

单词 侯门似海

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委员会委托起草小组编写上述研究报告,该 小组成员包括伯尼先生、郑女士海 因 茨 先生 侯 赛 诺 夫先生。
The Committee entrusted a drafting group, which included Mr. Burney, Ms. Chung, Mr. Heinz and Mr. Hüseynov, with the task of preparing the above-mentioned study.
海地和索马似乎需 要立即采取行动以实现哈龙库冻结目标和在 2005 年实现减少 50%的目标,在 2004 年业务计划中未为此规划任何活动,而且已获得哈龙库援助的下列 国家也似乎需要这样做:莱索托、马来西亚、卡塔尔和 门。
There appeared to be a need for immediate actions to achieve the halon freeze and the 50 per cent reduction in 2005 in Haiti and Somalia, for which no activity had been planned in the 2004 business plans and also in the following countries that have received halon banking assistance: Lesotho, Malaysia, Qatar and Yemen.
委员会委托由以下成员组成的起草小组编写上述研究报告:阿方索·马丁 内斯先生、伯尼先生、郑女士海因 茨 先生 侯 赛 诺 夫先生和穆德霍先生。
The Committee entrusted a drafting group, composed of Mr. Alfonso Martínez, Mr. Burney, Ms. Chung, Mr. Heinz, Mr. Hüseynov and Mr. Mudho, with the task of preparing the above-mentioned study.
根据该决议,我已任命以下五位知名人士:前常务副秘书长和加拿大政府前 国防部副部长路易斯·弗雷谢特(主席)、约旦常驻联合国代表扎伊德·拉阿德·扎 伊德·侯赛因 、秘书长驻利比里亚特别代表埃伦·洛伊(丹麦)、前驻达尔富尔副 联合特别代表和前联合国卢旺达援助团部队副指挥官亨利·阿尼多霍(加纳)、前 联合国海地稳 定特派团部队指挥官和现任巴西陆军地面作战副司令卡洛斯·艾 伯特·多斯桑托斯·克鲁斯(巴西)。
Pursuant to the resolution, I have appointed the following five eminent persons: Louise Fréchette, former Deputy Secretary-General and former Deputy Minister of National Defence for Canada (Chair); Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, Permanent Representative of Jordan; Ellen Løj (Denmark), Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia; Henry Anyidoho (Ghana), former Deputy Joint Special Representative in Darfur and former Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda; and Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz (Brazil), former Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and currently Deputy Commander of Ground Operations for the Brazilian Army.
就這段宣言內容,我現在引述 林忌先生在他的blog裏的說法:“呢段文字的邏輯,就 似 生 在 伊拉克, 就要侯賽因 的伊拉克;生在阿富汗,就要愛塔利班的阿富汗。
Regarding this part of the Declaration, I now quote from the personal blog
of Mr Kay LAM: "The
[...] logic of this is akin to saying that those born in Iraq have to love the Iraq under Saddam HUSSEIN; and those born [...]
in Afghanistan have
to love Afghanistan under Taliban", and I will not quote the other comments.
第二,最近维和行动的多层面性质要求我们必 须找到专门的应对办法,以满足此类行动的不断变似支持海地机 构的相同方法,我们的计划是 为联海稳定团海事部门增加 一项新的任务,它由 乌拉圭巡逻艇和艇员组成。
Along the same lines of support for Haitian institutions, our plan is to add a new task for MINUSTAH’s maritime element, [...]
composed of Uruguayan patrol boats and crews.
有人宣扬环境货 物和服务潜在的环境效益,但也有人关注,对各种各样拟议的“环境商品”,其
[...] 中大多数是与能源利用效率有关的制成品实施更加深入的自由化,会导致 似于 部门自由 化的深切自由化效果,而其涵盖范围不小,举例来说,占最不发达国家 [...]
所有进口的 20%。
Environmental goods and services are promoted for potential environmental benefits while concern exists that deeper liberalization on a range of proposed “environmental goods”, mostly manufactured goods related to
energy efficiency, can have deep
[...] liberalization effects similar to sectoral liberalization, [...]
and cover, for instance, 20 per cent
of all imports for the least developed countries.
