单词 | 侵入家宅者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 侵入家宅者—housebreakerburglarSee also:入侵者—intruder 入侵者n—invadern 侵入n—intrusionn ingressn 侵入者—intruder invader
侵入民宅,特别是在夜 间,由男人搜查女人住所,损害妇女的荣誉等对整个家庭的声誉和未来都会产生 不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Invasion ofpeople’s homes, especially at night, searching of women’s quarters by men and violating the honour of women negatively effects the reputation and future of theentire family. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员指出,即使侵犯适足住宅权的是非国家行为者,国家也应当改善这 一状况,或直接干预,或间接调控。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, even where thatright was violated by non-State actors, States had a duty to [...] remedy the situation either through [...]direct intervention or through regulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于土着人民、暴力受害者和 以往的侵权行为,以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditionsof indigenous peoples, victimsof violence and past abuses, and the institutional promotion of human rights in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,有委员指出,必须认识到,有时可以援引豁免来避免对一国内部事 务的严重侵入,何况是官员所属国本身希望调查,并在正当的情况下起诉本国官 员,或者国家想尽快援引豁免,以免其官员陷入过分的尴尬或者痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted, however, that it had to be recognized that there were times when immunity may be [...] invoked to avoid the [...] possibility of a serious intrusion intothe internal affairs of a State, not to mention that the State of the official might itself wish to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute its own official or a State may wish to invoke [...]immunity quickly, [...]in order to avoid undue embarrassment or suffering on the part of its official. daccess-ods.un.org |
决定第 10 段是完整补救方法模式的极好例子:要求采取非承袭的补救措 施,重建、满足并保障非重复(对事件进行深入调查 、释放活着的受害者、将死 亡受害者的遗体归还家人并对犯有侵犯行为的责任人进行起诉、审判和惩罚); 在决定中,委员会还要求采取承袭的补救措施(对提交人以及若还活着的 Kamel Djebrouni 所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔偿)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Paragraph 10 of the Committee’s decision is an excellent illustration of a comprehensive approach to reparation; it orders non-pecuniary measures of restitution and satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition (a thorough and effectiveinvestigation of the facts, freeing of the victim if he is still alive, handing over his remains if he is dead and the prosecution, trial and punishment of those responsible for the violations committed); the Committee’s decision also orders pecuniary measures of reparation (adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive). daccess-ods.un.org |
任何人均无权进入住宅或者以其他方式违背居住者 的意志或无合法理由破坏住宅的不可侵犯性。 daccess-ods.un.org | No one has the right unlawfully to enter or otherwise breach the inviolability of a home against the will of the inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
美军的撤出有助于伊拉克在巴格达主办阿拉伯 首脑会议,原因是,萨达姆 1990 年入侵科威特后与 伊拉克断绝外交关系的一些阿拉伯国家由于 伊拉克 境内有外国军队而在 2003 年之后拒绝恢复其与伊拉 克的外交关系,或者拒绝在巴格达设立使馆。 daccess-ods.un.org | The withdrawal of United States [...] forces helped Iraq to host the Arab summit in Baghdad assome Arabcountries that severed diplomatic relations with Iraq after Saddam’sinvasion of Kuwait in 1990 refused to restore diplomatic relations with Iraq [...]after 2003 or to open [...]their embassies in Baghdad so long as there were foreign forces in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
基本法》第30条第2 款保障个人的名誉权及私人生活和家庭生活的隐私 权,第31 条进一步确保澳门居民的住宅和其他房屋不受侵犯以及禁止任意或非 法搜查、侵入居民的住宅和其他房屋。 daccess-ods.un.org | The right to personal reputation and the privacy of [...] private and family life is enshrined in paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Basic Law, which further imposes, in its Article 31, that the homes and other premises of Macao residents shall beinviolable and that arbitrary or unlawful search of,or intrusioninto,aresident’s [...]home or other premises shall be prohibited. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于保障他人住所和/ 或处所不受侵入的原则,《刑法典》第184条第1款 禁止任何人未经同意,侵入他人住宅或建筑物,或经被下令退出而仍逗留在该处者,需处惩治。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the principle of inviolability of a person’s home and/or premises, it should be noted that it is also protected under article 184 (1) of the [...] CCM, which [...] punishes any person who, without consent,enters the home and/or premises of another person or remains there [...]after being ordered to leave. