机关以便服刑的裁决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, two convicted persons, whose appeal judgements were delivered in March 2010, are also awaiting decisions on their transfer to national jurisdictions for the enforcement of theirsentences. daccess-ods.un.org |
本网站上涉及到第三方网站的链接(关键词:外部链接)仅作为一种方 便服务提示读者。 united.de | This website contains links to third-party sites (Keyword: external links). united.de |
在 3 天之 [...] 内,科索沃特派团在该国各地的警察着 便服到其以前的哨所报到,并向科索沃警 察的对口人员介绍欧盟驻科法治团的监察员/顾问。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over a period of three days, UNMIK police [...] throughout Kosovo reported to their former [...] posts in civilian clothes and introduced [...]the EULEX police monitors/advisers to their Kosovo Police counterparts. daccess-ods.un.org |
完成上述登记程序後,你便可使用房委会网上「电子服务」提供的各种简 便服务,包括查阅租金状况。 housingauthority.gov.hk | After completion of the above registration process, you can enjoy [...] the host of conveniences offered byour e-Services, including rent [...]enquiries. housingauthority.gov.hk |
期内,「海通国际爱心大使」义工小组及集团员工举办或 [...] 参与多项社会服务活动,惠及多个慈善团体,活动包括 香港公益金举办的「公益慈善马拉松」、「公益月饼」、「公 益 爱 牙 日」和「公 益金便 服日」 ; 国 际 扶 轮 社3450区 的 「扶轮十公里挑战赛」;集团与香港红十字会合办的「捐血 表关怀」行动;伸手助人协会的「曲奇义卖运动」及与集 [...]团合办的「送暖关怀长者行动」;香港乐施会的「乐施米 [...] 义卖大行动」;香港奥比斯的「世界视觉日」;香港基督教 青年会的「赤脚勤学慈善行」;香港社区组织协会及和富 社会企业联合举办的「踢走贫穷 - 无家者世界盃」足球慈 善赛等。 htisec.com | During the period, the volunteer team “Haitong International Caring Ambassadors” and fellow colleagues of the Group organized and participated in a variety of community services that benefited many charitable [...] organizations, [...] including fund-raising events such as Corporate Challenge, Charity Mooncake, Love Teeth Day and Dress Special Day [...]organized by the Community [...]Chest of Hong Kong; Rotary 10K Race organized by Rotary International District 3450; Blood Donation Day coorganized by the Group and Hong Kong Red Cross; Helping Hand Cookie Campaign and elderly visits co-organized by the Group and Helping Hand; Oxfam Hong Kong’s Oxfam Rice Selling; ORBIS Hong Kong’s World Sight Day; YMCA of Hong Kong’s Bare Foot Walkathon; Homeless World Cup co-organized by Society for Community Organization and Wofoo Social Enterprises. htisec.com |
其他与会者指出,如果由一个机构监督这一进程,问责制将得到加强,而且他们 支持在一个现有的机构内部基于其得到证实的比较优势设立单独的秘书处,以便 服务于协调功能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others indicated that accountability would be enhanced if one agency had oversight of the process, and [...] they supported the [...] creation ofa single secretariat, within an existing institution based on its proven comparative advantage, toserve a coordinating [...]function. daccess-ods.un.org |
在维持其一贯DNA的同时, 近年Diesel已进军高级便服市场 , 成为固有的高级市场外另一个真正的选择。 florentiavillage.com | While retaining always its DNA, in [...] recent years Diesel has evolved into the [...] world of premiumcasual wear,becoming [...]a true alternative to the established luxury market. florentiavillage.com |
尽管监察团不能立即确认死亡人数,但注意到这个村庄 已被占领并处于“隐形突击队”人员控制之下,这些人身着 便服,并装备有刀 具、步枪和火箭榴弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the mission could not directly confirm the numbers of deaths, it observed that the village had been captured and was now under the [...] control of elements of the “Commando [...] invisible”, dressed in civilian attireandarmed with [...]knives, rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. daccess-ods.un.org |
