单词 | 侵权者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 侵权者 noun —violator nSee also:侵权 pl—violations pl • infringements pl 侵权 v—violate v • infringe v 侵权—infringe the rights of 侵—invade • approach • encroach
然 而,一些令人严重关切的问题仍存在,尤其是过去曾犯有一系列施虐行为 的 侵权 者,和 竞选期间犯下的无数侵犯人权行为仍未受到问责追究。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, serious concerns remain, in [...] particular, regarding the [...] impunity for the perpetrators of serious past abuses and the numerous human rights violations [...]committed during the electoral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
为保证法律的确定性,提交不正确或不完全的信息,不对已授权专利的有 效性或针对专利侵权者的可强制执行性产生任何效力。 wipo.int | For reasons of legal certainty, the submission of incorrect or incomplete [...] information should not have any effect on the validity of the granted patent or on its [...] enforceability against patent infringers. wipo.int |
这种作用不应当局限 于揭露侵权者,而是应当主要帮助克服缺点和执行普 遍标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | That role should not be restricted to [...] pointing out the violators, but should mainly [...]help overcome shortfalls and implement universal standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
据报告, 侵犯人权的行为普遍泛滥,安全部队的侵权行为尤甚,然而,这些被控 的 侵权者 却逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | It reported widespread human rights violations, committed in particular by the security forces, and the impunity of their presumed perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
对这些权利的任何侵犯,不管侵权者 的 肤 色、种 族、宗教或政治信仰为何,都是绝对不可接受的,尤 [...] 其是在武装冲突中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any violations of those rights, regardless of [...] the colour, race, religion or political affiliation of those who commit them, [...]have become absolutely unacceptable, particular during armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
但首先要做的是把侵权网站上你的作品 打印下来(日期应可见),这样 侵权者 就 不 能把作品删除,然后装做 什么也没发生。 wipo.int | First of all, however, print out [...] a copy of your [...] material in the infringing site (with the date visible) so that the infringer cannot simply [...]delete the material [...]and pretend that nothing happened. wipo.int |
社会运动提出了具体的要求:重新取得自然资源的拥有权,因此人人可以从自然 资源的开发中获益;为建立一个新的更具包容性和参与性国家奠定基础; 将 侵权 者和腐败分子绳之以法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The social movements presented specific demands: to regain ownership of natural resources so that everyone could benefit from their exploitation; to establish the basis for a new and more [...] inclusive and participatory State; and to bring [...] to justice the perpetrators of human rights abuses and acts of [...]corruption. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果用了版权提示和保护措施,但仍发现别人未经允许使用自己的作 品,那么应当与侵权者联系。 wipo.int | If despite your copyright notices and protection measures you find that your works are used without your permission, [...] you should contact the infringer. wipo.int |
换言之,各 [...] 国应防止在其管辖范围内维权者的权利受到侵犯,为此采取法律、司法、行政及 一切其他措施,确保维权者充分享受权利;调查指控的侵权行为;起诉指控 的侵 权者;以及向维权者提供救济和赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other words, States should prevent violations of the rights of defenders under their jurisdiction by taking legal, judicial, administrative and all other measures to ensure the full enjoyment by defenders of [...] their rights; [...] investigating alleged violations; prosecuting alleged perpetrators; and providing [...]defenders with remedies and reparation. daccess-ods.un.org |
保护 和安全状况脆弱,同时国家和非国家行 为 者侵 犯 人 权维护者和记者人权的行为不 受惩罚,再加上有时国家行为者与 侵权者 直 接 相互勾结。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fragile protection and security situation is [...] compounded by the culture of [...] impunity for violations committed against human rights defenders and journalists by both State and non-State actors, and in some cases by allegations of State actors colluding directly with perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
法院还要考虑侵权者是否消除了歧视 环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | A court will also take into [...] account whether the violator has eliminated [...]the discriminating circumstances or not. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后可以要求侵权者1)立即从网站上 删除你的版权作品,2)注明你是作品的作者,同时/或者3)为作品在 [...] 网站上的使用支付使用费。 wipo.int | You may then ask the infringer to 1) remove your [...] copyrighted material from the website immediately, 2) credit you as the [...]author of the material, and / or 3) pay you a royalty for the inclusion of this work on the website. wipo.int |
我们呼吁所有屡次侵权者制定并执行 一项可最终导致其被除名的行动计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call on [...] all persistent violators to develop and [...]implement an action plan that may eventually lead to their de-listing. daccess-ods.un.org |
最终需要牢记的是,每个潜在的发明者同时也是一个潜在 的 侵权者。 iprcommission.org | Ultimately it is important to bear in mind that every potential inventor is [...] also a potential infringer. iprcommission.org |