还回顾委员会在第五届第7 次会议上指定郑镇星女士、米格尔·德斯科 托·布罗克曼先生、沃尔夫冈·什特凡·海因茨先生和莫娜·佐勒菲卡尔女士为 起草小组成员,之后选举佐勒菲卡尔女士为主席 海 因 茨 先生为报告员,坂本茂 树先生和拉蒂夫·侯赛诺夫先生在委员会第六届会议上加入了起草小组
Recalling also that, at the 7th meeting of its fifth session, the Committee designated Chinsung Chung, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, Wolfgang Stefan Heinz and Mona Zulficar as members of the drafting group, which subsequently elected Ms. Zulficar as chairperson and Mr. Heinz as rapporteur, and that Shigeki Sakamoto and Latif Hüseynov joined the drafting group at the sixth session of the Committee
[...] 的报告,以便于在有关项目今后的实施阶段中吸取所获得的经验教训,同时为由教科文组织 其它门管理的类似项目 和计划的设计和实施提供参照。
The Director-General is committed to ensuring that evaluation becomes a learning process and that the reports containing evaluation findings and recommendations are made available to all key stakeholders, so that lessons learnt can be fed into subsequent phases of the
projects concerned but also to inform the design
[...] and execution of similar projects and programmes managed [...]
elsewhere in UNESCO.
另一重要步骤是过去十年中内部审计/监督委员会作为一种治理工具在联合国 组织内部的兴起,这类委员会的责任和构成不尽相同且不断变化,与私营 门 的情似但不完全相同。
Another important step was the proliferation during the last decade of internal audit/oversight committees as a governance tool in United Nations organizations,
with diverse and evolving responsibilities and
[...] membership, comparable but not identical to those in the private sector.
实施了能力建设行动,尤其是在妇女权利领域,同时建立了巴勒斯坦妇女研究和文献中心, 并且在大湖地区筹备建立一个似的 中 心, 门 处 理冲突后局势问题。
Capacity-building initiatives were undertaken, especially in the field of women rights with the establishment of a Palestinian Women Research and
Documentation Centre and
[...] preparatory work for a similar centre in the region of the Great Lakes addressing specifically post-conflict [...]
在2月24 日的第9 次 会议上,本戈亚先生介绍了 案文草稿 A/HRC/AC/8/L.1, 提案人为:本戈亚先生、陈士球先生、郑镇星女士 海 因 茨先 生侯赛诺夫先生、卡罗科拉先生、卡尔塔什金先生、奥卡福尔先生、雷耶 斯·普拉多先生、坂本先生、西图辛格先生、苏菲先生、瓦尔扎齐女士、齐格勒 先生和佐勒菲卡尔女士。
At the 9th meeting, on 24 February, Mr Bengoa introduced draft text A/HRC/AC/8/L.1, sponsored by Mr Bengoa, Mr Chen, Ms Chung, Mr Heinz, Mr Hüseynov, Mr Karokora, Mr Kartashkin, Mr Okafor, Ms Reyes Prado, Mr Sakamoto, Mr Seetulsingh, Mr Soofi, Ms Warzazi, Mr Ziegler and Ms Zulficar.
这些地图的质量无法与 Discovery (发现号)姊妹舰 Resolution(果决号)的船长威廉·布莱 (William Bligh) 所绘制的地图相媲美,据此看来海 军 少 尉 侯 补 军官绘制这些地图可能只是作为一种练习,属于在船主和船长指导下进行的勘测活动的一个环节。
Such charts may have been drafted by the midshipmen as an exercise, part of a running survey conducted under the guidance of ships’ masters and captains, as suggested by the fact that the chart does not compare in quality to those produced by William Bligh, the master of Discovery’s sister ship Resolution.
乔治·温哥华(George Vancouver,1757–98 年)13 岁加入皇家海军,在 1778–80 年詹姆斯·库克 (James Cook) 船长命运多舛的第三次航行期间,他曾在皇家海军舰艇 Discovery(发现号)上担海军少尉侯 补 军 官,后来成为太平洋西北部的著名探险家和勘测师。
George Vancouver (1757–98), who became a noted explorer and surveyor of the Pacific Northwest, joined the Royal Navy at the age of 13 and was a midshipman on H.M.S. Discovery during Captain James Cook’s ill-fated third voyage of 1778–80.
