

单词 便人



Help others, and others may help you (idiom).


tell anybody one happens to meet

External sources (not reviewed)

为此,日 本没有加入该决议草案的共同提案国,将继续和伊
[...] 朗伊斯兰共和国积极开展已经开始的对话和合作,便人权在伊朗能得到更好地尊重。
For those reasons, Japan had not sponsored the draft resolution. It would actively pursue the dialogue and
cooperation undertaken with the Islamic Republic of Iran in order
[...] to ensure that human rights were more [...]
fully respected there.
委员会赞赏地注意到缔约国派出了一个高级别和多部门代表团 并举行了建设性对话,便人们能够更好地了解缔约国的儿童现状。
The Committee appreciates the presence of a high-level and multisectoral delegation and the constructive dialogue, which allowed a better understanding of the situation of children in the State party.
同样,国际社 会必须采取措施,结束对加沙的封锁,开放所有过 境点,便人员和货物能自由流动。
The international community must likewise take measures to end the blockade on Gaza and open all crossing points to the free movement of people and goods.
以色列无疑有权自卫反击恐怖袭击行动,但我们 也要敦促以色列政府采取一切适当步骤, 便人 道物资和人员的进出和通行,避免平民伤亡,以及尽量减 少对无辜平民的影响。
While Israel has an unquestionable right to defend itself against terrorist attacks, we urge the Government of Israel to take all appropriate steps to ease access and movement for humanitarian goods and workers, to avoid civilian casualties and to minimize the impact on innocent civilians.
需要立即采取措施解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民 迫切的人道主义和经济需要,包括充分遵守第
[...] 1860(2009)号决议内容和规定,长期持续开放加沙过 境点,以确保人道主义援助和其他必要物质供应畅 通,便人员进出加沙。
pressing humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, including by the sustained and permanent opening of Gaza’s border crossings in full compliance with the terms and provisions of resolution 1860 (2009), in order to ensure the free
access of humanitarian aid and other essential supplies
[...] and goods and to facilitate the passage of [...]
persons to and from Gaza.
自该法律实行 之日起,公共卫生管理部门就推动相关计划拆除医疗中心及医疗服务机构中对行 动不便及交流便人群造 成障碍的设施。
In response, the public health administrations immediately began promoting programmes for the removal of obstructions in health centres and services which, because of age or other factors, might render access difficult for users with mobility or communication problems.
便人们( 错误地)53 将打击国际恐怖主义的全球战略整体归类为“战 争”,以达到适用第三和第四《日内瓦公约》的目的,但国际人权法仍然继续适 [...]
Even if one were (wrongfully)53 to classify the global struggle [...]
against international terrorism in its entirety as a “war”
for the purpose of applying the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions, international human rights law continues to apply: the Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.
在以色列入侵加沙一年多和实施封锁近三年之 后,巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人再次呼吁——恳请—— 国际社会采取所有必要步骤,冲破封锁并迫使以色列 立即开放加沙过境点,便人员和货物可以经常性和 持续地流动。
More than a year after Israel’s aggression against Gaza and nearly three years after imposition of the blockade, the Palestinian people and their leadership once again call upon — appeal to — the international community to take whatever steps are necessary to break the blockade and to compel Israel to immediately open Gaza’s border crossings for the regular, sustained movement of persons and goods.
在 Jabra 的工作目标就是让技术去工作便人 们 能 够得到解放。
Working at Jabra is about putting technology to work so that people can be free.
为 地中海虚拟图书馆(MEDLIB)提供了持续不断的援助, 便人 们 能 够通过因特网和其他电 子媒体如只读光盘使用多语种的地中海数字图书馆。
Continued assistance has been given to the Mediterranean Virtual Library (MEDLIB) which aims at providing multilingual access to Mediterranean digital libraries through the Internet and other electronic media such as CD-ROM.
吁请 吁请 吁请 吁请占领国以色列停止实施长期封闭和对经济和流动的限制,包括那些 对加沙地带实同封锁的限制,并在这方面充分执行 2005 年 11 月 15 日订立的《通 行进出协定》和《拉法口岸商定原则》, 便人 员 和 货物能够持续而经常地流动, 并加速加沙地带迟滞已久的重建工作
Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its imposition of prolonged closures and economic and movement restrictions, including those amounting to a blockade on the Gaza Strip, and, in this regard, to fully implement the Agreement on Movement and Access and the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing, both of 15 November 2005, in order to allow for the sustained and regular movement of persons and goods and for the acceleration of long overdue reconstruction in the Gaza Strip
安理会成员对该地区的严重局势深表关切,并商定一项新闻谈话,敦促所有 有关各方确保立即和不受阻碍的出入, 便人 道 主义援助及时送达。
Council members expressed their deep concern about the dramatic situation in the region and agreed on a press statement urging all relevant parties to ensure immediate and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian aid.
(d) 通过派驻人员,包括通过便人与人 之 间 的相互接触,协助改善人道主 义状况,为境内流离失所者和难民安全和体面回返创造有利条件
(d) To contribute, by its presence, to the improvement of the humanitarian situation and the creation of conditions conducive to the safe and dignified return of internally displaced persons and refugees, including through the facilitation of people-to-people contacts
因此,现在使用社交媒体,用它刊登故事,准备一些可读的文章, 便人 们 搜 索主题并了解美国的看法或者我们在中国所做的事情,利用互联网和像百度一样的搜索引擎的力量;在实际的社交媒体,如百度上,发表博客以及等等。
So using the social media now, whether it’s hosting stories and making those articles available so that people can search the topic and learn about the views of America or what we’re doing here in Chia, using the power of the internet and search engines like Baidu; to the actual social media, whether it’s blogging and so forth.
还建议进一步采取 3 个步骤:使工具箱具有 更大的互动性,好像维基百科那样;把它改造成一个准网络,每个实例至少提供 一个亲身参与其事人,以便人们可 以直接就其经验进行通信;和对走过这些过 程的人进行在线调查,了解他们的主要相关问题。
Three additional steps were recommended: make the toolkit more interactive, such as a Wikipedia; convert it into a quasi-network by identifying at least one person personally involved in each case study with whom people can communicate directly about the experience; and do an online survey with those who have gone through these processes for their key pertinent questions.
技经评估组/技选委员会 还应确保汇总表中的信息清晰、充分且兼顾平衡,并在技经评估组和技选委员 会之间实现连贯一致,便人们能 够充分理解所需要的专门知识。
The TEAP/TOCs shall also ensure that the information in the matrix is clear, sufficient and consistent as far as is appropriate between the TEAP and TOCs and balanced to allow a full understanding of needed expertise.
委员会建议,缔约国提交的第三和第四次定期报告及书面答复和所通过的 相关建议( 结论性意见) 以该国使用的各种语言,通过互联网等多种方式向普通公 众、民间社会、青年团体、新闻媒体和其他专业团体及青少年广泛传播, 便人 们对 《公约》、《公约》的执行及监督情况开展广泛的辩论并有普遍的认识。
The Committee recommends that the third and fourth periodic report and written replies submitted by the State party and the related recommendations (concluding observations) adopted be made widely available in the languages of the country, including (but not exclusively) through the Internet to the public at large, civil society organizations, youth groups, media and other professional groups and children, in order to generate debate and awareness of the Convention, its implementation and monitoring.
(b) 同最不发达国家协作,便人们获 取药品,鼓励开发技术及以相互商定 的条款和条件转让技术,生产负担得起、安全有效和优质的药品,促进生产新药、 非专利药、疫苗和其他保健品
(b) Work with least developed countries to improve access to medicines, encourage the development of technology and the transfer of technology under mutually agreed terms and conditions, the production of affordable, safe, effective and good quality medicines, fostering the production of innovative medicines, generics, vaccines and other health commodities
(3) 如 果 制 定 某 罪 行 的 法 例 是 旨 在 保 護 某 一 類 人 士 , 則 該 類 別 內人 便 是 該 罪 行 的 預 期 受 害 人 , 因 而 是 不 可 能 犯 上 煽 惑 他 人 干 犯 該 罪 的 。