关切地注意到据报仍有侵犯人权和国际人道主义法的行为,包括暴力或 [...] 歧视性习俗,侵害在族裔和宗教上属于少数的人,以及对妇女和儿童尤其是女童 侵害,强调需要宣传容忍精神和《阿富汗宪法》保障的宗教自由,强调有必要对 [...] 有关目前和过去侵害行为的指控予以调查,必须协助为受害人提供充分有效的补 偿,并根据国内法和国际法,将 侵权者 绳 之 以法 daccess-ods.un.org | Notes with concern reports of continued violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, including violent or discriminatory practices, violations committed against persons belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, as well as violations committed against women and children, in particular girls, stresses the need to promote tolerance and religious freedom, as guaranteed by the Afghan Constitution, emphasizes the necessity of investigating allegations of current and past violations, and stresses the importance of facilitating the provision of efficient and [...] effective remedies to the victims and [...] of bringing the perpetrators to justice in accordance [...]with national and international law daccess-ods.un.org |
该《法》并建立了一套制度,据此对老年人的侵害得到调查并记录,以期禁 止侵权者在老 年人的居住设置或社区护理机构内行动或受雇用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Act also establishes a [...] system in which abusers of older persons are [...]investigated and registered with a view to prohibiting them from operating or being employed [...]in a residential facility or communitybased care for older persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些成员反对秘书长在其年度报告 (同上)附件二中列出安理会所审议局势之外 的 侵权者 名 单。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some members objected to the Secretary-General’s practice of listing in annex II of his [...] annual report (ibid.) violators in situations not [...]on the agenda of the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
给侵权者规定 一个时限,要求在此之前必 须给你答复并执行你的要求。 wipo.int | Give the infringer a deadline to [...] reply to your message and do what you requested with your work. wipo.int |
虽然政府对自己的安全部队的侵权行为采取了“零容忍”政策, 但包括军队高级军官和警官在内的 侵权者 警 察 逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Government has adopted a zero-tolerance [...] policy regarding violations by its own security forces, perpetrators, including [...]senior army and police [...]officials, frequently go unpunished. daccess-ods.un.org |
知识产权律师通常是向您介绍 在本国对仿制者、侵权者和假冒者 采取法律行动有哪些可能性, 并为您 [...] 提出如何解决任何争议的咨询意见 的合适人选。 wipo.int | An IP lawyer would normally be the competent person to give you information about the [...] possibilities in your country to take [...] legal action against imitators, infringers and [...]counterfeiters and provide you with advice [...]on how to settle any dispute. sought. wipo.int |
在其 9 月 2 日的信中(参见上文第 10 段),政府说在内政部长领导下的人权 机构成立了一个调查组,一旦公民提出报告,就对侵犯人权行为进行调查,并对 侵权者采取惩罚性措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its letter of 2 September (see para. 10 above), the Government stated that the Human Rights Body under the chairmanship of the Minister of Home Affairs had established an [...] investigation team to [...] investigate human rights violations whenever they were lodged by citizens and to take punitive action against violators. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 命令自由军成员遵守这些承诺,并对自由军内 部 侵权者 追 究 责任 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Instruct FSA members to abide by these [...] commitments and hold perpetrators of abuses within their [...]ranks accountable daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,许多人不懂版权法,因此 侵权者 有 可 能根本不知道未经允 许张贴你的作品是违法的。 wipo.int | Unfortunately, many people are unaware [...] of copyright laws so there is a chance that the infringer doesn’t even [...]know that posting your [...]work without your permission is illegal. wipo.int |
为此 走访了各社区,收集侵权者和受 害者资料,并提出概念和汇集各项投入,以便制 定更好的公共政策和消除这一罪恶 daccess-ods.un.org | Visits to communities are [...] conducted, data on perpetrators and victims is [...]collected, theories are formulated and inputs are collected [...]in order to design better public policies and to combat this problem daccess-ods.un.org |
否 则,你可以找一位律师,发一封法律强制力更强的警告函,甚至起诉 侵权者。 wipo.int | If this is not the case, you may wish to hire a lawyer to send a more legally constraining “Cease and Desist” letter and [...] eventually sue the infringer. wipo.int |
如果侵权现象 继续存在, 可能需要对侵权者采取法 律行动。 wipo.int | If the infringement persists, it may be necessary to take legal action against the infringer. wipo.int |
敦促刚果民主共和国政府在国际社会的支持下加倍努力,加速结束所有 侵犯人权的行为,并将侵权者绳之以法 daccess-ods.un.org | Urges the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to redouble its efforts, with the support of the [...] international community, to expeditiously put an [...] end to all violations of human rights and bring the perpetrators to justice daccess-ods.un.org |
例如它指出,由内 政部长担任主席的缅甸人权机构设立了一个小组,负责在凡是有公民提出对侵犯 人权行为的指控时对之进行调查,并 对 侵权者 采 取 惩罚行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, it stated that the Myanmar Human Rights Body under the Chairmanship of the Minister of Home Affairs had [...] established a team to [...] investigate human rights violations whenever they were lodged by citizens and to take punitive actions against violators. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果国家没有采取预防措施,或者这些措施不足以防止非国家行 为 者侵 犯维 权者的权 利,国家就应迅速开展公正和彻底的调查,起诉指称 的 侵权者 , 并 向受 害者提供赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whenever States have not taken preventive measures, or when such measures have not proved [...] sufficient to prevent the [...] commission of violations of the rights of defenders by non-State actors, the State should carry out prompt, impartial and thorough investigations, prosecute the alleged perpetrators and provide the [...]victim with reparations. daccess-ods.un.org |