其目标是:(a)确保承认和遵守人权 和基本自由,包括载入《纳米比亚宪法》和联合国、其 门 机 构及 类 似 国 际 机构 通过的国际人权和人道主义条约及宣言的人权和基本自由;(b)促进民主、尊重 法治和司法独立;(c)促进所有人的文化、社会和政治包容;(d)促进公共行政 的可访问性、回应需求能力、问责制和透明度;以及(e)促进政治权力的代表 性。
Its objectives are to: (a) secure recognition and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including those in the Namibian Constitution and in the international human rights and humanitarian treaties and declarations adopted by the United Nations, its specialized agencies and similar international bodies; (b) promote democracy, respect for the rule of law, and independence of the judiciary; (c) promote cultural, social and political tolerance for all; (d) promote accessibility, responsiveness, accountability and transparency in public administration; and (e) promote representative political power.
这项研究由一个独立的企业集团负责进行,该 集团由丹麦、法国和瑞士几个著名的顾问公司组成,这些公司均已证明确实具备似直布罗陀海峡通道的多个项目的建筑和营运的 门 知 识
It was carried out by an independent consortium consisting of eminent Danish, French and Swiss
consultancy firms with proven
[...] expertise in the construction and operation of projects similar to the Strait of Gibraltar link.
教科文组织 八个总部外办事处参与了联合国开发计划署(UNDP)--西班牙实现千年发展目标基金开设
[...] 的“解决冲突和缔造和平”主题窗口,而在该平台协助下进行的 似 跨 部 门 协 调 和所提供的 支助机会,将会加强总部外办事处的这种参与活动。
The participation of eight UNESCO field offices in the “Conflict Resolution and Peace-building” thematic window of the
UNDP-Spain MDG Achievement Fund
[...] will benefit from similar intersectoral coordination [...]
and backstopping opportunities, facilitated by the Platform.
不过,特派团似乎缺 乏与平民保护协调机制似的安全部 门 改 革的总体协调机制。
It appears, however, to lack an overall coordinating
[...] structure for security sector reform comparable to [...]
that established for protection.
联合国日内瓦办事处为此通知特别工作组,它正寻求可能 的举措,比如电子邮件归档和似门 户 网 站,以保存有关文件,并使信息技术应 用合理化,提高互联网效率。
In this regard, the United Nations Office at Geneva informed the task force that it was looking into possible initiatives, such as an e-pigeonhole, a portal-like website that would host relevant documents, and rationalizing information technology applications to enhance internal efficiencies.
在联合国开发计划署为阿富汗提供的法律和秩序信托基金的支持下,越来越多的 女性被招募为警官,并且在警察局总部成立了性别科,执法人员 门 处 理 类 似家 庭暴力这样的敏感性别歧视问题。
Under the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan, administered by the United Nations Development Programme, more women are being recruited as police officers, gender units are being established within police headquarters and law-enforcement officers are being sensitised toward issues like domestic violence.
专家们还关注的是, 这个制似乎被专门用来 防止美国的法院接触在其他国家被抓获并被送往巴格拉 姆的外国被拘留者。
The experts are also concerned that the system appears to aim specifically to prevent United States courts from having access to foreign detainees captured in other countries and rendered to Bagram.