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在按揭供款与家庭入息比 例方面,以 一个入息为私人住宅住户收入中位数的家庭,购入一个实用面积 约 40 平方米的住宅单位,为 70%的楼价安排还款期为 20 年的按 揭来计算,2008 年第一季的按揭供款与家庭入息比例为 32%,远 较 1997 [...] 年高峰时期的 77%为低,并与 2005 年至 2007 年的水平相 若。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, as for the [...] mortgage-to-householdincome ratio, assuming that a household with the median private domestic household income purchased a domestic [...]unit of a saleable [...]area of about 40 sq m with a 70% loan-to-value ratio and a repayment period of 20 years, the mortgage-to-household income ratio was 32% as at the first quarter of 2008, which was much lower than the 77% at the peak of 1997 and roughly similar to the level between 2005 and 2007. legco.gov.hk |
据我所知,由於政府未能制订清晰的老人房屋政策,所以,房协不能够以较 优惠的地价兴建长者屋,因而令长者屋变相成为“富贵长者屋”,无法为真 正有需要的老人家,提供低廉的护理服务式住宅,削 弱了长者屋应该发挥的 作用。 legco.gov.hk | As far as I know, as the Government has not drawn up a clear housing policy for the elderly, the HS cannot develop senior citizen residences at concessionary land premium and as a result, the senior citizen [...] residences have become [...] residences forwealthy senior citizens and failed to provide inexpensive accommodation with care services for elderlypeople in need, [...]hence undermining [...]the role that senior citizen residences are expected to perform. legco.gov.hk |
然而,有可能被执法部门和刑事司法机构作为故意杀人记录 在案的行为,可在非常广泛的背景下发生,包括在家中或在其他的家庭、 社会或 国内环境中,或在侵入住宅、盗窃或抢劫过程中,或在帮派、有组织或涉毒犯罪 过程中发生。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, acts that are likely to be recorded by law enforcement and criminal justice institutions as intentional homicide can take place in a wide range of contexts, including the home or other family, social or domestic settings, in the course of a burglary, theft or robbery, or in the course of gang-related, organized or drug-related crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
保护社会受害者慈善社说,以色列的空中袭击和地面 入侵不只是破坏了 基础设 施,而 且还造 成了包括妇女、儿童和老人在内的无辜者的生命损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Charitable Institute for Protecting [...] Social Victims said the implications of Israeli air strikes andground invasionsgo beyondthe destruction [...]of infrastructure [...]to the loss of innocent people’s lives, including women, children and the elderly. daccess-ods.un.org |
从土着人民的角度来看,欧洲基督教国家“入侵、俘获、战胜、征服他们”并夺取他们的所有“动产和不动产”物品的假定和行为, 按照土着法律体系属于未经授权和非法的行为,违背所有者固有的原有权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | From an indigenous peoples’ perspective [...] the assumptions and acts of Christian European powers to “invade, capture,vanquish, and subdue them” and to take away all their goods “both movable and immovable” were unauthorized and wrongful under indigenous systems of law and inconsistent with the inherent and original rightsof the owners. daccess-ods.un.org |
由 於马湾 废物转运 站 的 完 工时间 须 配 合马湾 一 个 大 型私人住宅发展项目的入住时间 表,而该住宅发展项目将成为 马 湾 废物转运站 的主要私 人用家,政府当局曾与有关发展商进行讨论, 而 有 关发展商已同意接 受 每 公 吨 68元 的收费 。 legco.gov.hk | As the schedule for [...] completion of MWTS would tie in with the occupation of a large private residential development which would be the major private sector user of the MWTS, the [...]Administration had [...]discussed with the developer concerned and the latter had agreed to the charge of $68 per tonne. legco.gov.hk |
此外,秘鲁排雷行动中心继续努力执行帮 助地雷幸存者和死者家属重新融入社会和经济生活的方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, CONTRAMINAS continued its efforts [...] to implement social and economic [...] reintegration programmes to assist landmine survivors and the familiesof the deceased. daccess-ods.un.org |
(iv) 确保沿现有道路新建住宅发展的单位的噪音不会超 过 70 分贝(A)的责任,究竟是归於政府还是住宅地 产发展商; (v) 政府曾否列明要求住宅地产发展商告知准住宅买 家,其所购入新建住宅发展的单位的噪音水平可能 超过 70 分贝(A)。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) whether the responsibility falls on the Government or the residential property developer(s) when ensuring that the noise levels in the flats of newly-built residential developments along existing roads will not exceed 70 dB(A); and (v) whether the Government has set out [...] any requirements [...] demanding the residential property developer(s) to inform prospective property purchasers that the noise levels in the flatsof newly-built [...]residential developments may exceed 70 dB(A). legco.gov.hk |
