

单词 便函

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External sources (not reviewed)

这个例子使用了两个很便的函数, 有必要简单了解下这两个函数,会有助于更加清楚的理解代码剩余的部分。
This example uses two convenience functions that [...]
should be looked at briefly to help the rest of the code make more clear.
函件的 MS Word 电子版应送至 dpu-dgacm@un.org,便利函件处 理。 如果函件附有任何其他联合国正式语文版本,则应清楚说明何者为原文, 及(或)何者为仅供参考。
If versions in any other United Nations official languages are available, they should be included with a clear indication of the original language and/or which language versions are to be used for reference only.
收到這些資料後,選舉事務便會致 函 有 關 僱員,邀請他們登記成為 9 個新功能組別的選民。
On receipt of such information, the REO will write to the employees concerned inviting them to register as electors in the nine new functional constituencies.
委员会决定在得到确认已经发放了通行证或不再需要通行证的情况下 便 将 该 来 函从 其清单中注销 ( 140 EX/3.3 PRIV. 第 53 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to strike the communication from its list subject to confirmation that the travel permit had been available or was no longer needed (140 EX/3 PRIV., para. 53).
该字体提供了非便捷的编码函数的 方法,比如设定条形码的返回符和制表符。
Easy Function Encoding Capability - Our fonts [...]
provide easy methods of encoding functions such as returns and tabs in the barcode.
因此,自 1991 年以后, 特别报告便向缔约国函要求 提供审查 意见的落实情况。
As a result, since 1991, the Special Rapporteur has sent States Parties requests for information on action taken to follow up the findings.
5.21 我收到該執法機關提交的守則 120 報告後不久,便函該執 法機關首長,表示有兩件事我極為關注:(i)該執法 [...]
機關認為從通話 2 取得的資料,並不屬於享有法律專業保密 權的資料;以及(ii)高級監聽人員奉命聆聽通話 2 ,以識別該
5.21 Shortly after receipt of the COP 120 report
[...] from the LEA, I wrote to the head of [...]
the LEA expressing my serious concern over
two matters, namely, (i) the information received from Call 2 was considered by the LEA as not amounting to LPP information, and (ii) the Senior Listening Officer was tasked to listen to Call 2 for the purpose of discerning whether it contained LPP information.
[...] 則」)所須的說明函件,以及所有其他合理所需的資料, 便 彼 等 就本 函 所 述 的決議案投票 贊成與否作出明智決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二零一零年六月二十九日(星期 [...]
This circular is to provide the shareholders with the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Stock Exchange’’) (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’)
and all other information
[...] reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision [...]
on whether to vote for or against
the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Annapurna Room, Pacific Place Conference Centre, Level 5, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 at 10 : 00 a.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
通过它,您可以快速而便捷得增强您的桌面程序、服务器程序或者网络程序的功能,而这些您仅仅需要调用几个命令行或者 A P I 函 数 便 可 激 发转换引擎。
Using it, you will quickly and
easily enhance your desktop, server or Web application with just a few
[...] command line or API calls to the conversion engine.
通过PDF_findfont()和PDF_setfont()函数选择和注册字体是很 便 的 , PDF_findf on t ( ) 函 数 预 备了一种文档中要使用的字体,需要的参数有字体的名字,使用的编码,字体是否要嵌入到PDF文件中。
Through PDF_findfont () and PDF_setfont
() function selection and
[...] registration of fonts is very convenient, PDF_findfont () function [...]
to prepare a document to use
the fonts, required parameters are the name of the font, use the codes, whether or not to embed fonts PDF file.
在这方面,委员会曾明确指出,预先提交表格绝不成其为来函的可受理条件;它只是 在为来函作者进行申诉和为委员会审议 函 提 供 方 便。
The sole purpose of the form is to make it easier for the author of the communication to set out his or her complaints and for the Committee to examine the communication.
在㆒般情況㆘,客戶只需向認 可機構發出授權第㆔方代表其處理投訴 函 件 便 已足 夠。
A letter from the customer to the AI authorizing the third party to handle the complaint on his behalf should suffice under normal circumstances.
委员会决定,如果所称受害者获释 便 将 该 来 函 从 其清单中注销,否则,将在下届会 议上继续审议该来函 ( 132 EX/3 PRIV. 第 18 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to strike the communication from its list in the event of the alleged victim being released, and, should she not be released, to resume consideration of this communication at its forthcoming session (132 EX/3 PRIV., para. 18).
主席建議劉議員可考慮函方便營商 諮詢委員 會,就這方面尋求協助。
The Chairman suggested that Ms LAU could consider writing to
[...] the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee [...]
to seek assistance in this respect.
便參考,現函 附 上政府當局就 “ 規管首長級公務員在停止政府職務後從事外間工作的安排” 向 公務員及資助機構員工事務委員會提供的文件。
For ease of reference, a copy of the paper provided by the Administration to the Panel on Public Service on “Arrangements governing the taking up of outside work by directorate civil servants after ceasing active government service” is attached.
在主框架类中添加ID_FILE_OPEN菜单命令响 函 数 , 以 便 在 打 开Word文档时能够动态提供对其的支持。
