

单词 侵略军

See also:

侵略 pl

aggressions pl

侵略 adj




External sources (not reviewed)

西方媒体震惊地报道了亚美尼亚滥开枪炮杀害霍贾里无辜居民的情况侵 略军的其他暴行。
Western media reported with horror the
killing of the innocent residents of Khojaly by indiscriminate Armenian gunfire and
[...] other brutal acts by invading troops.
叛国集团以此为借口接连开展大型联合海上演习,并使美帝国主 侵略军的 核 动力航空母舰战队驶入朝鲜西海的狭窄水域。
The group staged big joint naval exercises one after another under that pretext and introduced the
nuclear carrier flotilla of the United
[...] States imperialist aggression forces into the [...]
narrow waters of the West Sea of Korea.
此外,大众媒体报道中载有亚美尼 侵略军 开 枪 滥杀霍贾里居民和保卫者以 及犯下其他暴行的骇人听闻的报告(更多信息可见 E/CN.4/2002/151 号文件)。
In addition, mass media outlets contained horrifying reports about the killing of the residents and defenders of Khojaly by indiscriminate Armenian gunfire and other brutal acts by invading troops (more information is available in document E/CN.4/2002/151).
毫无疑问,犹太复国主义者通过无端 指控恐怖主义和伊朗的核项目,再一次荒谬地企图滥
[...] 使人不再注意他们犯下的一长串阴暗罪行和暴行:占 领侵略、军国主义、国家恐怖主义及危害人类罪, 这 些罪行和暴 [...]
行 都 反 映 在 戈 德斯通报 告 (A/HRC/12/48)和马尔马拉事件的调查报告中。
It is no wonder that, by levelling baseless allegations with regard to terrorism and Iran’s nuclear programme, the Zionist regime has preposterously attempted, once again, to misuse the main debate at this Chamber and to deflect attention from its long and dark
catalogue of crimes and atrocities, such
[...] as occupation, aggression, militarism, State terrorism [...]
and crimes against humanity, as
reflected in the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48) and the report on the Marmara incident.
美帝国主义误导公众舆论,宣称该集团的军事挑衅为“合法炮击行为”,目 的是使双方之间的军事冲突成为既成事实,并使驻南朝鲜的美 侵略军 能 够 随时 准备参战。
The United States imperialists misled public opinion by advertising the military provocation of the group as a “legitimate shelling exercise” in a bid to make the military conflict between the
two sides a fait accompli and get
[...] the United States aggression forces in south Korea [...]
fully ready to involve themselves in it.
欧洲人权法院后来得 出一个重要结论,将亚美尼侵略军 对 阿 塞拜疆平民所犯的罪行,定性为相当于 战争罪或危害人类罪的严重罪行。
The European Court of Human Rights later arrived at an
important conclusion qualifying the
[...] offences of the invading Armenian military forces against [...]
Azerbaijani civilians as acts
of particular gravity that could amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity.
之后,美帝国主义派遣 10 000 多名美帝国主侵略军、一 个核动力航母舰 队以及 150 [...]
多架战斗机到日本冲绳附近水域,与日本“自卫队”的 34 000 名军 人、40 艘军舰和 250 架飞机协作开展了最大规模的联合军事演习,他们甚至还邀
In succession they sent more than 10,000 troops of the United
[...] States imperialist aggression forces, a nuclear [...]
carrier flotilla and over 150 fighters
to the waters off Okinawa in Japan to stage the largest-ever joint military exercises in coordinated operations with 34,000 troops of the “Self-Defence Forces” of Japan, 40 warships and 250 planes.
南朝鲜叛徒李明博把美帝国主 侵略军 无 限期地在南朝鲜驻扎作为主要目 标,毫不犹豫地开展了令人唾弃的变节行为,“加强了与美国的联盟”。
After setting it as the primary target to keep the United
[...] States imperialist aggression forces in south Korea [...]
for an indefinite period, traitor Lee
Myung-bak of south Korea did not hesitate to commit the thrice-cursed treachery to “tighten the alliance” with the United States.
[...] 妄图使联合国和国际社会的视线偏离该政权不遵守安全理事会决议的无可比拟 的记录以及长长一系列不可告人的罪行和暴行,例如占领 侵略 、 军 国 主 义、国 家恐怖主义和危害人类罪。
It is no wonder that by making inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against Iran’s nuclear programme, the Zionist regime has preposterously attempted to deflect the attention of the United Nations and the international community from its unparalleled record of non-compliance with Security Council resolutions and its long and dark
catalogue of crimes and atrocities such
[...] as occupation, aggression, militarism, state-terrorism, [...]
and crimes against humanity.
长期以来推动在美国、日本和南朝鲜之间打造军事联盟三角的目的是,一旦 朝鲜半岛出现“紧急”情况,不仅可以动用美帝国主 侵略军 , 而 且可以动用日 本自卫队,从而在军事上控制该区域。
The moves to knock into shape a triangular military alliance involving the United States, Japan and south Korea, which had been
pushed forward from long
[...] ago, are aimed to militarily dominate the region by mobilizing not only the United States imperialist aggression forces but the [...]
Special Defence Forces
of Japan in case of “contingency” on the Korean Peninsula.
这一界限是美帝国主侵略军总司令克拉克为表现美国的伪善,单边划定的 “阻止前往北方的最终界限”和“限制船只前往北方的界限”。
The line is the “final line for blocking the way to the north” and the “limit line for banning the sailing of boats to the north” unilaterally drawn by Clark, commander of the United States imperialist aggression forces, to meet the United States self-righteous interests.