陈士球、郑镇星、沃尔夫冈·斯特凡· 海 因 茨 、拉蒂 夫 · 侯 赛 诺 夫、弗拉基米 尔·卡尔塔什金、坂本茂树、迪鲁杰拉尔·西图辛格、阿赫马尔·比拉勒·苏 菲、哈利玛·恩巴雷克·瓦尔扎齐、让·齐格勒:建议草案
Shiqiu Chen, Chinsung Chung, Wolfgang Stefan Heinz, Latif Hüseynov, Vladimir Kartashkin, Shigeki Sakamoto, Dheerujlall Seetulsingh, Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Halima Embarek Warzazi, Jean Ziegler: draft recommendation
谢哈布先生;毛里塔尼亚负 责人权、人道主义行动和与民间社会关系的专员乌尔德·达德先生; 智利外交部副部长阿尔韦托·范·克拉勒伦先生;伊拉克人权事务副 部侯赛因·祖海里先 生;法国外交和人权事务部国务秘书拉玛·亚 德女士;挪威副外交大臣雷蒙·约翰森先生
Rights Commission of Saudi Arabia; Mr. Mufid Shehab, Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Councils of Egypt; Mr. Ould Dadde, Commissioner for Human Rights, Humanitarian Action and for Relations with Civil Society of Mauritania; Mr. Alberto van Klaveren, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile; Mr. Hussein Al-Zuheiri, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights of Iraq; Ms. Rama Yade, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights of France; Mr. Raymond Johansen, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway
在一周的行程里,考察团参观了挪威优秀的建筑项目,包括挪威国家歌剧院、Bjorvika新开发区、 侯门 新 区、Fornebu机场旧址、Vulkan新区、教师之家项目、加勒穆恩国际机场,和Trollveggen观光区、鬼梯景观参观区和祖维特景观酒店。
Through the week, the delegation visited several of Norway’s architectural highlights, such as the National Opera and Ballet, the new Bjorvika development area, the Tjuvholmen quarter, the former airport area at Fornebu, the Vulkan new area, The Teachers’ House, Gardermoen International Airport, as well as the scenic areas of Trollveggen, Trollstigen Visitor Centre, and Juvet Landscape Hotel.
[...] 已经向所有的进口者致函,要求他们向指导委员会提供 关于消费量的数据,但是收集的数据和来 海 关 的数 据 似 乎 都 不完整。
In the case of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the EGA sent a letter to all importers asking them to send
their consumption data to the steering committee but the data collected
[...] and those from Customs both appeared incomplete.
咨询委员会第一届会议讨论了议事规则和工作方法,设立了一个开放 的 议事规则问题工作组,由伯尼先生、菲克斯·菲耶罗先生 海 因 茨 先生 侯 赛 诺夫 先生和佐勒菲卡尔女士组成。
At its first session, the Advisory Committee discussed its rules of procedure and methods of work, and established an open-ended drafting group on the rules of procedure, composed of Mr. Burney, Mr. Fix Fierro, Mr. Heinz, Mr. Huseynov and Ms. Zulficar.
公安部学者陈伟称,九条龙为解放军海军部队、海 关执法门(海关总署)、中国渔政指挥中心(农业 部)、海事局(交通部)、搜救中心(交通部)、公安 海警(公安部)、边防警察(公安部)、中国海监总队 (国家海洋局)及海洋环境保护部门。
According to a scholar with the public security ministry, Chen Wei, the nine dragons include the PLAN, Customs Law Enforcement (General Administration of Customs), China Fisheries Law Enforcement Command (agriculture ministry), Marine Safety Administration (transport ministry), Search and Rescue Centre (transport ministry), Maritime Police (public security ministry), border police (public security ministry), China Marine Surveillance (State Oceanic Administration), and maritime environmental protection.
[...] 动的实时监督(与秘书处所有其他 门 类 似 ) , 这些活动现在都要受到系统内置控制措施的 [...]
管理,包括内部监督办公室和外聘审计团建议的那些管理,以改进巴西利亚办事处的预算和 财务管理工作。
The full integration of UBO in FABS
facilitates real-time oversight of all its
[...] operations which, similar to those of all [...]
other Secretariat units, are now subjected
to the system’s built-in controls, including many of those recommended by IOS and the External Auditor for improvement of the Brasilia Office’s budgetary and financial management.
由于门 政府似 乎没有向相关的机构提供明 确的指南、 指示或 训 练 , 说明如何在 维 护 [...]
也 门 边境不受侵犯的过程中遵守国际难民保护原则,一般 地,相关的联合国机构和国际社会应当在能力建设方 面向也 门执法机构提供相关 的技术援助,来帮助他们遵守难民法和人权法。
As the Government of Yemen does not seem to provide clear [...]
guidelines, instructions or training to/for the concerned agencies
on how to comply with international refugee protection principles in the course of maintaining the integrity of Yemen’s borders, the appropriate United Nations agencies and the international community generally should provide the Yemen law enforcement institutions with relevant technical cooperation in terms of capacity-building to help them comply with refugee law and human rights law.




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