此外,市建局推出了"出租住宅物业长者业主体恤津贴",容许依靠租金收入维持生计的合资格长 者业主收取接近80%自置居所津贴的补偿,而一般 补助津贴金额则相等於50%的自置居所津贴。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, URA had introduced the "Compassionate [...] Allowancefor ElderlyDomestic Owner-Landlords" which allowed eligible owner-landlords who relied on rental income to sustain their [...]livelihood to receive [...]compensation that was close to 80% of HPA, as opposed to the normal Supplementary Allowance that was 50% of HPA. legco.gov.hk |
富丽堂皇的宫殿曾是现今国家统治者—AlNahyan 王朝的皇家宅邸。 shangri-la.com | This grand palatial fort was once the majestic residence of the Al [...] Nahyan royal family, thepresent rulers of the country. shangri-la.com |
经社会认为,来自经济发达国家和多边供资机构的援助应发挥 一个更具支持性的作用,以便使低收入国家,尤其是脆弱和易受侵害国家,能够克服不利的社会经济条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | It took the view that assistance from economically developed countries and multilateral funding agencies should play [...] a more supportive [...] role to enable lowincome countries, especially fragile and vulnerable countries, to overcome [...]unfavourable socio-economic conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
不予合作最重要的一个迹象是一些新生力量区指挥官拒绝专家组和 联科行 动进入“住宅”大院。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the most significant indications of a lack of cooperation is that a number [...] of Forces nouvelles zone commanders have [...] refused the Group ofExperts and UNOCI access to their“residential”compounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
注 2 - 包括房屋署 2 个编外职位,即 1 个首长级乙级政务官职位( 首长 级薪级第 3 点 ) 及 1 个首长级丙级政务官职位( 首长级薪级第 2 点 ), 前者会在 2013 年 4 月 1 [...] 日开设拟议的首长级乙级政务官常额职 位後予以撤销,而後者会在一手住宅物业销售监管局投入运作後 一个月或 2013 年 7 月 1 日予以撤销,以较早的日期为准。 legco.gov.hk | Note 2 - These include two supernumerary posts in the Housing Department, namely one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (AOSGB) (D3) post which will lapse upon the creation of the proposed permanent AOSGB post on 1 April 2013 and one Administrative Officer [...] Staff Grade C (D2) post which willlapse one month after the commencement of the [...] operation of the Sales of First-handResidential PropertiesAuthority or on 1 July [...]2013, whichever is the earlier. legco.gov.hk |
基本法》第 17 条规定:“住宅不受侵犯;除非依据法律规定的有效司法 命令,不得监视、闯入或搜查住宅。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 17 of the Basic Law [...] stipulates: “Homes shall beinviolable;theyshall not be subject to surveillance, broken into or searched, except with [...]a valid judicial [...]order and in accordance with the provisions of the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
为确保可持续地供应生物多样性向小岛屿发展中国家社会提供的支持性生 态系统服务和物品,优先行动领域包括:为解决 入侵物种问题共同努力;通过 基于生态系统的适应和缓解措施,建设脆弱生态系统应对气候变化的适应能力; 改进数据和信息系统,以评估生物多样性的脆弱程度和复原能力,评估生物多 样性的社会和经济价值,以及支持将生物多样性纳入国家可持续发展战略的进 程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the priority areas for action to ensure a sustainable supply of the ecosystem services and goods that biodiversity provides for in support of small island developing States [...] communities are: concerted [...] efforts to tackle invasive species;building the resilience of fragile ecosystems with respect to climate change through ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation; improving data and information systems to assess the vulnerability and resilience of biodiversity; assessing the social and economic value of biodiversity; and supporting the inclusion of biodiversity inNational Sustainable Development [...]Strategy processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
(一 ) 有否评估以保安理 由要求访客进入住宅楼宇前 填 报个人 资料( 包 括 身 份 证 号 码 )及/ 或 要求他们出示身 份 证 明文件的做 法,有否侵犯私隐 ; 若 有评估, 结果为何 legco.gov.hk | (a) whether it has assessed if the practice of requiring visitors to put down their [...] personal data including identity card numbers [...] and/or to produce identification documents on security grounds before entering residential buildings constitutes an infringementofprivacy; if it has, of the assessment results legco.gov.hk |
关于总体安全保障,我们对主要影响少数族群的 刑事事件表示关切,包括涉及恐吓、侵犯行径、抢劫、 纵火、破坏行为及损毁塞尔维亚东正教教堂和进入私人住宅抢劫的事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to security in general, we are concerned about criminal incidents that primarily affect minority ethnic communities, [...] including incidents involving [...] intimidation,acts of aggression, robbery, arson, vandalism and damage to Serbian Orthodox churches and the looting ofprivatehomes. daccess-ods.un.org |