

单词 便会

External sources (not reviewed)

当谈判处理条约目标、范围、核查以及费用等广泛 的问题时,各种定义案文的“可拨打性 便会 有 帮 助。
Dialability” of options would assist when the broader considerations of treaty objective, scope, verification and costs were being addressed in negotiations.
过敏症是一种严重的过敏性反应,当敏感体质者接触到外来化学物质,包括咬伤和蜇伤、植物或药物时 便会 出 现 过敏症。
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur in
sensitive individuals from exposure to any
[...] chemicals foreign to the body, including [...]
bites and stings, plants, or medications.
如果是在 2009 年使用,明年可以核查这些数量,但如果储存的数量没有在 2009 年使 用便会出现问题,因为 2009 年是协定的最后一年。
If used in 2009, this amount can be verified next year, however, there may be an issue next year if the stockpiled amount is not used in 2009 since it is the last year of the agreement.
所分配的资源将:(a) 为目前干事队伍提供额外能力, 使每名干事有充分的时间对专题进行实质性分析;(b) 为委员会提供更好的技术
[...] 咨询和支助,从而提高报告质量;(c) 为委员会提供更优化的时间安排选择,便会议时 间安排衔接更顺利、更灵活,从而确保改善报告编写顺序和及时性,大 [...]
This resource allocation will: (a) provide added capacity to the current team of Officers to enable each adequate time for the substantive analysis of the subject; (b) afford the provision of better technical advice and support to the Committee, thereby
improving the quality of the
[...] reports; and (c) facilitate more optimal scheduling [...]
options for the Committee, allowing for the smoother, more flexible scheduling of meetings, thereby ensuring better
sequencing and timeliness of the production of reports, an issue that has been repeatedly raised by the General Assembly, to enable fully informed decisionmaking on issues related to peacekeeping.
他们 还敦促秘书处为所有特别政治任务制订遵守 SMART (具体、可计量、可达成、合理和有时限)原则的明确 业绩指标,便会员国能够评估在实现预期成绩方面 取得的进展。
They also urged the Secretariat to develop, for all special political missions, clear performance indicators that adhered to SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and time-bound) principles, so that Member States could evaluate progress in the achievement of expected accomplishments.
我们仅需在线填写简单的表格,更换 设备很便会送到
We simply had to fill out a simple online form, and the replacement equipment was shipped promptly.
大会第 64/230 号决议第三节第 5 段重申秘书长需要确保所有工作地点采用 的技术相互兼容,并确保此种技术便于所有正式语文采用;大会在同一节第 6 段 中请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国全部重要旧文件上载联合国 网站的工作,便会员国 也能通过这一媒介取得这些档案资料。
In section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly reiterated the need for the Secretary-General to ensure the compatibility of technologies used in all duty stations and to ensure that they are user-friendly in all official languages; and in paragraph 6 of the same section, it requested the Secretary-General to complete the task of uploading all important older United Nations documents onto the United Nations website in all six official languages on a priority basis, so as to ensure that these archives are also available to Member States through that medium.
如果人们迁往的地区本身不具 备足够的资源或基础设施来满足他们的需要,则发生 紧张局势和冲突的可能便会加大
Where people move to areas that do not themselves have sufficient resources or infrastructure to accommodate them, the risk of tension and conflict is increased.
所以一项国际法不加禁止的活动只有当进行 此活动时出现违反国际法所规定的一项义务的情况才可能引起国际责任,例如, 如果一个国际组织未能遵守就一项不加禁止的活动采取预防措施的义务 便会承 担国际责任。
International responsibility may thus arise from an activity that is not prohibited by international law only when a breach of an obligation under international law occurs in relation to that activity, for instance if an international
organization fails to comply with an
[...] obligation to take preventive measures in relation to an activity that is not prohibited.
关于委员会 的届会阶段会议开放一天供提交决议草案并随后暂停两周 便会 员 国有时间与 首都协商并考虑案文的实质方面这一想法受到普遍欢迎,被认为值得进一步讨 论。
The idea of opening that part of the session of the Commission for one day for the submission of draft resolutions, followed by a two-week break so that Member States would have time to consult with their capitals and consider the substantive aspects of the texts, was generally welcomed and seen as meriting further discussion.
在胡志明市南部130公里外,湄公河三角洲上一条名叫Vinh Kim的小村庄,每逢十一便会长出 大量越南奶果。
Around the small village of Vinh Kim, located in the
Mekong delta 130 km south of Hô-Chi-Minh City, the vu sua tree produces a large quantity
[...] of fruits in the month of November.
选择首选聆听级别后,Dolby Volume 便会自动而清晰地将所有音量保持在该 级别下。
You choose your preferred listening level, and then Dolby Volume automatically and transparently keeps everything at that level.
同样,若采用通过加息来收紧货币,而此时其他经济体尚未采取类似的加息措施便会吸引 证券组合投资流入、增加通货膨胀压力,而且会对名义汇率造成上行压 力,从而破坏恢复出口的前景。
Likewise, monetary tightening through an increase in interest rates, in the absence of similar rises in other economies, could attract portfolio flows that would increase inflationary pressures as well as exert upward pressure on nominal exchange rates, thereby dampening recovery prospects for exports.
安全理事会内支持正义的国家需要认识到,如果不始终如一地对法院提供外 交支持便会为一 些人的说法提供佐证,认为打击有罪不罚仅仅是披着司法外衣 的政治手段而已。
Justice-supporting States on the Security Council need to recognize that the lack of consistent diplomatic support for the Court gives fuel to the argument of those who say that the fight against impunity is nothing more than politics clothed in judicial trappings.
