

单词 侵吞罪

See also:


swallow (up)



swallow v


sin n
guilt n
sinner n
fault n
guild n

External sources (not reviewed)

(2) 被指控行为不构成他们被罪的 侵吞罪。
(2) The alleged acts do not
[...] constitute the offence of peculation for which they were convicted.
[...] 日到期。然而,最高法院在2007年4月20 日驳回上诉的裁 决中仅指出上诉时限已过,没有论 侵吞罪 的 法 定期限。
Nevertheless the Supreme Court, in rejecting the appeal in cassation by decision dated 20 April 2007, stated only that the
time limit had expired for part of the appeal, without addressing the prescription
[...] period for the offence of peculation.
哥伦比亚刑法》侵吞罪 定为 “公职人员实施的、为自己或第三方谋利而挪用属于国家或国家拥有利益的 企业或机构的资产、或辅税资产或基金、或属于个人但其管理或监管已经托付有 关主管官员的资产”。
Peculation (peculado) is defined in the Criminal Code of Colombia as an offence committed by a [...]
“public official who appropriates
for his own profit or that of a third party assets belonging to the State or to enterprises or institutions in which the State maintains an interest, or parafiscal assets or funds, or assets belonging to individuals the administration or custody of which have been entrusted to the official concerned by virtue of his functions”.
[...] 证据方面违规、不顾《刑法》定义不涵盖他们被控的行为而裁定他们犯 侵吞 罪、以及计算法定犯罪时期有误。
6.4 The authors allege that they were victims of violations of their right to due process on the grounds that the judicial bodies that tried them: committed irregularities in the appreciation of evidence; convicted them of the offence of peculation, when the definition given in the Criminal Code did
not correspond to the acts of which they were accused; and erred in calculating the
[...] prescription period for that offence.
1999年10月,D. 与其兄弟B. 及同一家公司的一名副总裁签订了一项非法 协议,开侵吞他人资产的罪活动 ,使公共利益蒙受了巨大的物质损失。
From October 1999, he entered into a criminal arrangement with his brother, B. and a Deputy
Chairman of the same
[...] company, and committed crimes relating to misappropriation of property of [...]
others, causing material
damage to public interests in especially important amount.
不过,多部联邦法 律可用于涵盖涉及私营部侵吞财产 行为的多种情况,而私营实 侵吞 财 产的 行为主要根据各州立法进行刑事罪。
However, various federal laws can be used to cover
many situations
[...] involving embezzlement in the private sector, while embezzlement from a private entity is primarily criminalized under state legislation.
他強調,私營安老院舍無侵吞當局 額外發放的款項或使 用有關款項以資助院舍宿費。
He stressed that private homes for the elderly had no right to pocket the additional payments or use the money to subsidize the home fees.
刑法典未将私营部侵吞财产犯罪规 定 为一项单 独的犯罪,而是比照公共部侵吞财产的相关条文加以起诉,同时考虑到作为 在刑法典第 93 条含义内公职人员的人的能力以及被侵吞财产的非公共性质。
The offence of embezzlement of property in the private sector is not stipulated as a separate crime in the Criminal Code, but prosecuted by analogy on the basis of the corresponding provisions on the embezzlement of property [...]
in the public sector,
taking into account the capacity of the person as an official in the meaning of Article 93 of the Criminal Code, as well as the non-public nature of the embezzled property.
有证据 表明,经济趋势侵占性犯罪有着 密切的联系,在经济紧张的情况下,这类犯 罪的犯罪率可能会上升。
There is evidence suggesting that economic trends have a close link with acquisitive crimes, whose levels can increase in situations of economic stress.
各締約國均應當考慮採取必要的立法和其他措施,將經濟、金融或 商業活動中下述故意實施的行為規定為 罪 ︰ 以 任何身份領導私營部門實 體或 在該實體中工作的人侵吞其因 職務而受託的任何財產、私人資金 、私人證券或 其他任何貴重物品。
Each State Party shall consider adopting such
legislative and other
[...] measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence, when committed intentionally in the course of economic, [...]
financial or commercial
activities, embezzlement by a person who directs or works, in any capacity, in a private sector entity of any property, private funds or securities or any other thing of value entrusted to him or her by virtue of his or her position.
刑法》第 202 条对公职人员贪污、挪用或以其他形式转移财产部分 罪 ,提侵吞、转 移、挪用或挥霍公共资金或相当财产,或因履行其职务或与履行 [...]
其职务有关而占有物件、证券、契约或动产的国家、地方当局、公共机构或国 家或其他公共管理机构在其中拥有利益的公司的任何官员或职员或较一般而言
根据公法成立的某一法律实体的任何代理人或官员”,但未提及其他个人或实体 从这些非法行为获取的利益。
Article 202 of the
[...] Criminal Code partly criminalizes the embezzlement, misappropriation or other [...]
diversion of property by
a public official, referring to “any official or agent of the State, of a local authority, public institution or company in which the State or another public authority has acquired an interest or, more generally, any agent or official of a legal entity under public law who has embezzled, removed, misappropriated or dissipated public funds or equivalent effects, or items, securities, deeds or movable property that were in his or her possession by reason of, or in connection with, the performance of his or her duties” but not to the benefit derived from such illicit acts for another person or entity.