根据这项政策,以色列官员根本不回应世界舆论 对以色列政权不遵守一切人道主义和人权原则的空
[...] 前记录和历来罄竹难书的罪行和暴行的指责,包括它 犯下的占领侵略、军国主 义、国家恐怖主义和危害 人类罪,而却总是对其他国家发表煽动性的言论或提 [...]
In line with this policy, Israeli officials, instead of answering to world public opinion for their unparalleled record of non-compliance with all humanitarian and human rights principles and their long and dark
history of crimes and atrocities,
[...] including occupation, aggression, militarism, State terrorism [...]
and crimes against humanity, have
always made inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against other countries.
[...] 时,国际社会关注的是披着“联合国军司令部”外衣驻扎在南朝鲜的美帝国主侵略军的一举一动。
When the group of traitors perpetrated shelling from the Yonphyong Island one after another despite strong protest and denunciation at home and abroad, the attention of the world was
focused on every movement of the United
[...] States imperialist aggression forces present [...]
in south Korea under the mask of the “United Nations Command”.
不能允许某些国家在安理会上重复以色列 的谎言,即使他们这样做的用心良好,即以色列侵犯
[...] 巴勒斯坦人是依照《宪章》第五十一条规定行使自卫, 因为该条规定不适用用武力占领其他国家土地而且 已经占领了几十年侵略军。
It is not permissible for some, even with good intentions, to repeat in this Chamber Israel’s lie that its aggression against the Palestinians is in selfdefence, in application of Article 51
of the Charter, because that Article
[...] does not apply to invading forces that forcibly [...]
occupy others’ lands and have done so for decades.
众所周知,“北方界限”是驻扎在南朝鲜的美帝国主 侵略军 打 着“联合国 军”的旗号,在不可侵犯的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国水域内单边划定的一条强盗 [...]
It is well known to the world that the “northern limit
line” is a brigandish line unilaterally
[...] drawn inside the inviolable waters of the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea by the
United States imperialist aggression forces present in south Korea under the berets of the “United Nations forces”.
[...] 认为,该草案达到了我们的最低要求,包括立即停火、 撤出以色侵略军、开放过境点以及保证提供人道主义 援助。因此,我们对第 [...]
We therefore voted in favour of resolution 1860 (2009).
为此,1954 年 6 月美国蓄意中断了朝鲜问题日内瓦和会,并逐步违反并废除 了《朝鲜停战协定》的重要规定,向朝鲜南方输入包括核武器在内的现代军事设 备,并加紧开侵略性军事演习。
Accordingly, the United States intentionally broke off the Geneva conference on the peaceful resolution of the Korean issue in June 1954 and violated and nullified the key provisions of the Korean Armistice Agreement
step by step by
[...] introducing modern military equipment, including nuclear weapons, into south Korea and by stepping up aggressive military exercises.
这次交付我们的任务对于伊拉克有着极 大的象征意义,因为这是伊拉克自 1991 年以来首次 担任一个裁军实体的主席,当时由于前政权推侵 略性军备政 策并将其用来危害非武装的伊拉克人及 其邻国,我国遭到根据《联合国宪章》第七章实施 的制裁。
The task entrusted to us at this time has great symbolism for Iraq, given that Iraq is assuming the chairmanship of a disarmament entity for the first time since 1991, when it was subject to sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations owing to the aggressive armament policies adopted by the former regime and used against unarmed Iraqis and their neighbours.
随信附上不结盟国家运动协调局今天就以色列对加沙地带 军 事 侵略 进一 步升级一事发表的声明(见附件)。
I attach herewith a copy of the statement made today by the Coordinating
Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement concerning the
[...] escalation of Israel’s military attack on the Gaza [...]
Strip (see annex).
古巴主张不同文化和文明之间开展对话,并严词拒绝所谓“文明冲突”的陈 旧借口,因为这一借口被用于为威胁到各国人民之间和平的、富 侵略 性 的 军国 主义开释。
Cuba advocates dialogue among cultures and civilizations and the vigorous rejection of the stale pretext of the
so-called “clash of civilizations”, which is used to
[...] justify an aggressive militarism that threatens peace [...]
among peoples.
随信附上不结盟国家运动协调局今天对以色列不遵守安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议以及以色列对加紧对加沙地带 军 事 侵略 一 事发表的声明(见 附件)。
Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, with respect to the non-compliance by Israel of Security
Council resolution 1860 (2009) and the
[...] escalation of the military aggression by Israel against [...]
the Gaza Strip (see annex).
大会第六十四届会议表示深为关切外国军事干预和占领的行为或威胁持续 不断,可能压制或已经压制人民和民族自决的权利;重申普遍实现所有人民,包
[...] 维护和促进这种权利的一个基本条件;请人权理事会继续对外 军 事 干预 、 侵略 或占 领导致人权特别是自决权利受到侵害的情况给予特别注意;请秘书长就此问 [...]