(3) Where the purpose of an enactment creating an offence is the protection of a class of persons, no member of that class who is the intended victim of such an offence can be guilty of incitement to commit that offence.
With respect to durable solutions, under the Refugee Policy, once an asylum seeker is granted refugee status, he or she is entitled to live and work in Jamaica.
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中心迁移 便于 所有人抵达 的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to
[...] relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible [...]
to all, to establish
another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
在这方面,若按上述养恤金办法的 规定,这人便有资 格领取养恤金福利。
In this respect, those individuals could, in accordance with the aforementioned pension scheme regulations, be eligible for pension benefits.
(b) 如父母其中一方在去世前已取得管養令,則由該一方委 任的遺囑監人便可在該一方去世時自動以遺囑監護人 的身分行事。
(b) if a parent had obtained a custody order prior to his death, then a testamentary guardian appointed by that parent should be able to act automatically as testamentary guardian on that parent’s death.
(f) 关于第 50 段,应予澄清的是:㈠《指南》所反映的政策性决定允许对 担保资产加以面面俱到的说明,目的是便利当事方有能力订立新的担保协议, 根据设保人筹资需要的变化而将更多资产用作担保(类似于预先登记);及㈡ 设保人对此种面面俱到的登记未作授权的,设 人便 能 够 寻求通过简易程序加 以变更或取消(建议 72)并在某些情况下要求得到损害赔偿
(f) With respect to paragraph 50, it should be clarified that: (i) the policy decision reflected in the Guide permitted over-inclusive descriptions of encumbered assets to facilitate the ability of the parties to enter into new security agreements encumbering additional assets as the grantor’s financing needs evolved (similar to advance registration); and (ii) where the grantor had not authorized such an over-inclusive registration, the grantor would be able to seek amendment or cancellation through a summary procedure (recommendation 72) and in some cases, demand compensation for damages
集團向來對於環保活動不遺餘力,集團主席王利民及康宏理財服務有限公司行政總裁馮雪心早前認識了Green Monday後,對其推廣的綠色飲食理念極為認同,故早於數月開始, 人便 各 自 展開了「素食星期一」,同時亦積極將此理念向身邊人推廣,今天亦特別為後勤同事舉辦了「素食星期一」午餐,藉行動鼓勵員工從生活細節著手,由每星期素食一天開始,展開綠色生活,減少碳足跡及提升健康水平。
Mr. Quincy Wong, Chairman of the Group, and Ms. Rosetta Fong, Chief Executive Officer of Convoy Financial Services Ltd, support the concept of green diet promoted by Green Monday and participated in "Meatless Monday" since a few months ago.
(c) 如果在办理登记之后未订立任何担保协议(或未以其他任何方式对登 记加以授权),或如果恶意办理登记,登记即为无效,设 人便 能 够 通过简易 程序寻求取消登记(见建议 72)。
(c) If no security agreement was concluded (or registration was otherwise not authorized) after the registration, or if the registration was made in bad faith, the registration would be ineffective and the grantor would be able to seek cancellation of the registration through a summary procedure (see recommendation 72).
(c) 一家「公司」应视为一家由某董事连同其任何联系人拥有百分之五或以上 权益的公司,假如及只要(但只假如及只要)他连同其任何联系人(直接 或间接)是该公司百分之五或以上任何类别股本或该公司的成员可有的投 票权的持有人或实益权人便可。
(c) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which a Director together with any of his Associates own five per cent. or more if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he together with any of his Associates are (either directly or indirectly) the holders of or beneficially interested in five per cent. or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights available to members of such company.
这不是说,更 多地受到间接影响的个人,例如那些因灾害而失去家人或因其他地方遭受灾害而 遭受经济损失人便没有办法补救。
This is not to say that individuals who are more indirectly affected, for example, through loss of family members in a disaster or who suffered economic loss owing to a disaster elsewhere, would be without remedy.




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