若双足可以自由选择的话,他们定必对这注入崭新技术,衬以独特细节的全新 便服鞋系列,投以绝对信任的一票。 ipress.com.hk | If your feet could talk they would choose CasualFYM, filled to the rim with new groundbreaking technology and a unique array of details. ipress.com.hk |
怡安香港於2010年制订多项政策,例如促进雇员义工活动政策及 便服日等,让员工可以於参与义务工作的同时,享有特定的义工假日及 便服日,以进一步鼓励员工参与企业社会责任活动。 aon.com | To further encourage our staff to contribute their efforts in corporate social responsibility activities for the community, Aon Hong Kong introduced a series of employee friendly policies, such as the Employee Volunteering Promotion Policy and Dress Down Day in 2010. aon.com |
丹麦造鞋专家ECCO全新FYM便服鞋系 列是特别为现今追求创新及讲求步行自主舒适性的时尚型男而设计。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO Casual FYM is designed for today¡¦s cool young men who seek innovation as well as individuality in their walk through life. ipress.com.hk |
劳力士创艺推荐资助计划入选年青编舞黄振邦,与香港青年时装设计家创作表演赛20 12「 便服及牛 仔服组」冠军梁嘉健同共以舞蹈及时装切入这敏感地带,反思亚洲人主张的圆融和谐跟个体权益的潜在矛盾。 ccdc.com.hk | Together with Kenax Leung, the winner of causal & jeans-wear group of Hong Kong [...] Young Fashion Designers’ Contest 2012, [...] Bruce Wong,the finalistof theRolex [...]Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative will join [...]force with a total of dance and fashion cutting into this sensitive topic, rethink the contradiction and dilemma of gentility which strongly advocated by Asians. ccdc.com.hk |
学院应届毕业生徐惠玲更积极参加2012澳门节能周「 便服夏·齐节能」时装设计比赛,勇夺冠军。 ift.edu.mo | IFT graduate Ms. Rainie Chio was also awarded the winner in 2012 Macao Energy Saving Green Fashion Design Contest. ift.edu.mo |
因此,已康复的病人还需永久服用预 防式的抗真菌药。 hsbc.com.hk | Hence, recoveredpatients may still need to take prophylactic antifungal drugs for life. hsbc.com.hk |
有四个身穿便服的人向我走来,拒绝说明他们的身份。 daccess-ods.un.org | I was approached by four [...] individuals in civilian clothes who refused to [...]identify themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
在索契剧院给了音乐会主要的交响乐团,夏季 便服套装歌舞、 舞蹈集体、 流行、 爵士乐队,作出名誉的国内和国外的声乐艺术大师: 一、 Yuryev,巴尔索娃 · Bieshu 诉。 letniy-teatr.g-sochi.ru | The summer theatre in Sochi gave concerts major symphonic orchestras, ensembles of song and dance, choreographic collectives, pop, jazz bands, made honorary masters of domestic and foreign vocal art: i. Yuryev, v. Barsova, m. Bieshu. letniy-teatr.g-sochi.ru |
Cookie 可帮助建立用户对话,以便服务器正确向网站用户提供合适的信息、广告和服务。 united.com | Cookies help establish a user session and allow our server to correctly provide site users with the appropriate information, advertisements and services. united.com |
我们提供各种简便服务任君选择,让您快速开始并持续玩游戏。 dell.com | Choose from [...] our menu of no-hassle services so you canget started [...]fast and keep on playing. dell.com |
日本最大休闲便服品牌UNIQLO,在全球各地如美国、法国、英国、韩国、中国、马来西亚、俄罗斯、新加坡、台湾、泰国及菲律宾拥有逾1000间店铺,至2012年8月香港共有16间分店。 leegardens.com.hk | UNIQLOisthe largest casual wear [...] brand in Japan and has grown to over 1000 stores worldwide distributed in US, France, [...]UK, Korea, China, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Philippines. leegardens.com.hk |
我们积极参与各类慈善活动,包括多年来捐款予「明爱之友」,支持「明爱暖万心」的慈善晚会,又参加「公益金 便服日」 、「公益爱牙日」及慈善人力车比赛等筹款活动,最近亦支持「世界肾脏日在香港」的义工活动。 crowehorwath.net | We have been supporting a wide range of charitable events including donations to the Friends of Caritas and support for the “Caritas Charity TV Show” over the [...] past years, participation in The Community [...] Chest’s “Dress Casual Day”, “Love Teeth [...]Day” and the charitable Rickshaw Race, [...]as well as recent support for volunteer activities of World Kidney Day at Hong Kong to show our care for the community. crowehorwath.net |