在重启电压调整器时,调压数据未经调 便会 自 动 发送到主站。
The regulator data is automatically sent to this master station when restarting the voltage regulator.
证券持有人应根据他们所持证券的金额,对股息、本公司的会议上的投票权及其 他事宜拥有同样的权利、特权和利益,一如他们持有证券原来的股份般,但证券 的金额(如该证券以股份方式存在,此金 便会 赋 予特权或利益)并不赋予该特 权或利益(获派本公司的股息及利润及在清盘时获分配本公司的资产的权利除 外)。
The holders of stock shall, according to the amount of stock held by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as regards dividends, voting at meetings of the Company and other matters as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such privilege or advantage (except participation in the dividends and profits of the Company and in the assets on winding up) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred that privilege or advantage.
q 如果你的资料完整,他便会开始审核程序,先评估你 的学历资格。
If your information is complete, they will begin the review process with an assessment of your academic qualifications.
如您稍迟到达,我们会尽力为您安排疗程,如果您预 约时间的下一个时段已有其他预约者,您的疗程时便会被缩短。
If you are pregnant or have any other condition that you feel we should be aware of, please inform our Spa concierge and your therapist.
第一个阶段历时三个月(资格认 定阶段),目标是基本保证选中的各办事处具备包括内部控制在内的一些基本能力, 便会 计长能够授权各工作人员将有关交易事项直接记录进 FABS 系统中。
The objective of the first three-month stage (accreditation period) is to have reasonable assurance that target offices have basic capacities, including internal controls, to allow delegation of authority by the Comptroller to individual staff members for posting transactions directly into FABS.
如果全科医生认为药物有助于改善您的病情 便会 为 您 开列处方。
If your GP decides that medication will help your condition, they will give you a prescription.
当母亲的精神受到压迫时,她的心 便会 升 高 ,进而影响体内的胎儿。
When the mother is stressed, her heart rate increases, and it affects the baby inside,” he explains.
特别代表在普里什蒂纳并借国会议 之 便 , 会 晤了 科索沃的高级官员,包括在 10 月份会晤了塞伊迪乌总统,12 月份会晤了萨奇总理。
In Pristina and on the margins of international meetings, my Special Representative met with high Kosovo officials, including with President Sejdiu, in October, and with Prime Minister Thaçi, in December.
但应当注意到,破产法列入这类限制的,在一些集团其中某个成员只有相 关人这一类别的债权人或者非相关人的债权人为数极为有限这种情况下,这类 限便会造成困难。
It should be noted that where the insolvency law includes such restrictions, they might cause difficulty in some groups when a particular member has only creditors classified as related persons or a very limited number of creditors who are not related persons.
但是,秘书长关于大会第 63/261 号决议的执行情况的报告(A/65/161 和 Corr.1) 主要是复述了政治事务部所开展的各种活动,而没有 详细、明确、全面地说明新的结构和新的员额对该部 总体运行情况的影响;需要提供更多的信息, 便会 员国作出知情的决定。
However, the Secretary-General’s report on implementation of General Assembly resolution 63/261 (A/65/161 and Corr.1) focused mainly on recounting the various activities of the Department of Political Affairs and did not provide detailed, clear and comprehensive information on how the new structure and new posts were affecting the Department’s overall functioning; more information was required in order for Member States to make an informed decision.
设定好代码匹配值后选择相应的条形码符号体系,然后设定对应的条形码属性,Barcode Professional便会以最 适合的图像格式为您的每一个移动通讯设备绘制条形码图像。
After specifying a Value to encode,
choosing a Barcode Symbology, and
[...] setting its properties, Barcode Professional will render the [...]
barcode image for each mobile device
in the preferred image format by each of them.
事实上,如果我们研究发达国家即将进入并使得世界其他国家人民一道陷入 的衰退的原因,我们会发现,当发展被延误 便会 威 胁 社会稳定。
In fact, if we look at the causes of recession which the developed world is about to enter, dragging along with it the rest of the peoples on our planet, we shall discover that when development is delayed, the social balance is at risk.
将这个变异的光标移动到菜单上或工具栏上,左键单击你想指定的菜单命令或工具栏上的命令按 便会 自 动 弹出“自定义键盘”对话框,进入“请按新快捷键”选项。
The variation of the cursor will move to the menu or toolbar, left-click menu you
want to specify an order or command on the
[...] toolbar button will automatically [...]
pop-up "from the definition of the keyboard"
dialog box, enter "a new fast please key "option.
这提供了一 个会,便于为 许多讨论提供一个道德操守的角度,特别是关于下列问题的讨论: 领导与道德操守;儿基会的任务和战略;奖励和制裁。
This has provided an opportunity to contribute an ethics perspective to many discussions, especially on issues of leadership and ethics; the UNICEF mission and strategy; and on rewards and sanctions.
每当本委员会根据构成规则 V.1 所列述的地理区域(以下简称“地区”)或 本委员会具体列出的国家组(以下简称“国家组”)的本委员会多数成员国的建 议,发现有关国家食品法典工作有需要,本委 会便 可 从 本委员会成员国中为这个 地区或国家组指派一名协调员。
The Commission may appoint a Coordinator from among the Members of the Commission for any of the geographic locations enumerated in Rule V.1 (hereinafter referred to as “regions”) or for any group of countries specifically enumerated by the Commission (hereinafter referred to as ‘groups of countries’), whenever it may find, on the basis of a proposal of a majority of the Members of the Commission which constitute the region or group, that work for the Codex Alimentarius in the countries concerned so requires.




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