Category in the main framework ID_FILE_OPEN add menu command response function in order to open Word documents to dynamically provide their support.
(iv) 向委员会成员通报自上届会议以来所收到的有关列入议程之来函的所有相关 信息; b) 委员会在其每届会议上,以秘密会议的方式,审议总干事向其转交的来函; c) 如果委员会推迟就某件来函是否可予受理作出决定,该 函便 一 直保留在委员会 日程之上; d) 委员会委员国不得参与涉及该国的来函之决定的通过; e) 委员会自动并无限期暂停审议来函作者连续四届会议未提交新情况的来函;如果 有了新的内容,委员会可决定重新审议此类来函; 2.
(iv) transmit to the Member States of the Committee all relevant information received in the periods between the Committee’s sessions concerning the communications included in the agenda of the current session
閣下如已售出或轉讓名下全部富聯國際集團有限公司之股份,應立即將本 函 連 同 隨附之代 表委任表格送交買主或受讓人,或經手買賣或轉讓之銀行、股票經紀或其他代理, 便 轉交 買主或受讓人。
If you have sold or transferred all your shares in USI Holdings Limited, you should at once hand this circular and the enclosed proxy form to the purchaser or transferee, or to the bank, stockbroker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or the transferee.
[...] 示,只要召開一次簡短(例如5分鐘)的政制事務委員 會會議以處理函件,便可解決此事。
Mr LEUNG said that the matter could be resolved by holding a short CA Panel meeting of,
[...] say, five minutes to deal with the letter.
After the member in question
[...] has received the letter, the incident will [...]
come to a close.
[...] 息的助理总干事签署的 2002 年 12 月 2 日的函——为便于参 考在此附上其复印件)中 联系的一些教科文组织全国委员会指出已经建立了全民信息计划国家委员会,我很高兴 [...]
Please note that some National Commissions for UNESCO, previously contacted in the context of
a survey conducted at the request of
[...] the Bureau of IFAP (letter of 2 December 2002 [...]
signed by the Assistant Director-General
for Communication and Information - copy enclosed for ease of reference), indicated that an IFAP National Committee had already been established and I am glad to have this opportunity to convey my thanks to them.
(a) 更加注意遵守函受理标准,以便更加 清楚并改进本委员会在这方面的工作。
(a) to pay more attention to the application of the criteria of admissibility of communications so as to ensure greater clarity and improve the work of the Committee in that field.
[...] 席会议十分重视,因为在会议期间,将审议该 函 , 以 便 根 据第 104 EX/3.3 号决定第 14(e) [...]
段的规定,公开进行对话,最后找到有利于促进人权的友好解决办法(117 EX/18 PRIV.92 段)。
The Committee decided to request the Secretariat to call the attention of the authorities of the government concerned to the importance attached by the Committee to the presence of a representative of the government concerned by a communication at the
meeting at which that communication would be
[...] examined so that, in accordance with 104 [...]
EX/Decision 3.3, paragraph 14(e), an open
dialogue might be established with a view to achieving a friendly solution designed to advance the promotion of human rights (117 EX/18 PRIV., para. 92).
特别报告员已经恢复这项任务初期的办法,46 在国家访问后发出后续函, 以便要求 提供她的各项建议在国家一级执行情况的最新资料。
The Special Rapporteur has re-established the mandate’s initial approach46of
[...] sending follow-up letters after country visits [...]
to request updated information about
the implementation of her recommendations at the national level.
胡官”函專員,其屬便說, “理解錯誤,不知為何這樣 做。
When Justice WOO wrote to the Commissioner of the [...]
ICAC, subordinates of the Commissioner claimed that it was due to misinterpretation
and they did not know why the incident happened.
倘若明文規定向 家長發出警函件,便應認真考慮可能對青少年產生的不良心理影響。
Due regard should be given to the possible adverse psychological impact on the young people if it became mandatory to issue warning letters to their parents.
二零一二年八月二十四日 本附錄一附載有上市規則規定須列入一份說 函 件 之 資料, 便 本 公 司股東可就投票 贊成或反對將在股東週年大會上提呈關於購回授權之決議案作出知情決定。
By Order of the Board SHAM Kit Ying Chairman This Appendix I contains the particulars which are required by the Listing Rules to be included in an explanatory statement to enable shareholders of the Company to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolution to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in relation to the Repurchase Mandate.
按 創 業 板 上 市 規 則 第 17 章 之 規 定 , 退 任 董 事之履 歷 詳 情 載 於 本函 之 附 錄 二 ,便 向 股 東 提 供 資 料 , 就 重 選 該 退 任 董 事 作 出 知 情 決 定 。
To enable Shareholders to make an informed decision on the re-election of these retiring Directors, the biographical details of the retiring Directors, as required under Chapter 17 of the GEM Listing Rules, are set out in Appendix II to this circular for the information of Shareholders.
陳議員進一步表示,公民 黨已函政府當局,便跟進 13個上訴成功的個案, 這些個案是關於區議會在2008-2009年度就社區參與 活動的撥款申請所作的決定。
Miss CHAN further said that the Civic Party had written to the Administration to follow up on the 13 successful appeal cases regarding decisions on applications for DC funds for community involvement activities in 2008-2009.




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