题向大会第六十五届会议提出报告(第 64/149 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, deeply concerned at the continuation of acts or threats of foreign military intervention and occupation that were threatening to suppress, or had already suppressed, the right to self-determination of peoples and nations, reaffirmed that the universal realization of the right of all peoples, including those under colonial, foreign and alien domination, to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights and for the preservation and promotion of such rights; requested the Human
Rights Council to continue to give
[...] special attention to the violation of human rights, especially [...]
the right to self-determination,
resulting from foreign military intervention, aggression or occupation, and requested the Secretary-General to report on the question to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 64/149).
代表身份重申,我们严重关切巴勒斯坦平民人口面临 的严重的人道和安全局势,这是以色列占领巴勒斯坦 领土,阻止提供人道主义援助、粮食、药物、燃料和
[...] 建筑材料,大规模破坏巴勒斯坦公有和私有基础设 施,继续发军事侵略,以 及继续造成数以千计的巴 勒斯坦平民、包括无辜妇女与儿童伤亡的直接结果。
Without prejudice to that, in its national capacity, my delegation wishes to reiterate its great concern at the serious humanitarian and security situation to which the Palestinian civilian population finds itself subjected as a direct result of the occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel, the blockade on the provision of humanitarian assistance, food, medicine, fuel and construction materials, the widespread destruction of public and
private infrastructure in
[...] Palestine and the ongoing military aggression that continues [...]
to raise the toll of thousands of
dead and wounded Palestinian civilians, including innocent women and children.
以上所述进一步证明,20 世纪 90 年代以来,俄罗斯联邦一直在努力破坏格
[...] 鲁吉亚的国家地位,夺取和吞并其组成部分,实施多项族裔清洗政策,并在 2008 年最终对格鲁吉亚不可分割领土进行了全 军 事 侵略 和 占 领。
The aforesaid provides further proof that since the 1990s the Russian Federation has been consistent in its efforts to destroy Georgian statehood, seize and annex its integral parts and carry out a policy of multiple
ethnic cleansing, which in 2008
[...] culminated in full-scale military aggression and occupation [...]
of Georgia’s inalienable territories.
约旦呼吁国际社会履行其在武装冲突中保护平 民的责任和义务,包括敦促以色列立即执行第 1860(2009)号决议,该决议中要求立即停火,导致以
[...] 色列军队完全撤出加沙,并保证国际社会为加沙人民 提供充分保护,使其免遭以色军事 侵略 的 危 害。
Jordan calls on the international community to uphold its responsibilities and obligations in protecting civilians in armed conflict, including by calling upon Israel to immediately implement resolution 1860 (2009), which calls for an immediate ceasefire that would lead to a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and
guarantee the full protection of the international community for the people of Gaza
[...] against the Israeli military aggression.
大会请人权理事会继续对外军事 干预 、 侵略 或占 领导致人权特别是自决权利受到侵害的情况给予特别注意,请秘书长就此问 [...]
题向大会第六十六届会议提出报告(第 65/201 号决议)。
The Assembly requested the Human
Rights Council to continue to give
[...] special attention to violations of human rights, especially [...]
the right to self-determination,
resulting from foreign intervention, aggression or occupation, and requested the Secretary-General to report on the question to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/201).
不结盟运动重申,以色列对加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民进行的这一令人无法接受军事侵略严重 违反了国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,助长了暴力循环,威 胁国际和平与安全,并威胁双方之间脆弱的和平进程。
NAM reiterates that this unacceptable Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip constitutes a grave breach of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, fuels the cycle of violence and threatens international peace and security as well as the fragile peace process between the two sides.
不结盟运动重申,以色列对加沙地带的巴勒斯坦平民发动的这一残 军 事侵 略严重 违反了国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,给巴勒斯坦平民带来巨大痛苦, [...]
The Non-Aligned Movement reiterates that
[...] this brutal Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian [...]
civilian population in the
Gaza Strip constitutes a grave breach of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, and is causing considerable suffering among the Palestinian civilian population, fuelling the cycle of violence and threatening international peace and security as well as the fragile peace process between the two sides.
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当的略 以 打击 准 军 事 组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民免受其实施的有组织暴 侵 害 ; 并建议安全部队加 强努力,坚定且毫不含糊地预防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任何牵连,不能对其采取容忍或默许态度。
(c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations, by implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups




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