就《公约》第 22 条(私营部门内侵吞财产),审议组指出了一种良好做法, 那就是圣多美和普林西比对贪污的处罚会随着所贪污财产的价值增加而加重, 同时还会根据接受这些财产的罪分 子 所在的职位而进一步加重。
A good practice noted by the review,
regarding article 22 of the
[...] Convention (Embezzlement of property in the private sector) was that Sao Tome and Principe’s penalties for embezzlement would be aggravated according to the value of the embezzled asset and further aggravated according to in what capacity the offender received these assets.
商业法》第 L.241-3 条和第 L.242- 6 条(滥用公司财产)和《刑法》第 314-1 条(违反信托)涉及私 营部门中侵吞财产
Embezzlement of property in the private sector is covered by articles L.241-3 and L.242-6 of the Commercial Code (abuse of company property) and article 314-1 of the Penal Code (breach of trust).
小学未毕业者、被剥夺公民权者、未依法服兵役者、被剥夺公共服务资格者、曾因过 罪 以 外 的 罪 名 被 判处1年及以上有期徒刑和重刑者;因贪污 侵吞 公 款 、作弊、受贿、盗窃、诈骗、造假、滥用宗教和欺诈性破产等不名 罪 行 , 以及走私、政府采购舞弊、泄露国家机密、参与恐怖活动及煽动、鼓励此类行为等罪行中任意一种而获刑者,即便获赦,也不得参选议员。
Persons who have not completed their primary education; who have been deprived of legal capacity; who have not performed compulsory military service; who are banned from public service; who have been sentenced to a prison term totaling
one year or more
[...] excluding involuntary offences, or to a long imprisonment; those who have been convicted of  dishonorable offences, such as embezzlement, corruption, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, breach of trust, or fraudulent bankruptcy; and persons convicted of smuggling, conspiracy in official bidding or purchasing; of offences related to the disclosure [...]
of state secrets;
of involvement in acts of terrorism, or incitement and encouragement of such activities, shall not be elected as a  deputy even if they have been granted amnesty.
会员国应开展国际法律合作,以此保证和加强互联网安全以及对国际 法的遵行,尤其是通过签署、批准和确保有效实施《网络犯罪公约》及其 《关于宣告利用计算机系统犯下的种族主义或仇外行为为犯罪行为的附加议
[...] 定书》,从而能够实施旨在保护社会免遭网络 罪侵 害 的共同刑事政策和协 调战略。
Member States should engage in international legal cooperation as a means of developing and strengthening security on the Internet and observance of international law, in particular by signing, ratifying and ensuring effective application of the Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol concerning the criminalization of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems, in order to be
able to implement a common criminal policy and coordinate strategies aimed at the
[...] protection of society against cybercrime.
本智庫認為,樓面面積寬免優惠若被私人發展 侵吞 以 謀 取利益,便應予以取 消;停車場便是一個好例子。
The Professional Commons holds the view that GFA concessions which would be abused by property developers to reap excessive benefits should be scrapped, for instance, car parks.
尽管国际社会、联合国和所有爱好和平的国家都在敦促以色列恢复和谈,并 响应要求,执行呼吁它从所有阿拉伯被占领土撤退到 1967 年 6 月 4 日分界线的 各项国际决议,但以色列政府继续让驻阿拉伯叙利亚戈兰的以色列占领军进行犯 法活动,并进一步奉行通过武力夺取领土来造成既成事实的政策,从而展开了一 项在被占领的阿拉伯叙利亚戈侵吞 更 多 的叙利亚领土并将其犹太化的计划。
Even as the international community, the United Nations and all peace-loving States are urging Israel to resume peace talks and respond to demands to implement international resolutions calling for its withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories to the lines of 4 June 1967, the Israeli Government, in continuation of the violations being carried out by the Israeli occupation forces in the Syrian Arab Golan, and in further implementation of its policy of fait accompli through the seizure of territory by force, has embarked on a plan to appropriate and Judaize even more Syrian territory in the occupied Syrian Arab Golan.
這項規定旨在防止僱侵吞計劃 的資產。
The intention is to prevent the scheme assets from being siphoned off by the employer.
在订正决议草案 E/CN.7/2010/L.9/Rev.1 执行部分第 3 段,麻醉药品委员会 将促请有关国际组织包括国际麻醉品管制局、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室和 世界卫生组织收集信息,进一步分析借助药物实施 侵 犯 或 其他 罪 行 为 这一 现象,以便在适当考虑到各国的举措和法律规定的情况下,拟订共同定义和标 准,特别是进行法医分析以查明侵 犯 或 其他 罪 行 为 中曾使用精神药物的国 际准则。
In operative paragraph 3 of revised draft resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.9/Rev.1, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs would urge the relevant international organizations, including the International Narcotics Control Board, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Health Organization, to gather information and further analyse the
phenomenon of
[...] drug-facilitated sexual assault or other criminal acts, with a view to developing common definitions and standards, in particular international guidelines for forensic analyses to identify the presence of psychoactive substances used in connection with sexual assault or other criminal [...]
acts, with due regard for States’
initiatives and legal provisions.
这种不严谨的做法不仅使人怀疑本地账目记录的真 实性,而且尤其对所涉项目产生了不容忽视的诈骗 侵吞 和 浪 费风险。
Such a lack of rigour not only casts doubt on the sincerity of local accounting records but
also, and above all, poses a non-negligible
[...] risk of fraud, embezzlement and, at best, [...]
wastage in the projects concerned.
(c) 索马里境内不稳定和不可预测的安全局势给确切说 侵 犯 行 为和罪 者的 情况造成了困难;关于每种侵犯行为的数字并不能代表索马里儿童所受侵害 [...]
(c) The precarious and unpredictable security situation in Somalia presented a
challenge to the provision of a
[...] definitive account of violations and perpetrators; hence the [...]
total figures provided on each violation
were not representative of the scale and scope of violations committed against Somali children.
Yangi zamon 合资企业的10 家面包厂产
[...] 品的销售收入转移到不同银行账户,用于购买原材料,原材料后来被出售, A. 利用假造文侵吞了这笔资金。
4.5 During 1998-2000, A. had also transferred the income from the sales of the products of ten bakeries belonging to “Yangi zamon” joint-venture, the funds were transferred to different bank
accounts and were used to acquire raw materials which were later sold and
[...] the money was misappropriated using false documents.
更令我慶幸的,是從工作中學到了做人做事的道理,人生得以有個正確 的開始,不致墮落於社會邊緣之外, 罪 惡 黑 暗 吞 噬。
I managed to make a right start for my life, refrained from falling off the brink of
[...] society into the darkness of crime.
Karemera 和 Ngirumpatse 被判 定犯有灭绝种族罪和直接公开煽动实施灭绝种族罪、灭绝罪和强奸及性攻 罪等 危害人罪,和造成暴侵害生 命、健康或身心福祉的谋杀罪,构成严重违反《日 内瓦四公约》及其《第二号附加议定书》共同第 3 条。
Karemera and Ngirumpatse were convicted of genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide,
extermination and rapes and
[...] sexual assaults as crimes against humanity, and murder as causing violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being as serious violations of article [...]
3 common to the Geneva
Conventions and Additional Protocol II.
诉澳大利亚一案的裁决强调,法律将同性恋活动 罪侵 犯 了 国际公认的 隐私权和不歧视权利,迫使边缘化群体走入地下,妨碍了采取措施防治艾滋病毒 [...]
It referred to the Human Rights Committee’s ruling in the case of Toonen v.
Australia, underlining the
[...] fact that laws criminalizing same-sex conduct violated the international [...]
rights to privacy and
non-discrimination, and impeded measures to address HIV and AIDS by driving marginalized communities underground.
2004年9月24 日裁定 提交人是严重欺罪的从犯与侵吞为 第 三方利益的拨款、歪曲司法和为某官员提 供虚假信息和伪造公文的主犯。
The case was heard, however, by the first of the courts mentioned above, which on 24
September 2004 found
[...] the authors guilty of being accessories in the offence of aggravated fraud and principals in the offences of peculation by appropriation [...]
for the benefit
of third parties, of perversion of the course of justice, and providing false information in and forging of a public document on the part of an official.
联合国必须按照谅解备忘录的最新修订履 行其责任,不仅包括在性剥削和性虐待方面的责任, 也包括在其罪行或者侵略行为和 罪 方 面 的责 任。
The United Nations must fulfil its responsibilities, not only with regard to sexual exploitation and
abuse, but also with
[...] regard to other offences or acts of aggression and crimes, in line with recent [...]
amendments to the memorandums of understanding.
社會福利署署長(下稱"社署署長")補充,香港安 老服務協會亦十分關注此事,並已提醒其會員不 侵吞 當 局額 外發放予長者的綜援金。
The Director of Social Welfare (DSW) added that the Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong was also very concerned about the matter and had reminded its members not to pocket the additional CSSA payments to be given to the elderly.
[...] ㆒些措施,確保供款不會不翼而飛、或因欺詐行為而 侵吞 , 以及如果此等情況真的 不幸發生,亦應確保承擔經濟損失的責任不會完全落在供款者身㆖。
While I do not think the Government should be responsible for bad investment decisions of the operators of retirement schemes, it ought to devise some
means to ensure that the money would not
[...] disappear or be eroded because of frauds [...]
and if unfortunately, this ever happened,
the burden of the financial loss would not fall entirely on the contributors of the money.
(2009 年)《打击将犯罪活动所得合法化以及资助恐怖主义法》的目的是保护
[...] 公民、社会和国家的权利和合法利益以及土库曼斯坦金融系统的完整性免遭罪 侵害。
The Act to combat the legalization of income derived from criminal activity and the financing of terrorism (2009) is designed to protect the rights and legal interests of
citizens, society and the State as well as the integrity of Turkmenistan’s
[...] financial system from criminal encroachments.




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